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Combat Inflation by Eliminating Sales Runs


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But if they buy it from a vendor they don't deserve it, right?



If someone give you credits for gear/sales run, thats fine - He doesn't have to do anything else for his gear.

But if the same someone give credits to a vendor to get BiS gear this is a bad gearing system, because he doesn't have to do anything else for his gear.


Obviously they do deserve it, however having a vendor that sells items for 50b is kinda pointless with the credit cap being 4.3b?

Edited by ZUHFB
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But if they buy it from a vendor they don't deserve it, right?



If someone give you credits for gear/sales run, thats fine - He doesn't have to do anything else for his gear.

But if the same someone give credits to a vendor to get BiS gear this is a bad gearing system, because he doesn't have to do anything else for his gear.


That is exactly the point he is trying to make. Hypocricy in it's ugliest form for sure.

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Pay to win, in other words.


Yes. but you aren't winning. It's pay to lose a different way. Buying mounts is P2W since you actually get to keep them but gear is only temporary.


But yes, saleruns are pay to win - as the word salerun already implies.

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So let's say I buy Anomaly runs and get the BiS gear, then what?

Will that change the fact that I'm just a casual player that doesn't even know the mechanics in Dxun op or in Gods? Sorry but this sounds not only dishonorable, but also pointless, you cannot be a husky and pretend to be a wolf..


These sales should not exist at all, and to put an end to this, the 340 gear should be eliminated or made available in other ways, not only from one single operation.

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What essentialy happened here is that, with the devs approval, SWTOR has turned in to a Pay-to-wiin game.


I buy x number of Hypercrates (value 5billions) and for those I buy a sale run R-4 anomlay. I get the gear, achivement and so on.


I pay for the hypercrates with cartel coins (real monney) and BW is happy, the raidiing team that provides the run is happy, the one who bought the run is happy... and the game dies. Because no one left cares.

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What essentialy happened here is that, with the devs approval, SWTOR has turned in to a Pay-to-wiin game.


I buy x number of Hypercrates (value 5billions) and for those I buy a sale run R-4 anomlay. I get the gear, achivement and so on.


I pay for the hypercrates with cartel coins (real monney) and BW is happy, the raidiing team that provides the run is happy, the one who bought the run is happy... and the game dies. Because no one left cares.


No you don't! I don't get it how is this so hard. A buyer pays ~50 BILLION CREDITS PER PIECE. You will not find a team willing to sell FULLGEAR to you because they would run out of space to store the credits first, buyers can buy achievements or the mount, but you cannot buy true anomaly, you cannot buy full gear. Furthermore it is just not the sellers job to check if the credits were obtained legitimately, it is the devs job to ban people buying credits.


If you think this is P2W then this game has been P2W forever. Nobody is going to buy that. Also as I said, then what? You didn't even win, sure enough you have 340.... and then what? What do you people think 340 gear is, it's nice to have but not necessary by any means.

Edited by ZUHFB
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No you don't! I don't get it how is this so hard. A buyer pays ~50 BILLION CREDITS PER PIECE.


Let me help you out... The same people who say this is one/best/better gearing system we had because players once again have to earn the gear, those people sell bis gear to players who don't have to do anything for it, exept to pay.

It doesn't matter how many pieces they get or how much they spend on it.

You can not have/do both. Thats hypocrisy.

Edited by Xhuuyaa
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Let me help you out... The same people who say this is one/best/better gearing system we had because players once again have to earn the gear, those people sell bis gear to players who don't have to do anything for it, exept to pay.

It doesn't matter how many pieces they get or how much they spend on it.

You can not have/do both. Thats hypocrisy.


I don't know, for me this seems perfectly reasonable and fine.

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You know, you're all allowed to be mad about R4 gearing without claiming that sales runs are the root of inflation, right?


By the logic in this thread, I'm pretty darn sure Trade Chat is a bigger driver of inflation than the tiny number of active sales runs. (Seriously, when blaster-shaped pixel arrangements are being sold for 8+ hypercrates...)

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You know, you're all allowed to be mad about R4 gearing without claiming that sales runs are the root of inflation, right?


By the logic in this thread, I'm pretty darn sure Trade Chat is a bigger driver of inflation than the tiny number of active sales runs. (Seriously, when blaster-shaped pixel arrangements are being sold for 8+ hypercrates...)


Sale-runs is not the root to inflation, but it is a driving factor, no question about that.


I dont care about sale-runs, to be honest, I donmt care about this game anymore. But it is funny to see people having no problem with selling BiS for real money, but god forbid that anyone should be able tro grind for it on any content for BiS.


NiM raiders have made their own arguments invalid by sale-runs.You dont have to clear the hardest content, you only have to cash up for it.

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These sales should not exist at all, and to put an end to this, the 340 gear should be eliminated or made available in other ways, not only from one single operation.


They can't eliminate 340 gear, but they do need to make it more available from more than just HM R4. The number of people per server that can complete it is very small. Atm, 340 gear helps make it easier to clear HM R4 and older content, making sales runs viable again. Everyone who isn't the 1% is struggling still in R4.


The only way to eliminate sales runs to to make the cosmetics available another way. Say for instance, have a vendor that sells them for 1B per item, BOP, so you'd have to buy it per toon and not be tradable. Tons of people would jump on that. Leave the titles for timers still only available for doing the run. It would still give the raiders a reason to do it.


Having buyable 340 mods would also help get credits out of the system. Everyone would buy them, regardless of their play style. We had gear equality for like 6 years. We need to get back to it, again.

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But we have equality... you can have 340 too! Just do R-4 HM.


Like I don't get it, just let the people who want to do R-4 gear in peace.


They are not hurting your gear progression.


