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Galactic Seasons 5 - What Happened?


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47 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

sometime's i think you really not understand things at all since this is telling notting at all.

It suggests that they have data pointing out to having enough players from that part of the world to justify making a new server for them.


50 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

i still go for that seasonal companions are not importent and come at the bottom of the list since fixing the game from problems and bugs and creating good long story are more importent then seasonal companions since if you not focus on the seasonal companions then you can focus on other parts more like fixing problems and bugs good.

I did not say they should focus on it. I said that they can slap existing AI routine to an existing model and give it to people who want it. I think you greatly overestimate the amount of work it takes.


51 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

do's not mean there are staying since there can also leave faster since look at how many problems this game not has there cant deal to fix.

The only real problems I noticed are: sometimes being stuck on loading screen and infrequent story updates.


52 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

there is a reason why outside this forum people are not talking good about this game and more talk really bad about it.

r/swtor is the only other place I know people use to discuss  the game and it's much more positive than the forum.


54 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

the gelactic season companions is the first step when there have solve that you can bet my hell on that some other people are looking for there next target there not like so maybe next time its the decorations, speeders,mount's or weapons and armor's turn.

This applies to you more than it applies to me. I never asked for anything to be removed. I follow my own advice and simply don't use rewards I don't like, I don't complain about them.


55 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

i go for get rid of the seasons and fix the general problems first before there can add it back.

What would you consider to be the general problems?

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38 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

What would you consider to be the general problems?

bug fixing, fixing other problems good like the inflation problem fix it at the core, good contant flow, fix the problems at the PVP and GSF also good, and chance things back how there are before 7.0.

that are general problems more this game has.


43 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

This applies to you more than it applies to me. I never asked for anything to be removed. I follow my own advice and simply don't use rewards I don't like, I don't complain about them.

that you not complain about do's not mean others can complain about it to.

there are people that complain about the PVP or GSF the devs need to fix but that do's not mean i also need to complain about it since others are doing it also.

i not complain about that since i not care about it so then i have also notting to complain about but that do's not mean others can complain about it if there care about it.


51 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

r/swtor is the only other place I know people use to discuss  the game and it's much more positive than the forum.

then you know notting at all.

discord private groups, same with reddit private groups, facebook private groups, X private groups.

any social media you can think about where you can creat private groups have then.

let me give you also a good advice since in the same private groups on discord or facebook there are using it also for other things the developers cant see what is also happing in the game what is also think against the game rule's.

then i mean the credit sellers topic people use the same private groups on social media to do that since i know that in a other game i have play there are using that type groups to do things like that.

and then not forget also the gaming news site's articals there post on X or facebook where there talk not positive about the game at all.


1 hour ago, juliushorst said:

The only real problems I noticed are: sometimes being stuck on loading screen and infrequent story updates.

lets see how its going to become later with the lot of bugs and problems this game has.

since you need to remember also this really good.

each new update there release with each new Tax system or increase for something is going to hurt the new server really hard then the other 5 servers from this game.

that means the new GTN buyers tax is going to hurt the new server much harder then the other 5 servers.

1 hour ago, juliushorst said:

It suggests that they have data pointing out to having enough players from that part of the world to justify making a new server for them.

that do's not mean its going to be good still after some month's and i know really good that things can chance super fast with the servers population since i have see game's that got a good server population going in to crash mode few month's later after release that there lost more then 75% in 1 month.

and there are game's that have got this type of crash's in population in a few month's after release.

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23 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

bug fixing, fixing other problems good like the inflation problem fix it at the core, good contant flow, fix the problems at the PVP and GSF also good, and chance things back how there are before 7.0.

I actually like what they did with PVP. I stopped playing it entirely when they made lost matches not count at all. Now I play a few matches every week for galactic and pvp seasons.

GSF is as it always was - a mode for a small part of the playerbase. Pops are quite frequent so I don't know what the problem is and I don't know how to make it more mainstream if that's what you mean.


23 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

discord private groups, same with reddit private groups, facebook private groups, X private groups.

If people don't care to share their concerns in public and lock themselves in echo chambers they can't expect to be listened to. They should discuss and criticize openly and have their criticizm scrutinized by the wider community.

