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Bessie training bugged

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So far I've had some of the daily missions not counting for the training mission progress, and now for the icing on the top I've spent over 30 minutes on Makeb doing 2 daily missions to progress the defense training which was at 0/2, they both counted, I got the reward for doing the training mission but the amount of training missions for defense remained at 0/2. I was excited of this Bessie quest arc at the start but this quickly kills the mood of training her.

A rhetorical question to the devs: did you even bother testing it?



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Some missions require her to be in a certain role (tank, healers, damage) to advance, I messed this up myself not paying attention.  Not saying for sure that is what happened to you, but might be something to look at.

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She was in her role, moreover, it did count the 2 objectives for the training mission, it gave me the reward for the training mission but it didn't count the training mission itself. So it's definitely a bug.

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Posted (edited)

I had the following Bessie Training bug happen to me:  I had Bessie in Tank Role, I was working on a Defensive Training: Makeb.  I did a 2 Heroic [daily] Missions on Makeb, and NEITHER counted for either training mission complete NOR the Heroic Mission Complete training bonus.

I have a theory on what MIGHT have bugged this:  Both of the heroics I completed ended with "puzzles" where there was no combat for Bessie and nothing to "turn in", and I'm wondering if that's why I didn't receive credit?  I thought the first one ([Republic side] Savage Skies) I might not have received credit because I was stealthed when the mission completed, but the second one I did ([Republic side] For the Record) I was not stealthed.  The end of Savage Skies just has you clicking on 4 spots on the air defense turret, it explodes, and the heroic is over.  The end of For the Record you have to click on 4 terminals to shut down defensive lasers, then on the final terminal.  I don't believe either of these have an old "Return to Terminal" end to the quest, and perhaps that's why it's not triggering Bessie's training as completed quests?  Either way, highly frustrating to spend the time to do the heroics (which eats up a lot of the hour of Bessie's memory core) and not get any credit at all toward her training.

Like the original poster of this thread, when I did finish two of the regular dailies on Makeb, I received my "Collected Research: Defense" reward, but did not receive credit toward completing the "Training Modules: Defense".  Unlike the original poster, my Bessie is of higher level, and completing the module should have put me at 3/3 completed, but I'm still at 2/3 - so the bug apparently does not relate to the level your Bessie is at.  I also had no problems today getting Bessie's support/healing up to stage 4, but the support modules I had were not for Makeb, so the bug appears to be location based.  Again, I am wondering if it is because of the strange finishing nature of the quests on Makeb?  Even the daily quest I completed, the last step was to contact Jace Malcolm by clicking on a mission item - though as the OP and I have stated, we DID get credit for the regular daily quests (again, I received NO credit with the 2 heroics I completed) toward finishing the requirements of the module, but did not receive credit for completing the module itself.

Edited by -Kitara-
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Yesterday I did the Bessie's healing training on Ruhnuk, doing the mission where you have to get 5 quest items from 3 kind of animal trash and the other one where you need to gather 3x3 mando trash items laying around. They did count for the Bessie's training correctly but they did not count for the weekly Ruhnuk, that one remained 0/6. Today I repeated it, though this time with the DPS training mission but doing the same dailies and they did count for the weekly Ruhnuk which is 2/6 now. Moreover I did the same dailies for the healing training in the previous week and they counted correctly for both the training and the weekly.

So the same missions for the same kind of training sometimes work correctly all the way and sometimes they do not.🤯

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Posted (edited)

An update: I was doing the training missions on Yavin, I did the two quick ones but those required to return to the mission giver to be finished. When I have gave them in I was mounted, and neither counted for the training mission progress. So it seems that if Bessie isn't standing physically right next to you the missions don't count.

Edited by SithLikeTraps
Fixing the grammar
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Memory chip missing for the pet! Where can i get one?

I had in the biginning 3 memory chip after nothing, so i have reset the quest and still nothing! Anyone that could help? 

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22 minutes ago, Verobr said:

Memory chip missing for the pet! Where can i get one?

I had in the biginning 3 memory chip after nothing, so i have reset the quest and still nothing! Anyone that could help? 

First of all, please note that normal text is sufficient. Size does not matter in this regard^^.

After activating Bessy (which requires one memory chip) you should get an inventory item which grants you training modules, which need to be subsequently activated by right-clicking. I did not have the problem you described and it might actually be bugged on this toon. My suggested workaround is as follows:

- after you first talked to Lane in her new laboratory you should be able to train Bessy on any level 80 toon, irrespective of the story state of this toon, i.e., it does not matter whether or not you have done any Lane Vizla stuff on this toon;

- on each level 80 toon you can claim a memory chip in Lane's laboratory (console near the back wall of the room, not sure whether it's a daily or weekly), so it should be easy to fill the weekly cap;


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Hi Hightower, i do not know why the text is so big, i have write the normal way!

When i have start with bessy, i had 3 chip i have use all 3 but the next day didn't receive a new one. I have send a email to swtor they have look and see they say that had already toke it and i say to them that i didn't. So i do not know what or where is the probleme with this quest :(


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try a

1 hour ago, Verobr said:

Hi Hightower, i do not know why the text is so big, i have write the normal way!

When i have start with bessy, i had 3 chip i have use all 3 but the next day didn't receive a new one. I have send a email to swtor they have look and see they say that had already toke it and i say to them that i didn't. So i do not know what or where is the probleme with this quest :(


Should be able to get more on further toons.

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10 hours ago, Verobr said:

When i have start with bessy, i had 3 chip i have use all 3 but the next day didn't receive a new one

You can get one memory chip per day for free from the small terminal-like thing in the same workshop area where Bessie is, look for the repeatable quest marker. I'm not sure if the daily lockout is shared between toons or not, I haven't tried that on alts but I was getting one chip every day on my main since the start. And after you use it on Bessie you should get 2 random training mission items. When you finish a training mission there's also a small chance you'd get another memory chip from the reward item.

