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QT Costs are not equal to travel cost


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Yes.  Yes it is.

When I tested this on the PTS the only planet, on which I tested, that the cost to quick travel was less than the cost to take the taxi (I was testing from one taxi point to another) was on Onderon.  On every other planet I tested the cost to quick travel was more, quite often much, much more, than the cost to travel by taxi.

The is absolutely a tax on convenience.

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I am currently on Nar Shaddaa and the taxi from Upper Prominade to Network access is 75 cr and the QT is 4,612 cr.  That is a LITTLE absurd.


I should have mentioned, that I was the correct level for the planet (24'ish) and didn't have that kind of cash.

Edited by Greenwhich
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Interestingly.....the cost to travel from Yavin to Nar Shadda is 300cr.  If you choose to exit to Nar Shadda, the cost is also 300cr i.e. those prices match.  Similarly, the Yavin-DK cost is 100cr, and the exit cost also 100cr.....so again, a match. 

But can we talk about why it costs 100cr to travel through hyperspace in a personal ship but 20x that to hail a taxi dirtside? 

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It was opposite for me on Ruhnuk, 1000cr to speeder taxi, but 670cr to quick travel.  

I think it was from the Mando encampment to the waterfalls.  I haven't tried any other traveling because frankly, it's going to break me.

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Yes the added cost is stupid. We all knew it was going to be stupid and here we are. But what I would like is for BW to write a little quest / mail / forum story that explains the tax. Backstory! The Quick Travel workers have unionized and overthrown their hutt overlords. They have ties to huttbreaker on meksha and charging the real cost for insta-travel, and encouraging the speeder taxis to meet the new rate--maybe there's some room for conflict there? 

2 hours ago, Sir-steve said:

But can we talk about why it costs 100cr to travel through hyperspace in a personal ship but 20x that to hail a taxi dirtside? 

Yes! Let's do it fr. When you get done your starter planet you travel in a shuttle to fleet and from fleet by BT/Esseles/dumptruck to Capital planet. All paid for by your respective factions. But once you get your own ship everything costs. Food, air, fuel...wasn't that Black Hole thing supposed to be about getting hypermatter fuel? Then we did it again with Onslaught, TWO fuel-based storylines. Meanwhile we're zipping around paying next to nothing.

The backstory will reveal that our factions have been subsidizing our fuel costs all this time but the Quick Travel Union has started an economic revolution (not communist, don't freak out!) and the Republic/Empire/Alliance can no longer afford letting you have cheap fuel, and the real cost is $$$$. Sure hope you level 18 newbs like Coruscant/DK because if you wanna go to Taris/Balmorra, that'll be a million credits, one way. And just wait until you find out the backstory for the eventual GTN tax!

Edited by Ardrossan
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9 minutes ago, Amodin said:

It was opposite for me on Ruhnuk, 1000cr to speeder taxi, but 670cr to quick travel.  

I think it was from the Mando encampment to the waterfalls.  I haven't tried any other traveling because frankly, it's going to break me.


My guess is that it's more a case of speeder costs being more affected by the level of a planet than Quick Travel costs. For example, I was looking on the PTS at one point and the speeder costs on Tython are 20 credits max while the QT costs for the same distance can get to like 800-900 credits. Even on Corellia, QT was more expensive. It seems like on Yavin it's getting closer to even, and then by Ruhnuk QT has become cheaper.


Which makes the situation even sillier since that means the QT costs are, by design, more expensive at lower levels compared to the speeder alternative and actually become comparatively cheaper for higher level players, who are more likely to have the credits to not care about it.

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The taxi costs are based on planet level, so they scale.  Cheap on starter planets, expensive on max level planets.  A sensible way to do things. 

The new quicktravel costs are a flat rate.  Same on the starter planets as on the max level planets.  A bad way to do things.


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34 minutes ago, GeneralGyro said:

this wont fix the 100s of billions people are hoarding

I know, hence the "lol" at the end of my sentence 😛

Those Trade stonk flippers who sit on the fleet all day don't even use the QT lmao

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35 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

The taxi costs are based on planet level, so they scale.  Cheap on starter planets, expensive on max level planets.  A sensible way to do things. 

The new quicktravel costs are a flat rate.  Same on the starter planets as on the max level planets.  A bad way to do things.


Why is Nar Shad so expensive then? 

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52 minutes ago, GeneralGyro said:

this wont fix the 100s of billions people are hoarding

credit sinks are about combating inflation not single-handedly fixing inflation.

This is where so many people get hung up. A lot of people here think there is an instant fix for inflation. Bioware can add one credit sink to instantly fix a decade of inflation and years of ignoring credit sinks.

It is going to take a lot of different credit sinks, careful monitoring of the credit economy, removing the influx of from certain activities and time to fix the economy. Credit sinks only combat inflation, they don't fix inflation.

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2 minutes ago, remylion said:

so you don't know what function a credit sink does in an MMO? Understood. No point in discussing this with you then.

its supposed to drain the currency from the game. however. 


this doesnt drain the problems currency. just the little guy


but please keep being obtuse 

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2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Why is Nar Shad so expensive then? 

It's not a flat rate as in 'always the same' but from the patch notes:


Quick Travel now has a credit cost associated, with a minimum cost of 100 credits and a maximum cost of 5000. The cost to travel is dependent on the distance traveled.

It's based on how far you travel.  So large planets, like Nar Shaddaa will have higher travel costs then small planets like Ruhnuk.  It's divorced completely from either player level or planet level.   So essentially using quick travel to avoid the really long taxi rides, or even longer speeder rides, is what will cost the most.  It's a bonkers decision to go live with.

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7 hours ago, eabevella said:

Hey, stop complaining, it's the price we all must pay on the great journey of fixing the inflation lol

How does this fix inflation? what they just did will make prices rise more for compensations for travel by 20-40%

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6 hours ago, GeneralGyro said:

its supposed to drain the currency from the game. however. 


this doesnt drain the problems currency. just the little guy


but please keep being obtuse 

 If they wanted a Quick Travel Tax, they should of done this when the game first launch, not now... what it does is going to increase the prices for compensations for quick travel use, so prices going to rise.

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