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Is There No Challenging PvE at 25?


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To be fair, the current 7.2 content questline content is more challenging, but in the worst way possible. Too many mobs which literally spawn every few steps. Fights are boring, long and repetitive.

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On 5/27/2023 at 10:35 PM, Diamaht said:

You have to slow down your leveling to prevent overleveling

The one mechanic in SWTOR where I'll agree killing mobs easily gets boring is while trapped on a planet where one's story has not progressed to the point of acquiring one's personal starship so one can travel to harder zones. Those last few quests on Tython and DK I'm just sleepwalking through, space-barring my way through them, one, because I've done the class stories literally hundreds of timess so I'm not mentally engaged killing those mobs, and two, I'm jonesing for getting my planetary freedom.

I realize if people could wander elsewhere right after creating a character they'd never be forced to discover their class story, but I resent that on alts. If my legacy shows I've completely cleared a class story at least once, for all alts subsequently going through that class story, let me get my ship at level 1 and do whatever I want.

You can outgrow any game's content if you stand there long enough hitting mobs in one area, even with a given game's experience-to-level curve for hitting under-level mobs.  It's useful to experience the impact of over-leveling across games to get a better perspective how being over-level is SWTOR is handled actually quite well.

In Everquest 2, that curve is abrupt. Once your character is 10 levels above the surrounding mobs, those mobs provide zero experience. It's a mechanic to force players to move outward from lower zones to higher-level content and leave the lower zones for lower-level players rather than everyone crowding together in easy zones.

At least SWTOR provides a mechanic to keep killing stuff regardless of level, which, compared to some games, really takes the wind out of the sails of worrying about level.

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16 minutes ago, xordevoreaux said:

Once your character is 10 levels above the surrounding mobs, those mobs provide zero experience.

The equivalent mechanic in Allods Online is even more punitive.  The margin is only five levels, and once you pass it, killed mobs don't drop loot any more.  If you have a relevant open quest, you get the quest drops, but nothing else.

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3 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

Once your character is 10 levels above the surrounding mobs, those mobs provide zero experience.

This is how it used to be. Once you were 5 levels over, NPCs turned grey and provided a minuscule amount of XP.

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On 5/28/2023 at 1:55 PM, Ardrossan said:

wow, I didn't know you didn't get an HK after redoing the quest. I tried it recently but I had to stop at Taris after getting nowhere with the search. 

Oh, i loved the HK quest line. It really sucks the search part can't be avoided for Alts.

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The PVE side of SWToR is all about the story not the FIGHT. It is EASY MODE. It is not supposed to be hard nor difficult. The missions and all the mobs are supposed to be able to be completed and killed by the worst geared and lowest skilled players in the game. It is NOT designed for the HIGHEST geared RAID experienced players to find a challenge.

Without even knowing or seeing the OP, I can guess they are decked out in MAX gear with everything Boosted and with every perk a player can have and has a maxed out companion (which is always and only used for HEALS). Raids every week or more with their alts. Then comes here an whines that the game is too easy. But that is just speculation.

HINT: don't wear the maxed out gear and use a healer companion. Use the GREEN garbage non raiders have and a DPS or TANK companion instead. Using a HEALER companion is self imposed EASY MODE.

PVE is not "too easy", in higher levels, unless you are totally decked out in BIS gear the mobs do 10x more damage to the player than the player can do to the mobs. Mobs also have very CC there is and can use them every few seconds. Where the player, if they have any CC's can only use them once every 15 to 30 seconds per fight. And the player can get swarmed by 8 to 10 mobs at a time in many scenarios making survival for squishy classes extremely difficult to do.

The main thing is that "STORY Mode PVE is supposed to be EASY Mode PVE".

NEWS FLASH: Being DEAD all the time, IS NOT FUN!

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On 5/27/2023 at 7:52 PM, Ardrossan said:

It's pretty clear you've done none of the strategies that I or @DWho have suggested if that's what you're taking from it. It's easy to maintain the same opinion when you just don't bother reading anything that disagrees with your own, huh?

You can also close your eyes or chop your arms off to make the game more difficult. Those are good advices too

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3 hours ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

You can also close your eyes or chop your arms off to make the game more difficult. Those are good advices too

Yes, maiming yourself over a video game is always good advice and I highly recommend it. Naturally, as I am typing this, neither my eyes are closed, nor have I chopped my arms off, so I can't speak from experience.


Not everyone has been playing the game for years and years and everyone was new at one point and that was the content that everyone who is new starts with. That being said, this is actually pretty simple, at least from my POV at any rate, and I would think it blatantly obvious.

