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increase planet levels, level sync is making it worse


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If I want to stay Planet level I can't do Heroics for better gear.

so far, only way is, let sub end go pref, and just do Class missions, NO side missions, NO PvP, No Heroics, No Planet ,No FP or Story Missions. And just craft my gear to 65.

That's a lot of content one needs to avoid doing, just to stay close to Planet level, That also means no point going on beyond Ilum. Just jump to Knights of the Fallen Empire till 70, then you need to jump to Onslaught once 70.

No One is forced to play like that, but that's the closest way to stay at planet level.

Not too pretty now, what, one only wants to play 20-25% of the content ? Just to have good gear, but reduce stats, that places you lower then Max of the planet Level Stats.

Oh that's going to draw in new players and keep existing Players.


Is there a way, for a player that is over level, to complete all that extra Content without being weaker then they should be ? Level Sync in it's current form is not it

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Bolster has never worked the best, since you miss passives and critical abilities, including perks from gear.


I think Veteran's Edge on planets (outside of ops and pvp) was 100% okay.


Yes, you will outlevel the planet. That's because you are a subscriber, or even pref using leftover XP boosts. I do not want to go back to having to grind out exploration missions on every, single, planet or use FPs to "catch up".


I really don't think it's necessary, but if enough people absolutely despise being overleveled, they can bring the white helix module back. (Think they removed it with 7.0)


White helix module is still there. It just only works during 2x xp events to reduce xp to 1x. They should add a new module: Black Helix Module - Reduce xp gains by 400%. (This would bring it back to around where it was at launch.)

Edited by ThanderSnB
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White Acute Module, I looked it up, seems to be legacy bound, good . When they're available I can stock up.

MMmm, not sure I under stood correctly. main reason I don't skip class missions, is to get more companions, and progress in the story, I certainly don't need to repeat something for story


So ahh, the way I read it, is to go to next planet at max level even tho I haven't finished class story ?



No, that's not what I said. Always do the class mission. Leave at planet max level (not when they outlevel you), even if you haven't done the planetary quest chain or other missions.


White helix module is still there. It just only works during 2x xp events to reduce xp to 1x. They should add a new module: Black Helix Module - Reduce xp gains by 400%. (This would bring it back to around where it was at launch.)


White Acute Module, and it does not only work during 2xp events, it works all the time. It reduces xp to 2.0 levels, which is the same as saying at launch. If it reduced it by 400%, you wouldn't gain any xp at all.


1) Read the posts in the thread before you post.

2) If you don't know the name of something, or don't know how to do math, or just spout off misinformation, don't bother posting.

Edited by Ardrossan
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No, that's not what I said. Always do the class mission. Leave at planet max level (not when they outlevel you), even if you haven't done the planetary quest chain or other missions.


OKay. it's was just confusion with the way it was replied. Thanks for clarifying


just like the

(not when they outlevel you)

part confuses me here

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OKay. it's was just confusion with the way it was replied. Thanks for clarifying


just like the


part confuses me here


There's a planetary level range that you can see on the galaxy map when you click on a planet. The max level for that range is different (lower) than the max level before level sync comes into effect (higher). The planet level screens are the recommended levels assigned at the game's launch. So, if you're questing on a planet, don't wait for level sync to come into effect before leaving, remember what the max level is from the planet screen and leave when you reach it.


This is less of an issue for Act 2 and 3 planets, but it's good to pay attention to in Prologue and Act 1 because the levels are smaller and you can quickly become overleveled just doing normal quests.

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White Acute Module, and it does not only work during 2xp events, it works all the time. It reduces xp to 2.0 levels, which is the same as saying at launch. If it reduced it by 400%, you wouldn't gain any xp at all.


1) Read the posts in the thread before you post.

2) If you don't know the name of something, or don't know how to do math, or just spout off misinformation, don't bother posting.


That must be a change because I tested it during Onslaught and it had no effect outside double xp event.



So I tested again, and it does reduce xp now but only by 50%. I said 400% because I thought that was the number they increased it to in the transition 3.0->4.0. Looking it up, it is actually a 600% bonus (and 1200% during double xp events). What I meant by reduced by 400% was to return it to original number before the permanent bonus. In other words, if you multiply something by 6x and then divide it by 6x, you're left with the number you started with. Unfortunately, White Acute Module doesn't reduce it back to the original xp numbers. It's only a 50% reduction, 10000 xp goes down to 5000 xp (divide by 2). To actually reduce it to the original number would be 10000 down to 1667 xp (divide by 6).


Also, I called it white helix module because the person I quoted said that. I didn't remember the exact name, but it sounded about right. It was only one word difference.


