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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Revert ui option


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Please do everyone a favor and stop. Revert the UI to what it was before 7.0 and do NOT touch anything. Because apparently you have no idea what you are doing technically and no sense of even the most basic principles of UI design in the slightest. This is both untested and just plain ugly. Stop.

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Please introduce an option to play with our ui from the previous patch.

this joke of a ui is making it hard to just logg into the game and play everything over oversized and out of place with no options to fix or undo the damage this is torture plzzz fixx this or just scrap this entire patch cheers

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45 minutes ago, IAmTheYoghurt said:

Please do everyone a favor and stop. Revert the UI to what it was before 7.0 and do NOT touch anything. Because apparently you have no idea what you are doing technically and no sense of even the most basic principles of UI design in the slightest. This is both untested and just plain ugly. Stop.

its like they are copying wow's homework but somehow manage to make it even worse atleast there you have the options for ui addons to fix whatever the devs mess up here we don't have that so the least and i mean the LEAST they could do is allow us to revert our ui's to other points in time


like i got lucky and managed to fix about 80% of my ui but some stuff  is so damaged i can't fix it especialy the map and not having an option to use the previous version and now being stuck with  this  utterly tiny downgraded version with like the worst contrast issues i have ever seen it legit burns my eyes having to use it


for a ui update focused on accessibility it has clearly done the opposite for a decent ammount of people wich is both hilarious and sad

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 Don't  hate me but umm... i actually  like the new UI changes.

./ducks :csw_r2d2:

( i didn't think i would like them either  --in fact i sorta wanted to hate them lol---but  i just moved/adjusted  one tiny 'pane' in the Interface Editor  and now everything is perfect ... for me at least , /shrug )

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: added hyperlink in case others are confused about same thing
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26 minutes ago, Kendaric said:

I'd love to be able to get rid of the giant tooltips for every interactable item. They look absolutely horrible and unimmersive, so please let us disable them.

The rest of the changes I can live with (I still prefer the old UI though).


you can i posted instructions on theorycrafters how to do so

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2 minutes ago, casirabit said:

Okay maybe I am missing something, but I have checked my UI and cannot find the switch instances.  I like to switch instances when an area is too crowded for me.  Help please....."

Open the "improved" old-style map with Alt+M (you might as well rebind it back to M while you are at it). The instance selector should be on the left hand side of the map.

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1 hour ago, Kendaric said:

I'd love to be able to get rid of the giant tooltips for every interactable item. They look absolutely horrible and unimmersive, so please let us disable them.

The rest of the changes I can live with (I still prefer the old UI though).


There is an "attach to minimap" option for the tooltip UI element in the interface editor and (assuming you are using the minimap instead of the new Map UI) they will appear as they always have. If you aren't using the minimap then I'm afraid you are stuck with the new tooltips.

Edited by Sunjammer
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Anyone figure out how to disable/hide/move/minimize the "Marketing" screen that is taking up the left side of the screen? It is rather annoying.


** Nevermind, found it. The new "Utility Bar" has a "Close Welcome Window". That is the dumbest location since it is hidden by the window itself.

Edited by Minden
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I asked this back with 7.0 and I feel the need to ask it again. Do the developers that design this stuff even play the game? The Welcome Screen was annoying when it was first rolled out but at least it was a quick click to minimize. Now, you have to edit interface and move the Utility Bar just to close the Welcome Window. Can you allow us to disable the Welcome Window altogether?

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Wow, these are just....terrible.  I mean, I get Agile development, that you incrementally work on stuff and ship it but this hodge-pod of UI styles looks terrible aesthetically.  As for the new changes themselves.....like the 'utility bar' do not like at all.

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23 minutes ago, Rkmsky said:

The UI is fine.  People just need a reason to complain.  It looks and feels the same as it did before, with some small quality of life changes. Remember Edit is your friend.

You cannot edit the 'exit area' off the utility bar - it takes 1/3 of the space yet most of that is empty. If you select 'spacer' to reduce the clutter in the bar itself, the width doesn't change so you just have gaps. It's akin to taking the Home button off the iPhone and replacing it with a taskbar.  Bad design.

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5 minutes ago, Sir-steve said:

You cannot edit the 'exit area' off the utility bar -   Bad design.

As i mentioned above in my earlier post ^ , i actually  quite like the new ui .  However, THAT ^  is a very valid point  and obvious blemish yep.

Sorta baffling too.  Perhaps a mistake by BW Devs/Coders  that can be hotfixed soon?  ---*Actually NO , i bet it's  working-as-intended, cuz they don't want players accidentally  removing that particular  'Exit Area' function   and therefore  causing  CSR  flood of requests  "my character is STUCK plz help?!?!!?"

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: might be method to this madness after all
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I don't know who's idea it was to remove Utility Bar 1 from the top of the drop down, but this is probably the stupidest thing I have seen out of EAware yet. You can move the bar alright, but it also moves the drop down so you can only move the  Bar about half way across the screen until the drop down is up against the right hand side of the screen. Lovely, just lovely, now I can't put the bar where I had it prior to 7.2. The dumpster fire that is 7.x continues unabated.

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41 minutes ago, Rkmsky said:

The UI is fine.  People just need a reason to complain.  It looks and feels the same as it did before, with some small quality of life changes. Remember Edit is your friend.

I like it sort of but it does not look or feel the same at all. If it did, that would defeat the purpose of this now, wouldn't it have? It's a blatantly different style and yet another adjustment pushed on everyone in one go. I get that some people will be over the top in immediate complaints but can we not counter-jerk?

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2 hours ago, IAmTheYoghurt said:

Open the "improved" old-style map with Alt+M (you might as well rebind it back to M while you are at it). The instance selector should be on the left hand side of the map.

Why the GDMF Farbling Farb did they change the map like that?  And who the farble thought that a hard-to-discover alternative keybind for the old map was a good idea?

Not happy.

EDIT, but thanks for posting that.  Most helpful.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
Forgot to give thanks
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2 hours ago, casirabit said:

Okay maybe I am missing something, but I have checked my UI and cannot find the switch instances.  I like to switch instances when an area is too crowded for me.  Help please....."

To Casira's point...

I don't mind the UI changes per se, but I find it annoying when I have to go through a bunch of icons to find the new mechanism / drop down icon to click to change instances. Previously, I had to hunt around to upgrade my ships. This time, I had to hunt around to switch instances b/c I was in a heavily overpopulated one.

Change can be good, but change for the sake of change with no rationale is annoying and smacks of employees trying to credentialize themselves in the eyes of management.

At a minimum, BW should put these so-called upgrades in patch notes. Grr...<<drinks martini>>



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1 hour ago, Sir-steve said:

You cannot edit the 'exit area' off the utility bar - it takes 1/3 of the space yet most of that is empty. If you select 'spacer' to reduce the clutter in the bar itself, the width doesn't change so you just have gaps. It's akin to taking the Home button off the iPhone and replacing it with a taskbar.  Bad design.

the Exit button is attached to Utility bar 2,   [there is more can be said here, but I got to copy that info from PTS section of the forums, but I want to finish updating and be in game to make sure it's still valid info]

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