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Galactic Seasons 5 - What Happened?


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3 minutes ago, LanceDefender said:

For me it proves that GS was created for having a companion oriented stuff, especially story. But definitely we got 5 seasons that do not differ much from each other and it starts to become boring and not engaging. I agree.

I'm not so sure I agree that GS was created for that purpose.  I do agree that is what we ended up with (for a while).  Having a story connected to GS is fine.  I have no real problem with that as long as it equally agreeable with either LS or DS characters.  But, I also see an opportunity for engaging a larger part of the community as well.  If we're spending so much time with the GS series (and more than likely will for a while now) ... then mix it up a bit and provide opportunities for a larger audience.  That should also include rewards that makes it worth investing more time in for that same reason!

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12 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

You really should be more careful how you answer!  The fact that I deliberately used the word "all" when referring to listening to the community was the bait!  I knew fully well that some of the matters at hand (particularly when discussing the taxations ... etc on the GTN) were somewhat loosely followed.  Those suggestions have also become a very negative part of the discussions here on the forum.  Some people like them ... while others don't.

So which is it...  the development team is totally incompetent (something that SOME feel is an absolute) ... or simply perhaps that only some key decisions (such as the implementation of 7.0 mechanics and related items) that have simply overshadowed the game in the last year or so!  I personally hold to the later of the two theories. 

The simple fact is that the development team has largely ignored most of us .... MOST of the time!  Solving the GS series and making it worthwhile for both newcomers and veterans alike is really something that needs more than just a casual glance.  It's not an impossible task.  And frankly given how much time and resource has been utilized on other projects of lesser value IMO is simply not an unrealistic request.  It should also be noted that if there were larger portions of newer content available GS would probably be of lesser importance and have lesser impact on player retention.  However, things being what they are ...  GS then takes on a larger role.  

And for the record ... No I'm not the slightest bit upset.  I take a different point of view from time to time.  The only real way to reach more difficult solutions sometimes takes a different approach.  Solutions that work should be our goal.  Anyone can gripe and tear down!  Building things for the benefit a larger portion of the community ... that's quite another.

you are compleet right about the fact that the development team has largely ignored us since most of the screw ups there have done are part for not listing to us.

the inflation problem own fault for not listing to us on time, armor system own fault, why people leave the game faster there own fault since there ask for it.

we all know the 7.x era is the worst era for this game since it only has bring more doom to the game then doing more good for the game thats something we agree on.

we know also good that there are drive away the old venterans from this game with there pointless idea's there inplant what is not helping at all.

the stupid tax inplants from then is something what there do compleet wrong since there drive away more players with it when it helps almost notting to fix there own inflation problem.

you know also good same as me that if there restore some of the mistake's there have done in the past why we got the inflation problem in the first place means also that if there restore then back how there are back then means that its a sign from shame for then more since its telling more that we have make a mistake in the past with it.

the GS has become much better then its first season but still there are things there can do better like with the reputation system and some other things there need to inprove better.

the development team needs to listing more to the feedback to the community since there can see things compleet diffrend what there not see at all and what there plans miss or need to inprove much better to do it right from the start.

same is with the companions we got from the gelactic season its cool maybe to have each new gelactic season a new companion but there need to see that something need to chance like no companion force objective's that we can reject then for using.

what eric told back then in the news about season 5 is something a lot of players wane see from then that there eye's are open now that there also now see we have to much companions in this game and also that some things need to chance first before there adding more new companions in the game.

since the companion sheet needs a compleet new chance with adding the favoriete option in it.

and there need to do more on the usefull part for all the companions since 9 companions we can use is to low.

this is something i have told somebody else on a other thread since he told that this game gets less newcommers so i ask him this.

if there cant make there own playerbase there have now not happy and let then stay what for point is it to focus on the newcommers if there cant focus at all on there own playersbase there have now to let then stay.