Crawl. Walk. Run.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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7 hours ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

You can also close your eyes or chop your arms off to make the game more difficult. Those are good advices too

Here I thought you were merely the voice of ranked pvp (such a shame it's gone :rak_03:) and nightmare raiding (lol ditto) but I see you're also something of an expert in histrionic forum melodrama too. Maybe we could start our own guild :rak_02:

You and anyone else are free to ignore the good, well-meaning advice offered by people who have been playing this game and trying to find strategies to make up our own difficulty for vanilla combat in ways that feel satisfying to us. As I observed before, I'm sure it is also a kind of satisfaction to complain on the forum until bioware deigns to notice you :rak_01:

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40 minutes ago, Ardrossan said:

Here I thought you were merely the voice of ranked pvp (such a shame it's gone :rak_03:) and nightmare raiding (lol ditto) but I see you're also something of an expert in histrionic forum melodrama too. Maybe we could start our own guild :rak_02:

You and anyone else are free to ignore the good, well-meaning advice offered by people who have been playing this game and trying to find strategies to make up our own difficulty for vanilla combat in ways that feel satisfying to us. As I observed before, I'm sure it is also a kind of satisfaction to complain on the forum until bioware deigns to notice you :rak_01:

Advice that encourages ways to ignore and sweep under the rug a bad gameplay experience that helps lead to the decline of the game is not well-meaning.

If you believe the game difficulty is an issue that requires cumbersome steps to skirt around (and you clearly do) then stand up for something better.

Edited by Diamaht
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20 minutes ago, Diamaht said:

Advice that encourages ways to ignore and sweep under the rug a bad gameplay experience that helps lead to the decline of the game is not well-meaning.

If you believe the game difficulty is an issue that requires cumbersome steps to skirt around (and you clearly do) then stand up for something better.

 If you don't like the game as it is, you are free to make suggestions to bioware. And bioware is free to ignore you[1].  And you are free to leave the game. And they allow you to do so. And this entire transactional experience has absolutely nothing to do with what forum randos may say. 

[1] You are here :rak_03:

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1 hour ago, Ardrossan said:

 If you don't like the game as it is, you are free to make suggestions to bioware. And bioware is free to ignore you[1].  And you are free to leave the game. And they allow you to do so. And this entire transactional experience has absolutely nothing to do with what forum randos may say. 

[1] You are here :rak_03:

You not so cleverly suggest that people leave forever in all of your responces to posts you don't like.  What are you so afraid of?

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11 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

Here I thought you were merely the voice of ranked pvp (such a shame it's gone :rak_03:) and nightmare raiding (lol ditto) but I see you're also something of an expert in histrionic forum melodrama too. Maybe we could start our own guild :rak_02:

You and anyone else are free to ignore the good, well-meaning advice offered by people who have been playing this game and trying to find strategies to make up our own difficulty for vanilla combat in ways that feel satisfying to us. As I observed before, I'm sure it is also a kind of satisfaction to complain on the forum until bioware deigns to notice you :rak_01:

Having to handicap yourself in a game to make it any sort of entertaining is bad game designe, period. First people were saying no one said the game was too easy, despite forum and reddit being filled with those post, and now a post about it just a few days ago about how boring and mind-numbing it is.  

I do not like pvp nor i do pvp, but imagine someone trying to mock about how the game you play is reducing the content it has every patch, it's laughable and shortsighted. 

I haven't logged to the game for almost a month when the 5 teams i was in were cancelled after r4 announcement. But it's still amusing coming into forum to read the crazy talk some people do

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10 hours ago, Diamaht said:

Advice that encourages ways to ignore and sweep under the rug a bad gameplay experience that helps lead to the decline of the game is not well-meaning.

If you believe the game difficulty is an issue that requires cumbersome steps to skirt around (and you clearly do) then stand up for something better.

You think it's cumbersome to click companion portrait -> set to anything but heal stance?

How do you handle the cumbersome task of keybinding abilities without passing out?

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well, there's even a seasonal goal (it has popped up other weeks as well) this week called "still got it". Requires you to kill x amount of mobs without your companion summoned. They don't specify level. So, I think they are aware that you can outclass your opponents, especially on lower level planets.  I usually do this mission by running thru the heroic on the starter planet without companion. 

That said, this is much easier to do these days than when I first started. In 2013 I distinctly remember dying to the quest from the lady inquisitioner with the skulls and pool of blood on Korriban when I tried to do it without companion - I hadn't gotten Khem yet (this was at level 9 or 10, we didn't advance levels so fast back then either).

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