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Premades Are Destroying The Queue Again As Per Usual


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25 minutes ago, Sappharan said:

I am reading such wildly differing accounts I do not know what to believe.  More and more I am glad my subscription runs out in april.

And you can still play pvp if you want to without the sub now 😉

BioWare are going to find out the hard way that the dedicated solo pvpers who paid a sub are going to stop paying until they start listening to what we want from the game. 

One thing BioWare could do is restrict preferred & F2P from grouping in pvp. Making it a sub only benefit. Then they’ll be able to see if it’s their paying customers who prefer premades or their non paying customers. 

My guess is a large amount of people grouping aren’t paying subs. But that’s just a guess. I wonder if BioWare have even bothered to look at that data now that F2P have unlimited PvP access 🤷🏻‍♀️

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13 hours ago, sithBracer said:

Problem is that the average player playing right now is just really really really bad, so anyone who is remotely decent can run over them.

this rings true. there are the occasional premade. but I've seen maybe two full grps (4m), and none of them were trinity. there was a meme kill squad of 3 APs that made me roll my eyes when I saw them in 2 or 3 matches really late into the night where there was only the one match at a time.

but in general, the frustration is

  • tanks being treated as the equivalent of heals
  • tanks that don't guard
  • that 1 or 2 dudes in 304 or less gear who is an instant kill on your team (or the other team)
  • oh! and that rare game where I'm getting focused down by 2-3 dps, get zero heals, complain about it, and the mando healer says he was cc'd the whole time. meanwhile, my conc is on CD b/c I'm constantly CCing healer and dps. like...no. find away. the other healer is doing 3x the hps as you.

I've lost to and defeated many 2m premades with a team full of solos. in fact, I've lost to and beaten the same 2m premades with a team full of solos. there are decent number of 2m grps. I don't blame them. gives a person confidence, and it's more fun with a friend. not a lot of abuse at all in arenas on SF. WZs are just...as dumb as they've ever been. same ppl ignoring objectives. same incompetent players screaming at others about map and game mechanics that they do not themselves understand.

I've been in multiple matches where someone complains that the other team has a premade (it's literally 2m). like I was on one team with a 2m healer + dps. the match itself was trinity on both sides. after the match, the guy on the other team starts talking about how unfair it is that we were a premade, and he might've won if they weren't. it was 2m. a merc heals and lethality op. iunno. I just don't know. our team would have been trounced by half a dozen pug teams I played on or against just that night. but the dude sees two ppl queued together and he thinks the game is rigged against him.

on the other hand, there were these two ops queued together last night. I know one was concealment, not sure about the other. anyway, I played with and against them a couple times. we won the games they were on my team. and we split at least 2 games that they were on the other team. during the loss, this dude on my team (who couldn't stop talking the whole match) raged after dying in rnd 2 complaining that we had to fight a premade. I said "it's just 2m," and he said something like "even 2m is too much. they should be in their own queue!" gawd. i wanted to pick his binky off the floor and stuff it back in his mouth. what is with ppl?

the thing I love about arenas is they're quick. or they should be (when ppl queue). and at least on SF, it's not at all a series of premade meme spec kill squads. I've seen like one of those in 3 days of queuing and maybe 1 full trinity premade. like it hurts so much to get rolled once or twice. don't get me wrong. i'm happy to stuck it if I see 4 great ppl on the other side, and I have the aforementioned 260 geared sin tank. but I'm not angry about it. and if I do get annoyed (like there's a group of 3 APs stepping on ppl late night), I"ll just hop in the WZ queue.

this game ain't hard. it just lacks life. there's no stakes. there's no prize. there's just "meh. that's done. moving on." iunno. whatever.

Edited by krackcommando
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On 3/30/2023 at 12:10 AM, Sappharan said:

Speculative, but I believe they just told us something without actually DOING anything.  That is, the "priority" of the queue that they informed us would be changed from low wait times to matching premade versus premade...wasn't changed.

"Made adjustments to matchmaking to make it more likely that large groups are matched up against each other."

I'm thinking "large groups" means a group of 6 or more. So anything smaller does not effect matchmaking at all.

