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Why are players that are asking about new content in the stream getting banned?


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The stream is supposed to update the community about upcoming content and changes yet people that are asking about new nightmare mode for the R4 Anomaly operation are getting banned from the chat, this is an absolute fiasco. I am a casual player and I don't even do ops much but the fact that they actively deleted and gave 30 minute cooldown to every single person that asked about content is atrocious. Is this how you are supposed to communicate with players? If you do not want the community to voice what they want what is the point of making community streams in the first place? The fact that this content was promised over a year ago makes it worse...

Edited by Gelilk
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Because the devs are too unprofessional to address the chat and say we see your questions and we will have more info in a later update. Instead they ban people left and right, Imagine being the only company in a twitch live stream to ban your player base for asking actual non troll questions about your game in terms of content. Good job Eric 10 years later you've only killed the player base with your brilliant ideas to pve and PVP. One more server merge to cut costs with the AWS servers incoming. 

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Yeah whoever moderated that stream should take a hard look at what censorship means. You can't just outright refuse a statement on a promise you made to a paying community. It is really not that high of a bar, also whoever says r4 spam clearly didn't pay attention to what actually happened. Even properly phrased questions were just straight up banned and that from a company based in country that prides itself on freedom of speech. Can't really get more ironic than that.

Also before anyone jumps on that, the words "r4 nim" are not abuse of any sort, no one was insulted or targeted. Just blatant ignorance.

Edited by Finnafa
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One of the worst steps they could have taken is what they did, to silence paying customers. If this game didn't have the name it has it would have shut down years ago, yet they still do not take advantage of the massive IP star wars is after years of continuing failure.
Bioware made great story games, but you can't focus a mmo on story, a mmo thrives on group content and fun gameplay which this game sorely lacks because they decided to make everything health sponges that just stand still or in some cases stun/ push you. 


Bioware NEEDS to address what they promised to their paying customers and at least give an update, if its still being worked on or has been discarded so i can finally move to a mmo that knows that group content and gameplay is important and not an afterthought. 

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3 minutes ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

o i can finally move to a mmo that knows that group content and gameplay is important and not an afterthought. 

I mean, you already know what the content release cadence for this game is like.

And you know where their development priorities are.

And you know that nim isn't coming any time soon.

Why not just... move on, like you want to, instead of raging on the forum, my man?

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Just now, jedimasterjac said:

I mean, you already know what the content release cadence for this game is like.

And you know where their development priorities are.

And you know that nim isn't coming any time soon.

Why not just... move on, like you want to, instead of raging on the forum, my man?

You call raging on the forums about something the devs said would be released in early 2022 and no news yet and devs banning people asking about it raging? 

You must love to waste your money on empty promises. I have a website you will love then, is called kickstarter, go to games and go at it, enjoy wasting your money  

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7 minutes ago, jedimasterjac said:

I mean, you already know what the content release cadence for this game is like.

And you know where their development priorities are.

And you know that nim isn't coming any time soon.

Why not just... move on, like you want to, instead of raging on the forum, my man?

I mean it is counterproductive to just say quit the game to someone voicing their opinion and telling the devs to be more transparent about broken promises instead of BANNING people for asking questions...

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2 minutes ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

You call raging on the forums about something the devs said would be released in early 2022 and no news yet and devs banning people asking about it raging? 

I'm saying that you're banging your head against the wall. If you're just extolling how miserable you are, just drop your sub and play something else. I'm not saying it's an invalid criticism - they promised nim and haven't delivered and the fact they're not saying anything is ridiculous.

But I sub to the game knowing full well what the release cadence is, what the devs do, and what to expect. I've made my peace and I pay because I enjoy what I do have. But I unsub when I'm not having fun! And I think you should, too.

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Just now, Gelilk said:

I mean it is counterproductive to just say quit the game to someone voicing their opinion and telling the devs to be more transparent

He's explicitly saying he wants to quit because the game isn't focused on group raiding content, knowing full well it never has been and is never going to be. I'm telling him to quit because this game is never going to be what he wants; I'm not telling him to quit because he's voicing his opinion or because the devs need to be more transparent.

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6 minutes ago, jedimasterjac said:

I'm saying that you're banging your head against the wall. If you're just extolling how miserable you are, just drop your sub and play something else. I'm not saying it's an invalid criticism - they promised nim and haven't delivered and the fact they're not saying anything is ridiculous.

But I sub to the game knowing full well what the release cadence is, what the devs do, and what to expect. I've made my peace and I pay because I enjoy what I do have. But I unsub when I'm not having fun! And I think you should, too.