So anyways, I propose a second module, Black Acute Module. This one would stack with White Acute Module and divide xp by 6. During double xp events, players could use both items to reduce xp to the original launch numbers. Outside double xp events, players could just use Black Acute Module to, again, reduce xp to the original numbers.

Edited by ThanderSnB
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ahh, got ya.

Ya I already know that, and thanks for adding that information


Seems we have a new game, where you have to find ways not to over level the Planet you're on :eek:


Players are having to deal with being weaker, or just not do most of the content that is available to them. Both makes it a long boring game.

While only a couple planets need to be increase a couple levels, some need or should be increased a minimum of 10 levels. Keep the low number, but increase the high(max) level. This should allow those that want minimized mission and advance in class story doable, and for those that want to explore, and do other content, without being weaker (lvl Sync) before being done.

If one comes to help your friends or guild, and over Level, you deal with the Level sync, some one growing and wanting to do most of, or all of the content, should be allowed to without being forced into a Level sync


The way it's set up now, just skip every thing about the story, buy a Token, and just play end game. And just keep repeating the couple things that is available that you're not level sync

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okay, taking a few day's break, that way conquest points aren't wasted.

But doing a side-by-side comparison of sub v pref leveling, with limited content and try not to out level planet level.


Not actually a blind or control comparison, I screwed up a couple times for that to be control, and I already know the results, just not the experience .

I'm really at the starting point to compare, and it's almost hard for me not to get bored, and whining, because I can't get some gear, since it takes me off the class only missions, and requires me to do side missions . And there is no PvP :t_rolleyes: again something that would increase level.

Oh yeah and no talking with your Companions, made that mistake with one of the characters ,


Only thing that is not control with them, are the Implants and relics , every thing else I craft, this way The item rating is close to both, I could do Implants and Relics, but it was taking too long crafting on pref account. I mean if I really wanted to, I could just do those on sub account and mail.


although it happens early, if it your male (you don't have to do it) you'll have 1 extra mission pop up, that the female does not get. I did it by habit. And was unaware the female doesn't get it, for the class I am doing this in.


Like I said basically starting, both are at the start of Tatooine, at starting level of the Planet, the pref account (female) is slightly higher on XP, it's close enough to say they'er the same, even though on the sub (male) has done more :eek:

that more was , once log out in Cantina, the Jaxo mission, and talked with a companion, I think the difference was the 3 pvp mission, the Pref had 3 wins, and the Sup had 1win 2loses. The Pvp was accident, habit doing it, I did it with Sub and so I had to do it with Pref. Still manage to stay at Max level when leaving Planet.

the Companion I am running with is influence 20+, some are 50, but that's for crafting purpose , I have a couple I can start using as level 10


So starter Planets done.

Your missing a lot of gear if just staying on Class Story only, you're gaining your companions faster, because you're not wasting time doing other Side or Planetary missions (that's more a prediction, but true).

your going to be weak, one way or the other, since you skip side missions, you don't get gear, so your Item Rating (IR) will be lower. Fine if your against trash, the strong or elite just will take you longer.

Someone just starting and No help don't have the credits to increase influence. Suspect they'll always be in level sync, no matter the account type


to be continue

Edited by Achnaattwo
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Honestly i would rather see actually either new phases of old planets like a return to the core worlds with current and future high levels in mind. Even so much as rebuilding efforts in some of the locations and post origin stories/SoR/Kotfe-Kotet wars effect on planets. New NPCs, new stories maybe even new places that were not able to get to in the original game.


Even more NPCs reacting to the good and bad you have done across the galaxy having a more impact on your character going forward. That is even tying into the Sabotuer stuff. Sure its more content than what we have gotten since classic.

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So starter Planets done.

Your missing a lot of gear if just staying on Class Story only, you're gaining your companions faster, because you're not wasting time doing other Side or Planetary missions (that's more a prediction, but true).

your going to be weak, one way or the other, since you skip side missions, you don't get gear, so your Item Rating (IR) will be lower. Fine if your against trash, the strong or elite just will take you longer.

Someone just starting and No help don't have the credits to increase influence. Suspect they'll always be in level sync, no matter the account type


to be continue


I think you're still misunderstanding. Use the White Acute Module, then do whatever quests you want (as long as you also do the class quest) and leave at the planetary level. Do pvp if you want, as long as you leave the planet when you hit the max level on the galaxy view. Again, this becomes less and less important as you level. The game has been redesigned so Act 1 is very forgiving.


If you don't have the WAM, though, this is all for nothing. You'll still outlevel all the content, even as a pref.

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On Nar Shadda, my level 80 healer could barely keep our tank alive in a mob fight. Despite what you'll say, it is not a "know yer class derp!" issue. It's that my heals just have no impact. My companion was hitting them with higher heals.

yeah I still haven't finish Sith Inquisitors Story on this account, I knew I had one started, scroll down to find they're on Nar Shaddaa @55. I was intrigued by another topic, So good excuse to create New, And play as a Sith Inquisitor with the Sentinel combat style. Just crafting my own gear,So I don't gain to far ahead in level. Just keeping it limited content, but doing PvP.