How about the devs make the game more accessible gear wise like it has been for years. Then the game will be more accessible to everyone and not just the top tier players that are toxic. Then they will complain that the game is too easy to the point where they leave the game because they can't lord their accomplishments over everyone. Then they can take all the BS with them and let the rest of us finally have a game that is targeted to the majority of it's players.

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But we have equality... you can have 340 too! Just do R-4 HM.


Like I don't get it, just let the people who want to do R-4 gear in peace.


They are not hurting your gear progression.


When only 1% of raiders can farm HM R4? Not 1% of players. 1% of just raiders. There will be no peace until everyone has a reasonable shot at the best gear. Better yet, a reversion to the 6 years we had of everyone having the same gear and it truly not mattering.

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When only 1% of raiders can farm HM R4? Not 1% of players. 1% of just raiders. There will be no peace until everyone has a reasonable shot at the best gear. Better yet, a reversion to the 6 years we had of everyone having the same gear and it truly not mattering.


Ok, let's do the math: ~6k players on steam and lets say 4k on normal client. Then it would need 100 people to beat R-4 to already not be 1% of raiders, but 1% of players. You can look at the logs, many pugs killed it many teams killed it. It's probably 100 people that have true anomaly by now. Even the... worse teams I sometimes help or am in contact with get to dominique. I can probably name 100 people that have cleared R-4 and 0 of them would be from NA servers. Why is this important? It's actually more like 2-3% of players and 15-20% of raiders that do raid anything else than SM on a semi-regular basis. Let's just say that idk 30% of people who do raid qualify for this, that would mean that (if 2k people raid) 600 of them are in teams and then 120 of those are clearing R-4 + NA population is probably doubling that and you end up woth numbers of: 20% of people are raiding of those 2000 people, 200 clear it, or are close to so it's more like 10%.


Can you see how these numbers aren't nearly as low as you make them out to be?


The lower the number the more accurate my assumption.


But anyway: raiders get content max 1. per year, in only two modes. Not only do you want to make it too easy, no you also want it to give no reward! No, thank you. It's not even interfering with most people that post here, they are still able to go to 330 and do what ever they like.It just simply doesn't effect you. Srop ruining the fun.

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How about the devs make the game more accessible gear wise like it has been for years. Then the game will be more accessible to everyone and not just the top tier players that are toxic. Then they will complain that the game is too easy to the point where they leave the game because they can't lord their accomplishments over everyone. Then they can take all the BS with them and let the rest of us finally have a game that is targeted to the majority of it's players.


The game was accessible gear wise to all players - the 6.0 era. What was wrong with it? Why change to this chaos we have now?

And I agree with you, maybe the top tier players should consider alternate sources of entertainment ( other games, Chess, GO, Sudoku and so on) and let the casuals play in peace.

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Yeah I wonder how many forum posts there would be if they made a vendor selling a piece of gear for 50 BILLION.


First of all, you are talking about sale run prices that have been taken out of a hat. If you seriously think vendor prices would be anywhere close to that you are deluded.


Second, why would it even bother you? Are you worried you wouldn't have time to to attack them all?



These sales should not exist at all, and to put an end to this, the 340 gear should be eliminated or made available in other ways, not only from one single operation.


^^ This.


They can't eliminate 340 gear, but they do need to make it more available from more than just HM R4. The number of people per server that can complete it is very small. Atm, 340 gear helps make it easier to clear HM R4 and older content, making sales runs viable again. Everyone who isn't the 1% is struggling still in R4.


The only way to eliminate sales runs to to make the cosmetics available another way. Say for instance, have a vendor that sells them for 1B per item, BOP, so you'd have to buy it per toon and not be tradable. Tons of people would jump on that. Leave the titles for timers still only available for doing the run. It would still give the raiders a reason to do it.


Having buyable 340 mods would also help get credits out of the system. Everyone would buy them, regardless of their play style. We had gear equality for like 6 years. We need to get back to it, again.


Yeah. I might actually consider crafting legendary augments if I had BiS gear to put them on. Now there's no point really.


How about the devs make the game more accessible gear wise like it has been for years. Then the game will be more accessible to everyone and not just the top tier players that are toxic. Then they will complain that the game is too easy to the point where they leave the game because they can't lord their accomplishments over everyone. Then they can take all the BS with them and let the rest of us finally have a game that is targeted to the majority of it's players.


Eliminating sale runs would definitely eliminate a big chunk of toxicity too.


You can look at the logs, many pugs killed it


And here we go with the flat out lies again. None of what you say matters when you keep lying, or posting your "alternate"truth, or whatever you want to call it.


But anyway: raiders get content max 1. per year, in only two modes. Not only do you want to make it too easy, no you also want it to give no reward! No, thank you. It's not even interfering with most people that post here, they are still able to go to 330 and do what ever they like.It just simply doesn't effect you. Srop ruining the fun.


You ( = sale runners) are the ones ruining the game. You only want to get sale runs going, and you can't have too many people to have their gear or there will be less buyers to milk.


You call it reward and you call it easy. You've cleared it, why are you still here? To sell it, that's why. Your "fun" factor now comes from attacking people on the forum. That's one more reason why devs should put an end to it. And the best way to do it is by making the gear accesible for all who want it.

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The game was accessible gear wise to all players - the 6.0 era. What was wrong with it? Why change to this chaos we have now?

And I agree with you, maybe the top tier players should consider alternate sources of entertainment ( other games, Chess, GO, Sudoku and so on) and let the casuals play in peace.


The only thing that was wrong with 6.0 gearing was the million types of mods there was.

Also some BiS set bonuses were basically free, when someone else had to pray RNG gods to get theirs. That was just bad design. All classes should have had equal opportunity for their set bonuses.


Other than that, 6.0 gearing was perfect.

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