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2 hours ago, krackcommando said:

this rings true. there are the occasional premade. but I've seen maybe two full grps (4m), and none of them were trinity. there was a meme kill squad of 3 APs that made me roll my eyes when I saw them in 2 or 3 matches really late into the night where there was only the one match at a time.

but in general, the frustration is

  • tanks being treated as the equivalent of heals
  • tanks that don't guard
  • that 1 or 2 dudes in 304 or less gear who is an instant kill on your team (or the other team)
  • oh! and that rare game where I'm getting focused down by 2-3 dps, get zero heals, complain about it, and the mando healer says he was cc'd the whole time. meanwhile, my conc is on CD b/c I'm constantly CCing healer and dps. like...no. find away. the other healer is doing 3x the hps as you.

I've lost to and defeated many 2m premades with a team full of solos. in fact, I've lost to and beaten the same 2m premades with a team full of solos. there are decent number of 2m grps. I don't blame them. gives a person confidence, and it's more fun with a friend. not a lot of abuse at all in arenas on SF. WZs are just...as dumb as they've ever been. same ppl ignoring objectives. same incompetent players screaming at others about map and game mechanics that they do not themselves understand.

I've been in multiple matches where someone complains that the other team has a premade (it's literally 2m). like I was on one team with a 2m healer + dps. the match itself was trinity on both sides. after the match, the guy on the other team starts talking about how unfair it is that we were a premade, and he might've won if they weren't. it was 2m. a merc heals and lethality op. iunno. I just don't know. our team would have been trounced by half a dozen pug teams I played on or against just that night. but the dude sees two ppl queued together and he thinks the game is rigged against him.

on the other hand, there were these two ops queued together last night. I know one was concealment, not sure about the other. anyway, I played with and against them a couple times. we won the games they were on my team. and we split at least 2 games that they were on the other team. during the loss, this dude on my team (who couldn't stop talking the whole match) raged after dying in rnd 2 complaining that we had to fight a premade. I said "it's just 2m," and he said something like "even 2m is too much. they should be in their own queue!" gawd. i wanted to pick his binky off the floor and stuff it back in his mouth. what is with ppl?

the thing I love about arenas is they're quick. or they should be (when ppl queue). and at least on SF, it's not at all a series of premade meme spec kill squads. I've seen like one of those in 3 days of queuing and maybe 1 full trinity premade. like it hurts so much to get rolled once or twice. don't get me wrong. i'm happy to stuck it if I see 4 great ppl on the other side, and I have the aforementioned 260 geared sin tank. but I'm not angry about it. and if I do get annoyed (like there's a group of 3 APs stepping on ppl late night), I"ll just hop in the WZ queue.

this game ain't hard. it just lacks life. there's no stakes. there's no prize. there's just "meh. that's done. moving on." iunno. whatever.

2 man Premades aren’t a problem, not even in Arena. The only reason I’ve ever suggested they be in a seperate queue is to make it easier for BioWare to split the queue up & have it properly defined. Otherwise where do you draw the line? 

I do actually agree with nearly everything you’ve said in this post. 2 man premades aren’t a problem & never have been. But I do still think 4 man+ sizes is when you start getting issues in arena & WZ’s if you’re a solo player.

If BioWare can’t get the matchmaking to work better for dedicated solo players & they won’t split the queue, there is an alternative they could offer that still gives the players a choice.

Like allowing players to choose if they want to be mixed together as solo & premades for faster pops or to wait until the queue can make either a solo only or premade only match (depending on what you choose). 

That way people who may only want solo vs solo or premade vs premade can choose to potentially wait a little longer for pops if those are the matches they only want to play. And everyone else can just take whatever pops the fastest for them, solo, premade & mixed. 

So when you queue you could tick a box that says solo only or premade only or leave it blank as the default for mixed. And mixed would theoretically pop the fastest because there would be no special restrictions queuing up that way. 