I was fighting Darth Skotia, I was like, "man this is taking longer then it's suppose to". Glance down, and noticed, I'm in Level Sync already.

If I was doing this for the very first time, I would have thought it to be a normal fight. Not a thought of me being weaker due to level Sync.

It was a 'WTH' moment for me, because I did less content then New players would have done.

New players will think it's Normal to be lvl 30+ First time on Taris/Balmorra (depending which Faction) and taking 5 minutes to fight trash. Level Sync is just dragging the gaming experience, and causing a longer then should be game play


Feel like we need a meme of Nancy Regan, when she was doing her "Just Say No to drugs", but reads , " Just say NO to Level Sync" or what ever "Just say no"

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If you don't have the WAM, though, this is all for nothing. You'll still outlevel all the content, even as a pref.


Yeah, if they had really, truly tested Level Sync, They probably would have WAM available to purchase all the time, not just during the double XP event.

Thing is I don't want another thing to Slow my progression, But this may be the case of taking one of the lessor evil thing.


If I didn't need to complete Class Story ,I'd just do Side missions, (and for me, the PvP). I can easily level up that way, and I can always move to a planet that keeps me within it's Planet level. Probably and possibly even skip a planet or two

Only Problem going that route there won't be companions to chose from. Just the one you first get, unless you have others that you bought or earned that you can summon at lvl 10. If you don't craft, then no problem, . Then you don't even need the first one. If you need more choices, can add more, doing the Shadow of Revan Story at 50-55 (not sure what the level is needed, at this time)


If they really want to test Level Sync. Find out how it affects those that are just leveling up first, Not test it just as level 70-80. It needs to tested on All Planets all levels


a thought; Just play healer and let your companion do all the dps, and you just heal :p

Edited by Achnaattwo
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I think you're still misunderstanding. Use the White Acute Module, then do whatever quests you want (as long as you also do the class quest) and leave at the planetary level. Do pvp if you want, as long as you leave the planet when you hit the max level on the galaxy view. Again, this becomes less and less important as you level. The game has been redesigned so Act 1 is very forgiving.


If you don't have the WAM, though, this is all for nothing. You'll still outlevel all the content, even as a pref.

Manage to reach Alderaan, Under planet level with inquisitor, but the planets before that almost over level, Balmorra had enter at max level , and Nar Shaddaa enter just 1 level below max planet level. Nar Shaddaa and Tatoonie were short, had only gained one level there, which was the first Planet I was not at max or over Planet level. Only XP boost is the one from guild, nothing from Legacy. Except for WZ and GSF. I only did the intro to WZ and GSF.

Still have to just do Class Story, and no talking with Companions, or any other missions.

I may get to PvP again, with this character :cool:

Edited by Achnaattwo
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On Nar Shadda, my level 80 healer could barely keep our tank alive in a mob fight. Despite what you'll say, it is not a "know yer class derp!" issue. It's that my heals just have no impact. My companion was hitting them with higher heals.


Out of curiosity, what fight/where on NS did this occur? With what kind of healer and tank? Any other details? I might like to go replicate.

Edited by Crystal_Mind
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My experiment, had me at 29 leaving Taris (Sith) , but due to Quesh's level range I couldn't get the inoculation to enter Quesh.

Which means I can afford to do more on Taris . Maybe catch up on conversations with companions too. Get some PvP in.

I went to Hoth to unlock quick travel points and maps, did get jumped by Trash mobs a couple times, and they weren't a issue, like if I went to a planet that I was Level sync, feeling like I'm sluggish. I'm sure it's not going to be the same with Strong or Elite mobs.

If I was to conclude now, then I would suggest just doing Class Story to Balmorra/Taris. This would allow minimum time in Level sync.

Quesh, Unsuspectingly threw a wrench in the sprocket .Which is going to allow me to do more content,on Balmorra/Taris, but not until that moment. Well I didn't know till this happened


The forward motion I am used to, has a slow but faster feeling to it. meaning I am slower at leveling up, but going through the class story faster.

Only XP boost is the one from the guild, no Legancy xp boost on this Character

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Am I the only player that has not noticed the new level synch issues? Can someone TL;DR the issues for me please?

The issues that have been brought up.

  • Crystals not working
  • level sync for low levels makes the gaming experience sluggish, and progression slower
  • not all augments are working (I thought they were fixed last patch)

That's what I can recall for a TL;DR

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The issues that have been brought up.

