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37 minutes ago, Darev said:

I know someone like this.  Playing world of tanks he'll have no problem forking over his RL CC# to buy "gold rounds" for his tanks instead of "wasting time" grinding it out.  "I'm going to grind it out eventually, why not pay the $50, or whatever, to get it now?"   I don't know that there's anything really equivalent to that here in SWTOR, but the basic idea is "my time is worth more than what it costs to do it" is definitely there.

and while this particular person isn't "rich" in RL, there are "RICH" people who hire people to do stuff we take for granted and they rationalize it as they "make more money" doing something else in the time it takes to pay someone else to do it.

Funny that you should mention that. I just started playing 'Enlisted'. It's a WW2 FPS multiplayer mmo for free. I'm big into the European Theater of WW2, really just started because I developed a morbid fascination with Na*i Germany and because my Grandfather was a WW2 Veteran. So I'm really into all the Call of Duty/Medal of Honor games, but you can't really play them anymore unless you still have like PS2 or of the like and I don't have that anymore, and I got this really kick ass new Alienware Gaming computer, but you can't play those games on the new computers really which totally sucks. Only one I can play still is Medal of Honor: Airborne. But I miss this old games, so I saw Enlisted and it looked really good, FPS and all.

But unfortunately, it's one of those games, and I've been running into the same issue like you were describing with your friend who plays World of Tanks.

Enlisted is really cool, look wise, play wise, I love it, but you just can't stay alive. You got all these other players and they buy all the advancements, better weapons and all. I gotta run around most of the time using a carbine (Not even an M1 Carbine) and have to reload every shot, and they're spraying their MG-42's and automatic assault rifles all over the place. It's really really frustrating because you get so little play time before you get waxed.

These games, I get why they do it, it's great for making money, but, at the same time, I would personally rather pay a subscription fee and be able to have a fighting chance than play a free game with the options to buy better stuff with real life money, because it's too expensive.

I think they might end up making a good profit if they did it via subscription, because a lot of people try these games for free but than they get so frustrated they stop playing. If you're a regular joe, just trying to make ends meat, you really can't afford to go full in on games like that.

It must be fun for people who have the extra scratch to buy up the good stuff but at the same time, there can't really be much fulfillment out of it, because you know you're just owning a lot of the other people simply because you have the extra cash and they don't.  It's not a skill thing, you're not really beating anyone, your just spending more money than they can. I wouldn't want it that way anyways.

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12 hours ago, krackcommando said:

I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain.

How very mature of you. Grow up. Don't comment on my posts if you can't do it in civil way.


11 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

But Hypercrates don't give anyone things that make them more powerful right? Everything on the CM is cosmetic, it gives nobody an unfair advantage in stats or a tactical advantage correct?


Not directly. But hypercrates are used to convert real money to game money, and you just have to look at prices of augments and augment kits in GTN to see why people (especially new players) have to do it if they want to gear up.

I remember when purple  MK-10 augments were like 40-50k each - for years. You didn't have to craft them yourself, and even if you did, crafting was very cheap and simple. When crafting was destroyed in 6.0 a lot of casual crafters quit crafting (myself included) and the augment  market was left for bots and market manipulators. Mats prices skyrocketed too and it doesn't help that some mats for the golden augments are so expensive. The only way to bring down the prices is by lower the crafting costs. And make crafting simple and easy again, of course. It's a mess now.

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1 minute ago, JakRoanin said:

Which is why I think CM stuff shouldn't be available on the GTN or tradeable even if I do buy it from time to time, I'd be perfectly willing to stop. I primarily make credits by selling dyes and FP decos.

Yeah, but then they would have to give up on the surprise content. If someone uses cartel coins to get something shiny from CM, but they get something they never wanted or have already, and they can't get rid of it either, they're not gonna be happy.

So yeah, loot boxes would need to go and people need to be able to buy the exact item they want, I'd be fine with that.

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10 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

you can't really play them anymore unless you still have like PS2 or of the like and I don't have that anymore, and I got this really kick ass new Alienware Gaming computer, but you can't play those games on the new computers really which totally sucks

Is this one of those cases where you need to petition Ziggurat Interactive to acquire the rights and then fix up whatever prevents the games from running on modern PCs?  (More likely: modern versions of Windows...).  They have done that for a number of games, including Bloodrayne, and it works really well.

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3 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Is this one of those cases where you need to petition Ziggurat Interactive to acquire the rights and then fix up whatever prevents the games from running on modern PCs?  (More likely: modern versions of Windows...).  They have done that for a number of games, including Bloodrayne, and it works really well.

I'm no computer wiz by any means, you are far more well versed in that sort of thing than I am. I know how to use a computer, but I don't know any of the technical side of it.

I'm sure it could be done, in this day and age, we can go back and forth to the I.S.S., send rovers to Mars that can take pictures and video, sent probes to map out Venus and Pluto, so I'm fairly confident it would be possible to do.

I think that the problems rendering those old games on computers of the last handful of years, like you said have something to do with Microsoft Window's version, and DivX and possibly video cards.

I'm not sure when they say 'backwards compatible' on certain computer hardware, if they're actually all really backwards compatible going all the way back.