During low volume times the queue could even warn that selecting solo or premade only will have a much higher average wait time. Then ask “do you really want to wait or would you prefer to go mixed”. If BioWare actually showed what the wait average times were, players would have more agency & feel less agro about the situation. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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8 hours ago, AwesomeTacoCat said:

It’s just idiosyncratic experiences. Sometimes there are premades in que steamrolling everyone sometimes there aren’t. And probably to varying degrees on different servers. 


So far on DM server I have observed that the worst situation is on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday prime time (from 7-9 pm) but sometimes they put up premades much later from 11 pm to 1 am.

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Got like 4 days left on my subscription.  What did it for me was went I read premades get away with F2p. I was like Nah screwed these developers. 

If you pay month to month that comes around $192 a year worth of subscription for this game along.  After the original design game didn't follow through with any significant content. Game repetitive and boring. No offense to anyone. On top of it we the majority got to put-up with premades because developers decide that's how is going to be. Phrrr

Doubt this game is ever going to make a comeback. Not with the type of mentality that is in charge of this game.

Anyways, gamers come and go. Hope you all have a good one. Take care of yourself out there 


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10 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I do actually agree with nearly everything you’ve said in this post. 2 man premades aren’t a problem & never have been. But I do still think 4 man+ sizes is when you start getting issues in arena & WZ’s if you’re a solo player.

anecdotal, but I think ~60-70% of the time that there was a premade on one side, there was another on my team who just DMed at mid. the premades weren't always the same size, but there did seem to be a kind of elo equality. they never play or help to win HB on any of the three maps though. so unless you're a tank or stealth, you kinda have to just join the DM, afk, or eat a deserter debuff. it's really frustrating, particularly b/c I'm still trying to collect resources for gear, so winning is 3x more valuable than losing to me. when I have full 4 sets of implants to pick and choose from and all my gold augs, then maybe I'll not care at all, but atm...yeah. it's just the most annoying thing. followed by the tryhard who doesn't actually know what he's doing screaming "get orbs" while the other team is farming you 4:1 because some fool is running orbs one at a time instead of healing, swapping guard, or fighting over pylons. just...so...dumb.

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3 hours ago, krackcommando said:

anecdotal, but I think ~60-70% of the time that there was a premade on one side, there was another on my team who just DMed at mid. the premades weren't always the same size, but there did seem to be a kind of elo equality. they never play or help to win HB on any of the three maps though. so unless you're a tank or stealth, you kinda have to just join the DM, afk, or eat a deserter debuff. it's really frustrating, particularly b/c I'm still trying to collect resources for gear, so winning is 3x more valuable than losing to me. when I have full 4 sets of implants to pick and choose from and all my gold augs, then maybe I'll not care at all, but atm...yeah. it's just the most annoying thing. followed by the tryhard who doesn't actually know what he's doing screaming "get orbs" while the other team is farming you 4:1 because some fool is running orbs one at a time instead of healing, swapping guard, or fighting over pylons. just...so...dumb.

You do want to get energy if possible even if you aren't turning them in. It stops the enemy team from grabbing any. I have seen people standing there after mid is clear doing nothing, then they get distracted, charge an enemy and an enemy stealth comes up take the energy and turns it in.

If you are a stealth you can take the energy, stealth, this removes the energy buff, take another energy, stealth, repeat.

I have done this when my team isn't bothering to run energy or stop enemies from taking them. Then I'll turn in the last energy and return.

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14 minutes ago, remylion said:

You do want to get energy if possible even if you aren't turning them in. It stops the enemy team from grabbing any. I have seen people standing there after mid is clear doing nothing, then they get distracted, charge an enemy and an enemy stealth comes up take the energy and turns it in.

two things:

  1. the game is won or lost at the pylons. you send everyone you have to both pylons. decide what you need to stall and take the other one. nobody is going to ninja a pylon unless you do stupid crap like try to fight over orbs. orbs are a red herring. any team that can control mid and farm orbs doesn't need to farm orbs. stopping another team from farming orbs is irrelevant when there's no pylon to deposit them in AND if you're giving up kills 2, 3, and 4 to 1, those orbs are a losing proposition. the number of players trying to run orbs in the middle of a fight is mind-numbing.
  2. the absolute last thing a support spec should be doing is running orbs. send a tank and healer to the off pylon. cap yours. then send dps to support them. gg. if you cannot win doing that, then you have a decidedly weaker team, and just like capping nodes behind a kill squad ignoring objectives, you have to resort to crap like ninja nodes and sneaking orbs and rotating cap.


