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My character doesn't talk so I walk!


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Legacy of the Sith was a disappointment but still fun to play.  Showdown at  Ruhnuk was a pointless mess that had my characters standing around doing nothing and watching cutscenes the majority of the time.  Chains in the Dark is the WORST! Now my characters don't talk. We now have a 20 year old game where  half the screen is blackened with tons of text while my character just stands there with a blank stare. I can't believe this is what was dished out and I'm certainly not paying for it.

I've canceled my subscription and am walking away from this game beccause I couldn't even stand to play the new content in this manner. It's a shame because I loved this game for years and left WOW for it because I loved the fact that my choices meant something and the storyline was so compelling. 

Edited by __andrea__
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  • __andrea__ changed the title to My character doesn't speak so I am done!

I'm new so not sure I understand your post 100%, but haven't encountered anything this bad, but only got to level 34 on the sage story line so far. It's a shame to read some of these posts because this game is really a good MMO overall. At least it seems like the game is still being patched and cared for by some number of devs. So maybe there is hope. Hopefully that mission is fixed before I get to it.

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22 minutes ago, Nejadis said:

I'm new so not sure I understand your post 100%, but haven't encountered anything this bad, but only got to level 34 on the sage story line so far. It's a shame to read some of these posts because this game is really a good MMO overall. At least it seems like the game is still being patched and cared for by some number of devs. So maybe there is hope. Hopefully that mission is fixed before I get to it.

the thing they are describing is the way theyve been adding cutscenes without actually having to pay our characters voice actors lately. KOTOR, (the game this ones based on) had your character but it didnt speak. you just chose dialogue and the NPCs responded immediately after selection. which is what they are doing in  swtor now , since kotfes alliance alerts. less and less in game cutscenes have our characters actually speak. 

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It is true that there has been KOTOR/TSL dialogue going on, but it's hardly new. Almost every Aliance Alert had it years ago. Not to mention the past two updates there was a MASSIVE Actor/Writer strike going on in the USA; and the International Cast may still be members of SAG. SAG doesn't need Actors to have US citizenship, Just to have earned a certain amount in a US production, so SWTOR counts.

To be fair, a Global Pandemic that the world economy is still suffering from, and a LONG international entertainment strike is not a tiny excuse. However, I hope it changes soon. I like hearing my PC's.

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2 hours ago, Nejadis said:



5 hours ago, __andrea__ said:

Legacy of the Sith was a disappointment but still fun to play.  Showdown at  Ruhnuk was a pointless mess that had my characters standing around doing nothing and watching cutscenes the majority of the time.  Chains in the Dark is the WORST! Now my characters don't talk. We got 20 year old game where  half the screen is blackened with tons of text while my character just stands there with a blank stare. I can't believe this is what was dished out and I'm certainly not paying for it. I've canceled my subscription and am walking away from this game beccause I couldn't even stand to play the new content in this manner. It's a shame because I loved this game for years and left WOW for it because I loved the fact that my choices meant something and the storyline was so compelling. This game as it sits now isn't just dying...it's dead. 

this post is typical case of just being a reactionarist and not giving the game time, yes, the kotor like dialogue isn't perfect, but swtor style dialogue still exists, its evident that game has a low budget, you unsubbing doesn't help that, trust me i don't like kotor style dialogue either but what you need to understand is that this is a huge 12 yo game thats still expanding, it'll have its ups and downs but they're currently working towards an up (updates are dropping way faster than before, remember the elom mess years ago) yeah that was bad, but things are improving just not fast enough, now don't get me wrong you're free to unsub but just know that game won't fix itself over night and has a low budget, saying it became crap and unsubbing doens't help it at all.

