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344 gear... why?


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1 hour ago, ZUHFB said:

I really can't stand it when people blame their teammates. I was able to clear it with people who weren't that good, when there is nothing more to improve then look to the left and the right, best way to improve. 

Of course you can. You keep blaming people all the time for not performing on the same level with you. You are not trying to help them improve, you are rubbing their face in it when they can't clear something. You need to understand people are on different level and while something may be easy for you, it's not easy for them. 

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39 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Of course you can. You keep blaming people all the time for not performing on the same level with you. You are not trying to help them improve, you are rubbing their face in it when they can't clear something. You need to understand people are on different level and while something may be easy for you, it's not easy for them.

its more that most people refuse help, this is the best way to help: 

I said multiple times to send a log, or whatever, I don't judge, I barely play anymore. I'm a tank main but I could still help a bit. The best advice I can possibly give is to build a solid foundation, on which improvement is possible. And building this foundation starts with getting keybinds. I used to be clicker too! I understand it, not wanting to change the playstyle, thinking it's just as good etc. if anybody truly would want help getting domi killed they'd ask how to do it, instead of asking for nerfs.

Check streams, check worldfirst kill videos and tell me how many people are clicking in those videos, now tell me how many people are clicking from a SM/HM team. There might be a correlation there. Just saying.

The trick is to do it slow, start keybinding rotationals. Let's say I'm idk Darkness, what do I bind? Dark Ward, Shock, Thrash, Lacerate, Volts, Maul, Wither, Discharge and Saberstrike. Saberstrike - 1, Shock - 2, Trash - 3, Maul - 4, DarkWard - Q, Discharge - E, Wither - R, Lacerate - S+1, Volts - S+2. I don't know, something like this. Just go and do it. Maybe they are unused for a week or more, ok fine - but nothing was lost. It takes 30s to set up and if it's not liked then just don't use them. 

Ok another example: Viru sniper: Dart - 1, Granade - 2, Weakening - 3, Lethal Shot - 4, Cull - Q, Cover - E, Suppressive Fire - S+1, Takedown - R. 

Another one bc why not (Ling): Lightning Bolt - 1, Lightning Flash - 2, Thundering Blast - 3, Crushing Darkness - 4, Shock - Q, Affliction - E and Lightning Storm - R.

Please, please, please just use keybinds, take it slow, keybind max. 10 at the start and just try it, it's so easy. Nothing to lose. 

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15 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Last time I joined a fleet pug we cleared it, however, truly I was amazed. Maybe it shows better in numbers, this are two 4% wipes before we killed the boss after an honestly unbelievable 9:15. image.thumb.png.b50a630efc63bf04279aa61822616c9f.pngimage.thumb.png.a465590688fb31e0bcfb6d3dc713c3c5.png

It took us 6 pulls to beat the boss. I knew nobody in this group. I can see how this boss is unkillable if nobody breaks 20k, but 20k is really not difficult. To put all this into perspective the the lightning sorc doing 18k dps had 36 APM. Sorc should be played at around 50 APM, obviously defensives, unnatural pres. etc will just increase that number in a raid setting. This sorc lost 28% DPS by not having keybinds. The rotation was.... not great but okay, first lightning flash 20secs into the fight - stuff like that. 

The lower lightning sorc however was a different story, 28 APM. Lost 44% DPS not having keybinds, used the mana regen 6 times in a row at about 30s into the fight. image.png.88f74c456486b092955488ad69af4c29.png

like at some point people just shouldn't beat SM, this point is reached with rotations like this.

Should a group players around the firsts sorc skill level kill dominique? Probably, so let's do that math: the combined DPS from all DPS is more or less 111k, split that to all 6 DPS and the average DPS needed to beat the boss is 18.5k. Fill a group with people who do 20k dps and the boss will die.


But okay, granted the example is IPCPT, so let's find that fight with another fleet pug I was in: image.thumb.png.3b826fc2bfd266e829b7f999ba405574.png

would analyze this too buts completely pointless with a fight as unrepresentative as IPCTP. Avg needed DPS is: 12.2k

I am the person not blurred out in these screenshots, I do not blame any of my teammates. First pug cleared, 2nd disbanded at Watchdog for reasons I cannot remember but it had to do something with the tank, just don't remember exactly what it was. 

I really can't stand it when people blame their teammates. I was able to clear it with people who weren't that good, when there is nothing more to improve then look to the left and the right, best way to improve. Also, I knew nobody from both logs, except one person from the forums and they weren't performing the great either - but they did complain in a different thread right after the raid.

TLDR: Want to kill domi? keybind at least all rotational abilities (I would double bold this if I could, it was the best thing I ever did and it tripled my enjoyment of the game) or just keep dying to it, it's not my problem really. 

Apologies for silly question, but what do you mean by keybinds? Just having it on the hotbar so you can punch a key rather than fumbling with the mouse, or is there something more than that, like a script or whatnot?

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13 minutes ago, ElZaguero said:

Apologies for silly question, but what do you mean by keybinds? Just having it on the hotbar so you can punch a key rather than fumbling with the mouse, or is there something more than that, like a script or whatnot?

Everything that isn't using the mouse curser to use abilities, it is not possible to look at the entire screen while focusing on where the cursor is. The effects are that people die more frequently because they do not see circles in time. The other effect is that while high priority mechanics are going on a lot of DPS is lost. Lot's of people cannot accept these truths, I remember a time when I didn't either.

By the way, scripts are against the rules of the game, so don't use those :D

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18 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Everything that isn't using the mouse curser to use abilities, it is not possible to look at the entire screen while focusing on where the cursor is. The effects are that people die more frequently because they do not see circles in time. The other effect is that while high priority mechanics are going on a lot of DPS is lost. Lot's of people cannot accept these truths, I remember a time when I didn't either.

