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Give the seasonal companions who either cannot or refuse to speak basic a rest.


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I'm not sure I really understand the rationale for a new companion for every season other than it's something in general to offer. The companion situation right now just feels like a big mess to me. I honestly wish I had the option to just let companions go and not have them in my alliance anymore. At least the ones that are never in the storyline. If I could, I would delete most of them and just have a handful or so of my favorites/story-specific ones maxed out to use. 

I'm also not a fan of the seasonal companions' gift program. I wish all the companion gifts followed the original system of dropping from mobs, able to be stored, and benefitting multiple different companions.

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1 minute ago, Gilrenna said:

I'm not sure I really understand the rationale for a new companion for every season other than it's something in general to offer. The companion situation right now just feels like a big mess to me. I honestly wish I had the option to just let companions go and not have them in my alliance anymore. At least the ones that are never in the storyline. If I could, I would delete most of them and just have a handful or so of my favorites/story-specific ones maxed out to use. 

I'm also not a fan of the seasonal companions' gift program. I wish all the companion gifts followed the original system of dropping from mobs, able to be stored, and benefitting multiple different companions.

The idea and concept of the companion as a reward or part of the GS is not that bad (really).  BUT there really does need to be something done with the same old theme!  

"No droids!!  Please!!"  (Especially when they are so annoying and placed near the cockpit of my ship!!)

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15 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:


"No droids!!  Please!!" 



Honestly I would have been happy with another Astromech droid. Phalanx was a major letdown. That and I am sick and tired of Nar Shadda (New Neutral hub please!).


Anyone know anything about the new one 'Amity' ?

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24 minutes ago, RyvickTheFirst said:



Honestly I would have been happy with another Astromech droid. Phalanx was a major letdown. That and I am sick and tired of Nar Shadda (New Neutral hub please!).


Anyone know anything about the new one 'Amity' ?

If you want the Astromech ... that's OK I guess.  But TBPH ...  I was actually borrowing a quote from the Mandalorian (which also happen to fit how I feel about too many droids ... particularly connected to the CM).


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I really like droid companions - particularly the ones that can't talk. Interestingly, the game currently - as far as I know - lacks a humanoid droid that can use a blaster rifle. All the cartel market variants use either pistols or assault cannons. Seems like a weird oversight.

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In general this seems like such a futile tradition to get stuck with. Everybody has a million companions already. Vanilla game companions+Lana+Theron and few others have some legit production value poured into them . Who cares of yet another  companion doing the zero  effort zero cost bloobableebobiibo non language? Surely there can be  other central points to a Season besides yet another companion? Out of the box, people! Give SH that gets opened further the more you progress the Season. Or some other cool utility thing. New playership? New GSF ship skins. Super secret archeological digsite which progresses ever deeper as you progress the season. Out of the booox!


There's literally 0 reason for every season to be themed&centered around a companion!


I get it, BW doesn't seem to have any money or devving muscles left anymore, but there has got to be some other simple low effort low cost route, besides just another new companion each season.


Srsly, other games operating with shoe string budgets use voice synth bots to get some very affordable base level VA out. Easily passable as a droid who speaks basic. GALACTIC BASIC MOTHERLOVER, DO YOU SPEAK IT 

Edited by Stradlin
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To be honest, I would like an alien or droid companion that use an electrolarynx, that would make it so easy because they could literally gets one of their own team member to say the sentences and just use a voicemod to make it sounds robotic, and if they make it says those nice little barbs with a complete lack of emotions that would be hilarious to me.

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16 hours ago, RyvickTheFirst said:

Anyone know anything about the new one 'Amity' ?

The info so far is sparse and somewhat confusing. 
What we know for sure if that they're a spear wielding pacifist companion (Former Republic Military) that's part of a secret order that witnesses and documents strange phenomenon in the force (And guides force sensitives that aren't part of the Jedi or Sith) called 'The Messengers of the Cold Moon'. They're very Zen and Monk-like. 

There's some concern about his look though as what's in the files now is incredibly underwhelming compared to previous seasonal companions. (Though it might just be a placeholder)

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A selkath companion rather than a N.S. Droid would be more fitting in with the Manaan expansion that was in 7.0. 

And giving non-smugglers & BHs a way to actually recruit Akaavi rather than only having her available in the 7.2 expansion would be good.

The droid has an interesting backstory but she really should speak basic. 