  • Crystals not working
  • level sync for low levels makes the gaming experience sluggish, and progression slower
  • not all augments are working (I thought they were fixed last patch)

That's what I can recall for a TL;DR

Thanks for the reply. I can only comment: really? I've not noticed anything. I didn't think crystals had much of an effect after level 10. I recently made more new lowbie alts to level and other than having to wait forever for new skills (which I knew was happening from PTS), as a soloer doing missions/quests (rather than FPs), I haven't seen any changes in how long it's taking my characters to level.

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What was wrong with this solution?

Tertiary stats: no change

Primary stats: a % of your other stats based on planet. Higher stats will allow you to be slightly stronger. So for example on Hoth you have 81.237% of your main stats.

Not Just Hoth, or One single Planet but from the Beginning. Every Planet.

This does not make it Harder, Just Longer . .Just Boring fights, because your just smashing keys longer. What's the point of having upgraded gear, if your stats are being reduce.

Level sync , it's intentions were to allow higher levels not to be so over powering on lower level planets, yes it's doing that, but it effects also lower player levels just doing their progression ,and slowing it down. More in making the battles longer.

1 or 2 levels over are not that bad at lower levels, mid levels it's more noticeable. But that just means you're doing minimum content, to keep that 1-3 levels over in controlled to do just that.


If you are one that want's to do more content, for gear, or quality of gaming experience , you're not going to be 1-3 levels over, your going to become 20-30 levels over, now you could not use any XP boost, not even legacy xp boost, you're still going to be 10-20 when you reach Tatooine.

Can you still do the Content over level (in Level Sync) , Yes you can, but a person is pretty frigging Arrogant to think they can do as well or normal as being at planet level (not in Level Sync).

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Thanks for the reply. I can only comment: really? I've not noticed anything. I didn't think crystals had much of an effect after level 10. I recently made more new lowbie alts to level and other than having to wait forever for new skills (which I knew was happening from PTS), as a soloer doing missions/quests (rather than FPs), I haven't seen any changes in how long it's taking my characters to level.

Not comparing, but not sure how long you have been playing, you don't need to say, Just saying if you can't notice once 2 levels over you can no longer One hit trash mobs, and Strong and elite mobs are taking longer to battle. Just means you don't notice :p.

Maybe you never Unlock Legacy XP boost, I would imagine someone that never unlocks legacy XP boost, might not really notice

I'm only doing the Practical gaming experience, not the literal experience, you can't get the actual quality of experience from Just literal only, you need to see the Practical results as well.


By doing minimum content to stay withing Planet Level, the leveling is slower, the progression in Class Story missions is actually faster. Your not doing Heroics, PvP, OP's,FP, or Planetary Missions and Side missions, Oh and no Conversations with your Companions. No XP boost, including Legacy, don't join a guild to gain XP boost. One can be at level and later under planet level.


Heck I'm doing that and on Hoth class Story , and I'm 34 (Hoth is a 37-41). I can't one hit the Trash mobs any more, and the strong and elite mobs take a little longer. Ah just remembered , I'm done with Hoth, just haven't left yet, my level is 35 now, close to 36, lets just say 36.

Now normally I'm 50 something on Hoth, because I did heroics, PvP, Some side missions, and have all the XP boost unlocked, and the XP boost you get when you finish Story missions you had on the Planets you completed, or use the one you get for completing Conquest, But this was before 7.0


I'd say that's a Noticeable difference, because I'd say even after 7.0 (Level Sync) I'm 10-20 levels over by Alderaan


You can leave level sync as is, just increase Max Planet levels, So those still growing won't be affected by Level Sync


A Player can still do their extra content, and not be in level Sync. I just feel that would be a better possibly simpler fix then tying to fix Level sync to not affect the lower level characters

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Don't know what youre talking about.

Level sync was put in place to keep old planets relevant for endgame stuff (heroics). Story leveling is something completely different. To fix this BW could everytime reduce the XP you'll get... but they did exactly the opposite. With 4.0 they massively increased XP to get players faster in Kotfe/Kotet.

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Don't know what youre talking about.

Level sync was put in place to keep old planets relevant for endgame stuff (heroics). Story leveling is something completely different. To fix this BW could everytime reduce the XP you'll get... but they did exactly the opposite. With 4.0 they massively increased XP to get players faster in Kotfe/Kotet.


Yes , Level Sync is fine for endgame, still not great but for me . . acceptable at that level.


I'm talking about how it affects lower levels, the way it is, that it shouldn't put low levels the same way it does for high levels (endgame level)

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Being 4-5 levels under planet level has the same effect as being 2-3 over (level sync) planet level does. Except your gear isn't % reduced, you're just under gear.

It can be done, just takes longer


I still think Increasing planet levels is probably simpler solution for lower level progression to be unaffected by Level sync.

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