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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So, September is right around the corner and...


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where is the content? We get that you are doing the best you can. We understand that you don't like to make static timelines because we'll hold you to it. Things get moved, some things aren't ready. Yeah, yeah we know. We get that. We can deal with refurbished content since we've been doing it for years now but don't think we've forgotten that this is the 10year anniversary. We expected a lot more than what was delivered so far. Do not let 2022 finish with out holding up to your end.


When's the next update? When can we test it on PTS? When's GS3 starting? At least give us something before you guys go on Xmas holiday leave.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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Although it may be correct that SWTOR is in a slow decline, Steam charts only measures Steam users.


I can't see any reason why general trends would be much different. If someone migrated to Steam I don't see why they would return to the inferior option of launcher and bitraider.

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We'll never know, but what I think happened is sometime between the initial announcement and launch, EA pulled a bunch of SWTOR developers to work on other projects, thus dooming 7.0 to failure. Bioware can never say that. All they can do is make the best of it. Try to stay positive, avoid anything negative, release whatever content they can with their skeleton team. Maybe those other projects will be finished at some point and SWTOR releases will pick up or maybe not. Only time will tell. By the way, if you've finished all the content and don't have anything to do, it's totally fine to take a break until the next update. Your free time should be fun!
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By the way, if you've finished all the content and don't have anything to do, it's totally fine to take a break until the next update. Your free time should be fun!


No doubt! I've learned over the years that this game is best played in spurts.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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As usual, the devs had their moment when they were responding a lot to comments and suggestions and now that time is over. It lasted about a week iirc. They still respond to bug reports but as far as what's next or what they would like to do, forget it. I wish certain players would remember this, but I'm sure they won't, and six or eight months or a year or the next time twitter and reddit (i.e the forums they actually pay attention to) goes berserk and they deign to come back and make more empty promises of better communication, I'm absolutely sure that those white knights will fail to understand the forum's cynicism once again, i.e "why can't you just be happy?? people are just 'griping' because they like to be unhappy."


No. We just don't have goldfish memories. This is a pattern of behavior. They claim they're going to change and communicate regularly and it lasts a week and then it goes back to business as usual.

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What I have never understood is why they just don't make a quarterly update. Every Three months some kind of update with actual substance. That would quell a lot of the issues. D2R makes a quarterly update and appear on streamers stream about twice a year. They answer gameplay questions and even say why they won't changes things. That games team has been confirmed to be 20 people total. I'm guessing its about the same number of people for SWTOR and D2R doesn't have reoccurring income.


Unless they are way way more understaffed then we thought. I'm talking like 3 people 2 interns and Tim they found in the lobby one day.

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I came back off a week's vacation and completely forgot that there is a new daily area. I just realised today and then couldn't be bothered putting the 3 toons (of my 50 that are eligible) because the mobs are overly tiresome to kill for rewards that are totally uninspiring.


I do like the look of the daily area but if you thought that that was enough to turn me on, you'd no doubt say that I was shallow!!

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