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Nar Nightlife Event Updates 2024

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On 7/8/2024 at 3:40 PM, JoeStramaglia said:

Lucky and Good Karma can stack on Emperor’s Grace Slot Machines to increase the chance of winning all the way to 100%.

I don’t think you know what 100% means. I literally had both and lost.

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16 minutes ago, AFadedMemory said:

I don’t think you know what 100% means. I literally had both and lost.

I agree I believe Good Karma is having the reverse effect.

Also, I'm out. I normally will run this event almost every day in the past. I have many alts and love to get the companions and mounts for them. I'm done after two days. It not worth it and definitely not fun.

Edited by akdonkey
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Normally I take a break from SWTOR during the summers to head to the lake and play outside.

Been a a player of this game since beta but this is my 1st year to do this event.

While I cant compare this to any prior season of the changes mentioned above I was looking forward to trying this out and getting some companions, mounts, deco's etc...

I have played now with both buffs and lost over and over again on Emperors Grace I seem to so called win cartel/golden certificates and in 41 spins have won 2 Pets, 1 lightstaff and armor set.  The kingpin machine is a joke I have won 2 emperor coins in over 400 spins.

I'm ok with a grind here and there and putting in the effort  but this event sucks.  Its Tedious a credit sink, total bore fest and waste of time.  The Spring Abundance festival was fun and rewarding but this event they can keep. 

And to make it even more fun I got ganked by a Republic player while spinning the wheels and lost my buffs.

Why are we even flagged for pvp in the safe area of the casino? How did he/she even get there? I love pvp but when I zone into Kessan's landing starting area or near the flight paths for example I'm not flagged till I get into Contested territory if I get killed there I'm cool with it but in an Empire Only Casino area? 

Dev's need to fix this and the above changes. We pay to play and have fun, not this garbage.

Fix this before this event ends don't pull a Gentle heart Achievement move and fix it just after the event ended.   Player base is way to small at the current time but doing these things is going to cost ya more loyal people.

Edited by MasterNightstar
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Well, it's been 3 days and no emergency patch to remove your changes.

I usually play this event all throughout its run, but not this time.

I want to congratulate you - you have succeeded in your objective to make me use the machines less.

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I guess a lot of players will feel like I do, that this event is just no longer worth doing, sure I will use the free tokens that drop. Buying tokens after today no. brought 10m worth of kingpin tokens on two servers (total 20m) and got 3 gold certs and one market cert on one servers and 2 gold certs and 3 market certs on the other.  Sorry but this is just not worth the in-game credits.

OK 20m in tokens is not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but no one wants to feel ripped off. That's all it is if buying tokens. 

I did get some gold certs and two mounts using the Emperor Tokens, OK these were free but now 2 out of  3 got nothing, you really think players are going to buy these for over 7m? Again not worth it, if buying. 

This was meant to be a credit sink, but credit sink with nothing to show for credits spent is just not going to happen.

Oh wait you can now get these slot machines as deco's to put in your stronghold. Last year, the year before or even the year before that, this would have been OK. Now why would i want them, they are as worthless as the contraband machine is now. 


As with every other game change Broadsword has shown the exact lack of anything close to moderate game change as BW did. From one extreme to the other nothing in the middle ground. I guess I should not be surprised by this as all it actually was just a name change, staff is the same, so really not even sure why I expected a improvement. These things matter more now than ever before as we all know that there will no longer be a true xpec updates, so events need to be something worth doing more so than ever before.

Edited by cloneofdax
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On 7/11/2024 at 10:31 AM, Xyranis said:
  • My character claps his hands and seems very happy to just have his token back. I don't understand why. I just lost my time, won nothing. Yet he seems to celebrate this for a questionable reason.

Yea, the whole Jackpot animation for winning your token back, is really a gross exageration.  Imagine being in a Real Casino spinning to see Jackpot lights, Music, and such; then a Casino Employee walks over to you and hands you your Chip back.  :classic_ohmy:  :classic_laugh:

It's either poorly thought out, or far more likely an error, as you used to only see it on larger Win's.  I mean a reduced animation showing maybe 1 - 3 Credit pop animation & small beep, not like the 15-20x Credit chips in Jackpot when you only win a Replay token...