While I do agree that it might make things easier, I do not agree that keybinding will improve the DPS on its own. So basically I am one of those deniers you mention. :D In fact, I have seen videos of awesome players who - much to my surprise - actually really clicked. With optimized interfaces I guess it will work...

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19 minutes ago, Sundown said:

While I do agree that it might make things easier, I do not agree that keybinding will improve the DPS on its own. So basically I am one of those deniers you mention. :D In fact, I have seen videos of awesome players who - much to my surprise - actually really clicked. With optimized interfaces I guess it will work...

the only player you could be talking about is terssa, in some of his videos I am able to see that he misses MAJOR defensives of other people because he is looking at his quickbars, its painfully obvious because I saw both sides. Hell even I am missing it trying to follow his mouse.


Not here to tell anybody how to play the game, I'm just saying that seeing my character during combat made the game way better for me. The improving faster and overall being better is just an added benefit.

Think about it like this, in 1400s nobody really believed the world was round, but that doesn't change the fact that it is and once you'd be in space seeing that the world is round only then it even starts crossing your mind that the believe might be wrong.

I know its hard to understand, in combat as a clicker it does feel like its just as good. I get it. But its just not. I have no reason to lie about it, I barely play.


And while we are at the topic of optimized interfaces, I have seen nobody except Lye and me actually make one. Why is there saber strike? Why is there dark heal? Why is there Dark Ward? (any ability costing no or basically no resources that also doesn't have a meaningful cooldown). It just doesn't need to be displayed, no information is gained by seeing those spells. Hiding an entire quickbar will make those hidden keybinds work, shortening a shown quickbar won't make the hidden ones work. This very likely won't increase dps btw, its just nice to have ig.

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On 11/10/2023 at 5:00 PM, LJ_Gibbs said:


2.  The bug that puts you blow the floor kills us a lot too.

How can you help?


the player on the floor targets another player and types in /follow

glad i could help.

and btw. r4 already got nerfed. it is more challenging to others, sure.
maybe izax comes closer. 
and to be honest, if you did tos/rav vet these days with your team,
i really don't know how you could fail at lady dom sm. both operations
have way more complicated bosses with way more dps needed.

i have done r4 with totally unexperienced players mostly without voicechat
and explained the mechanics they need to know. of course mistakes happend,
and maybe we got 2-3 wipes with a very unexpirienced group, but most of
the times we did it. and none of these players i would invite to a tos/rav hm raid.


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8 hours ago, fabsus said:

and to be honest, if you did tos/rav vet these days with your team,
i really don't know how you could fail at lady dom sm. both operations
have way more complicated bosses with way more dps needed.

There was a screenshot of the cheevos, they got tos/rav before 7.0, so probably 6.x with veteran egde stacks. Hardmodes were easier.  With 7.0 those stacks are gone, a lot of classes needed to be relearned, some class rotations even change with every class balance patch and we completely lost some important abilities since 7.0.

However if they did manage to kill MnB and Revan, they can most likely do the mechanics in sm R-4, so the only thing they need is more dps. 

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21 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

the only player you could be talking about is terssa, in some of his videos I am able to see that he misses MAJOR defensives of other people because he is looking at his quickbars, its painfully obvious because I saw both sides. Hell even I am missing it trying to follow his mouse.

That is PvP I suppose - different story. Boss fights are scripted, you do not need to see them for the most part. I was talking about people not making 20k in Lady Dom.

21 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Think about it like this, in 1400s nobody really believed the world was round, but that doesn't change the fact that it is and once you'd be in space seeing that the world is round only then it even starts crossing your mind that the believe might be wrong.

That is a myth. Actually the knowledge about the earth being round dates way back, the ancient Greek even had a pretty good understanding of the circumference by measuring the deviation of shadow angles at noon in two cities in Egypt.

Heliocentricity is maybe a different story.


Anyway - I have bound everything, even out of combat regen or mount. But I see clickers outperform me in operations, hence my remark about it not being the reason to fail in Ops.

Btw.: I still have to check my hud not to miss my priorities (be it glowing abilities or buff-tray).

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19 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

There was a screenshot of the cheevos, they got tos/rav before 7.0, so probably 6.x with veteran egde stacks. Hardmodes were easier.  With 7.0 those stacks are gone, a lot of classes needed to be relearned, some class rotations even change with every class balance patch and we completely lost some important abilities since 7.0.

However if they did manage to kill MnB and Revan, they can most likely do the mechanics in sm R-4, so the only thing they need is more dps. 

ah okay. that makes sense. during 6.x times you could do tos/rav vet with 4 players.

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On 11/12/2023 at 9:21 AM, ZUHFB said:

Everything that isn't using the mouse curser to use abilities, it is not possible to look at the entire screen while focusing on where the cursor is. The effects are that people die more frequently because they do not see circles in time. The other effect is that while high priority mechanics are going on a lot of DPS is lost. Lot's of people cannot accept these truths, I remember a time when I didn't either.

By the way, scripts are against the rules of the game, so don't use those :D

Ah, OK, just that. Heck, I've been doing that since I first started playing back in early 2013.

Why would anyone not use the hotbars? In a big fight with pixelvomit all over the screen, half the time I can't even find my cursor...

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3 hours ago, ElZaguero said:

Why would anyone not use the hotbars? In a big fight with pixelvomit all over the screen, half the time I can't even find my cursor...

I don't know, I starting keybinding years ago.
Figured ZUFHB was overdoing the 'keybind' posts, but from some of replies it seems there are some players doing PvP and HM PvE while clicking every ability.

HOW?  I admit to not keybinding absolutely every ability (not like you use sleep dart in combat anyway), but cannot fathom doing HM stuff without keybinding main abilities.

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