2 hours ago, Nejadis said:

I'm new so not sure I understand your post 100%, but haven't encountered anything this bad, but only got to level 34 on the sage story line so far. It's a shame to read some of these posts because this game is really a good MMO overall. At least it seems like the game is still being patched and cared for by some number of devs. So maybe there is hope. Hopefully that mission is fixed before I get to it.

the dialogue thing person is refering to comes up way later, and yeah you're 100% right it is a good MMO and it remains a good MMO despite some major issues, in an other post i've realized that people just like to complain about things that they want to be added but are not added or improved, you know how people are when its not by their will they get angry and think game is dead, they've been saying games dying since it came out pretty much lol. story stuff is getting updated and we already had a twitch stream revealing a new area for the story, there will be some other goodies coming in next patch as well so you're into one hell of a ride.

hope you're enjoying the game so far :)

Edited by BulbulusTheGreat
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light vs dark decisions with voice acting is the unique feature of this game and i really hope they keep it and wont replace it with kotor style dialogue but also at same time i know this game has low budget and man power so i really hope broadsword find solution and keep the unique feature of this game going.

Edited by bahramnima
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  • __andrea__ changed the title to My character doesn't talk so I walk!
7 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

It is true that there has been KOTOR/TSL dialogue going on, but it's hardly new. Almost every Aliance Alert had it years ago. Not to mention the past two updates there was a MASSIVE Actor/Writer strike going on in the USA; and the International Cast may still be members of SAG. SAG doesn't need Actors to have US citizenship, Just to have earned a certain amount in a US production, so SWTOR counts.

To be fair, a Global Pandemic that the world economy is still suffering from, and a LONG international entertainment strike is not a tiny excuse. However, I hope it changes soon. I like hearing my PC's.

I see your point and for side quests it was acceptable but this happening now in the main quest line and it seriously disrupts my immersion and is downright irritating. I can’t enjoy the game anymore. The black screen, the loads of text and the fact that my character doesn’t even react doesn’t make it enjoyable. I’m certainly not going to pay for this!

They have cut back on the storylines and basically the newest content is just filler. You don’t feel like you’re actually doing anything. My time and money are limited and if the developers or whatever corporation is now running the game doesn’t care enough to do more than throw outdated game play at me then it’s time to take my business elsewhere.

it’s the same as if your favorite restaurant charges you the same price for half the portion you used to get and used cheap ingredients that don’t taste as good. Would you keep going to eat there?

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7 hours ago, GeneralGyro said:

the thing they are describing is the way theyve been adding cutscenes without actually having to pay our characters voice actors lately

It’s possible they had to do it that way because of the actors & writers guild strike last year. I remember several years ago they did something similar when there was another actors strike. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Every time I stop to read the forum, I'm impressed. I know I shouldn't be, but it's unavoidable. It's getting increasingly difficult to find constructive criticism; the drama always ends with "this game is dead" or "this game is dying".

I can understand the frustration with the change in style over the years. The first time I encountered a text in the style of KOTOR (years ago), it also felt strange to me. But upon further reflection, it's possible to understand the context surrounding this change. It's a game with limited financial resources, a small team, and was produced on an almost abandoned engine. Not to mention the real-world strikes and events impacting DLC production.

Drawing comparisons with infinitely more populous games, with far greater resources both financially and in terms of human resources, is unreasonable and cowardly. SWTOR will never reach its peak again, that much is clear. It's up to each individual to decide whether they can live with the new reality or direct their expectations elsewhere.

That said, I believe we will eventually reach a point of balance between the content the company is capable of delivering (not what you or I think it can deliver) and the number of players willing to accept SWTOR's reality. From there, we'll see what future lies ahead. Until then, everyone has their own opinion on which part of the game should be improved.

Good luck with your next game.

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10 hours ago, Nejadis said:

I'm new so not sure I understand your post 100%, but haven't encountered anything this bad, but only got to level 34 on the sage story line so far. It's a shame to read some of these posts because this game is really a good MMO overall. At least it seems like the game is still being patched and cared for by some number of devs. So maybe there is hope. Hopefully that mission is fixed before I get to it.