They really should have 3 animations: (Be nice addition to enhanced slots)

  • Jackpot perhaps 15-20 credit chips in animation, with music & Jackpot text announced after.
  • Winner, perhaps show 5-7 credit chips animation & disco ball, with Winner text announcement after.
  • Oh my, perhaps showing 1, or 3 simple Chips animation, & clapping emote, just a beep; depending on if similar replay token, or a token upgrade Chip. 

NOTE: At Smuggler's Slots you do see hand clapping for Replay, where at Kingpin you see more like Jackpot animation.  While this does change to a Disco Ball for Token Upgrade to Emperor's Chip, there should be 4 tier's of animations with the last being 1 of 2 slight variations that's consistent. 

  • Also the Kingpin slots disapear on win, which doesn't happen on Smuggler's or Emperor's Slots!



Edited by Strathkin
Added Graphic to show.
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They have obviously changed the drop rate on the Kingpin slots. i've gone through 2000 kp coins that I have had stored up for a few years trying to get the Rodian merc for a new alt and I havent gotten anywhere near the amount of drops as in previous years. 1 Empire coin and a bunch of goldens/cartels for 2000 coins is a really bad roi

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ok so how do you get Emperoe chips ??  smug machines give KP at best     KP  machines eat coins dont give Emperor you get cert's or mount  Emperoer machine  no buff - dont waste time   with buff  better -ish you get more cert's ( few mounts few pets no HR gear )    kinda feels dumb to farm lowbie planet for chips



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1 hour ago, agoraholik said:

ok so how do you get Emperoe chips ??  smug machines give KP at best     KP  machines eat coins dont give Emperor you get cert's or mount  Emperoer machine  no buff - dont waste time   with buff  better -ish you get more cert's ( few mounts few pets no HR gear )    kinda feels dumb to farm lowbie planet for chips

You can earn them randomly on Strong, Elite or Champion Level enemies on planets, so they may drop doing Heroic's.  Yet the higher the difficulty of enemy the higher drop chance, which is typically how it works.  The Casino tokens can be any of Smuggler's / Kingpins or Emperor's.  Yet if you want the best chance for Emperor's do either Story / Vet / Master - Uprisings - Flashpoints - Operations on your toons.  It's really a way to encourage you run content with higher difficulty, yet you can also earn them doing [Daily Area] as well.  

Of course you can earn one each day per character doing the Daily Nar Shaddaa Missions at the Casino; along with a few other tokens too!  

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I decided to do some spins on my Emperor chips last night to see this firsthand. I have never used the buffs before so got the one from Kingpin really quick, but only 2min left when I got the one from the Smuggler machines. I think I won a couple of Kingpin mounts. I ran through about 30 chips.

I swapped toons looking for ones with Emperor chips because, you know...and ran through 18 and another alt with 62 picking up some other blue pieces along with a bunch of gold certs.

Then I loaded into an alt that had just starting picking up these chips from group play, did the quests (first time ever lol) and got my 9th one. First spin I got the Squadron helmet, yay! Aside from the first alt, I never bothered getting the buffs.

Regardless of the odds and changes, I would never buy E chips. I just do a lot of ops and some fps and get so many that way.

Edited by HypSpec
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I personally like the changes restoring some sanity in the event, the last years introducing an endless build-up of hundreds and thousands of chips made no sense whatsoever. You could just keep on playing with zero money spent, unlike the first years where my usual MO was to run through Black Hole and then spend an hour going through the money earned there in the casino. Just make sure the chances of winning something other than certificates are reasonable enough. And please remove the clapping again from smuggler chip wins, that was an entirely unnecessary addition and my only real complaint this year.