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what this GS was is a complete failure and i don't say this often, im actually one of more leniant players here, i still think new content is pretty OK, i love DLC's a lot of people seemed to hate, i am often okay with lack of communication becuse i sometimes understand why thats the case from devs POV.

but this....this GS is something that i have to be angry about, i mean what the heck did we get? a story? this is a story? not only does it end abruptly but entire plot is just a dumb prank i mean i get it game can have some humor and light hearted stuff sure but to base entire GS storyline on whats essentially an angry force sensitive twi'lek in his basement? really? i mean i've done feast event quest recently and really liked it, it was nothing spectacular but it was pretty nice little filler inbettween new content and stuff, you can see effort was put and you made your own choices and while it was also light hearted fun and baking it also had serious parts to it, this GS and its entire plot was one big joke, i honestly speed ran both the plot and entire GS, i've finished this GS few days ago and all i feel is dissapointment now, past GS's weren't perfect but at least it felt like you're doing something with your comps and building some kinda relationship with them now we got a "story" that essentially boils down to one guys frustration in a basement like come on....probably worst quest line i've played in this game so far, im almost at legendary with top secret army and i often stop and wonder who exactly am i getting this rep for? like what army? the guy is gone theres no army, we're basically grinding for rep with non existant faction, it can't get worse than this honestly, the only part i can think of that i liked is boss fight on tattooine.

im not against story focus over comps, i don't like having 1000 comps either but the story has to actually be good so please devs if you really want to focus GS on story rather than comps then next GS give us a STORY not a freak show.

Edited by BulbulusTheGreat
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5 hours ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:


what this GS was is a complete failure happened and i don't say this often, im actually one of more leniant players here, i still think new content is pretty OK, i love DLC's a lot of people seemed to hate, i am often okay with lack of communication becuse i sometimes understand why thats the case from devs POV.

but this....this GS is something that i have to be angry about, i mean what the heck did we get? a story? this is a story? not only does it end abruptly but entire plot is just a dumb prank i mean i get it game can have some humor and light hearted stuff sure but to base entire GS storyline on whats essentially an angry force sensitive twi'lek in his basement? really? i mean i've done feast event quest recently and really liked it, it was nothing spectacular but it was pretty nice little filler inbettween new content and stuff, you can see effort was put and you made your own choices and while it was also light hearted fun and baking it also had serious parts to it, this GS and its entire plot was one big joke, i honestly speed ran both the plot and entire GS, i've finished this GS few days ago and all i feel is dissapointment now, past GS's weren't perfect but at least it felt like you're doing something with your comps and building some kinda relationship with them now we got a "story" that essentially boils down to one guys frustration in a basement like come on....probably worst quest line i've played in this game so far, im almost at legendary with top secret army and i often stop and wonder who exactly am i getting this rep for? like what army? the guy is gone theres no army, we're basically grinding for rep with non existant faction, it can't get worse than this honestly, the only part i can think of that i liked is boss fight on tattooine.

im not against story focus over comps, i don't like having 1000 comps either but the story has to actually be good so please devs if you really want to focus GS on story rather than comps then next GS give us a STORY not a freak show.


AND (if I might add) ... one of the reasons that the whole GS thing is such a big deal is due to the percentage of time we spend in SWTOR focused on participation in this area?  Remove the GS series (and its subsequent rewards) and SWTOR gets a LOT smaller.  The smaller the game ... the smaller the audience and those who are willing to shell out the cash to play it!

To me, personally, that's pretty straight forward.  It is unquestionably in the best interests of the entire community to really hunker down and put some time / resource into the GS series.

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1 minute ago, juliushorst said:

This is 3 pages of posts. Statistically insignificant. And it's rather balanced between yes \ no \ don't care.

it seems you still not have learn it what other people have point out on that thread so lets point some things out from that thread for a good reason why this season we have no companion.

  1.  you know really good that the move from bioware to broadsword that the team lost a lot of people by that move since not all the workers have move to broadsword so there under staff problem at bioware has only become more at broadsword so there need people to make the companions also and if there not have the people for it there cant make new one's and since new contant and new things are nummber 1 then gelactic season companions means that contant go's first.
  2.  like eric has point out all we have to much companions all and there are not meaning full at all so to get a new companion what is not meanfull is pointless to have also waste of time/money.
  3.  how much of the playerbase are using there gelactic season companions when there cant chance there armor at all to use as space barbie's.
  4. the companion sheet has become a big mess since 5.0 so to get a other companion is only making things worse.

so here are 4 points people have told all on that other thread back then.