Rumors say that 7.0 happened the way it did because devs got involved in some Discord cliques.


24 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

each new update there release with each new Tax system or increase for something is going to hurt the new server really hard then the other 5 servers from this game.

We all started with 0 credits at some point and the taxes were always there. New server will probably have healthier economy because there will be fewer billionaires with enough funds to control the economy.

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49 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

If people don't care to share their concerns in public and lock themselves in echo chambers they can't expect to be listened to. They should discuss and criticize openly and have their criticizm scrutinized by the wider community.

Rumors say that 7.0 happened the way it did because devs got involved in some Discord cliques.

i will sent you a PM about this.


58 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

We all started with 0 credits at some point and the taxes were always there. New server will probably have healthier economy because there will be fewer billionaires with enough funds to control the economy.

there is still 1 big problem you miss.

5 servers have a inflation problem.

the new server there have release has it not.

but and here it come's the new server will get hit 10 time's harder by each new tax system there going to add after 7.4 or any increase at all.

that means if there lower the credit rewards in any other update after 7.4 its going to hit the economy 10 time's harder on the new server and make things more worse then on the other 5 servers.

that means each new chance against to fix the inflation problem is going to hit the new server only harder and harder.

so have there do some things wrong yea.

first what there need to do is to fix the inflation problems good on the 5 servers before open a new server.


1 hour ago, juliushorst said:

GSF is as it always was - a mode for a small part of the playerbase. Pops are quite frequent so I don't know what the problem is and I don't know how to make it more mainstream if that's what you mean.

you do not know what the problem the GSF has why there are complaining.

for that you need to know the reasons why there are complaining.

1 hour ago, juliushorst said:

I actually like what they did with PVP. I stopped playing it entirely when they made lost matches not count at all. Now I play a few matches every week for galactic and pvp seasons.

you like it maybe but the PVP communety not.

its the same with GSF you need to know the reasons why there are complaining in the first place.

for PVP there complain about the maps, mode's and it has no ranked mode anymore so thats some of the complains.

also the AFK problems there not fix.

that means no new maps or new mode's or some mode's there have chance in the bad way or remove it things like that what there have done.

same with GSF no new maps,no new mode's or there fix the self destruct problems not in the mode what is happing a lot in the gelactic season time.

so there complain about things like that since the devs do notting against it since that type problems are destroying the game mode and the fun.

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

for PVP there complain about the maps, mode's and it has no ranked mode anymore so thats some of the complains.

Making a new good map takes a lot of time and resources (last one we got was, I believe, reskin of the Alderaan one). Not to mention entirely new set of rules and objectives on that map to make it a mode - much more than my companion.

I'm of two minds about ranked. On one hand I liked the separation of the pros and casuals, on the other it's nice that with season everybody can get a nice reward. The code for it is already there so it shouldn't be a problem to bring it back if they decide to do so. Making the regular version of the armor a seasonal thing and the shiny one a ranked reward is something I would totally accept and encourage.

What should be easy to solve is matching random groups against premades.


1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

same with GSF no new maps,no new mode's or there fix the self destruct problems not in the mode what is happing a lot in the gelactic season time.

I don't like how kicking works in GSF. It discourages strategic thinking and encourages rushing head-first into the enemy territory so, just like with regular pvp, premades have a big advantage because they won't kick each other for camping while in a random group you'll often find an overzealous person.

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2 hours ago, Spikanor said:

for PVP there complain about the maps, mode's and it has no ranked mode anymore so thats some of the complains.

PVP has lots of problems and is due for a major rethink (which there is no way the game can currently provide so tying that into a paid story expansion is critical).

Here's a radical thought:

Make warzone/arena PVP more like GSF. Where everybody starts from the same statistics or even capabilities (essentially a PVP "ship") where as you play you earn currency to upgrade your "ship". Pull all gearing out of both GSF and PVP and make their rewards specific to GSF/PVP and separate from PVE so that there is no advantage to "gearing" from one mode or the other. This pulls out all the people who are only there for gearing. Right now you have lots of people playing GSF to gear their PVE characters (and some of these people don't care about those game modes, only the rewards they get from it).