TL; DR: the only time fighting or farming or orbs have anything to do with winning is when the other team doesn't know what they're doing.

fwiw, I fight at mid all the time. I'm not wasting my "breath" telling randos how to play, and most of them look like imbeciles yelling at the team when a bunch of pugs don't do what they say.

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I just thinking its funny how all of sudden this is such a massive issue. Like solo's and premades have always been in the same queue. And the chance of running into a full 6-8 player premade is pretty rare. I feel alot of players blame a loss alot on oh they are in a premade. Sometimes L's happen and sometimes you get stomped. Sometimes you go on losing streaks it happens even to the best players in any game. But literally nothing has really changed they just removed ranked. And all this talk of checking for 2 man, 3 man, 4 man, 5 man, 6+ man premades is going to bog the queue down so much. Like how fractured are you really going to make this games matchmaking? There is a reason other games don't do this. 

Everyone has a bad experience at different times. What if you are a solo player and there are more 2-3 man premades in queue and you get left out of the queues now you get a bad experience, if you are a group type player in a 2-3 player premade and there are other sized premades you now get left out depending on time of day. Or we can all just play a unranked game, take the L's on occasion, get better at the game and stop pulling 1-2k dps (yeah its insane how many people are pulling less then rapid shots worth of dmg), or maybe find some friends. In a perfect world would we get perfect elo's matches, perfect comps, perfect teammates and enemies, but we and neither does any other game live in that world. 

The only other game that has no groups and is pure solo queue is FF14. There is a reason why pvp is super dead in that game. I have actually had a 30min queue no joke. ESO had to revert its solo only queue because it killed their pvp scene. So every time someone has tried this solo queue only nonsense it has been reverted or the pvp becomes stale and dead. There isn't a metric, no action, in a multiplayer game that has shown this to be healthy for the game. 

Lastly there is a huge distortion of facts here. Acting like premades are everywhere and in queue all the time is silly. I don't count 2-3 player groups as a "premade" in the same sense of 4 players or more. Cause lets just be honest if 3 people beat you, you deserve to lose. But no one here knows who exactly is premade who isn't, you might be suprised how many times some of you have come out victorious against a premade. But if you say that solo players way out number group players and that bioware should cater to that would mean that majority of the games are between solo players. And if its the other way around, then that probably means they should cater more to groups by that logic. But most likely the number is inbetween with varying group sizes playing. And there is matchmaking system that can properly handle that without giving everyone stupid wait times at random times of day. I can't say what percent of the games are what and neither can anyone here but tbh pvp has been fun. Both arenas and wz's have been fun. I say that as a solo queue person 80% of the time. I think people are focusing on L's that went badly and ignoring alot of the other matches that didn't. 

Edited by steveerkcanjerk
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7 hours ago, krackcommando said:

anecdotal, but I think ~60-70% of the time that there was a premade on one side, there was another on my team who just DMed at mid. the premades weren't always the same size, but there did seem to be a kind of elo equality. they never play or help to win HB on any of the three maps though. so unless you're a tank or stealth, you kinda have to just join the DM, afk, or eat a deserter debuff. it's really frustrating, particularly b/c I'm still trying to collect resources for gear, so winning is 3x more valuable than losing to me. when I have full 4 sets of implants to pick and choose from and all my gold augs, then maybe I'll not care at all, but atm...yeah. it's just the most annoying thing. followed by the tryhard who doesn't actually know what he's doing screaming "get orbs" while the other team is farming you 4:1 because some fool is running orbs one at a time instead of healing, swapping guard, or fighting over pylons. just...so...dumb.

Many people don’t actually understand how strategy & tactics work in some WZ maps. I think Hypergates is one of the most misunderstood maps beside Odessen. If people just took the time to watch some of the older YouTube videos on how the maps work & basic strategies, the quality would be much better.

