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I uninstalled SWTOR


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I did it. I've been playing since January 2013, with a few small breaks in between, but the era is over. I noticed my D drive was getting a bit full and this game has now grown to ~50 GB, I haven't played in weeks, it was an easy decision tbh. 

I'll probably come back when they move over to broadsword. At the very least I'll come back to the forum. And I still have three low level characters i'd eventually like to finish. Honestly, even if it weren't for the sale, even if bioware weren't massively incompetent, I'd probably have left anyway, I've played the game out and then some.

Thanks for the good times, and please remember 

:rak_01: = Sarcasm tag

:rak_03: = trollface tag

:rak_02: = You don't say? tag

Text can be hard to convey tone, so use context clues like the above to indicate snark to other players.


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17 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

Even if space was no concern, why would I :rak_02:

I tried playing WOW once. I couldn't even make it past the starter area, the graphics were so God awful and corny I couldn't stand the strain on my eyes.

I for one hope you'll still be around from time to time at least.

P.S. At least no one asked for your stuff. :rak_01:

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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2 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I tried playing WOW once. I couldn't even make it past the starter area, the graphics were so God awful and corny I couldn't stand the strain on my eyes.

I know this is not the point of this topic really, but I am very curious about which race did you play if you happen to remember? I ask because all of them has different starting zones, some of them are quite nice, and some not as nice 😁

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I will not be uninstalling, but after I am done with the season, just need a couple more weeks to finish up on the three Euro servers, I will be dropping my subs (both) and spending my money on DDO.  Which, for the cost of 60-days sub here, $29.99 USD, I get 90-days sub there, and it sates my D&D appetite.

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I think that there's a lot of us that have (for any one of a number of reasons) have finally reached a point of disappointment and disillusionment that we've just finally decided that when out subs run out ... then that will be it.

As for WoW ...IMO it has a lot to do with the faction and the class that you play.

** A LOT of folks love the Rogue.  (I'm still trying to get use to it ...  and It's frustrating at times at best).
** a LOT of players enjoy casters (of any number of types/classes)
** And still others really enjoy the hunters. ( I have yet to try one ... even though I have the alt created I just haven't spent any time working it).
** And yet even others who are capable of selecting anyone of at least 3 or 4 and do quite well  (My granddaughter is one like this.  Crazy stuff).

Then there's the warrior class.  It's been my favorite class since I started playing that game a LONG time ago.  It still works the best for me!

Even so ...  I left WoW for several years (can't remember which expansion) ... and stayed gone until a couple months ago.  I rather suspect that is what will happen here!

@Ardrossan ... kind of sorry you've decided to bug out !!  But I totally understand.

Perhaps when the dust settles with the transfer of ownership things will work out for SWTOR.  (It's a stretch to actually think that might happen ... but .. well ... who knows).

Best of luck @Ardrossan .

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10 hours ago, Kristallia said:

I know this is not the point of this topic really, but I am very curious about which race did you play if you happen to remember? I ask because all of them has different starting zones, some of them are quite nice, and some not as nice 😁

It was quite a while ago but I believe it was an Orc Monk if memory serves.

I like Half-Orcs in AD&D/Pathfinder, but they didn't have any in WoW so I think I just went full Orc.

I never tried anything else so I can't speak for what other experiences might be, I just assumed the look and feel would be like that game wide.

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I get my swtor burnouts too, even uninstalled a couple times. Yet, it still find myself coming back here. Is because of Star Wars? because here i still have a guild that saves my stoons a spot? or maybe i just miss complaining about Devs in the forum? Hard to tell.


Well, i wish you the best and i'll miss your posts. If you do find a cool MMO that think could be your new game home, come back and tell us. If not and SWTOR still keeps your soul hostage, well we can all hope new Devs can surprise everyone in a good way,........right?


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8 hours ago, Balameb said:

I get my swtor burnouts too, even uninstalled a couple times. Yet, it still find myself coming back here. Is because of Star Wars? because here i still have a guild that saves my stoons a spot? or maybe i just miss complaining about Devs in the forum? Hard to tell.

This same happens to me also, I think its quite common :)

Often I change to WoW of FFXIV, and return to swtor after couple of months or so, I think playing one game for very long just gets boring for many and taking little break makes games feel fresh and interesting again.

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14 hours ago, Balameb said:

I get my swtor burnouts too, even uninstalled a couple times. Yet, it still find myself coming back here. Is because of Star Wars? because here i still have a guild that saves my stoons a spot? or maybe i just miss complaining about Devs in the forum? Hard to tell.


Well, i wish you the best and i'll miss your posts. If you do find a cool MMO that think could be your new game home, come back and tell us. If not and SWTOR still keeps your soul hostage, well we can all hope new Devs can surprise everyone in a good way,........right?


I mean, I can still complain about the devs on the forum anytime--very nice of them to allow preferred players to post here :rak_03:, I'm sure there's a few ex-players who subbed solely so they could complain.  


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22 minutes ago, Ardrossan said:

I mean, I can still complain about the devs on the forum anytime--very nice of them to allow preferred players to post here :rak_03:, I'm sure there's a few ex-players who subbed solely so they could complain.  


Maybe is their evil plan to keep us here and resub more often :rak_06:

Most times i unsubed i stoped paying close attention to things as i could no longer post (is frustrating to read and not being able to respond). But since the new forums, when i unsubed after season 3 i got to stay normally and end up playing and resubbing way earlier that i originally planned.

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I am close to the same idea, since I have been playing FFXIV since February and finally (yay!!!) convinced my boyfriend to come play with me, now we have one more guild member to convince and that will be when I unsub as no more reasons to hold on to a sub after that.

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I've been playing this game off and on since beta, breaks are important with any game. If burnout has finally caused you, or someone else to take a break, take it, this is a game, it's meant for entertainment, nothing more. The moment any game starts to feel like a job, I stop playing. I don't care about log-in rewards, I don't get the feeling of missing out on things, it's a game, simple as that. 

I'm sure you won't be the last one to take a break, notably during this transition period and people not sure of what's going to happen. Keith can sugarcoat this all he wants, but until there is actual proof, it's just PR.  

Take your break, play something else, there are quite a few really good MMO's out there without the EA brand on it.

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On 6/19/2023 at 1:52 AM, Ardrossan said:

I did it. I've been playing since January 2013, with a few small breaks in between, but the era is over. I noticed my D drive was getting a bit full and this game has now grown to ~50 GB, I haven't played in weeks, it was an easy decision tbh. 

I'll probably come back when they move over to broadsword. At the very least I'll come back to the forum. And I still have three low level characters i'd eventually like to finish. Honestly, even if it weren't for the sale, even if bioware weren't massively incompetent, I'd probably have left anyway, I've played the game out and then some.

Thanks for the good times, and please remember 

:rak_01: = Sarcasm tag

:rak_03: = trollface tag

:rak_02: = You don't say? tag

Text can be hard to convey tone, so use context clues like the above to indicate snark to other players.


Heh, I did not see this as of now. I know we did not always see things in the same light, but the irony being that we leave the game at the same time. As of a few hours ago, I posted my good bye. I hope you find fair winds and following seas elsewhere. Happy Hunting mate.

Edited by MortenJessen
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