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got my helmet last night- so i'll be stress free farming the emperor tokens for the rest of the event and will save to spend them next year when there is something new...
Would like to say- i might like the event even more if there were additional side quests implemented in the future or include more mini games to earn casino chips from-to give it a little more variety to the event instead of just only playing slot machines- how about a card game? let players play sabaac or pazaak, or a claw machine mini game? DDR style dance mini game? Something arcades or casinos would have and doing those would reward more chips or buffs?
-and i know this one is a big ask, but what about a voice acted quest line to add some drama between characters or companions- (maybe something with PH4-LNX?) that the players can fix or exploit to their advantage and be rewarded with more purple chips?
I think it would be a shame to let the event stagnate as it is when the potential for more fun could be had :)
something to consider... if any plans could be made for next year...

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4 minutes ago, Luinthoron said:

I personally like the changes restoring some sanity in the event, the last years introducing an endless build-up of hundreds and thousands of chips made no sense whatsoever. You could just keep on playing with zero money spent, unlike the first years where my usual MO was to run through Black Hole and then spend an hour going through the money earned there in the casino. Just make sure the chances of winning something other than certificates are reasonable enough. And please remove the clapping again from smuggler chip wins, that was an entirely unnecessary addition and my only real complaint this year.

Changing the amount of free tokens won is not the issue, most of us are not complaining about that. 


LOL, I agree the clapping on just winning your token back is beyond the pale. 

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Decided to give it another go today.  Got both buffs going before hitting the Emperor's machine with my 7 tokens.  Result:

  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x2
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x2
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1

Getting my chip back every other spin thereby prolonging my chance to win more certs doesn't feel that epic.  Ok, it's only 7 chips....and maybe the problem is me and being around too long, but having been here since beta I really don't need more Golden Certs or Cartel certs or things like that since I've bought all the stuff - I've got hundreds of them. 

At least make the new helmet purchasable with the certs you're giving out as a reward.


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20 minutes ago, Sir-steve said:

Decided to give it another go today.  Got both buffs going before hitting the Emperor's machine with my 7 tokens.  Result:

  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x2
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x2
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1

Getting my chip back every other spin thereby prolonging my chance to win more certs doesn't feel that epic.  Ok, it's only 7 chips....and maybe the problem is me and being around too long, but having been here since beta I really don't need more Golden Certs or Cartel certs or things like that since I've bought all the stuff - I've got hundreds of them. 

At least make the new helmet purchasable with the certs you're giving out as a reward.


I agree, Golden Certs are no reward. Those should be on the Kingpin or Smuggler machines only. Many of us have 250+ golden certs and nothing to spend them on, we have all of the other rewards they are used on that we'd want already.

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42 minutes ago, Toraak said:

I agree, Golden Certs are no reward. Those should be on the Kingpin or Smuggler machines only. Many of us have 250+ golden certs and nothing to spend them on, we have all of the other rewards they are used on that we'd want already.

Jumped to another server for another go on another toon that had 3 Emperor chips.  In a prior post, I had called out how the mechanic of granting some buffs to improve wins and others on a loss could be problematic. 

So this time I started with Kingpin spins as I usually lose the Lucky buff before karma kicks in.  Not bad, got the karma buff pretty darn quick in just a handful of spins.  Then, I went over to the Smuggler slots to try and get the Lucky buff so I could head over to the Emperor slots with both active.  With the karma buff active, it took me about 102 spins to regain the 'Lucky' by which time the karma buff as almost gone. 

Thankfully the few minutes left of karma was enough to let me spin my 3 Emperor tokens, but if I had a stack of them to use I'd be wasting tons of time and tokens trying to regain the buffs while stuck in a well intentioned 'negative reinforcing loop'  because, I believe, of the way buffs have been implemented.  

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3 hours ago, Sir-steve said:

Decided to give it another go today.  Got both buffs going before hitting the Emperor's machine with my 7 tokens.  Result:

  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x2
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x2
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1

Getting my chip back every other spin thereby prolonging my chance to win more certs doesn't feel that epic.  Ok, it's only 7 chips....and maybe the problem is me and being around too long, but having been here since beta I really don't need more Golden Certs or Cartel certs or things like that since I've bought all the stuff - I've got hundreds of them. 

