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Nar Nightlife Event Updates 2024

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18 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

We’ll be monitoring this change especially since it could reduce engagement with the machines. The intent behind the change was to increase reward output and decrease time spent. If we find over time that it does not remain engaging, then we’ll certainly adjust in the future.

Again, these changes accomplish precisely one-half of the stated goal: decreased time spent. The result is fewer rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won (and more chips lost, which you have conveniently left out of your calculus).

My engagement with this event has been reduced to zero.

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I received the Karma buff from the Cantina by the Kingpin Machines, died numerous times.  Then rolled a stack of tokens.   Nooooo change to drop.  RNG is being very RNG it seems.

Popped to another server, about 4 KP tokens and received one of the old mounts.  No buffs.  Either each character is given a certain amount of 'luck' when created or RNG is very RNG.  I've 29 toons on one server, have found several characters more 'lucky' with drops than other ones.

Last year I'd read chat with people complaining about winning so many drops they'd already received waiting for the rare.  (Meanwhile many of us were sitting clicking buttons receiving only Golden cert or Cartel cert).  At least this year they aren't complaining about receiving loads of duplicates. 🤣

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On 7/8/2024 at 11:40 PM, JoeStramaglia said:

Previously, players could get in a loop where they spend chips only to be rewarded more chips and it resulted in longer play sessions of just spinning machines.

That's... the point? Like - You do realise you are simulating gambling, right?

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I was looking forward to this event. I'm so disappointed about these changes. if it were easier to get rewards and there were more of them I would play more. Less chance to get rewards with fewer reward options means I'm just going to skip the event. It's too frustrating and disappointing to keep dropping tokens in the machines to get nothing.

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22 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

I really do appreciate your feedback and we’ll be incorporating it in future iterations of the event. 

No, you don't. No, you won't.


I mean, surely, as individuals you might - but all of you are old enough to recognise you're part of a system that takes player feedback, input, and ideas as, at best, a meeting to discuss in a topic, where most people say "Yeah, that sounds good, we have to talk about it in the future", only to not be brough back again because those who pay you don't pay you to take player feedback seriously.


Public perception is important, etc, you can't just not say stuff like this, etc, sure - but dude, there comes a moment when it is actively worse to keep repeating "Yeah we appreciate the feedback and take it into account" than to just say "Thank you for the feedback" and let it be.

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I came back to this game last year after a long break and the Nightlife event was the first event I participated in on re-subbing. I enjoyed myself immensely and spent probably too much time playing the slots. It was fun and rewarding and, in my opinion, as enjoyable as an in-game event should be. 

I tried to run the event this year, but after spending over 300 ST and 650 KPT  on three different characters with nothing to show for it, I'm just giving up. I'm not usually one to post here, but am disappointed enough by the changes to feel like I have to say something.

It would be amazing if it could be reverted to the way it was, though I doubt that is an option for this year. So I will unfortunately be spending my time elsewhere this summer. After all, I play this game to have fun, not to be frustrated by a change that wasn't asked for and wasn't needed. 

Edited by EnygmaMoon
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I love how I had about 130ish kingpin tokens leftover on a toon on Star Forge and got all of ONE Emperor token. At the time, I had the Good Karma(?) buff, the one that's supposed to like, guarantee a win or at least up your chances greatly. You know what I got? A freaking cartel certificate. Apparently the game doesn't even think that's a win because I didn't lose the buff. Please stop fixing things that aren't broken.

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This change wouldn't be so bad if emp chips were cheaper, and it wasn't a once a year event.  So now even if the devs "fix"it, it will still be a year before we see the change and it might be worse.  So now we have a once a year event that is broken per the patch notes the two buffs do not bring you to 100% unless by there up to 100% chance, there is a hidden luck trait that is locked to your character and ya need that with the buffs to get 100%,  Either way it means i wont be playing this event which I look forward to.  Especially knowing even if it is a bug and they do fix it...its still once a year, so I guess maybe next year....if this game is still around I'll give it another go.

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On 7/9/2024 at 6:39 PM, JoeStramaglia said:

Less Chip Rewards and Odds


Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”. This is not an ideal workflow. With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

We’ll be monitoring this change especially since it could reduce engagement with the machines. The intent behind the change was to increase reward output and decrease time spent. If we find over time that it does not remain engaging, then we’ll certainly adjust in the future.

Please keep in mind the Lucky and Karma buffs are more important than before for Emperor’s Grace pulls. If you’re planning on doing an Emperor’s Grace pull I would recommend getting at least one of the buffs but preferably both regardless of which Emperor’s Grace machine you intend to play to give you the best shot at a Jackpot.