I'd like to see a companion from Mon Cala. That speaks basic (like Admiral Ackbar. In Star Wars.)

OR   if it was really the type of companion we wanted, one we could "create" just like in the character generator. With a few template backgrounds we could choose from. (Force user/ Non forceuser, Species, Gender, Weapons utilized (these would be just as cosmetic as the other companions, they would just use different animations, just as the others do now). And could be romanced by our character.

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How fluent are you in French and German? 😋

I can swear in Yiddish. That's close enough for German. French, I don't speak at all unless you count the words to "Frer Jacque." But still, for a limited list of conversations you'd have to hire at most 6 people. (3 languages with male/female voice actors).

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What I would like to see

- a Selkath companion ( Gallo or w/e)

- a Basic speaking Mandalorian companion, he could very well be a Togruta or Mirialan 

- an HK droid that anyone could recruit ( f2p,pref, subscriber), it won't be hard to create a background story for it, for example Czerka Corporation or a Balmorran arms factory had a secret prototype stashed somewhere

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8 hours ago, LanceDefender said:

Droids companion? I want more, though I agree Phalanx was a letdown.
Skytrooper? Anyone? I want Skytrooper so bad.
I'll always welcome new HK unit.
Maybe Sentinel droid from Kotor? I like it's design.

I'd like both variants (Imp and Rep) of 'escort' droids from the solo flashpoints. They look cool, have really neat rifles, and never speak. It's wonderful.

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Those droids you mention in fp would fit well for additional customisation for some droids comps, not whole season comp. Skytrooper or HK would fit. But giving those skins would be nice. Also, personally I'd love a skin of Iokath Purifier Droid as well. It looks like the CM comp KZ something, but is clean, smooth and white/platinum/golden colored, not rusted like that CM comp.
Or ARIES skin from Kotfet in the chapter where we discover Iokath.

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On 2/10/2023 at 1:25 AM, AJediKnight said:

I really like droid companions - particularly the ones that can't talk. Interestingly, the game currently - as far as I know - lacks a humanoid droid that can use a blaster rifle. All the cartel market variants use either pistols or assault cannons. Seems like a weird oversight.

Actually, Scorpio uses a blaster rifle from KOTFE on.  That was an unpleasant surprise for my operative since Scorpio had been melee until that point.

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3 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

He's free in game and a part of the story!  (Yeah .. I know you have to go through it at least once!  BUT IMO .. worth it!)

HK-55 is only free if you have Shroud of Memory unlocked ... which isn't free to newer players but needs cartel coins to purchase.

Well, you get HK-55 until he's destroyed in the story, just don't get to keep him without Shroud. 

HK-51 is free for subs.  Too many HK's in the story.  HK-51 is the fun one, HK-55 is the wussy one.

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1 hour ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

HK-55 is only free if you have Shroud of Memory unlocked ... which isn't free to newer players but needs cartel coins to purchase.

Well, you get HK-55 until he's destroyed in the story, just don't get to keep him without Shroud. 

HK-51 is free for subs.  Too many HK's in the story.  HK-51 is the fun one, HK-55 is the wussy one.

You're right about the sequence of acquisition ...  BUT I like HK-55 !  (not a wuss ...  BTW)

It's all good bud!  I also agree that's a lot of HK units scattered throughout the SW saga!

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On 2/6/2023 at 3:02 AM, Ramahar said:

Damn hard to believe there are so many folks who can't read playing the game. Of course if they did know how to read and actually read the translations they'd be here on the forums whining about how she keeps dissing them during a fight.

I know, I remember a time not that long ago. When there were NO voice actors, and you had to read everything....

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On 2/10/2023 at 6:25 AM, AJediKnight said:

I really like droid companions - particularly the ones that can't talk. Interestingly, the game currently - as far as I know - lacks a humanoid droid that can use a blaster rifle. All the cartel market variants use either pistols or assault cannons. Seems like a weird oversight.


Doesn't HK-51 also use a blaster rifle? Or is it just a sniper rifle he can equip.

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6 hours ago, RowanThursday said:


Doesn't HK-51 also use a blaster rifle? Or is it just a sniper rifle he can equip.

Yeah, he can. I ground him out today (good lord was that scanning a vicious, thankless, 'use sonar to find the wreck of the Titanic with a grid search' style nightmare). One nice thing about HK-51 as opposed to 55 is that the former has a very muted, business-like color scheme, instead of gaudy gold.

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