At least make the new helmet purchasable with the certs you're giving out as a reward.


Yet you had no failed win rolls. I had 1 in 3 on one server and 2 in 3 on the other.  tokens without a no win anything roll is better than anything I've had. Not to mention as free drops I've had a lot of these.

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1) Knock it off on the win animation when you win a coin.  Super annoying when all you're winning is a coin.

2)  Revert all the changes. 

In the future, if you really want to make changes to long-established events, here is a three-step plan:

1) Ask yourself "Does this change really need to be made?  Are there not more pressing matters that we can spend limited resources on?"

2) For long-established events, make small changes such as "Okay, instead of 50 KPs for an Emperor chip win, make it 5 KPs." and see how that works rather than large-scale changes.

3) You have a PTS.  Use it ....... but actually listen to it.  If a change is universally reviled , then don't do it.

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I tried the changes myself today before commenting, I played 74 kingpins I had saved up, I had both buffs feeling lucky and good karma, I only got a golden certificate out of all those 74 kingpin chips, the rest was fails or getting my chip back. In the past just having one buff out of kingpin would at least get me a couple of certificates whether gold or cartel, and/or an emperor chip, but I only manage a single gold certificate. None of the buffs did anything for me on the kingpin, this didn't use to be the case. The animation added for getting my chip back needs to be removed, it confuses me and makes no sense when is a high rate of it to happen. The other thing is that the smuggler normal one didn't drop me double chips or anything either. I remember getting double chips every now and then. It just seems that the only way for me to get chips now is to play other content, rather than actually let me be invested into the event. And this is why I have issue with this:


On 7/9/2024 at 12:54 PM, NeoPlushka said:

Okay... I usually don't comment on forum but I barely can hold myself rn. For starters Nightlife event has a big spot in my heart, this was the 1st event I have seen when started playing SWTOR.

Adding myself to this, Nightlife was the first event I experienced in SWTOR as well and always been my favorite, it was just nice to relax and chill playing this, something more simple, chat with people and get lucky. It wasn't hard to explain to new players either and usually you get a lot of people to try it out. All these changes however, I don't even know how to explain them to someone now in simple terms. This used to be my go to break from story runs with multiple characters, but today my experience made me lose interest in playing sadly.

I get the idea of wanting to do credit sinks and make it actually feel like a gamble, the problem with something like this is that your adding it to something that's been there for years, and on top of that adding achievements to force old players to redo the grind with the changes because there isn't enough new rewards to make them come back.  But what these changes are doing is impacting new players to not take on the event because of how complex and grindy it is now and may not have the credit sinks for it, while the older players can just skip it if they don't like the changes because they already got what they wanted out of it.  I generally don't like being negative with this game because I love what it is and I know the hard work it must be now after all these years, I love supporting devs, but I also feel is important to give the feedback to help it stay afloat.

I understand that maybe the 50 kingpin chips rewards felt tedious at times, but it kept you engaged in the event, it made me go oh well I didn't win anything, but I got chips for another day to play it and engage with it. Instead of, well I lost my luck is bad and don't want to risk more time and money on it. I think the Max Bet did their job of being the risk for those players daring for it and throwing away your 50 kingpin chips there, didn't need to readjust the other machines or the buffs. Before this change, there is still a few items I never gotten over the years and that's fine because at least I felt I could achieve it with more time into it, but this year when there's a rare chance of getting any reward and on top of it being a repeat of something I had, it just isn't worth my time investment anymore. This does sadden me because again, I don't like being negative toward this game, is my main game to play after all, so it really saddens me when I lose interest in one of my favorite activities on it. I love you all, just this change isn't it for me.

Edited by Sonicphoto
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17 hours ago, Sir-steve said:

Decided to give it another go today.  Got both buffs going before hitting the Emperor's machine with my 7 tokens.  Result:

  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x2
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x2
  • Emperor Chip x1
  • Golden Cert x1

Getting my chip back every other spin thereby prolonging my chance to win more certs doesn't feel that epic. 