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2 hours ago, Spikanor said:

Only three people in that thread said they wanted to be able to send out more comps on crafting. Most of the against people was due to ship, bloat or organizing.  That is not ‘most’ of the players being against them because we can only use 9 of them. 

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1 minute ago, Darcmoon said:

Only three people in that thread said they wanted to be able to send out more comps on crafting.

there have been asking that for years all to increse the limit but sadly there still not have done that so its notting new.

the last time there increase it was in 5.0 from 6 to 8 so thats all long.

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28 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

 you know really good that the move from bioware to broadsword that the team lost a lot of people by that move since not all the workers have move to broadsword so there under staff problem at bioware has only become more at broadsword so there need people to make the companions also and if there not have the people for it there cant make new one's and since new contant and new things are nummber 1 then gelactic season companions means that contant go's first.

All companions use the same AI scripts and aside from Amity - pre-existing models (Kubaz, Duros, Gemini droid) with minimal modification or using Cartel Market armor. I don't see how that's a lot of work. Even GS mounts take more work because they need to make new models.


32 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

 like eric has point out all we have to much companions all and there are not meaning full at all so to get a new companion what is not meanfull is pointless to have also waste of time/money.

I obviously disagree with you and Eric. The remedy is not removing companions, the remedy is making better companions for seasons. I'd be happy to sacrifice two out of three recolors of the same mount and one recolor of the same armor to get a better, more personable companion.


32 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

 how much of the playerbase are using there gelactic season companions when there cant chance there armor at all to use as space barbie's.

Altuur can use any armor. Once again, the solution is to make the companions better, not to remove them.

And I see GS companions quite a lot on the fleet and planets.


34 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

the companion sheet has become a big mess since 5.0 so to get a other companion is only making things worse.

Devs really like to "improve" the UI so they can do something with companion menu. Just hope it's going to be better than the changes implemented in 7.0.

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1 minute ago, juliushorst said:

Devs really like to "improve" the UI so they can do something with companion menu. Just hope it's going to be better than the changes implemented in 7.0.

you really think its become better if there improve it again since there like it.

dude i have learn 1 good thing when there improve things in this game is that there is always a catch with it if there improve things look at the GTN improve catch there wane add in the next update.

7 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

Altuur can use any armor. Once again, the solution is to make the companions better, not to remove them.

And I see GS companions quite a lot on the fleet and planets.

and about how much do we talk then since i see a lot of story line companions like lana or shae vizla or class companions and almost no gelactic season one's.

so do we talk about 1% from the player base use gelactic season companions vs 99% use the cartal market/story line/sub reward companions.

i not know the real data since i am not working there so what the real nummbers are i not know but this is more something i see on the fleet more.


its better to save your feedback for next year since after season 5 has end since we maybe going to have the same discusion about this topic again for the season 5 feedback and what most become better for season 6.

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10 minutes ago, Spikanor said:



its better to save your feedback for next year since after season 5 has end since we maybe going to have the same discusion about this topic again for the season 5 feedback and what most become better for season 6.

They had season 5 ready before season 4 ended and season 4 ready before season 3 ended or near enough.  There was maybe 4 weeks between the last couple of seasons which means any suggestions people wanted to make for the ‘next season’ wouldn’t be incorporated.  The suggestions would need to come around now for season 6 at the latest if we have a hope of them being used. 

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few weeks ago i wrote post about how bad the story of GS is and i am glad another person wrote post about it and brought it up once more.

yes it was garbage and a bad side quest, if they are going to add story to GS then they should put some effort into it, make it longer with the story that at least make sense, not some bad side quest joke.

specially considering small amount of content we get, the GS should fill the gap, with good enough story and long enough, they do not have to add voice acting because of cost of it.   

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7 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

They had season 5 ready before season 4 ended and season 4 ready before season 3 ended or near enough.  There was maybe 4 weeks between the last couple of seasons which means any suggestions people wanted to make for the ‘next season’ wouldn’t be incorporated.  The suggestions would need to come around now for season 6 at the latest if we have a hope of them being used. 

we will see what season 6 give to us since i wane see first how much trouble 7.4 are not going to give us.