Snave & his guild did some good “how to play pvp” videos & training sessions years ago. They are still relevant today because the actual mechanics to win haven’t changed. 

It’s a shame he got so disenchanted & cynical towards a lot of the player base & the game itself & I think he may have had a falling out with BioWare too🤷🏻‍♀️ Otherwise I would be petitioning Jackie to stickie his “how to pvp” training videos at the top of this forum. 

There were other good how to pvp written guides to. But either those people left or they ruined their reputations too & no one wants to look at their stuff 😞. Which is a shame because a lot of it was high quality & factually correct. What ever people think of them personally their guides were great for anyone new to PvP. 

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4 hours ago, krackcommando said:

two things:

  1. the game is won or lost at the pylons. you send everyone you have to both pylons. decide what you need to stall and take the other one. nobody is going to ninja a pylon unless you do stupid crap like try to fight over orbs. orbs are a red herring. any team that can control mid and farm orbs doesn't need to farm orbs. stopping another team from farming orbs is irrelevant when there's no pylon to deposit them in AND if you're giving up kills 2, 3, and 4 to 1, those orbs are a losing proposition. the number of players trying to run orbs in the middle of a fight is mind-numbing.
  2. the absolute last thing a support spec should be doing is running orbs. send a tank and healer to the off pylon. cap yours. then send dps to support them. gg. if you cannot win doing that, then you have a decidedly weaker team, and just like capping nodes behind a kill squad ignoring objectives, you have to resort to crap like ninja nodes and sneaking orbs and rotating cap.


TL; DR: the only time fighting or farming or orbs have anything to do with winning is when the other team doesn't know what they're doing.

fwiw, I fight at mid all the time. I'm not wasting my "breath" telling randos how to play, and most of them look like imbeciles yelling at the team when a bunch of pugs don't do what they say.

The other thing I’d add is don’t do suicidal runs that farm your death. Every time the other team kills you while they have a capped pylon, they gain points.

I’ve literally lost games we would have won easily because one person kept suiciding into their guys & dying over & over. This is especially true in mid. You see people leap/run into mid against 4 people with no back up & no escape plan. 

Sometimes the best tactic is to make them chase you instead of trying to kill them. If you do engage in mid, just make sure you can get out without dying there. 

So many get tunnel vision in PvP & don’t stop to look at where their team is & more importantly where the enemy team is & what the ratio of players are. Ie, they can’t count or don’t try too. 

Many people guarding also try & go for the kill instead of just stopping them capping & delaying them. 

Hypergates can be brute forced won if your team is much better. But if teams are closer in matchmaking, that’s when you need to use more strategy & tactics & hope they make a mistake first. You can still win against a better skilled fighting team with some good tactics. Sometimes it just takes one player making a mistake to decide who wins. At least, that’s what it used to be like when people were better skilled fighters & understood strategy. 

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On 3/31/2023 at 12:36 PM, Dayshadow said:


As I stated, there is no reason to queue solo for any arena. Achievements are meaningless.

There still are many players in the game that are going for achievements and they dont necesserily work in groups.

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1 hour ago, merovejec said:

There still are many players in the game that are going for achievements and they dont necesserily work in groups.

There are people who PvP for gear. People who do it for experience. People who do it for vendor currencies. Or as you mention, achievements. As I stated, and will continue to reiterate, none of these reasons don't justify queuing such a broken game. As long as people queue as if there is nothing wrong and just take it, Bioware will see nothing in their metrics to warrant a change. Achievements do not matter. They are irrelevant. Literally meaningless "content" (if you could even call it that) taking advantage of people with obsession compulsive disorder. I used to have similar compulsive tendencies, but Arenas are so bad that I broke out of it. I do not queue them anymore.


