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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Prediction for 7.2.1 ...


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4 minutes ago, StrikePrice said:

Lethality and Madness going to get nerfed hard. Reason? 3 of the 8 remaining PVPers complained about it. 

Solution: Remove PvP from the game.  You will lose < 1% of your players and the other 99%+ will be happy. 

while I seldom do PvP myself, no content should ever be removed from the game. All gametypes should be represented in swtor whether it's PvP, GSF, FP's, Operation, Story, or any other playstyle I can't think of atm. As of the last PTS build there had been no class changes, so I wouldn't expect any for update 7.2.1

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I predict that I will be on the forums bemoaning the fact that 64 bit client isn't actually content and that the content drought is because resources are being deployed to the wrong parts of the game.

But I won't complain yet as I'm happy to be proved wrong.

I will also predict that players in Europe will complain that another evening of play has been obliterated once again as the patch takes longer than expected or that it gets deployed as planned but has to be tweaked giving rise to the servers being taken down for a short while.

I also predict the mount promised for taking part in the small amount of pvp on the test server will not drop with the update but will be handed out the following week.🤪


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8 hours ago, hillerbees said:

64 bit client isn't actually content

This is correct. Bit depth is not content. It's not meant to be. The utility of moving to 64-bit addressing, as Daybreak games recently did with Everquest 2, a game launched in 2004, has other implications, such as being able to move forward with current releases of programming frameworks, as no major software publisher in the programming environment sphere (not to be confused with a game engine) will continue for much longer publishing 32-bit releases.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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6 hours ago, StrikePrice said:

Lethality and Madness going to get nerfed hard. Reason? 3 of the 8 remaining PVPers complained about it. 

Solution: Remove PvP from the game.  You will lose < 1% of your players and the other 99%+ will be happy. 

non-pvpers have wanted pvp removed from the game since launch lol. 

PVPers: https://y.yarn.co/082d75d0-6d96-4c3d-b220-561e996422ca_text.gif

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Just because you may not like PVP or others doesn't mean it should be removed. Content shouldn't be removed from the game, For instance I don't play GSF nor do I really have any interest in it, Doesn't mean I think it should be removed because I know there are people who like it. I enjoy both PVE and PVP, I play more PVP nowadays than PVE but I can still enjoy both. 

As for nerfing Madness and Lethality, I was in the vocal for nerfing them yes, but more so take it from a PVP perspective rather than PVE. Madness just is over tuned in PVP, Lethality just has constant self healing. 

Yes PVE wise these specs are not the greatest, but PVP is a different story. I don't want madness or lethality punched into the ground with the nerf hammer, but PVP has become saturated with Madness sorcs in every match, a spec that is heads and above better than other specs. 

These specs just need to get toned down a bit, Again it may seem fine to you in PVE content, but for People who do a lot of PVP a lot of the meta specs right now are frustrating to deal with.

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My prediction:

1. Server down time extended from 5hr to no ETA

2. *insert generic complaints about being in the pacific asian timezone*

3. Bugs with no clear relation to the patch like the infamous loading screen bug that BW is incapable of fixing. At least one that is game breaking (prevent story progress).

4. *insert generic complaints about how 64bits doesn't make the game run "faster" like magic*

5. They are "re-balancing" the classes again???

PS: I have no idea why BW couldn't make 2 sets of performance, one for PvE, one for PvP, so that balancing one won't affect/hinder the other. Too much trouble? *shrug*

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pvp should be generic, meaning you pick a generic class (tank, melee dps, range dps, heal) and then upgrade it with currency you get with each match, like GSF.  use currencies to buy upgrades (abilities) for whatever you're playing.  this way there is no need to balance between the two.  any balance changes in PVP would have zero effect on PVE, and vice versa. 

additionally, gear would not be needed either, just like in GSF.  all gear would only be for appearance and would have no meaningful use.  without gear, it all becomes about skill and how well you upgrade your toons.

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6 minutes ago, Chryptyk said:

pvp should be generic, meaning you pick a generic class (tank, melee dps, range dps, heal) and then upgrade it with currency you get with each match, like GSF.  use currencies to buy upgrades (abilities) for whatever you're playing.  this way there is no need to balance between the two.  any balance changes in PVP would have zero effect on PVE, and vice versa. 

additionally, gear would not be needed either, just like in GSF.  all gear would only be for appearance and would have no meaningful use.  without gear, it all becomes about skill and how well you upgrade your toons.

This actually makes a lot of sense.

Some people might not like it because they use PvP for leveling, it'll probably piss off those who buy/craft gold augs for PvP but in the long term separating PvP and PvE seems to be the better option on both sides.

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3 minutes ago, eabevella said:

This actually makes a lot of sense.

Some people might not like it because they use PvP for leveling, it'll probably piss off those who buy/craft gold augs for PvP but in the long term separating PvP and PvE seems to be the better option on both sides.

it could still be used for levelling.  there would be no need for augments or gear at all for pvp, if we treated it like GSF.  the only variations would be cosmetics and abilities, which after you buy all the upgrades you can, everyone is equal, with the exception of skill, which is all it should be about.

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12 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

These specs just need to get toned down a bit, Again it may seem fine to you in PVE content, but for People who do a lot of PVP a lot of the meta specs right now are frustrating to deal with.

That's...literally what he's complaining about. pvpers complain about something that is fine in PVE so BW nerfs it to cater to a tiny fraction of the playerbase. That was the OP, guess you missed it lol.

Also I pvp a lot and I don't care about fotm builds. I never have. So even within the pvp population, it's a fraction of whiners who think the reason they lost is because a spec is slightly better than another, and not, far more likely, that their team wasn't communicating very well or playing objectives properly. 

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I predict a lot of crying about credit caps not being increased, and people still assuming 'it had everything to do with having a 32-bit client" when it doesn't.  Fleet chat will be non-stop scrolling, lubricated by the tears of thousands crying out.

I predict a longer downtime than five hours.

I predict a lot of the same question being asked in fleet chat of "wutz nu in dis patch!?! i d'ld a lot and theirz no nu content??!!!  wtf!!111"

I predict more complaining about something with PVP.  It doesn't matter what, as long as there is complaining about it.

I predict Star Forge to finally collapse under its own Hutt weight and finally die (okay, not this bad, but there will be issues and more downtime in the near future).

I predict later on, even more things being taken away from players, making crafting even more useless and magically, the Cartel Market will gain new items directly related to crafting.

I predict the new client will not save us from how bad this engine already runs, and performance will still be an issue.

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10 hours ago, recalcitrantIre said:

yeah its just a sheer coincidence that the credit cap is almost exactly the limit of an unsigned 32bit integer

StevetheCynic actually posted about it several times as to why it had nothing to do with the 32-bit client.  And in fact does have nothing to do with the client.  It's all server back-end.

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