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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, SithLikeTraps said:

You can get one memory chip per day for free from the small terminal-like thing in the same workshop area where Bessie is, look for the repeatable quest marker. I'm not sure if the daily lockout is shared between toons or not, I haven't tried that on alts but I was getting one chip every day on my main since the start. And after you use it on Bessie you should get 2 random training mission items. When you finish a training mission there's also a small chance you'd get another memory chip from the reward item.

The lockout is not shared between toons, at least not with mine.  I have 4 characters working on this; each can get a memory chip daily.  (Now watch they will see this and change it lol)


Edited by casirabit
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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't waste your time on Iokath's "Fortify the defences" daily. That daily makes you control the turret to shoot the enemies, it despawns Bessie and auto-completes before you can leave the turret and spawn Bessie back so it doesn't count for the training mission progress.

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On 5/30/2024 at 1:34 PM, SithLikeTraps said:

So far I've had some of the daily missions not counting for the training mission progress, and now for the icing on the top I've spent over 30 minutes on Makeb doing 2 daily missions to progress the defense training which was at 0/2, they both counted, I got the reward for doing the training mission but the amount of training missions for defense remained at 0/2. 



Can confirm the Makeb missions do not appear to be counting towards training. I just completed 2 sets of Combat Training: Makeb, received the award for it but it did not count either in the legacy pane. Submitted a help ticket.

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I'm working on level 3. I've gotten several training modules for Makeb already for all 3 roles. Nothing on them says they are restricted by level. I also have modules for other areas that have worked as intended, like Oricon, Onderon and Mek-sha. 

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Oh ok, because from level 5 on, you have to do only a selection of planets, I forgot you could do anything before



13 hours ago, Tmanarl said:

Update, customer service closed my ticket and told me to go read swtorista's guide.

What a joke.

Absolutely not surprising, I guess it was Alexander...

Edited by GuigeekRhadamant
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Bumping this thread as I'd like to hear a response from the development team regarding the Makeb missions being bugged, especially and in case of the need for them to work properly if Makeb planet-specific training modules will be needed somewhere after Level 6 of Bessie's training (I'm currently nearing completion of 6/11 for Bessie).  I still feel the Makeb missions are bugged for the training modules because of the atypical endings/conclusions for the Makeb daily missions.

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9 hours ago, -Kitara- said:

Bumping this thread as I'd like to hear a response from the development team regarding the Makeb missions being bugged, especially and in case of the need for them to work properly if Makeb planet-specific training modules will be needed somewhere after Level 6 of Bessie's training (I'm currently nearing completion of 6/11 for Bessie).  I still feel the Makeb missions are bugged for the training modules because of the atypical endings/conclusions for the Makeb daily missions.

The missions aren't bugged because of the way Makeb missions are turned in. Someone has already finished repair level 10 (by abusing server transfers). The reason that Makeb doesn't count is because the missions aren't included in the list of missions that count (probably just an oversight).

The unique identifiers for the Makeb training missions are:

  • Combat: 16141094478677150003
  • Support: 16141063659726459080
  • Defense: 16141054971463930571

Here is the under the hood requirements for Training Level 2, Combat training.


As you can see with a quick glance, none of the subtasks match the identifiers for the Makeb missions (you can look for 003, 080, and 571 endings for quickly checking).

Now look at the requirements for the the Level 9 Makeb task:


All three of the Makeb missions are there. So the problem is 100% in the meta quests and not in the training modules themselves. Note: Images taken from Jedipedia, which has updated to 7.5.0b, so I would expect this bug to still be present when the servers are up. In retrospect, I probably should have posted this earlier because this might have appeared to be an issue tied in with the other turn in problems from the bug reports instead of a separate issue, and this could have almost certainly been fixed in this patch if they had known to look for the issue. My bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/27/2024 at 8:51 AM, Ranadiel_Marius said:

The missions aren't bugged because of the way Makeb missions are turned in. Someone has already finished repair level 10 (by abusing server transfers). The reason that Makeb doesn't count is because the missions aren't included in the list of missions that count (probably just an oversight).

The unique identifiers for the Makeb training missions are:

  • Combat: 16141094478677150003
  • Support: 16141063659726459080
  • Defense: 16141054971463930571

Here is the under the hood requirements for Training Level 2, Combat training.


As you can see with a quick glance, none of the subtasks match the identifiers for the Makeb missions (you can look for 003, 080, and 571 endings for quickly checking).

Now look at the requirements for the the Level 9 Makeb task:


All three of the Makeb missions are there. So the problem is 100% in the meta quests and not in the training modules themselves. Note: Images taken from Jedipedia, which has updated to 7.5.0b, so I would expect this bug to still be present when the servers are up. In retrospect, I probably should have posted this earlier because this might have appeared to be an issue tied in with the other turn in problems from the bug reports instead of a separate issue, and this could have almost certainly been fixed in this patch if they had known to look for the issue. My bad.

@Ranadiel_Marius Thank you for the concise answer!

@CommunityTeam Can we please get this on the Known Issues and patched please? (seems like an easy enough thing to patch based on the above info). 

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On 7/6/2024 at 7:06 AM, thestarjammer said:

I should be getting a free memory chip daily. I only have one character doing the venture. The cache is always empty. Am I missing something?

What do you mean by the cache? The memory chip storage device in Lane's lab, where you pick them up, or your currency tab? I'm also only doing the venture on one character and I've so far had no problem with picking up a chip each day.

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