At least make the new helmet purchasable with the certs you're giving out as a reward.

Emperors: Similar to mine with both Buff's, went to Emperor's Machine with 10 tokens:

  • Cartel Market Cert x6 -- It's not considered a win for only 1 on Emperor's. 
  • Golden Cert x5 -- as above given the cost of token.
  • Yet got not 1 Emperor's Replay token; though I did win a Shimmering Ginx.  :classic_mellow:


  • I generally find, on Kingpin Slots you win Chip back 50-65% of the time.
  • Yet might on 50+ tries on Kingpin win 1 Emperor's Chip, even with Kood Karma buff.

The real issue in my opinion, which is different than others perhaps, is they add too few rewards; not just to this Event but all of them!  :classic_sad:

Update: And a post below echoes the point I made above:   

6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Yeah, I don't think anyone here is against credit sinks. It's just that the devs want to make credit sinks but don't want to offer anything in exchange.

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On 7/9/2024 at 6:40 PM, VilianSW said:

EXACTLY THIS, word for word. Exactly my feelings. Thank you for saying this for me and all the others who feel the same way.

My sentiments agree with OP and commenter exactly. I look forward enthusiastically annually to the Nightlife Event. I've collected many items on multiple servers and looked forward to the new items and some I didn't have enough of. After several hours of play, NO item wins, and absolutely ZERO Emperor's chip wins, I've stopped. I have no desire to play at all.

Also, the continual glow with each coin return "win" is wholly annoying. It makes you think you've won something. Coin recovery is not worthy of a special effect and/or character clap. It's misleading and obnoxious. The previous alerts to wins were appropriate, satisfying and fun. These new alerts are, frankly, deceptive.

No doubt some mobile gaming consultants have been brought in to "advise" to make gameplay "sticky". The result, at least for me, is exactly the opposite. The game wasn't broken. So why "fix" it? To justify a consultant recommendation? I surely hope not.  

In short, the win rates are disappointing. The animations are obnoxious. None of this makes me want to play. I'll keep my credits this year unless they change it back.

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5 hours ago, Sonicphoto said:

I get the idea of wanting to do credit sinks

Yeah, I don't think anyone here is against credit sinks. It's just that the devs want to make credit sinks but don't want to offer anything in exchange. There would be no harm in letting people have their fun because almost everything you can win is legacy bound and can not be profited in GTN. The weapons are an exception, and even they weren't really profitable because the market was being flooded with them. But I can imagine they will now become more valuable when they are needed for the cheevos and fewer people are playing the slot machines.

The Max Bet machines were a good credit sink last year. People who didn't want to spend time spamming the machines would get it done fast with credits. Credits got pulled out from the economy, people got something in return. Win-win. At the same time people who wanted to save their credits had to click longer, but they were still able to get the prizes. Now the incentive to play (winning) has been taken away which makes the event worthless as a credit sink and on top of that has gotten a lot of people really upset. The changes need to be reverted asap.

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7 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Yeah, I don't think anyone here is against credit sinks. It's just that the devs want to make credit sinks but don't want to offer anything in exchange. There would be no harm in letting people have their fun because almost everything you can win is legacy bound and can not be profited in GTN. The weapons are an exception, and even they weren't really profitable because the market was being flooded with them. But I can imagine they will now become more valuable when they are needed for the cheevos and fewer people are playing the slot machines.

The Max Bet machines were a good credit sink last year. People who didn't want to spend time spamming the machines would get it done fast with credits. Credits got pulled out from the economy, people got something in return. Win-win. At the same time people who wanted to save their credits had to click longer, but they were still able to get the prizes. Now the incentive to play (winning) has been taken away which makes the event worthless as a credit sink and on top of that has gotten a lot of people really upset. The changes need to be reverted asap.

the only real issue I have is how garbage the kingpin slot machine are now.
They could’ve just made the buffs rarer, but more effective. then had a “shady character) vendor sell consumables that gave you both buff for like 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 credits (They could probably add a weekly/daily supply limit.) 

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