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14 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

They had season 5 ready before season 4 ended and season 4 ready before season 3 ended or near enough.  There was maybe 4 weeks between the last couple of seasons which means any suggestions people wanted to make for the ‘next season’ wouldn’t be incorporated.  The suggestions would need to come around now for season 6 at the latest if we have a hope of them being used. 

Agreed... and that is with the provision that season 6 hasn't already been completed OR (at the very least) ... outlined and given to those responsible for the programming aspect of putting it together.  These things take time.  Probably more than most of us would think. 

Just the same.  IMO it would be WELL WORTH the investment to see the GS series offer more to those who are participating.  It really does seem to have become a larger part of SWTOR for some time now.  And as such should offer rewards accordingly.  

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20 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

Agreed... and that is with the provision that season 6 hasn't already been completed OR (at the very least) ... outlined and given to those responsible for the programming aspect of putting it together.  These things take time.  Probably more than most of us would think. 

Just the same.  IMO it would be WELL WORTH the investment to see the GS series offer more to those who are participating.  It really does seem to have become a larger part of SWTOR for some time now.  And as such should offer rewards accordingly.  

I don’t doubt it has been outlined already.  It’s obvious they can make some changes in a short and quick manor otherwise we probably wouldn’t have the Loth-cat pet this time.  Some things are probably set already as they prep for season 6 and some are still fluid. 

I do think it would be good to see it offer more in terms of things to spend the tokens on or what we get from the tracks. 

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39 minutes ago, bahramnima said:

few weeks ago i wrote post about how bad the story of GS is and i am glad another person wrote post about it and brought it up once more.

yes it was garbage and a bad side quest, if they are going to add story to GS then they should put some effort into it, make it longer with the story that at least make sense, not some bad side quest joke.

specially considering small amount of content we get, the GS should fill the gap, with good enough story and long enough, they do not have to add voice acting because of cost of it.   

You know. The funniest thing in that whole story is that the potential of that story we got is really big. It would fit even the real story instead. Imagine. Some powerful secret Darth that has it's own idea and plan, creates army that consists of people and droids? that are focused on and use dark side. If it would be a real serious story arc it could be really really good one. Instead we got a joke which is not even funny.

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29 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

I don’t doubt it has been outlined already.  It’s obvious they can make some changes in a short and quick manor otherwise we probably wouldn’t have the Loth-cat pet this time.  Some things are probably set already as they prep for season 6 and some are still fluid. 

I do think it would be good to see it offer more in terms of things to spend the tokens on or what we get from the tracks. 


And ... ( I'm really pushing my luck even asking about this) ... what would be your top 3 rewards?
** Space station (not a flat in a space station) strong hold
** A new customized ship for one of our characters  (Might even be used in the GSF area?????)
** A new mount that my companion can ride with me.

Addendum:  I ran out of reaction thingies!!  (sorry about that)

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Definitely more Strongholds ye. I'm asking for years for SH like Zakuul Spire, Iokath, Ziost Citadel, Oricon Palace, Abandoned Listening Station (From Traitor arc) etc.
You can even fit some story there.

But still. I'm all for more new companions, but I do agree with that they need to make them more unique and more worthwhile for more people. And the story should be longer. You are awaqre GS stories finish before even reaching 50% of GS track? This is funny and strange. The one of the rewards on level 100 should consists a final mission for story and/or for the companion.

And remove the damn reputation track, because it's pointless grind for nothing. lol

And ye, they need to add far more new rewards to GS vendors. It's I think thrid season in a row when I have to spend tokens on items I don't want, because there is nothing new and cool for me to buy.
Where are things like "retired items" like AC PT Walker? GSF armors (all 4 armors) or completely new things like new skins for companions, even for Cartel Market ones.
I still want a skin for Iokath droid from CM that will be shiny (Iokath Purifier) or ARIES skin. Or maybe a Skytrooper companion?

Again. Potential for this vendor is limitless, yet we stil get almost nothing.

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6 minutes ago, LanceDefender said:

Definitely more Strongholds ye. I'm asking for years for SH like Zakuul Spire, Iokath, Ziost Citadel, Oricon Palace, Abandoned Listening Station (From Traitor arc) etc.
You can even fit some story there.