You are at the very beginning and that’s the best part of the game! I envy you! You can play all the classes and do different choices and the following expansions are great as well. It’s not until the current “expansion” that things fall apart so you will have plenty of have time to enjoy the game as l enjoyed for so many years.

It really is a unique and fun game, especially if you love Star Wars as l do. Plus, unlike many games you have a variety of choices and outcomes based on those choices so making an alternate character really can provide for a different experience. Unfortunately due to lack of funding, commitment, etc they are majorly cutting back on content and q gameplay quality and expecting people to excuse, embrace and pay for it. It’s not the same game it once was. 

I have done multiple play throughs, finished every storyline and have 4 characters at max level and after going through Chains of Darkness there’s nothing in me that wants to play through the clunky, mindless crap that’s being currently dished out . Unless they go back and fix it, which l highly doubt.

I left WOW several expansions ago to play SWTOR exclusively so if  I have to sit and read text with a expressionless character l will do it there. At least I feel like l am experiencing something new for my monthly subscription.

You can’t base a game on your character doing voice overs and be able to make meaningful choices and get immersed in the world and story and then offer the opposite and expect customers to accept it without question. 




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2 hours ago, __andrea__ said:

I see your point and for side quests it was acceptable but this happening now in the main quest line and it seriously disrupts my immersion and is downright irritating. I can’t enjoy the game anymore. The black screen, the loads of text and the fact that my character doesn’t even react doesn’t make it enjoyable. I’m certainly not going to pay for this!

They have cut back on the storylines and basically the newest content is just filler. You don’t feel like you’re actually doing anything. My time and money are limited and if the developers or whatever corporation is now running the game doesn’t care enough to do more than throw outdated game play at me then it’s time to take my business elsewhere.

it’s the same as if your favorite restaurant charges you the same price for half the portion you used to get and used cheap ingredients that don’t taste as good. Would you keep going to eat there?

I understand and respect your opinion, it's certainly your money to do as you see fit. I just thought that adding context as to what the devs can and cannot control would be worth considering. Who is to say that March's update won't have the standard VA now that the strikes are over?

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I understand and respect your opinion, it's certainly your money to do as you see fit. I just thought that adding context as to what the devs can and cannot control would be worth considering. Who is to say that March's update won't have the standard VA now that the strikes are over?

I appreciate that and if things improve I will resubscribe. 

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I think that a lot of people here on the forums tend to think that what the Devs release is their perfect vision of what they intend. It's not that simple, The Devs can't control the fallout of COVID, they can't control Actor and Writer's strikes, they can't control a lot of things. Do they make some crappy decisions? Yes. Oh, how I hated Manaan and this awful Gearing system! There are a lot of things I disagree with. But I also believe that people look for things that aren't there.

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7 hours ago, ExarSun said:

The copium is strong here! Cutting voice-acted scenes for a kotor-esque dialogue in the main story is simpli unacceptable.

The devs have a choice: use available money and human resources to send the game into maintenance-only mode until they sunset it, or continue to publish new story updates with those available resources the best way those resources allow. Would seem fairly obvious which is the better deal.

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1 hour ago, xordevoreaux said:

The devs have a choice: use available money and human resources to send the game into maintenance-only mode until they sunset it, or continue to publish new story updates with those available resources the best way those resources allow. Would seem fairly obvious which is the better deal.

I would totally be fine with KOTOR-style dialogue for main character interaction while the NPCs are voiced honestly. Would allow budget to be moved to story and expansion material for the game.

I know, I know... Heresy!!!! How dare that I would rather want additional storyline that would allow the game to grow, or new things to do over my character speaking. 

Some of all are extremely deluded I swear... 

