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7.5 Content is now available on the PTS!

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Hi everyone, 

The Public Test Server is now open! Please be sure to read this whole post before hopping on to the PTS so you know what to expect. The following content is available for players to test:

  • The Basilisk Prototype Venture System
  • Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival Event Missions!

Per usual, story content will not be available to test because we don’t want spoilers out there!

If you are new to logging into the PTS, be sure to read this post first so you know how to download the server via the SWTOR launcher or using Steam. 

Important things to note for 7.5 PTS testing: 

  • Character copy will be available as we want feedback on natural player experience 
  • There will be WIP markers present

Below are the feedback threads. Please answer all of the questions that the team asks and keep all comments and posts relevant to the feedback questions. 

  • Basilisk Prototype Venture Thread
    • Please ensure that the character you copy over has access to the Ruhnuk Dailies. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the Basilisk Prototype intro mission. 
    • It is important to note and reiterate that it will take time for players to completely unlock B3-S1. For PTS specifically, we want to know feedback on the overall process of training the Basilisk Prototype like completing the Dailies to repair the droid and upgrade her abilities. To set expectations, what players will see on the PTS are the beginnings of the venture only. 
  • Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival Event Missions Thread

Feel free to use this thread as a space to provide general feedback (like for the modernization updates for Hutta) and bug reports not related to these specific topics. 

Thanks all!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Saeten said:

Is there any incentive to testing on PTS?

Early access. Like go test out B3-S1, have a glance at the new Hutta, try out the event.

EDIT: No seriously, the point of PTS is to make sure things aren't broken. The incentive to test is that you, me, and everyone else gets a better experience with the 7.5 release.

Edited by Traceguy
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1 hour ago, TonyTricicolo said:

You can be the first person to tell Broadsword how bad the update is.

LOL. I don't want to be "that" guy. Or first....

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Thanks dev team, PTS went up real quick!

I had a quick poke around Hutta before and I'm loving the new look and atmosphere of the place. I can't wait to explore the new story area and relive Hutta on new toons once it's live in 7.5.

Just one odd thing I noticed...near Faathra's palace I looked behind me and saw a huge light in the sky that washed out a lot of the swamp lighting and new color palette. I initially thought it was the sun but the further I travelled away from Jiguuna, the bigger it seemed to get until it seemed disproportionately huge and bright compared to how it feels looking in any other direction. It almost looks like a big explosion!

The image attached is looking back toward Jiguuna from the speeder outside Faathra's. Starting to wonder if this is what Malgus meant by a galaxy in flames...😬

*Ugnaught ordered volunteered for scale


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My quick thoughts on the Spring Abundance event on the test server...

I am really digging the vibe, I like making pies, or searching the galaxy for young animals to help.  I like the minigames, though I my desire to click things clashes with the cooldowns on the inputs in that game.  The decorations are also really nice, and I am making future plans to spice up my strongholds with them (much like the meal decorations in Feast did.)  Event currency seems a little light at the moment, but am waiting to see if weeklies or other ways to earn the currency get added.

My one really complaint is that the outfits are bind on pick up.  The goggles alone are going to be sought after for cosplayers, and as much as I love the Late Shift outfit, the sheer expense to get the complete set irks me.  Not a deal breaker, but it would be nice if they got updated to Bind to Legacy so you could reuse them or, long shot, they were unlocks in collections after getting the sets (I would happily spend cartel coins on both armor sets, though I get why people might object to that.)

Still approve of this new event.  Feels like a natural follow up to the Feast of Prosperity, which remains my favourite of the seasonals.  Can't wait to play Starwars Valley when it it rolls around!



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Not sure if this is a bug related to the PTS that won't appear in the live version and is just a quirk of copying the character/legacy over, but there seemed to be some issues with expanding inventory modules on PTS, and some major issues with cooldowns on legacy purchased perks. The ones I specifically noticed were the rocket boots and Quick Travel, which despite being unlocked fully in the legacy tree. Rocket Boots were at a near 2 minute cooldown vs the 30 second cooldown on the live servers, and Quick Travel being at a 6 minute cooldown vs instantaneous. It was a very rude awakening when I was trying to QT back to Lane after finishing the first round of B3-S1's training. Bizarrely, companion dance was missing too, which made me sad because I wanted to see if B3-S1 was going to dance like some of the other puppy companions. 😢

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I think the graphical update to Hutta is a overall a very good thing and the removal of the yellow filter is overdue, but I will say one area where the old Hutta beats the new is in the regards to an initial dramatic first impressions wherever you look up. On new Hutta there are some really dramatic views of the sky when Nar Shaddaa or the sun is visible, but the haze is the dominate feature elsewhere.I think the new Hutta could use a bit of the old's strong contrast between the sky and clouds. Maybe the clouds could stand to be a bit darker, or the skybox a bit brighter.

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I love the Hutta update - the creepy, dirty vibes really make it stand out. There were a few issues I noticed: the opening cutscene for agent, the camera now clips through the new trees right near the start, and in the opening cutscene for hunter there's some really strange lighting, where your character doesn't look like they match the surrounding lighting at all, shadows are off-set and overall they're a little bright in the new lighting. In general I found the new hutta look a little "flat", the shadows weren't dark enough and didn't add enough contrast to the environment imo but the overall direction was really great. Being able to spot the droid or speeder lights in the distance through the haze was really cool, and all the texture upgrades are incredible.


Unfortunately, when I was trying out the egg hunting I noticed the Rishi cantina is super broken - the lower level near the back doors disappears entirely and glitches in and out of existence. Not sure if there's anywhere else but that one was in real bad shape.


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