But still. I'm all for more new companions, but I do agree with that they need to make them more unique and more worthwhile for more people. And the story should be longer. You are awaqre GS stories finish before even reaching 50% of GS track? This is funny and strange. The one of the rewards on level 100 should consists a final mission for story and/or for the companion.

And remove the damn reputation track, because it's pointless grind for nothing. lol

And ye, they need to add far more new rewards to GS vendors. It's I think thrid season in a row when I have to spend tokens on items I don't want, because there is nothing new and cool for me to buy.
Where are things like "retired items" like AC PT Walker? GSF armors (all 4 armors) or completely new things like new skins for companions, even for Cartel Market ones.
I still want a skin for Iokath droid from CM that will be shiny (Iokath Purifier) or ARIES skin. Or maybe a Skytrooper companion?

Again. Potential for this vendor is limitless, yet we stil get almost nothing.

+1 in the thank you reaction... (I'm out for the day)... 🤦‍♂️

We're on the same page!  Well ...  almost ... I'd prefer a new outfit for one of my CURRENT companions.  (I really don't need another one... not unless she's 5'4" with jet black hair ...  kind of like the lady I've been married to for almost 50 years now.  I'd go for that one!)

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6 minutes ago, LanceDefender said:

And the story should be longer. You are awaqre GS stories finish before even reaching 50% of GS track? This is funny and strange. The one of the rewards on level 100 should consists a final mission for story and/or for the companion.

And remove the damn reputation track, because it's pointless grind for nothing. lol

I was trying to put my finger on what was really bothering me about GS this time around and you know, this is it. Putting the debate about new companion vs not aside, at least the previous progressions went through more of the GS track. With this, the way it stopped halfway through, made it feel like it just flopped over and left a person hanging, like 'wait it's over already??' Incredibly anticlimactic. And then progressing the rep track feels so pointless, as you say, not just mechanics-wise but story-wise - why are we continuing to collect and deposit rep items for a story that's already been resolved?

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5 minutes ago, KianSri said:

I was trying to put my finger on what was really bothering me about GS this time around and you know, this is it. Putting the debate about new companion vs not aside, at least the previous progressions went through more of the GS track. With this, the way it stopped halfway through, made it feel like it just flopped over and left a person hanging, like 'wait it's over already??' Incredibly anticlimactic. And then progressing the rep track feels so pointless, as you say, not just mechanics-wise but story-wise - why are we continuing to collect and deposit rep items for a story that's already been resolved?

IMO this is part of it!  And it has been suggested that some of the content in game (from time to time) is done in order to justify said companions.  Rather than tell the story (in game story) and let the players choose the right companion to accompany them.  

I think that the idea was to get the new companion and then boost their rep points up high enough to make sure that they are useful further down the road. 

[/shrugs] ...  personally I'm just too stubborn.  (Us old folks have that problem from time to time).  I'll still pick my own companion that I want to accompany me!  😜

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for me this gelactic season was much more fun then the other one's.

we not get a new companion with force objective's same with the bad rewards there have add since season 1 that you get items to increse there level with it in the season tracks.

if there wane add in the next season a new companion sure but only if there not add also the boring items to increase there level with it and not be bount to season objective's anymore then i give no crap about to have a new companion at all since we get a option then to not use it with the season.

the reward there have add this time in the gelatic season that you get a Depository of Dark Wisdom decoration for you stronghold is a good thing but i wish more you can get it much faster then now.

also i wish if there add a new pet as reward in season 6 there first need to fix the pet bug to let then working good for once.

and for my part there add a special vendor on both fleets so that you can buy the new season weapons with the reputation track since getting weapons you never going to use is also something what there can do better more.

also the lvl 100 track speeder reward is the best one so far from this season since the speeder from the level 100 track from season 2 was a compleet joke and lame one.

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39 minutes ago, KianSri said:

With this, the way it stopped halfway through, made it feel like it just flopped over and left a person hanging, like 'wait it's over already??' Incredibly anticlimactic.

The worst offendor regarding anticlimactic sudden endings was Amity. His story just stopped, without any conclusion whatsoever. I still don't get the point of the GS4 "story". GS5 at least had a beginning and an end. 

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