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2 hours ago, Dayshadow said:

There are people who PvP for gear. People who do it for experience. People who do it for vendor currencies. Or as you mention, achievements. As I stated, and will continue to reiterate, none of these reasons don't justify queuing such a broken game. As long as people queue as if there is nothing wrong and just take it, Bioware will see nothing in their metrics to warrant a change. Achievements do not matter. They are irrelevant. Literally meaningless "content" (if you could even call it that) taking advantage of people with obsession compulsive disorder. I used to have similar compulsive tendencies, but Arenas are so bad that I broke out of it. I do not queue them anymore.


Well this whole game is meaningless, if you think about it, its just pixels that are there for you to kill time which you can spend in much better ways. I will stop doing PVP as soon as the achievements are done, just like before, i didnt pvp at all.

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On 3/30/2023 at 9:25 PM, TrixxieTriss said:

A lot will have to do with how many premades there are & if they are evenly split. Ie, if it’s a low population time of day & you have only 1 pre-made or an odd number, like 3, the queue will always put solo pugs against pre-made. So if you’re playing at that time, you will always see premades vs solo. 

If it’s a high population time or you have an even amount of premades, you may never see one (as long as the match making is actually working).

My guess is at low periods it will default to putting premades vs solo more often in the hope of keeping everyones pop times down.

Sadly, I predict this will have the affect of killing the queue even faster during those times & actually make games less balanced & the pops longer. Similar to how it was before. 

I pvp'd Last night for 3 hours. I qued with a guildie as a Double. we got Zero Pops for an Hour. we split and solo qued got a pop in 3 mins. which put her on a pre-made team from Mando. then the next match was pre-made vs pre-made. win went my way. sadly that was my only win out of 5 matches last night. so i went Loss, Win, Loss x3. 

fast forward to this morning. first match of the day. 10 mins ago. was against a 6 or 8 man pre-made. not sure if it was a full. but they played Objectives and Graped us hard. most of the folks on my team died 15+ times. think we killed 4? of them 1 or 2 times each. they had no healer that i saw. simply FoTM Sorcs / Pts / Juggs / Lethal OP.

I want to know why the f*ck it always puts me against a Pre-made. doesn't matter if i que back to back. or day to day. doesn't matter if i change toons. i'm so sick of being pitted against Pre-mades. 

the only thing i do is pvp. i don't have time for anything else. sometimes i get an all day sat or sunday play. but its not every sat or sunday. just fustrating as hell to que up and know ahead of time or within the first min that its another Loss. and there is no way to win. 

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6 hours ago, DaltarSpitfire said:

I pvp'd Last night for 3 hours. I qued with a guildie as a Double. we got Zero Pops for an Hour. we split and solo qued got a pop in 3 mins. which put her on a pre-made team from Mando. then the next match was pre-made vs pre-made. win went my way. sadly that was my only win out of 5 matches last night. so i went Loss, Win, Loss x3. 

fast forward to this morning. first match of the day. 10 mins ago. was against a 6 or 8 man pre-made. not sure if it was a full. but they played Objectives and Graped us hard. most of the folks on my team died 15+ times. think we killed 4? of them 1 or 2 times each. they had no healer that i saw. simply FoTM Sorcs / Pts / Juggs / Lethal OP.

I want to know why the f*ck it always puts me against a Pre-made. doesn't matter if i que back to back. or day to day. doesn't matter if i change toons. i'm so sick of being pitted against Pre-mades. 

the only thing i do is pvp. i don't have time for anything else. sometimes i get an all day sat or sunday play. but its not every sat or sunday. just fustrating as hell to que up and know ahead of time or within the first min that its another Loss. and there is no way to win. 

I’m assuming youve played a lot of pvp in your days.

Anecdotally, I noticed even before season 1, that the more I played & won in previous years, the more likely I’d be put against pre-mades that may not be as good as me individually and the rest of my team was significantly worse than them & me. So it felt like I was trying to carry against pre-mades most of the time I queued. But as I’ve not been playing season 2, I don’t know if that’s still the case. 

Its also possible BioWare didn’t reset everyone’s hidden WZ ELO’s at the beginning of the season like they used to for ranked seasons. If I had to guess I would say it just roles over like they did in reg WZ’s and your ELO accumulates over time & the more you play, the higher it will get.