I am well aware of the content cadence, i had no issue waiting till now 1 year and a half later of what they said they would and without an update about it. And i was actually happy that they did 64 bit and gave me the impression the devs cared.
But there is a difference between content cadence and treating your paying costumers like this with promises and not only not delivering their promises but outright silencing people when asked about it

Edited by xxSHOONYxx
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1 minute ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

I am well aware of the content cadence, i had no issue waiting till now 1 year and a half later of what they said they would. And i was actually happy that they did 64 bit and gave me the impression the devs cared.
But there is a difference between content cadence and treating your paying costumers like this with promises and not only not delivering their promises but outright silencing people when asked about it

I understand better where you’re coming from. Sorry for the abrasive ness. 

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33 minutes ago, jedimasterjac said:

I mean, you already know what the content release cadence for this game is like.

And you know where their development priorities are.

And you know that nim isn't coming any time soon.

Why not just... move on, like you want to, instead of raging on the forum, my man?

People are disgusted with the behavior of the devs/mods on the live stream when people were asking legit questions and getting banned. There's no excuse for that sorry. 

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People asking questions about what's going on with certain content definitely shouldn't be getting a timeout/ban. Would it really have bothered them to just answer the question? Like do some damage control or something. Either say we're presently still working on it with no release date, or we're moving in a different direction. But to outright silence people on Twitch is so unprofessional and really concerning for the health of this game we all love.

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I agree. I think that it is important that the devs acknowledge that this a very low effort attempt to avoid talking about something embarrassing. They promised some content by a certain date, which has come and gone. While that alone is frustrating, and not all together surprising, I think their damage control plan of "head in the sand and ban people for mentioning it" makes things 100x worse. 

Even if they don't have a plan internally for if/when it is going to release, they should be able to do better than ignoring the community completely. eg. "We know people are eager to hear about Master Mode R4, and as soon as we have a plan we're ready to share you'll be the first to know". Something that is essentially nothing is better than punishing the community for asking questions.

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Yet another display of incompetence and unprofessionalism. It's not even sad, it's just pathetic at this point. People have stayed with you and your game for a decade despite you constantly overpromising and not delivering even a bit of what you've said. I'm not even gonna talk about the "Anniversary year of content", we all know how that went. But hey, as someone not very wise said: "There is more and more to come", right?
You people need to get in touch with your playerbase, regarless of how you feel about hardcore pvpers, NiM raiders or any other type of players, these are all paying customers who deserve to be heard, not banned or timed out becuase of mentioning YOUR unfulfilled promise. Noone expects you to do anything good at this point, you've ruined a game with one of the highest budgets ever. But this just brings it all to a whole new level of awful.
Also, it wasn't even a bot autobanning people, this was manually done by someone. Shame on you, you are disgusting and doing a very bad job at "managing your community".

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All the devs had to do was say "we aren't ready to talk about master mode R4" and that would have sufficed. I didn't realize people were being timed out (or that I was timed out) for asking about R4 during the stream until I saw a message get deleted. What is the point of live streams if you won't allow us to ask relevant questions about game content? Not a good look BioWare. Perhaps for the next live stream, the community manager could provide us with a list of things we aren't allowed to ask about in order to avoid consequential moderation.

Edited by jiati
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i mean there are dozent of better ways to moderate a twitch chat,
but you could have seen it since the beginning, that they don't get the vibe of the plattform at all.
and in the end it is their channel and if they decide that they don't wanna have that topic in the chat,
they can do whatever they want to stop it. it's up to us to draw conclusions from this, or not.

in prior streams they interacted with the chat. in the last streams, they did not at all. so maybe everything
was pre-recorded but it was a live pre-recording. and that is fine, too. in the past we had more technical
issues and that's the best way to get around it. 
that could be one explanation why they wanted to purge every r4 comment, because they couldn't answer it.
also even if they would comment on it, they question would come up again and again, because people
came late in the stream. in europe it was a real bad time for doing the stream, because many were in an operation.

also a strict moderation is nothing new in here or the stream. you could set up a crawler to copy the forums and
mark changes or deleted topics. maybe it will open up some eyes on that. but also here you have plenty of room for
some criticism, compared to other dev forums. however, it has always been a red flag to present their own testimony to them.

and even if you link videos, with the exact timestamp to prove your point with official swtor sources, do all the work to
make you point of view clear and just asking for some information, you may get warned and your comment will be deleted.
that's also a reason, why people just tend to ask: R4 NIM WHEN? 
simple question, simple answer, easy to timeout. 

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I wonder whether the devs would comment on this post or will they systematically ignore it as well...

There is an obvious demand for answers from the playerbase and you can't just let it go away by ignoring it or deleting it to create a "positive bubble".

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Devs really need to address this at some point one way or another. If we were in a "NiM Gods" situation where it was originally not going to happen then yeah, no reason to confirm what was already said. But as of now what they already said isn't clear. Is said content just indefinitely delayed, being worked on, or full on cancelled.

Unlike the last time where they timed people out for mentioning a certain boss that was on PTS but was removed, this is content that they haven't de-confirmed yet, so it makes sense people will ask about it, either in a form of excitement for future content or a query on it's status.

@CommunityTeam Any clarification would be appreciated on this.

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