The pulls on the machines are much worse than before. While before it might have taken a bit longer to get something from the kingpin machines, at least I knew there was a decent chance to get something. Now it is a waste of time and kingpin coins.

I spent a lot of time doing this event in the past, but after doing it yesterday, I don't want to take part in it anymore. This was a horrible change.

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I came here after wasting almost 1k of coins I had from last year. I wanted to try and give some constructive feedback. However, it looks like everyone else has done a pretty good job. As for the Good Karma buff. If you get that best leave and come back. I never got anything while having that buff. I got 5 certs one wraith one bird pet. Almost 1k of Kingpin slot coins. I only looted 3 Emperor coins. 

Thanks, the Nightlife event has been Ruined. It's not like anything was sellable or game tide turning. It was just fun. 

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It's RNG to get Feeling Lucky, then more RNG to get Good Karma. I don't like RNG on top of RNG. I think some kind of bad luck protection should be added for the buffs:

  • When you get a jackpot with a Smuggler's slot machine, you get the Feeling Lucky buff 100% chance. If you don't get a jackpot with a Smuggler's slot machine, you get one stack of a new Hopeful buff. When you get 20 stacks of Hopeful (20 spins without a jackpot), you get the Feeling Lucky buff.
  • Same thing for the Kingpin slot machine. If you get a jackpot, you get Good Karma buff 100% chance. If you don't get a jackpot with the Kingpin slot machine, you get one stack of a new Persevering buff. When you get 20 stacks of Persevering (20 spins without a jackpot), you get the Good Karma buff.

In addition, the price of Kingpin and Smuggler's chips should be reduced significantly because they are no longer given for free. Before these changes, players would get a bunch of free Kingpin chips from the Emperor slot machines and a bunch of free Smuggler chips from the Kingpin slot machines. Now that very few chips are given for free (just a handful from dailies), the prices need to be reduced:

  • Emperor chip - 1 million credits each
  • Kingpin chip - 10,000 credits each
  • Smuggler chip - 1,000 credits each
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On 7/9/2024 at 6:40 AM, Screaming_Ziva said:

Why?  This is an absolutely awful change.

Yeah, it is a horrible change.

Not only is it now possible to lose on the best machines, it is likely too. Out of 9 Emperor's tokens I won 3 times. 1 rancor and 2 golden certificates.

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alright so, how in the world you get both luck buffs here? the one from green slots comes fairly often, but the one from purple machines takes forever, usually you lose the previous buff before even coming close to getting 2nd one too. Oh and btw, i just spent like 20 mins trying to get good karma, and nothing. Waste of time as usual. 


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I used 402 Emperor chips, mostly with Feeling Lucky buff but not all. I got 67 jackpots, so about 15% chance for a jackpot. Didn't get lucky with the High Stakes Squadron Helmet. I already have all the other prizes from the previous years, so they are going on alts or will be sold on GTN (the BoE ones). I didn't keep track of how many golden certificates I got, but I think it was around 200 gained. For cartel certificates, I think it was around 100 gained.

So the drop rates for me were around:

  • 25% - 2 golden certificates
  • 25% - cartel certificate
  • 20% - lose a chip
  • 15% - emperor chip (free spin)
  • 15% - jackpot

For the jackpot prizes, I'm guessing the new helmet has the lowest drop rate, probably around 1% chance to get it per jackpot. The 67 I won just isn't enough to get it on average. If it's 1 in 100 on average, that means it would take an average of 650-700 Emperor chips to win 1 high stakes helmet. Of course, it's still random, so bad luck could take double or triple that. I think 2000-3000 Emperor chips would have a high probability of getting one, but I don't have time to farm that many chips.

Edit: I am changing the drop rates because I think whenever I get golden certificates it's always 2 of them, so that drop rate goes down to 25%. Then I increased the chance for losing a chip and getting a free spin to 20% and 15% to compensate.

7 hours ago, DamzTheShadow said:

alright so, how in the world you get both luck buffs here? the one from green slots comes fairly often, but the one from purple machines takes forever, usually you lose the previous buff before even coming close to getting 2nd one too. Oh and btw, i just spent like 20 mins trying to get good karma, and nothing. Waste of time as usual. 

Good Karma has a 10-minute duration, so start with that buff. I think it's only a 1% chance to get Good Karma per spin of the Kingpin slot machine. In perfect conditions, it would be 1 in 100 spins on the Kingpin slot machines, but if you are unlucky it could take 200 or 300 or more spins. You have to be careful though because Good Karma is consumed if you get a jackpot on the Kingpin slot machine. Don't spin any more than you need to, otherwise Good Karma will be wasted. Once you have Good Karma, switch to Smuggler's slot machine. You can usually get Feeling Lucky within 20 spins on Smuggler's slot machine, so it's usually not too hard to get.