Like on some of the game requirements listed are Windows 2000/XP/Vista and I just got a new Alienware gaming computer and it has Windows 11.

I was able to play some of them when I had windows 7, but not all of them.( Mostly the early Medal of Honor/ Call of Duty games - Just the WW 2 ones.)

On my new computer, I have EA Pro and XBox Game passes so you can download tons of games and play them.

Medal of Honor: Airborne I have and can play that fine. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault/War Chest expansions, I was able to play Allied Assault for a little while, but than at a certain point it just crashes over and over again. I deleted it, re-downloaded it, ran compatibility/administrator, but no matter what I do, at that certain point (and it's early in the game) it just keeps crashing.

None of the other games I've been able to run.

I'm just hypothesizing here, of course,, I'm not a tech guy and there may be other things at play I am completely unaware of.

Sucks because I loved those games and I could play them over and over again and never get bored of them.

Oddly enough, I downloaded the original first Battlefront from, I think it was 2004, and that works fine, and that's another game I never get bored of playing.


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5 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I'm no computer wiz by any means, you are far more well versed in that sort of thing than I am. I know how to use a computer, but I don't know any of the technical side of it.

I don't know the specific details of *why* Bloodrayne didn't work on Windows 10, but it definitely didn't work.  I could watch the intro cinematic that plays when you launch the game, and then it locked up hard and had to be killed with Task Manager.  Ziggurat bought up the rights, found the original development team, and worked with them to fix up the incompatibilities, and the result (Bloodrayne Terminal Cut, a play on the name of the original studio) works just fine, although it's still 2001-era polygon counts and texture styles, which is a bit jarring on a UHD ("4K") screen...

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It's often spelled just "Touche" in English, but the proper French spelling is "Touché" with thé acuté accént on thé é.

While that is correct, those of us with English keyboards don't always have access to special characters, such as the French acute accent, the German Umlaut, or the Spanish upside down question mark.  

/'קרפם ןטאוםפן טוף דגכך עחעייזחלנבניין

Even trying to figure out how to type a language that goes from right to left on an English keyboard is confusing!

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alt-130. but yeah. memorizing alt codes is a pita and generally only done if you have to work in a foreign language on the kb. some comp windows don’t even accept alt codes so i end up copying them from word. no something to worry about on a pb though. 

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53 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

😄 you know it’s aline from ESB, right? 

A police interrupts an assault, where one guy is being attacked with an axe, and another guy is swinging it.

The guy with an axe chirps happily: "No worries, this is just an axe, it's used for chopping fire wood"

Guess what the police says:

a) "Oh, that's alright then, carry on"
b) "Drop the axe, now!"

I'll give you a hint: the correct answer is B.

If you use it as a personal attack, it's a personal attack. 

Sorry to hear you ran out of original lines.

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4 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

A police interrupts an assault, where one guy is being attacked with an axe, and another guy is swinging it.

The guy with an axe chirps happily: "No worries, this is just an axe, it's used for chopping fire wood"

Guess what the police says:

a) "Oh, that's alright then, carry on"
b) "Drop the axe, now!"

I'll give you a hint: the correct answer is B.

If you use it as a personal attack, it's a personal attack. 

Sorry to hear you ran out of original lines.

edit: thank you, mistress. I wouldn't want to axe you anything more.

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8 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Not directly. But hypercrates are used to convert real money to game money, and you just have to look at prices of augments and augment kits in GTN to see why people (especially new players) have to do it if they want to gear up.

I remember when purple  MK-10 augments were like 40-50k each - for years. You didn't have to craft them yourself, and even if you did, crafting was very cheap and simple. When crafting was destroyed in 6.0 a lot of casual crafters quit crafting (myself included) and the augment  market was left for bots and market manipulators. Mats prices skyrocketed too and it doesn't help that some mats for the golden augments are so expensive. The only way to bring down the prices is by lower the crafting costs. And make crafting simple and easy again, of course. It's a mess now.

You can run story mode operations and max out your tech frags in a few hours (which is the fastest way amongst many othets) and just buy the mats to make gold augs with tech frags. I've crafted a dps and tank set of gold augs that way, and I've crafted full sets of gold augs for friends too. Yes u can get them faster by buying hypercrates and then selling what you get, but it's not all that hard to do it the old fashioned way by playing the game.

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1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

I don't know the specific details of *why* Bloodrayne didn't work on Windows 10, but it definitely didn't work.  I could watch the intro cinematic that plays when you launch the game, and then it locked up hard and had to be killed with Task Manager.  Ziggurat bought up the rights, found the original development team, and worked with them to fix up the incompatibilities, and the result (Bloodrayne Terminal Cut, a play on the name of the original studio) works just fine, although it's still 2001-era polygon counts and texture styles, which is a bit jarring on a UHD ("4K") screen...

I wonder why they don't do that with other games.

There are so many classic games that people loved and would love to be able to play again after many years. They could very likely made a very nice profit by giving some other classic games the same treatment.

