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I am a legacy player who began playing this game at day 1 release on Dalburra. I stopped playing the game back shortly after cartel market was opened and we got the first expansion, I have tried to returning several times over the years and can honestly say that the server economy was a major reason as to why I didn't stay.  

I have now returned to SV and am loving it. The game is feeling again like it did at launch for me personally and I wouldn't want to see that ruined by a sudden injection of wealth and bind in equip items.

That being said, I can see why players who have amassed vast wealth and commodities would be upset about not having access to that on a server with low ping.  

Id personally be happy with allowing transfers of legacy unlocks and achievements and any already bound equipment but bind on equip items or currency tokens shouldn't come across. 

Im sorry to those players who have spent this time and money for the last decade but you've been okay playing with high ping all this time amassing this collection so if thats more important to you than a stable economy and a low ping you should just stay where you are, you've lived with the server conditions for this long anyway.


Perhaps a better albeit more expensive option would be to have a second apac server set up where people can xfer their toons and have a ruined economy but still have access to their "stuff"


Just the 2 credits of a returning old man who mostly plays story content and digital barbie dress up ingame.

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5 hours ago, Nagrom said:

I have tried to returning several times over the years and can honestly say that the server economy was a major reason as to why I didn't stay.

I'd like to see you on this, what effect did this have on a story player? 


5 hours ago, Nagrom said:

Im sorry to those players who have spent this time and money for the last decade but you've been okay playing with high ping all this time amassing this collection so if thats more important to you than a stable economy and a low ping you should just stay where you are, you've lived with the server conditions for this long anyway

Really? we lived with the conditions because we were forced to.


5 hours ago, Nagrom said:

I am a legacy player who began playing this game at day 1 release on Dalburra. I stopped playing the game back shortly after cartel market was opened and we got the first expansion

And I played from Beta on the first server, then on to the OCE servers when they opened them, not sure what that gives to the conversation though?


8 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

BS should probably listen to the active server population when making server decisions. IF the active server population is not enough to justify having the server then they should probably shut it down.

I really wish you'd stop saying this, this sort of comment has the effect of giving that impression especially when you say it over and over again. 
It seems you really don't want it to succeed as its in a good majority of your posts, and goes against your comment the other day about wanting it to succeed.


8 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

It's not a re-opened server. It's a new server.

You are both correct, its a new server re-opened in our region, don't split hairs.

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8 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

BS has made zero announcements promising to transfer anyone to SV (they said they intended to open transfer after review, but that is not a contractual obligation)

They said they would open transfers at a later date in the original post and email, again don't split hairs.


8 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Even if you consider the 90 day server restriction. That states a server must be open for at least 90 days before transfer are allowed not Every server that has been open for at least 90 days will have transfers open. Wording is important

I believe this is all we want, but there is element here including yourself actively trying to change this.
As you said wording is important.

8 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Someone's home server does not have to be in their region. That's what makes the internet so impressive. Sure there are benefits to playing on local severs, but most players probably are not invested in activities that require those benefits. (I have stated a few time that I play on SV over other servers because it had the names I wanted.)

Obtuse, if you don't have our experience which you cant possibly because you don't have Aussie internet then you should keep that opinion to yourself.


8 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Does BS what people in the APAC region to have a better experience? Sure. Less lag is technically a better experience that can be provided without transfers.

LOL Technically? once again walk a mile in our shoes you'd understand.


8 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

In other words, they are not the population BS needs/wants/is observing to determine if the server is viable and if transfer to SV are worth the effort. BS should probably listen to the active server population when making server decisions.

Actually again you have no idea how many are Apac and how many are US, Also the people that BS should listen to are the people that live in the region the server is intended for, no people that come over for names they wanted or a fresh start feeling.

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2 minutes ago, Lord_Malganus said:

Has Broadsword made an official statement that the main priority of SV was anything more than a low ping option for APAC players? Have they even stated what its primary focus/function is?

Here is their official  "press release" --> https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20231117

And here is their  official  ( at least the initial )  FAQ--> https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20231115#:~:text=APAC Server FAQ is below.

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16 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Here is their official  "press release" --> https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20231117

And here is their  official  ( at least the initial )  FAQ--> https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20231115#:~:text=APAC Server FAQ is below.

Both the Press Release & FAQ say this : “This is an exciting opportunity for all players current, returning, and new who reside in the APAC region” 


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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18 hours ago, Nommaz said:

I'd like to see you on this, what effect did this have on a story player? 


