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Titles Got Removed


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Hi all,

I have been raiding in NiM/MM content for a while now and a couple of months a go I got Gate Crasher and some of them also on other toons (Also Dread Master but this was in the week that timer achievements were locked but got the title so I had peace with that). It was before the EV/KP exploits even happened. Fast forward to today, all my Gate Crashers on my toons are removed and Dread Master aswell. I have not used any exploits or what so ever because I diddn't want this to happen to my account. This has also happened to a lot of friends of mine who have done everything Legit WITHOUT use exploits, what the hell is happening?? @JackieKo

Time to unsubscribe from the game I guess.....

Tnx for ready.


Love, Jones

Edited by FryingPanJ
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This happened to me too, even though the CS rep I reached out to confirmed that the logs I included proved that I did not use an exploit to earn Dragonslayer.

To be honest, I totally understand them rolling back achievements/titles earned during that period, but doing so even if there is proof that the exploit wasn't used is pretty rough.

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I lost my "the Unyielding" title (from the old NiM Karagga's Palace timed run) today with 7.4.1. It was the title my main was using so it was immediately noticeable.

The old Eternity Vault title, "the Infernal" is still there, though, which makes this a bit old.

These two timed titles were removed in 2015 with the launch of Fallen Empire, so the KP one should still be allowed. I can understand removing currently exploited titles, but please restore the ones that were retired almost a decade ago.

Edited by Pallais
Clarifying the title was from the KP NiM timed run and the fact the title was removed eight years ago.
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I had to check my titles after reading these, but it doesn't look like I lost any, although I only checked the recent ones. 

However, erasing people's achievements is totally unacceptable! Maybe if they were gotten using an exploit, but that's a big maybe. I wouldn't even do that considering all the people who used the Lady Dominique exploit and sold cheevo & gearing runs for others got to keep their gear and achievements.

If you are deleting achievements, start with the people who exploited R-4. 

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I lost Nim Dxun timer on a character I got the clear on seven days ago. It looks like they didn't even bother checking which characters got the timers on what dates, they just removed it from every character if you got that timer anytime in January. One of my friends lost like 12+ Gate Crasher titles, most of which he'd had for years.

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I lost, at a minimum, my Terror on a Timer achievement and the From Beyond title on that character. I haven't checked all my characters with titles yet, but I noticed that one due to the missing achievement. If it helps at all I got it on January 24th of this year.


What doesn't help is that I reported it to CS and got a boiler plate response saying they can't re-grant achievements because of how the game is built. This is of course not true, as I've had to reach out to have achievements granted that weren't auto-granted in the past. I followed up by email with a screenshot of my character with the title and the log from when I got it and got the same response back. Now obviously I've found this thread, and I should've looked for it here first, but how does a CS agent not even glance at the Known Issues page before responding to me twice giving me misinformation and telling me I'm SOL?

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Same here!

We did a Dread Fortress timerun on January 12th (that was my first and therefore also the achievement) and one on March 4th. Both characters now have the title removed and the achievement removed from my legacy. I could provide the respective parses for both raids.

Give back my legitimately earned timers!

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I haven't been affected by this, but I know many people who have, and it's absolutely ridiculous players can 1) lose legitimately earned achievements and titles and 2) be offered no solution besides "just do it again" and 3) be lied to that customer service cannot grant achievements (which we know is a lie because customer service often has to do this for 16m veteran mode colossal monolith achievement, because that achievement has been bugged for years). Even if this is some kind of response to the recent exploits (which we don't even know because there has been no clear communication on this), it's an absolutely terrible one.

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Several of my friends have lost raiding achievements and titles from the last patch. Front line support is telling them there is nothing they can do. I would like to know what Broadsword's plan is to address this.

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6 minutes ago, jiati said:

I would like to know what Broadsword's plan is to address this.

This is no plan to address this. 


This was their intended fix to a known exploit that was reported to BioWare for months but they let exist in the game. Some people exploited their operation achievements and titles and thus BioWare must remove all achievements from anyone that did operations during that period. #SWTORDevs

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@septru The thing is that I did not do any exploits what so ever, I know people who did and I did not do this because I knew they were going to remove everything at somepoint so I did not participate in these exploits. But for some reason my legit achievements are removed for no reasoning ? 

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13 hours ago, septru said:

This is no plan to address this. 


This was their intended fix to a known exploit that was reported to BioWare for months but they let exist in the game. Some people exploited their operation achievements and titles and thus BioWare must remove all achievements from anyone that did operations during that period. #SWTORDevs

Yeah, we all knew about this. And some/most of us waited until that period was over and we got the green light to go for timed runs again. That's what I did, and yet here we are...

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Yeah, I didn't even get my achievements/titles while the exploit was live and yet they've been removed. Like my character that got Dxun timer on March 6th got hit, so it seems like they're just hitting the entire account indiscriminately, regardless of if the kills were (provably) legitimate and when they occurred. 

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So I just found out last night that one of my nim/mm timer achievements was removed. It goes without saying that I earned this legitimately and have the screenshots and parsley logs to prove it. It's also not an exaggeration on my part to say that many years worth of effort led up to me getting that achievement. So it's a bit of a shock to now see that achievement slot I celebrated now sitting empty and my title gone.

Hello Devs, hope you are doing well. I was just wondering what is Broadsword's official response to this as I've (unless I missed it) seen no mention of it yet in either Dev Tracker or the Patch Notes? Thanks.@JackieKo@EricMusco@JoeStramaglia@KeithKanneg

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8 hours ago, FryingPanJ said:

@septru The thing is that I did not do any exploits what so ever

You need to understand.... the devs do not care. 


They have consistently screwed over the endgame community because it would require too many resources to fix their mistakes the right way. This is literally not even the first time they took rewards away from people that earned them legitimately. 

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  • 2 months later...

So are the devs actually going to acknowledge this at least? Because I have a friend who cant seem to get any CS ticket responses, and nothing here is even more damning on the devs. Because no acknowledgment is a great way to slowly kill off your dedicated raiding community if that's what they're going for. so far so good..

At least we can all date our companions in the mean time like we've all been asking for since launch.............. or we can just kill time figuring out what they patch in but dont ever mention in the notes

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On 3/13/2024 at 5:32 PM, septru said:

This is no plan to address this. 


This was their intended fix to a known exploit that was reported to BioWare for months but they let exist in the game. Some people exploited their operation achievements and titles and thus BioWare must remove all achievements from anyone that did operations during that period. #SWTORDevs

so what about cases of people having the title for 10+ years getting wiped? or the combat logs to verify no exploits occurred? were just supposed to accept the middle finger here or what?

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