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2 hours ago, Samcuu said:

You can run story mode operations and max out your tech frags in a few hours (which is the fastest way amongst many othets) and just buy the mats to make gold augs with tech frags. I've crafted a dps and tank set of gold augs that way, and I've crafted full sets of gold augs for friends too. Yes u can get them faster by buying hypercrates and then selling what you get, but it's not all that hard to do it the old fashioned way by playing the game.

The keyword is faster. I wouldn't buy hypercrates to get credits for augments either, but I have an army of toons I can farm fragments with 24/7 if I want to. But new players with 1-2 characters don't have that luxury. If they want to gear up fast, they need to buy hypercrates to get credits and buy them. 

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29 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

The keyword is faster. I wouldn't buy hypercrates to get credits for augments either, but I have an army of toons I can farm fragments with 24/7 if I want to. But new players with 1-2 characters don't have that luxury. If they want to gear up fast, they need to buy hypercrates to get credits and buy them. 

If a newer player really enjoys the game they'll grind for whatever the highest gear level is. If it's a casual player then blue or purple augs are plenty to get them to where they need to be stat wise to play whatever content they want. You don't really need gold augs for anything unless you want to be completely min maxed for pvp or trying to clear r4 or hard mode ops. Purple is plenty to do most content in game, gold augs that cost 200m a pop are only a completionist thing for the hardcore player imo. 

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5 hours ago, Samcuu said:

You can run story mode operations and max out your tech frags in a few hours

You don't even have to do that. Most players Tech Frags have been maxed out for MONTHS. There is literally nothing to spend them on. So that's all BW gives you for a payout now. USELESS crap like Tech Frags or Deco's. Open Wounds pays out hundreds of USELESS Tech Frags that nobody wants or needs, and what ever credits they pay you, they promptly take away in the cost to simply play the game. Talk about destroying all the rewards. Now you get literally Nothing for doing the missions except a headache.

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20 minutes ago, denavin said:

You don't even have to do that. Most players Tech Frags have been maxed out for MONTHS. There is literally nothing to spend them on. So that's all BW gives you for a payout now. USELESS crap like Tech Frags or Deco's. Open Wounds pays out hundreds of USELESS Tech Frags that nobody wants or needs, and what ever credits they pay you, they promptly take away in the cost to simply play the game. Talk about destroying all the rewards. Now you get literally Nothing for doing the missions except a headache.

If ur crafting gold augs then tech frags are worth a lot tho. Even if ur not interested in gold augs buy the oems/rpms and make a lot of credits. 

Just so we are on the same page I'm talking about crafting a set of gold augs which you need over 500k tech frags to do. So yeah u need them if u want the highest rated augs. 

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16 minutes ago, denavin said:

You don't even have to do that. Most players Tech Frags have been maxed out for MONTHS. There is literally nothing to spend them on. So that's all BW gives you for a payout now. USELESS crap like Tech Frags or Deco's. Open Wounds pays out hundreds of USELESS Tech Frags that nobody wants or needs, and what ever credits they pay you, they promptly take away in the cost to simply play the game. Talk about destroying all the rewards. Now you get literally Nothing for doing the missions except a headache.

Aint it the ever-loving truth!!!!

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13 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I wonder why they don't do that with other games.

Probably the "buy the rights" part, especially for old EA games.  (Would EA *want* to participate in such a thing?)

13 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

There are so many classic games that people loved and would love to be able to play again after many years. They could very likely made a very nice profit by giving some other classic games the same treatment.

Yes, indeed, but that doesn't mean the current rights holders are willing to participate.  In some cases, it isn't even clear who the current rights holder even *is*, and it's entirely possible that e.g. the original source code was lost long ago, along with the original studio.

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1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Yes, indeed, but that doesn't mean the current rights holders are willing to participate.  In some cases, it isn't even clear who the current rights holder even *is*, and it's entirely possible that e.g. the original source code was lost long ago, along with the original studio.

Ohh man, I'd hate to think that so many classic games are lost to the Aether for all time. Some of those games were so much fun and have cult followings. I like to think that maybe someday, people like you who understand coding and how that stuff works, some enterprising person might realize the hidden potential in revisting some of those classic games, or even  possibly remakes of them with updated technology and superior graphics.

Fingers crossed. 🙏


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13 hours ago, Samcuu said:

If a newer player really enjoys the game they'll grind for whatever the highest gear level is. If it's a casual player then blue or purple augs are plenty to get them to where they need to be stat wise to play whatever content they want. You don't really need gold augs for anything unless you want to be completely min maxed for pvp or trying to clear r4 or hard mode ops. Purple is plenty to do most content in game, gold augs that cost 200m a pop are only a completionist thing for the hardcore player imo. 


 That's a big if. I know perfectly well what new players need and how they can get it without having to buy credits first, so I don't know why are you telling me this? This conversation started from someone saying CM only sells cosmetics and everything needed to gear up can be grinded. I said CM items are also used to convert real money into game money to gear up faster (augments and kits), especially by new players and you are seriously arguing about that? 

As long as gear can be purchased (augments, kits and R-4 tokens from sale runs) there will be wallet warriors. Trying to start an argument about how to get gear and what kind of gear different type of players need doesn't make wallet warriors go away. They are still there like it or not. 

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