Really? we lived with the conditions because we were forced to.


And I played from Beta on the first server, then on to the OCE servers when they opened them, not sure what that gives to the conversation though?


I really wish you'd stop saying this, this sort of comment has the effect of giving that impression especially when you say it over and over again. 
It seems you really don't want it to succeed as its in a good majority of your posts, and goes against your comment the other day about wanting it to succeed.


You are both correct, its a new server re-opened in our region, don't split hairs.

Idk how to split post quotes up, obviously don't spend as much time here as you do but I'll do my best to reply to your points.

A tanked economy affects story hugely in the way that to buy one outfit costs tens of millions of credits.  Not being able to play your character the way you want for story is pretty off putting.

As to the being forced to live with bad servers, pure semantics. The fact is you had a choice of quitting or staying at the time and you chose to stay, yeah it sucked when they shut down dalburra, but lifes not fair. You're not OWED anything for your percieved hardship. Again, you CHOSE to stay after the merge, you made your choice live with it. 

Point 3, okay you win, your epeen is bigger than mine. As to what it gives to the conversation, nothing probably, however i thought it was useful for any devs reading to know the basis of my opinions.

I can see that you are very passionate about this topic and i have no intention of getting into a keyboard fight over it. I gave my opinion, you may not agree with it but my opinion is just as valid as anyone elses. 

At the end of the day I really do not have much sympathy for people who want to transfer their hoards over and ruin another server economy before it can be ruined organically. Sorry not sorry.



Edited by Nagrom
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3 hours ago, Nommaz said:

They said they would open transfers at a later date in the original post and email, again don't split hairs.

If I already created a character, can I transfer it over to the new Shae Vizla server? 

  • Transfers will not be available at launch. Players can choose to create a new character and start from level 1 or use a level boost. We will be monitoring and observing how the community establishes its own identity, Guilds, and economy. We intend to open transfers at a later time. Timing is dependent upon our overall status review of the server at that time.

They said they intend to. Not would or will. The level of certainty/commitment expressed by those words are not the same. Will can be a binding element in a contract. If BS did not do something when saying they will/would there could be legal back lash. If they say only intend there would have to be no action and proof that they never intended to in order for there to be legal back lash. Much harder to do then showing that nothing was done.

Timing means when something will/would be done. Never or not gonna happen are satisfactory expressions of time. 

3 hours ago, Nommaz said:

believe this is all we want, but there is element here including yourself actively trying to change this.
As you said wording is important.

I do think there are players who want transfers after 90 days (that number use to be smaller when people wanted transfer right away) I have never stated that I want zero transfer only limited credits. I am simply stating that BS never promised APAC players anything more then a better experience (low pings satisfied that).  Even that statement is a stretch. The only real promise I can find is this:

Shae Vizla will be a new server with no transfers available at launch. 🤣 (Again this is not a promise stating transfers will happen after launch or that they will not happen after launch. Just that they will not happen on launch.)

3 hours ago, Nommaz said:

Obtuse, if you don't have our experience which you cant possibly because you don't have Aussie internet then you should keep that opinion to yourself.

If I am interpreting you correctly, you are stating that APAC players experiences are more important/valid then NON APAC players experiences? I don't think a Company trying to cater to Multiple Regions should make such statements with their words or actions, especially when they have not prohibited players from playing on other region servers. That's a good why to alienate customers. (Then why did they close APAC servers? Good question. Maybe they'll run into the problem again)

3 hours ago, Nommaz said:

LOL Technically? once again walk a mile in our shoes you'd understand.

Some would/could argue that better ping is not a better experience then having all their stuff.

3 hours ago, Nommaz said:

Actually again you have no idea how many are Apac and how many are US, Also the people that BS should listen to are the people that live in the region the server is intended for, no people that come over for names they wanted or a fresh start feeling.

I agree that I don't know how many region or non region players are on the server. However, based on conversations on the forums and previous servers closers, I'm pretty confident APAC player who don't want limited credit transfers do not have the number to support the server on their own. (heck I would be shocked if APAC players were producing the need results on their own) BS has said they would monitor identity of the community. Like it or not SWTOR is a global community. If people are allowed to "migrate" to other servers then just playing on their own they can shape that servers identity. If most of the server players (apac or not) say they want no/limited credits that means the server supporting potion of the community is most likely identify as wanting a low inflation economy server. 