Edited by ThanderSnB
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On 7/10/2024 at 12:39 AM, JoeStramaglia said:

The intent behind the change was to increase reward output and decrease time spent.


Looks like it partly worked. Been on all servers and I have never seen so few people at the casino during the event. Pretty much no rewards, but atleast people spend less time there. Looks like most dont spent any time at all.

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8 hours ago, ThanderSnB said:

I used 402 Emperor chips, mostly with Feeling Lucky buff but not all. I got 67 jackpots, so about 15% chance for a jackpot. Didn't get lucky with the High Stakes Squadron Helmet. I already have all the other prizes from the previous years, so they are going on alts or will be sold on GTN (the BoE ones). I didn't keep track of how many golden certificates I got, but I think it was around 200 gained. For cartel certificates, I think it was around 100 gained.

So the drop rates for me were around:

  • 50% - golden certificate
  • 25% - cartel certificate
  • 15% - jackpot
  • 5% - emperor chip (free spin)
  • 5% - lose a chip

For the jackpot prizes, I'm guessing the new helmet has the lowest drop rate, probably around 1% chance to get it per jackpot. The 67 I won just isn't enough to get it on average. If it's 1 in 100 on average, that means it would take an average of 650-700 Emperor chips to win 1 high stakes helmet. Of course, it's still random, so bad luck could take double or triple that. I think 2000-3000 Emperor chips would have a high probability of getting one, but I don't have time to farm that many chips.


I've done 61 Emperor spins and have 3 helmets so far, and I've seen quite a few others getting duplicates. I think it's actually quite common. Pretty sure that's intentional so we get the terrible rewards.

Edited by Meiran
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I moved recently and haven't had my PC set up but was able to borrow one because I am always such a massive fan of this event and have yet to win the shades. I've just spent so many credits and so much time winning absolutely nothing. I think I've spun ~10-15 emperor's chips with both the good karma and lucky buffs and have only won certificates each time. There used to be a really fun flow of doing the smuggler machine to get the lucky buff, then spinning the kingpin machine until I got an emperor's chip. It seems it's almost impossible to even win emperor's chips on kingpin machines now? Even smuggler machines barely drop kingpin chips. The RNG really sucks. I even tried farming mobs on Korriban like last year and got zero chips after 30 minutes.

And somehow, the chips cost the same as last year despite the significant change in credit value. There's a lower win rate AND you're effectively paying more this year. Lose-lose.

I almost don't even want to try this year. It's a bummer. The casinos are completely dead, too. It's bizarre. Please change things back. I really want to enjoy this event this year.

Edited by panzmo
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I had hoped today patch notes would have had some adjustments made on the Nightlife event. It did not. I would spend several days for hours in the past playing slots. I did that yesterday and it was a complete loss. I will try for a few today and see if it's any different. It will probably be my last effort.

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11 minutes ago, akdonkey said:

I had hoped today patch notes would have had some adjustments made on the Nightlife event. It did not. I would spend several days for hours in the past playing slots. I did that yesterday and it was a complete loss. I will try for a few today and see if it's any different. It will probably be my last effort.

I had hoped today patch notes would have had some adjustements to the basilisk pet compation...just nothing...lol

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Wow, Emperor's Grace RNG is so bad now, the last spin canceled my 10 year sub.

Design is intent, and it's working as designed.  The game is dying.  I've noticed this for while on the GTN, and this event update has sealed it.  It's not about prices dropping (that was expected), but that things don't move as quickly.  For what I use to move daily, is now closer to every 5-7 days to move the same quantities.  Less buyers = less players.  As the game gets closer to end of life, extending the grind of events, and grind in all game elements in general, are the only methods to squeeze what little juice is left from the fruit, and I don't see a massive development investment to make significant new content, so it's over.  SWTOR has been a blast to play, and I'm sad to see it go, but it's time to move on

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I'm very new to the game, so obviously new to this event. I find it enjoyable. Two things feel a bit wrong:

  • Every single time my character is "feeling lucky", he always unconditionally looses the round, which doesn't feel very lucky.
  • My character claps his hands and seems very happy to just have his token back. I don't understand why. I just lost my time, won nothing. Yet he seems to celebrate this for a questionable reason.
Edited by Xyranis
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5 minutes ago, Xyranis said:

My character claps his hands and seems very happy to just have his token back. I don't understand why. I just lost my time, won nothing. Yet he seems to celebrate this for a questionable reason.

It's probably meant to obscure the nerf. It looks like we are winning something, when in reality we are not.

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