So if you did ok last season in WZ’s, it’s possibly trying to matchmake off that hidden ELO to balance against pre-mades ELO’s as well. Sadly we can’t confirm because BioWare won’t show us what our ELO is. We can’t confirm anything, like are our ELO’s reset each season or do they accumulate over time? Are there seperate ELO’s for arena & WZ’s? And does matchmaking still use the highest individual’s ELO in a pre-made & apply that to the whole pre-made team 🤷🏻‍♀️

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i have no idea. but i stopped queing about 2 hours ago. got food. came back. got on my Maddness Sorc. ran yavin. did GSF. then qued. and pulled a pre-made that farmed my team for max duration in void star. 

my teammates had 4-10 kills each. and all of us did around 4-10 mill damage.

the other team had 44-80 kills each. and did 4-17 mill damage

was a Sent in that match. didn't die once. i beat on him for 3 mins. never got his health under 90% most fustrating thing ever. 

I think i'm done. I'm tired of being Farmed. i'm tired of being put against Pre-mades.

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46 minutes ago, DaltarSpitfire said:

i have no idea. but i stopped queing about 2 hours ago. got food. came back. got on my Maddness Sorc. ran yavin. did GSF. then qued. and pulled a pre-made that farmed my team for max duration in void star. 

my teammates had 4-10 kills each. and all of us did around 4-10 mill damage.

the other team had 44-80 kills each. and did 4-17 mill damage

was a Sent in that match. didn't die once. i beat on him for 3 mins. never got his health under 90% most fustrating thing ever. 

I think i'm done. I'm tired of being Farmed. i'm tired of being put against Pre-mades.

As a matter of interest. Do you have any characters you’ve hardly pvp’d with? 
It would be interesting to work out if BioWare’s hidden ELO is a legacy ELO, Class type ELO or Individual Character ELO. 
In the past I’ve always thought it must have been individual character ELO (like ranked used to be). But it’s possible they’ve changed that too. 
Also what server are you on? That might also be relevant to your experience. 

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24 minutes ago, Wulfurkin said:

Bioware should actually make pvp a sub only thing. This is a good way for them to find out that very little if any of their active paying playerbase is actually interested in it. This way the devs may finally just remove it entirely since its just a drain on the servers.

Your idea to expose pvpers as non paying players is flawed because before 7.1, pvp was mostly sub only.

Non sub preferred could only do 5 matches. But they could do more if they grouped with a subscriber. Which meant nearly all pvpers were subs.

BioWare even stated years ago that pvpers were their most loyal subscribers above all other players. 

Of course BioWare did go out of their way to drive the loyal pvp subscribers away from the game with poor development choices & neglecting PvP as a whole. 

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13 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

As a matter of interest. Do you have any characters you’ve hardly pvp’d with? 
It would be interesting to work out if BioWare’s hidden ELO is a legacy ELO, Class type ELO or Individual Character ELO. 
In the past I’ve always thought it must have been individual character ELO (like ranked used to be). But it’s possible they’ve changed that too. 
Also what server are you on? That might also be relevant to your experience. 

i have 9 toons that I pvp on. Think i'm on Star Forge. 

i have one of each Sub class. and 2 mercs. since the season one wipe of pvp stats. all are 85+ Valor. and 2 Elite Warlords. 

all have around 100 matches to date. 

before the wipe I prolly had somewhere around 1500 matches per toon.

I played from about 3 months after Launch. until the second Eternal Empire xpac. so 6ish years. and i just came back around June of 22.

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I hope it won't be the standard, but I kinda feel like Mondays and Tuesday mornings are really broken when it comes to solo arenas. It seems like ppl are rushing for their weekly pvp objectives desperately before the reset, meaning as a solo player you either get picked to the premade of 3x339ish team or to the ~330ish (324-334). (While there is a scaling system, we all know how trash that is.)

Of course, people started to use /stuck as they don't want to waste even a second on such games. So, I am wondering how bad it gets as sometimes you can see this behavior even if you might have some chance. Yet, I admit that sometimes it is a relief that I don't have to spend like 10 mins on games, where I might get 0-1 medals.

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