At the end of the day BS will look at data and determine if the server is worth it to them. Then if it is the why it is worth it will determine what path they take.

Edited by AFadedMemory
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2 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

If I am interpreting you correctly,

No you didn't take the context with my quote.. 

2 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

you are stating that APAC players experiences are more important/valid then NON APAC players experiences

Nope never said that, BUT in the context of the APAC regional server (which is the whole reason for this thread) then yes BS did say they wanted mostly feedback from APAC players and rightly so.  Therefore in this context (only) yes people in the APAC region's thoughts and experiences are more valid. 


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34 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

in the context of the APAC regional server (which is the whole reason for this thread) then yes BS did say they wanted mostly feedback from APAC players and rightly so.  Therefore in this context (only) yes people in the APAC region's thoughts and experiences are more valid. 

Mostly does not equal only. (if I remember correctly they said particularly, but that also doesn't mean only) 

I will say that APAC players input is so important that the only reason BS would choose not to have transfers, in my opinion, is if the population/revenue was not enough to support the server. In other words no transfers to support "fresh start" is unrealistic.

I do think that the "Fresh Starter" opinion of wanting to maintain the low inflation currently on the server is also significant. Meaning modification to how much credits are allow to transfer is a realistic possibility. This is supported by the fact BS said they were open to having a server with no transfers allowed to maintain such an economy.


At the end of the day BS will look at data. I imagine the data will show a significant number of both APAC and Non APAC players. This will mean that the reason why those people are using the server will need to be considered. A compromise will most likely be made. Transfers with a credit limit. Once again BS has not promised to do anything but open SV with no transfers at launch. They listed possibilities yes, but made no other guarantees. 

Edited by AFadedMemory
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1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

Mostly does not equal only. (if I remember correctly they said particularly, but that also doesn't mean only) 

Either you mis read my post or assumed wrong, I never said only.. 

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16 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

Either you mis read my post or assumed wrong, I never said only.. 

You stated that because BS has said "we what to hear feedback, particularly from the region" that APAC players opinions are more valuable/important. I'm stating that is not entirely accurate. the emphasis does not mean they won't listen to Non APAC players or that BS will act upon the feedback given to them by APAC players. It just means that they want to know what the people in the area feel before deciding anything.


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What needs to happen, regardless of your feelings on transfers, is that ALL APAC players get on that server and play at least some time. It doesn't need to be your primary server but you need to play as much time on it as you can spare. Broadsword is going to look at how many APAC players are actually playing there and use that to make their decision on how to proceed. If you want that server to be viable you need to be playing on it at least some of the time, preferably in the game play modes that are impacted by high ping.

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14 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

the emphasis does not mean they won't listen to Non APAC players or that BS will act upon the feedback given to them by APAC players. It just means that they want to know what the people in the area feel before deciding anything.

Once again I did not say they wont/shouldn't listen to people outside that region, I said that the regional players should have a greater impact on the decisions, and I stand by that.

16 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

in the context of the APAC regional server (which is the whole reason for this thread) then yes BS did say they wanted mostly feedback from APAC players and rightly so.  Therefore in this context (only) yes people in the APAC region's thoughts and experiences are more valid. 

You see even the bit you quoted says the same thing lol not sure where you got the idea I said they should listen to others when it clearly says more valid, there is a difference.

I know I have said a couple of times through this thread that BS should stop listening to people outside of the apac region, and that was mainly in response to some silly posts a bit sarcastic on my part.

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9 hours ago, DWho said:

What needs to happen, regardless of your feelings on transfers, is that ALL APAC players get on that server and play at least some time. It doesn't need to be your primary server but you need to play as much time on it as you can spare. Broadsword is going to look at how many APAC players are actually playing there and use that to make their decision on how to proceed. If you want that server to be viable you need to be playing on it at least some of the time, preferably in the game play modes that are impacted by high ping.

What they should do is what they should have done already and sent out an email questionnaire to APAC region players, simple fix really and they would get the answers they need without guessing, or basing it on a poor implementation.

Instead they release the server, expecting APAC players to somehow discover it, word the release badly and don't give immediate transfers to our region, even the email didn't go out until a couple weeks after it was opened, so those of us on a break did not know about it, and you cant expect players to be forced to play new characters from scratch if they do not want the "fresh start" experience" when they have their characters they have built up and associate with, sure it would be ideal but its not the solution.