With a coherent storyline, there are lots of places PVP warzones/arenas can be fit in with almost no additional assets (really no different for Operations or Flashpoints) and still have some draw to players whose primary focus isn't PVP.

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10 hours ago, juliushorst said:

It's not. I'd say it's reasonable. The way you said it was passive-aggressive, not what you said.

You confuse disagreeing with passive-aggressiveness. Or if you think they are one and the same, then you are just as quilty. 


10 hours ago, juliushorst said:

How many times do I need to repeat that I don't want (or to be precise: don't care about) companions on the ship and that I prefer the fleet terminal for currency exchange? I want to be able to summon them and go on adventures with them. They can go to some limbo when I dismiss them.

You can repeat it as many times you want, but you didn't answer my question.

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3 hours ago, DWho said:

Here's a radical thought:

Make warzone/arena PVP more like GSF. Where everybody starts from the same statistics or even capabilities (essentially a PVP "ship") where as you play you earn currency to upgrade your "ship". Pull all gearing out of both GSF and PVP and make their rewards specific to GSF/PVP and separate from PVE so that there is no advantage to "gearing" from one mode or the other. This pulls out all the people who are only there for gearing. Right now you have lots of people playing GSF to gear their PVE characters (and some of these people don't care about those game modes, only the rewards they get from it).

I'd say one of the problems with GSF is that while people start from same stats, they will be playing against people who have fully geared up their ship. I would even go as far and say GSF is worse than PVP regarding gearing, stats and capabilities. In PVP you have all your abilities: they may be weaker but you still have them. In GSF you've got nothing until you've geared up your ship. 

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4 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

I'd say one of the problems with GSF is that while people start from same stats, they will be playing against people who have fully geared up their ship. I would even go as far and say GSF is worse than PVP regarding gearing, stats and capabilities. In PVP you have all your abilities: they may be weaker but you still have them. In GSF you've got nothing until you've geared up your ship. 

not forget that GSF has also a Pay to win version formule also.

since you can buy a full upgrade ship with cartal coins also.


8 hours ago, DWho said:

PVP has lots of problems and is due for a major rethink (which there is no way the game can currently provide so tying that into a paid story expansion is critical).

Here's a radical thought:

Make warzone/arena PVP more like GSF. Where everybody starts from the same statistics or even capabilities (essentially a PVP "ship") where as you play you earn currency to upgrade your "ship". Pull all gearing out of both GSF and PVP and make their rewards specific to GSF/PVP and separate from PVE so that there is no advantage to "gearing" from one mode or the other. This pulls out all the people who are only there for gearing. Right now you have lots of people playing GSF to gear their PVE characters (and some of these people don't care about those game modes, only the rewards they get from it).

With a coherent storyline, there are lots of places PVP warzones/arenas can be fit in with almost no additional assets (really no different for Operations or Flashpoints) and still have some draw to players whose primary focus isn't PVP.

i know both GSF and PVP have a lot of problems but what the problems really are i not know that good.

what the problems real are is something i not know.

but you need to explane him why the devs need to fix the pvp and gsf also good.

Edited by Spikanor
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6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

they will be playing against people who have fully geared up their ship.

That pretty much is the same that it is now. People in green conquest gear against people in purple operations gear (PVP uses a modified Level Sync so better gear is always better performance for the same "skill level"). Making it more like GSF also would make it easier to balance since there aren't literally thousands of gear combinations to try and match up. It also wouldn't need to be re-balanced when new gear tiers came out. As far as Spikanor's comment on pay-to-win, just don't put in a Cartel Coin mechanic in the PVP version. Your "PVP ship" or gear set would be based on your role. Tanks would have one starting set, DPS another, and Healer a third (you could make it more complex than that but you risk creating balance issues - though if it is all self contained, that is easier to control).

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14 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

You confuse disagreeing with passive-aggressiveness. Or if you think they are one and the same, then you are just as quilty. 

Saying "I disagree, because..." is not passive-aggressive. Saying: "Well, if you want companions removed from my ship why are there companions on my ship? Huh? They are still there" is and if it was not your intention you worded it poorly.


