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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The D5-Mantis Sucks


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It's ugly, but it's small and layed out well. I really dislike running around in this game so a spacious ship only irritates me even if it's just several more steps (which adds up)...


I second this. I have a Smuggler too and that ship drives me insane with all the running around. The BH ship has form that follows efficient function. It's not a Gremlin to me so much as it's a good, reliable pickup truck. Sure that "Jag" the IA are flying looks better, but when you are out adventuring and there is a rough road ahead which vehicle would you rather trust?

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I have to agree with the Firefly comments, the ship does remind me of Serenity quite a bit. Another thing that seems to give the D-5 some flavor..


I noticed in walking around the hangar bay that from the front the ship almost appears to be giving you the double bird from the engines as if to say "I don't care what you think, I'm BA and know it!"

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I hate the D5. My BH is the great hunt champion and earns tons of creds for big bounties. I should be able to buy (or steal) a super pimped out ride that fits with my meticulously crafted and maintained armor and guns.


Plus in space the bulky taller design makes it harder for me to see ships below me and target them. The fury is thin and sleek and offers a large range of view.

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I agree with a lot of the other posters here in that I really enjoy my ship for my BH. I like my Agent's ship too but I don't want my BH to own the same type of Imperial ship. I think that both are good and fitting ships for their classes. I love the fact that looking at the Mantis the main thing you see if just a ton of guns and firepower. The Phantom has all of the guns hidden away so it just doesn't look that menacing unless you were only looking to race.


I would like it if ship's appearance changed a bit like the player's does when equipping new gear. I'm sure they will add some customization options in the future.


The one thing that really bothers me the most about my ship though is the fact that my droid will often say 'Hail to the Emperor! oh and more importantly Hail to you master!'


The last thing that I want to hear when I board my ship is 'Hail to the Emperor!' I don't really like the Empire that much, and the Emperor even less, I only work for them for the money.


I want to deactivate my stupid droid every time that I hear him spout out that crap!

Edited by Splaktar
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what would make me not hate it? remove the bottom gun/engine and add a engine to the back of it maybe? or 2 little ones on either side of the door? i'm not looking at it now so im trying to remember


EDIT - yea more V and less Y

Edited by Baracca
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I dig the mantis. I wasn't crazy about it, but it's grown on me.


However, I still don't like how it looks from behind. I find space missions a bit less enjoyable on my BH than on my sithy dudes because you are essentially just staring at a box with an exit door.

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Just wait until you get Blizz as a companion. He openly admits to tweaking everything on board to help out "boss". He will have your baby puring in no time - even if you didn't ask for it.


But the Mantis feels appropriate for the class. The BH isn't technically Imperial. The BH is just occasionally on the Imperial Payroll. The Mantis reflects that. It is a beat up used ship for a beat up used crew. No shiny new blasters and pretty decorations for this group.


If you play a female bounty hunter, you have two cougars (yourself and Mako) each trying to get in another companion's pants. You have the most wanted man in the galaxy hanging out in medical, a ship's droid used for target practice, and a crazy Jawa suffering from ADD.


Yes, the perfect crew for a beat up ship whose glory days were past it long before the last galactic war.


The ship aint pretty but it can take a licking. With the other "luxury" ships the other classes get, you might just get upset if you so much as scratch the paint job. This ship expects to come out of a fight half ablaze. And you know what, that just adds to the charm.

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If you play a female bounty hunter, you have two cougars (yourself and Mako) each trying to get in another companion's pants.


I don't think Mako is nearly old enough to be considered a Cougar.


Interesting tidbit, though. I've only played male BH and loved up mako, so I didn't know she would get the hots for Torian if the player wasn't an option.

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I love it. It vaguely reminds me of the Serenity. The paint job ain't perfect, it looks like its been through its ups and downs. It's got a personality to it. It's roomy where it needs to be. The two-floors bit works wonderfully. I went in thinking I would dislike it, but I ended up loving every bit of it.


And to be frank, the Thunderclap is the ugliest ship out all 6 ships. Poor Troopers.


Yes, it's better than the Thunderclap. No, it's still not a good looking ship. That's like saying your '72 El Camino is better than your neighbor's '81 Corolla: it's true, but that doesn't make it good.

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The overall design and style of the ship strike me as something that might come out of the Armored Core series. One part ruggedness, one part lethality, and 100% serious business.


Probably doesn't help that I run with a bounty hunter friend who goes by the name of 'Nine Ball'.


My one and only gripe about the design is that the interior feels a little... wasted? The room doesn't feel like its laid out efficiently in the main 'room' as you enter, however I can see the argument that its made that way to carry potentially larger cargo.

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actually, much as I want that x-70b for my agent..the mantis has character. Might have to make me a BH. It's TOR's version of the rifter(my favorite frigate from eve online), all scraped up and pirate-y.


In rust we trust.

Edited by ArdorsHempen
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The ship is absolutely fugly. I get the Serenity rugged look, but holy crap - the engines are HUGE and it looks like a flying box.


The poster who mentioned the space missions being more problematic is right on - I'm not sure what I'd do if that had been my first ship to use (I used the Fury first).