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problem is, our chars speaking is integral part of the game, it really is and thats why a lot of people are angry at it, we hear our chars through years and now we should suddenly accept that they're mutes? and in a video game that exists in 2024? i agree with others on this it is simply unacceptable that we never speak, its like ripping a body part of the game off, an important body part, however i'd also like to add that im not angry every time voice isn't used, budget is low and we all know this, its naive to expect everything to be voiced and thats a fact, if im being honest i like it the way it is now, some side stuff aren't voiced but important parts are, so im content with what we have now regarding dialogue, lane quest doesn't bother me and neither do some others however what did bother me is parts of kessan's main story being unvoiced so abruptly, one moment you're talking the other you're not, i hope they don't do this again.

another thing i'd like to add is that i find KOTOR dialogue ugly, sometimes hard to follow and taking up too much of screen SWTOR's dialogue when char speaks is far superior i also quite like voice of a lot of my characters so thats another plus, theres a lot of things a good voice acting brings to the game, even story wise.

Edited by BulbulusTheGreat
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2 hours ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

problem is, our chars speaking is integral part of the game, it really is and thats why a lot of people are angry at it, we hear our chars through years and now we should suddenly accept that they're mutes? and in a video game that exists in 2024? i agree with others on this it is simply unacceptable that we never speak, its like ripping a body part of the game off, an important body part, however i'd also like to add that im not angry every time voice isn't used, budget is low and we all know this, its naive to expect everything to be voiced and thats a fact, if im being honest i like it the way it is now, some side stuff aren't voiced but important parts are, so im content with what we have now regarding dialogue, lane quest doesn't bother me and neither do some others however what did bother me is parts of kessan's main story being unvoiced so abruptly, one moment you're talking the other you're not, i hope they don't do this again.

another thing i'd like to add is that i find KOTOR dialogue ugly, sometimes hard to follow and taking up too much of screen SWTOR's dialogue when char speaks is far superior i also quite like voice of a lot of my characters so thats another plus, theres a lot of things a good voice acting brings to the game, even story wise.

thats the sad thing. a bunch of people here are Broadsword apologists. and will welcome anything even sullying the last good thing about swtor the voice acting

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what? our characters dont speak in the story anymore!? I haven't gone beyond kotfe/kotet (as it bored me so much) but was looking forward to the new stuff. how the hell can anyone be okey with this. The voice acting and story is like 90% of what made this game stand out. If this is gonna be the norm then im out.

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2 hours ago, warrico said:

what? our characters dont speak in the story anymore!? I haven't gone beyond kotfe/kotet (as it bored me so much) but was looking forward to the new stuff. how the hell can anyone be okey with this. The voice acting and story is like 90% of what made this game stand out. If this is gonna be the norm then im out.

That's exactly my sentiment. I'll see how 7.5 plays out. If they give us the same model again, I am out too, again, at least for some 2 years.  It breaks immersion so bad, and totally kills the feeling of story continuation.

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5 hours ago, GeneralGyro said:

thats the sad thing. a bunch of people here are Broadsword apologists. and will welcome anything even sullying the last good thing about swtor the voice acting

This. And voice acting in some quests is quite good. This was the last thing that this game had left, unsullied amongst all other failure and debacles and they went and defiled that aswell. I do believe do the copium even amongst the apologists will soon be at an end.

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On 2/17/2024 at 12:40 AM, Nejadis said:

I'm new so not sure I understand your post 100%, but haven't encountered anything this bad, but only got to level 34 on the sage story line so far.

You got about a few hundred hours more of story content to get through before Chains of Darkness.

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On 2/18/2024 at 6:17 AM, BulbulusTheGreat said:

it was only unacceptable on kessan's main story, it was intrusive and broke immerssion, otherwise its understandable.

I found it unacceptable on Voss honestly. It was a punch in the face. Since 1 side is speaking alien gibberish, and the other side is not speaking at all. I actually had zero interest or connection in the conversations. I skipped through it on all playthroughs. I still have no idea what the Voss story is all about.

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I also got highly disappointed with Voice Acting cuts in Kessian's Landing, but how is acknowledging a Strike apologizing for BroadSword? It's a fact. This isn't "Copium" It's just looking beyond the immediate. Do I want them to ditch the Kotor Style breaks? Yes. I have more hope now that the Strike is over. 

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