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12 hours ago, juliushorst said:

Saying "I disagree, because..." is not passive-aggressive. Saying: "Well, if you want companions removed from my ship why are there companions on my ship? Huh? They are still there" is and if it was not your intention you worded it poorly.


So you don't know the meaning of passive-aggressive. Doesn't matter though. Everything you say about me can be said about you too and the only reason you are still proactively attacking me is because you like being wrong and enjoy getting corrected. I'm happy to oblige. You are in minority with your opinion here and if you think attacking me will change something, you are wrong with that too.

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21 hours ago, Lord_Janosch said:

Completly agree. 2 season/year would be fine in my opinion

1 season each year is the best option there is since there can use the rest time when there is no gelactic season to focus on the other parts of the game more then keep focusing on the gelactic season only.

you forgot also that there dev team is still understaff and it has become only worse after the moving from bioware to broadsword that there understaff problem has also come more worse.

gelactic seasons are not that importent right now its the other parts of the game that is now more importent there need to focus on.

for my part there skip 1 year with no gelactic season at all to focus more on the other parts of the game to make then more better then have a gelactic season.

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5 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

1 season each year is the best option there is since there can use the rest time when there is no gelactic season to focus on the other parts of the game more then keep focusing on the gelactic season only.

you forgot also that there dev team is still understaff and it has become only worse after the moving from bioware to broadsword that there understaff problem has also come more worse.

gelactic seasons are not that importent right now its the other parts of the game that is now more importent there need to focus on.

for my part there skip 1 year with no gelactic season at all to focus more on the other parts of the game to make then more better then have a gelactic season.

1 or 2 max. It would be nice to have something to wait for, instead of getting burned out because it's too frequent. 

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4 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

1 or 2 max. It would be nice to have something to wait for, instead of getting burned out because it's too frequent. 

to have 2 gelactic seasons each year is fun to have and also good then the normal 1 each year.

but things have chance big time now with the move from bioware to broadsword also and with the 7.0 big screw ups.

we all know bioware has been done a lot of worse things to the game to destroy it more.

there is a big long list of bugs that still need to have a fix what bioware not has done at all.

there is a big problem list there still need to deal with it ( and a lot of then are bioware creat problems there have make on there own)

there is a big trust problem between the communety and the team it self ( when 7.0 has only make it more worse)

that are more the big general problems there are now that broadsword needs to deal with and fix.


a lot of communety players know that the team was understaff back at bioware but since the game has move to broadsword there understaff problem from bioware has only become more worse since most of the staff have been let go there so the problem from back there has only become more worse.

and focus on the main parts of the game is needed now only more since we all have read the threads about that the communety members wane see that all the problems this game has gets fix is for once and there are not happy about the work bioware has done so you know that 2024 is a big year for the game if broadsword fails here then all the doom scenarios come out.

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The reality is Bioware worked out a deal with Broadsword and part of it was a part of the same dev's that made the design decisions for 7.0 now work for Broadsword. Their longstanding habits and philosophies are still very present with everything they do and do not do and nothing has changed.

Their acknowledged plans with 7.4, namely the GTN changes, selected class nerfs and the "Power ceiling increase" of a negligible 4ilvi increase with no new content requiring it, feels  very "Bioware" because the development and whom made what, is from the same people regardless of their employer.

Until they communicate with specific and detailed information of what their plans are to fix or improve the game,  all players have as it has been for years is the same empty hope of "lets wait and see".

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5 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

Until they communicate with specific and detailed information of what their plans are to fix or improve the game,  all players have as it has been for years is the same empty hope of "lets wait and see".

we all know that this is never going to happing since planing things is not there strong point since look at the 7.0 mess how good the planning was.

or there 10 year anniversary plan when nobody still not knows what the plan was for it to begin with.

there is a good reason why a lot of players leave the game so fast at some point or with big groups.

and we know also that rumor from the 6.x era also that show how things work now in this game.


5 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

The reality is Bioware worked out a deal with Broadsword and part of it was a part of the same dev's that made the design decisions for 7.0 now work for Broadsword. Their longstanding habits and philosophies are still very present with everything they do and do not do and nothing has changed.

not forget there habit to ignore the communety feedback and later on things go wrong still when the feedback from it was all not good at all.

remember the amplifier sheet feedback there compleet ignore it and later on you get a big complains about it when the feedback on the test server was all not good.