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1 minute ago, Nommaz said:

you cant expect players to be forced to play new characters from scratch if they do not want the "fresh start" experience" when they have their characters they have built up and associate with, sure it would be ideal but its not the solution.

I mean, it wouldn't be ideal as well to have mr 100b credit just pop on a new server and destroy the economy by himself too, no ? Idk, maybe it's just me who thinks that. Maybe prevent credit transfer ? Idk. That would be fair for all.

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10 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

Instead they release the server, expecting APAC players to somehow discover it, word the release badly and don't give immediate transfers to our region, even the email didn't go out until a couple weeks after it was opened, so those of us on a break did not know about it, and you cant expect players to be forced to play new characters from scratch if they do not want the "fresh start" experience" when they have their characters they have built up and associate with, sure it would be ideal but its not the solution.

That's all water under the bridge at this point. Complaining about what they did or didn't do serves no purpose. If you want that server to survive you need to use it.

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1 hour ago, supertimtaf said:

I mean, it wouldn't be ideal as well to have mr 100b credit just pop on a new server and destroy the economy by himself too, no ? Idk, maybe it's just me who thinks that. Maybe prevent credit transfer ? Idk. That would be fair for all.

LOL where did you get that from my post? 
I don't recall saying anything about credits, I also have stated several times that I am happy to have a credit reduction or limitation, so long as its the same across all server transfers, all regions.
But thanks for your input I guess

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7 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

LOL where did you get that from my post? 
I don't recall saying anything about credits, I also have stated several times that I am happy to have a credit reduction or limitation, so long as its the same across all server transfers, all regions.
But thanks for your input I guess

Oh mb, gotta admit that I didn't scroll through the 18 pages so if you already said that then good, idk

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21 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

I am, and its not too late for BS to send out a survey.
not complaining, just stating.

I didn't mean to imply that you weren't, I was using the generic/plural form of "you" in that sentence but from several posts in the various threads there are APAC players choosing not to play on it because they are waiting for something. That is undermining the server's existence.

I didn't include your survey suggestion in the part I quoted because I do agree sending out a survey could help clarify things. The only problem you will run into there is the length of time it will take to get a survey out and the amount of time that you have to give to respond to it and then collate the results. Getting those answers may not be quick enough for some.

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31 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

I also have stated several times that I am happy to have a credit reduction or limitation, so long as its the same across all server transfers, all regions.

Another point we agree on. There should be a change to transfers in general to reduce the movement of credits between servers.

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7 hours ago, Nommaz said:

Once again I did not say they wont/shouldn't listen to people outside that region, I said that the regional players should have a greater impact on the decisions, and I stand by that.

You see even the bit you quoted says the same thing lol not sure where you got the idea I said they should listen to others when it clearly says more valid, there is a difference.

I know I have said a couple of times through this thread that BS should stop listening to people outside of the apac region, and that was mainly in response to some silly posts a bit sarcastic on my part.

I’m not saying nor have I said you stated BS won’t listen to non region players. Odds are they know precisely what non regional players want. They are probably looking for APAC players with similar views 😂 (They should already know what the vocal APAC portion wants) Either way I hope the server stays open.

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20 hours ago, DWho said:

What needs to happen, regardless of your feelings on transfers, is that ALL APAC players get on that server and play at least some time. It doesn't need to be your primary server but you need to play as much time on it as you can spare. Broadsword is going to look at how many APAC players are actually playing there and use that to make their decision on how to proceed. If you want that server to be viable you need to be playing on it at least some of the time, preferably in the game play modes that are impacted by high ping.

Thanks. That's what I have said in my previous post. Whether you make SV your main server or you just happen to pass by it, at least take time to play on it. As I've said, and as you also mention, Broadsword will look on how SV performs and will likely base their decision on if and when transfer would be made based on the performance of the server. An active server would mean to them it's one worth further investing time and money on, and that would make them more likely allow transfer happen for it since it is a viable investment. But if people will hang back, would rather wait on whether transfer is happening or not, then SV would feel empty because the people who should be on it aren't, and BS would see that and would likely not add more time and money on it, and consequently might not even decide that there's no need to have transfer available since it's a server not worth investing on. So as I've said earlier, these people who won't go on it are shooting the server on the foot. Ironic since a number of them keep saying they want an APAC server, but wouldn't even want to set foot on it.

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