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Less Mandalorian Armor, More for Other Classes


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We have a ton of 'new' Mandalorian sets that have been put in the game at this point, with 'new' being armor with up-to-date textures, designs not previously attempted in past years. They are great and appreciated. 

But it would be preferred to also see armors made for Force users and the other Tech classes introduced - i.e. 'new' smuggler, agent, and trooper sets. 

Also, still waiting for Cassian Andor's blaster from the series. I thought that weapon was a given while watching it!

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While I do agree that there's been more Mando sets than other types lately, I'm still hoping for a Bo-Katan one honestly. I love her armour in the Mandalorian series and wish they would adapt it in the game. 

Would love to see some new sets for non-Force users like Troopers, Agents, and Smugglers.

Cassian's blaster is the same as Dash Rendar's I think. I thought the BP-4 Vigilance Pistol was a version close to his blaster.

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Called me biased towards the Mandalorians or whatever, but not for nothing there are already a gazillion force sensitivesque armors already in game. Let the "Mandos" get some love already, jees. The phase will die out soon enough and the game will continue to focus on force sensitives as always.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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  • 3 weeks later...

There can never be enough Mandalorian sets. Heck, I think they should go back and remaster/remake some of the old ones with new or better models. That being said, I never mind force users and other classes getting new sets. Personally I think the trooper should get a Republic Commando themed set. (though that is still mandalorian-ish haha)

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19 hours ago, sundancebill said:

And the armour for agents looks dorky. 

For most of the class story(0) (possible exception: Corellia) (possible exception: parts of Dromund Kaas) (subtle exception: Hutta(1)), the Agent should be wearing, well, clothes.  Just clothes,.  Not any sort of uniform, but the kind of duds that ordinary citizens wear.

(0) For RP purposes outside of the story, anything goes.

(1) You're supposed to be inflitrating an organisation that you want to subvert to the Empire, so you mustn't wear any sort of Imperial uniform, but you're provided with a specific alias whose armour *is* available from the CM sometimes.  You should at least *consider* getting hold of a copy and wearing it at that point.

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On 4/25/2023 at 7:20 AM, arunav said:

Also, still waiting for Cassian Andor's blaster from the series. I thought that weapon was a given while watching it!

Well Cassian's blaster and set will be out in 7.3 so the wait for that will be relatively short. That said the CM trends has been coinciding with the Dis+ shows (albeit delayed) So I can only imagine once Ashoka hits we'll see some force user love there in the form of sabers and sets (and not just Ashoka's). Not to mention possibly a certain Twi'lik Captain, Mando, and possibly a certain someone's updated Imperial uniform?

Can't wait 😉

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Please understand that I know where you're coming from and agree. But what you have to understand is when this game was released. Bioware advertised this game for the casuals - you know, the people with the money, not the hardcore minority where games made for them go free-to-play or die.

When they launched this game, Bioware Austin did a bait and switch. This game was almost impossible to solo, and they catered to the lowest common denominator, the Hardcore Minority - a group of people who don't matter because games for them end up dying or going free-to-play.

Bioware Austin literally invited DKP Guilds from SWG to an all-expenses-paid event, promising them there would be no flashpoint finder and they would work hard to make this game more challenging. After this, two million people left, the game went free-to-play, and Bioware Austin's leadership was fired.

This game is a huge improvement from launch but it's still stuck in the past, catering to the hardcore minority. There's no console port and no gamepad support, which means the audience for this game is thinning out since normal gamers, not masochists like the Hardcore Minority, tend to bring the cash.

Right now, because of the popularity of the Mandalorian TV Series, what EA Austin is doing is trying to cater to and make money from people who are willing to give this game a chance despite all the handicaps this game has. Even though this game is casual-friendly, it's casual-friendly in the way it should have been back in 2011.

If the development team really wanted to make money, they could upgrade the graphics engine (again), add gamepad support, and launch the game on consoles. Again, what the hardcore minority thinks is irrelevant because they are irrelevant.

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On 5/24/2023 at 11:44 AM, TyrFoge said:

Well Cassian's blaster and set will be out in 7.3 so the wait for that will be relatively short. That said the CM trends has been coinciding with the Dis+ shows (albeit delayed) So I can only imagine once Ashoka hits we'll see some force user love there in the form of sabers and sets (and not just Ashoka's). Not to mention possibly a certain Twi'lik Captain, Mando, and possibly a certain someone's updated Imperial uniform?

Can't wait 😉

The delayed piece is a let down. In the case of andor at least will be less than 1 year late. For the first mando series inspired content we had to wait until season 2 before swtor released something 🙁

Let's hope we don't have to wait long for ashoka inspired content. Specially considering that lots of what people's ask for it is not exactly new, we saw most of it since rebels.

I'm not a big cash spender, but I would pay top CCs for her sabers and would even consider a new astromech companion (not pet) with an atitude problem.


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