That being said, my main gripe with the interior is the 2 levels... Why in the hell do I want to climb stairs every frigging time I get in and run in circles to find the stairs to get out? BLEH!

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I don't think Mako is nearly old enough to be considered a Cougar.


Interesting tidbit, though. I've only played male BH and loved up mako, so I didn't know she would get the hots for Torian if the player wasn't an option.


It's true, I am playing a female Bounty Hunter and I eventually decided to not engage with Torian in order not to piss Mako off, I mean the idea of Torian and Mako together is so cute I couldn't ruin it.

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It's true, I am playing a female Bounty Hunter and I eventually decided to not engage with Torian in order not to piss Mako off, I mean the idea of Torian and Mako together is so cute I couldn't ruin it.


I didn't know either! But I liked him too much. Hell, I got all his convos in about 5 mins and married him. She actually never said anything about him, ever. The only guy she talks about is Isaac or whatever. Mine has no romantic intrests whatsoever. XD

Edited by Kikilicious
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meh... still beats the trooper ship.


And it does look like it was partly inspired by Boba Fetts's ship.


That's because its a Kuat Drive Yards long range patrol ship. You're flying the same class of ship by the same manufacturer that will make the Slave 1 a bajillion years from now in the star wars storyline. it is a direct predecessor.(or whenever it happens.)


Also, the Mantis has the best designed interior space on a spacecraft in the game. Everything on the ship you could want to find can be found by walking forward and turning to the left or right. Try running around in the Sith Fury for 5 minutes and tell me you don't miss the Mantis, because the Fury is asinine, or in educated design speak, a cluster ****.


Just because it isn't pretty, doesn't mean its bad. And if it isn't pretty, GOOD NEWS! Your droid applied a fresh coat of paint. Same color, of course.



The separate engine pods on the articulated arms are for a very important purpose.


That purpose is YOU NOT DYING. With all the weapons and engine suites on separate arms away from the fuselage, you can power individual assets separately, heating and coolant aren't an issue. Nothing is taking power away from shields or life support, because all combat assets work independently of each other. its a safety feature.


this is exactly why intercontinental passenger jets have independent engines suspended from the wings. Because the guys at Boeing got together and said, "Hey- here's a good idea, let's not try to fit everything on the plane into this 30,000 foot high speeding cigar tube."


Naturally it doesn't mean anything in the game because all the ships function identically in space combat, but if you actually lived in the Star Wars universe, you'd feel pretty good about owning a Mantis after you saw where the weapons magazines, power generators, and other things on space ships that explode during battle were situated on other ships (hint- they're under your chair)


So be happy with your Mantis.


No, be PROUD of your Mantis. You're a Bounty Hunter, you pride yourself on pragmatism, and you fly the only ship in the galaxy that wouldn't explode like a shaken up beer can if it was shot at.

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I love Mantis. For me it was one of the main reasons why i finally chose BH over inquisitor :)


Acherom put it nicely

The overall design and style of the ship strike me as something that might come out of the Armored Core series. One part ruggedness, one part lethality, and 100% serious business.


For me, the ship looks like it is owned by someone who spends his credits in the guns and engines and not on flashy paint job. The way ship looks, helps us blend into the crowd, makes us look like merchant/smuggler from outer rim and helps us close un-noticed on our target.


I do agree that the interior is uglyish. Simply switching the light from yellow to red (a la submarine combat lighting) would help. I hope that in future they'll introduce the ability to mod interiors (to something like pre-nge SWG housing).


My biggest wish is proper space combat though (like EVE or SWG). That would make this game a winner for me :)

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It is ok, I am not hating it, but it could use some improvements.


The biggest problem is with the space missions. It looks like a brick with 3 flimsy paper wings. I also feel you see less ahead of you during the space missions, but just a feeling. The cargo door at the back during space missions annoys me a bit too.


It could be a great ship, but the thrusters etc. are just off the whole thing just screams: “I am made for frontal combat with my lasers and an imperial cruiser can safely hide behind my huge frontal surface.”


During the storyline, you meet some BH legend and of course there will be some combat (nothing unexpected or too spoily). You find that the mission takes place in a hangar and on left upon entering you will see a very nice white colour sleek ship just the right size (compared to the ships useable prefect fit in) and looks to work in the game. It has the imperial troopers/ transport feel too it. I was quite frustrated I could not steal it, since I already entered the stealing ship business anyways…


It could use some touches too it, but I would not say I am displeased with it, nor will I ever love it.

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What Dozzer just said up there is exactly right.


If you'd actually read up on the ship a bit in the lore before saying it's crap or even just "functional" you'd see that you're quite mistaken. The Mantis is the best ship of its class, it carries more and bigger guns than any of the other ships as well as being a lot more sturdy. It's not a cheap piece of junk, in fact it's probably the most expensive ship (lorewise) of all the ones in the game, being a super-rare ship of total ******ery for its size.


Some of you might want to read up a bit more on Bounty Hunters in general, in fact, because contrary to what seems to be popular belief, there isn't a class in this game that outgears a Bounty Hunter. A good Bounty Hunter's pistol would likely be worth more credits than a Jedi's spaceship. They get the -best- model they can acquire of anything, not neccessarily the newest, and then they get it customized and tweaked to be even better and more unique.

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