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17 hours ago, Spikanor said:

we all know that this is never going to happing since planing things is not there strong point since look at the 7.0 mess how good the planning was.

or there 10 year anniversary plan when nobody still not knows what the plan was for it to begin with.

there is a good reason why a lot of players leave the game so fast at some point or with big groups.

and we know also that rumor from the 6.x era also that show how things work now in this game.


not forget there habit to ignore the communety feedback and later on things go wrong still when the feedback from it was all not good at all.

remember the amplifier sheet feedback there compleet ignore it and later on you get a big complains about it when the feedback on the test server was all not good.

Exactly my point.

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On 11/21/2023 at 10:29 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

So you don't know the meaning of passive-aggressive

"Passive-aggressive behavior is characterized by a pattern of passive hostility and an avoidance of direct communication." Mocking me for proposing something that should be beneficial to you without addressing it falls under this category.


On 11/21/2023 at 10:29 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

you like being wrong and enjoy getting corrected. I'm happy to oblige.

We're talking about preferences. There is no right and wrong.


On 11/21/2023 at 10:29 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

if you think attacking me will change something, you are wrong with that too.

If you feel attacked let's end it here and wait for the next season to see what will happen.

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5 hours ago, juliushorst said:

"Passive-aggressive behavior is characterized by a pattern of passive hostility and an avoidance of direct communication." Mocking me for proposing something that should be beneficial to you without addressing it falls under this category.

You can copy-paste definitions all you like, that doesn't mean you understand the meaning. And the sentence above proves you don't.


5 hours ago, juliushorst said:

We're talking about preferences. There is no right and wrong.

Oh really? Then why are you arguing me? 


5 hours ago, juliushorst said:

If you feel attacked let's end it here and wait for the next season to see what will happen.

You had an opportunity to end it, you didn't. You decided to continue attacking me after five days of silence. 

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16 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Oh really? Then why are you arguing me? 

Because our preferences are different. I'm trying to discuss with you which is rather difficult because you don't respond with counter-arguments, make statements without explaining and argumenting them (example: you said I don't understand what passive-aggressive is without explaining how I'm wrong) and mock suggestions that should in theory satisfy us both.


16 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

You had an opportunity to end it, you didn't. You decided to continue attacking me after five days of silence. 

Disagreeing with you doesn't mean attacking you.

But if you wish to continue, please tell me:

Why a companion that can be rejected, doesn't appear on the ship, isn't a part of seasonal objectives and doesn't prevent you from completing seasonal questione if rejected wouldn't be acceptable for you.

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On 11/19/2023 at 9:09 PM, juliushorst said:

I'm of two minds about ranked. On one hand I liked the separation of the pros and casuals, on the other it's nice that with season everybody can get a nice reward. The code for it is already there so it shouldn't be a problem to bring it back if they decide to do so. Making the regular version of the armor a seasonal thing and the shiny one a ranked reward is something I would totally accept and encourage.

What should be easy to solve is matching random groups against premades.

It's nice to see people who aren't primarily PvPers basically agreeing with what we've been asking for in the PvP community. You can absolutely have a system where everybody can get cool rewards at baseline but you still have a rating/ranking structure built into it so there's a form of progression/challenge like there is in endgame PvE. That makes it better for everybody.

As for the main topic about the season 5, in terms of the story, I actually think season 5 was better than 3 and 4's stories, although 2 is still my favorite. 5 had a clear beginning and end, some twists to it, and a couple fun choices with the investigator guy and at the end. I do agree that there are way too many companions, and it feels silly to just keep adding these companions that speak a couple stripped lines of alien language recorded during vanilla into the game. I definitely get that people are upset that there wasn't a new companion since it had been standard to get one every season. I kind of hate Amity and ph3lnx or whatever is boring, so I'd take 3v1l as a replacement any day. 


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I'd like a new companion for the next season if it could be an IMPROVED companion.

Not in terms of abilities- mechanics. But in the following ways:

1. Companion uses Basic

2. We can choose how companion LOOKS, (just as we do our own character. This would be gender, species, Force-user or not)

3. We would be able to romance said companion.

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