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Everything posted by PerKIA

  1. My solution is quite simple, since im from Sweden, it is... Taxation! Taxtation, taxation, taxation. A progressive scale in a type of inverted richter-scale. An account with 500 billions vill be hit by a 98% tax. Tha will leave the account with 9 billions An account with 100 billions will be hit with a, lets say, 92% tax. An account with 20 millions will be hit with a 2% tax. An account with 50 million will be hit with 2,5% tax There has got to be a person with good math skills in the dev team that can come upp with a functioning "algorithm", or whatever its called that can do this. This will erase a vast amount of credits, and a lot of peole will be... upset about it. But the thing is, prices will go down on GTN, a lot. No one is going to buy black/black dye for 2-3 billions, the credits will simply not be there. The rich will still be rich and the poor will still be poor, but the gap is not so huge and these ridiculous prices will be gone. If need be, ther is always credit sinks for the rich, like amplifiers (I myself spent 600-700 millons on those) And also, like some people already suggested, do what needs to be done in order to stop sales outside the GTN. The number of players that are going to be upset about this are numerous, a few might even quit. But i think the dust will settle rather quickly, it always does. PS: The numbers are of course just examples.
  2. Absolutley not, not again. What they should do is give a 20% boost on "awakend Flame". as they said they would!
  3. im afraid i dont have any data to back up that. Therefore the questionmark. But i looked at the damage just before, and right after the update, and it was lower, so, nerf? if no one else noticed any change, then it might just me beeing wrong.
  4. if im correct, theyt lowered the damage bonus on it.
  5. Why nerf the tactcial "The Awakend Flame? It wasnt mentioned in the patch notes! That together with the nerf on "enrgized blade" is a huge nerf to deception assassin. I supposed assassin dps have had its run as "flavour of the month", and its back to mediocre, non-playable spec again
  6. Sale-runs is not the root to inflation, but it is a driving factor, no question about that. I dont care about sale-runs, to be honest, I donmt care about this game anymore. But it is funny to see people having no problem with selling BiS for real money, but god forbid that anyone should be able tro grind for it on any content for BiS. NiM raiders have made their own arguments invalid by sale-runs.You dont have to clear the hardest content, you only have to cash up for it.
  7. What essentialy happened here is that, with the devs approval, SWTOR has turned in to a Pay-to-wiin game. I buy x number of Hypercrates (value 5billions) and for those I buy a sale run R-4 anomlay. I get the gear, achivement and so on. I pay for the hypercrates with cartel coins (real monney) and BW is happy, the raidiing team that provides the run is happy, the one who bought the run is happy... and the game dies. Because no one left cares.
  8. If you pay som extra cash, they will deliver
  9. Ok, poorly worded by me, they "decides" what you deserve. Then i worded it poorly again, thats not what i meant. They have as little as I to do with that. What i ment was that you cant at the same time claim that BiS is only for the ones doing the hardest content, then turn around and sell it to the highest bidder. Same with mounts and titles. Thats hypocrasy. I know they'r only playing the system, a systme they had nothing to do with in how it s done. I dont think gear shouldbe NiM only, NiM raiders shouldget other rewards, that dosent effect the gameplay, like titles, mounts and other cool stuff. All this "dont need it", "dont deserve it" and so on is silly. Having modable gear only for NiM is so stupid. Im not going to run around with 1k -1,5k more in alacrity then i need to just because im not doing NiM ops!!! it's ridiculous. When (if) that comes live, im done with this game.
  10. The first time I did an operation, that was EV sm and it was (if i remember corectly) in march or april 2012. I had never played an mmo, SWTOR was the first one. I had full rakata that time. I bought everything on the GTN. The earpice and implants ibought at Belsavis daily vendor for daily commendation. After that I have alwys hade BiS, it took a while but it wasnt that hard to grind for credits so i could afford it. Did I need it? hell if i know, i didnt know the differnce between healer, tank and dps at that time, i just went at it. There were plenty of NiM raiders who had the schematics for every mod, armouring and enhancement. Sunday night and monday GTN werer full of them. Later on they shouted out on he fleet and sold them for mats. So, yes, you could from the very start get BiS from GTN (btw, EC hadnt been released at that time, it all came from EV and KP)
  11. Well, i used the wrong number and by that you decleared me ignorant and ireleevent. And I was misstaken, but my point still stands, you could craft mods before (even when set-bonus came with the armouring) and get BiS without ever setting foot in NiM ops. My point beeing that you have always been able to get BiS in SWTOR, withour doing NiM ops. Until now that is. Also that it was the NiM community that saw to that, by crafting mods and sell it on GTN. And now after 10 years when thwty cant make a profit out of it, it suddenly start arguing that "deservs" "only for the hardest content" and so on. wich they didnt care one bit about when they make credits from it. There arguments dont hold up. Saying "I dont want anyone to have BiS who cant beat Brontes burnphase" thats a valid argument. Stupid one, but valid. Saying"you dont need it". its not a valid argument, you dont know what i need, you might not need it, but i do. So, not a valid argument. "you dont deserve it" Also not a valid argument. You dont get to say what i deserve, the dev's does, and no one else. It's their game.
  12. I stand corrected, thx for that. Apart from that, I still stand for what i wrote.
  13. You are funny 330 is the highest now, but 332 will come with the new ops. and will be the gear that is moddable; therefore the reference to 332 and not 330. Your assumption of me not knowing about the gearing system in this game is very funny. Other than that, you nmissing the entire point of the post is also funny. I understand you dont get it, since its probably a lot you dont get. And how do you know i dont have gold augments, I had some 500k+ tech framgements stored away at one point
  14. Buying mods/armorings and enhancments from GTN isnt exactly difficult And it was the NiM community that put it there. Lets face it, if it were possible to reverse engeneering 332 mods, you would do in a heartbeat in order to make a profit, to undeserving plebs. There would be no talk about "deserving", doing "the hardest content" etc. But since it isnt possible, No one but you should have it!
  15. No, it wasnt. You could rather easily get BiS (Rakata) in 1.0, and in 2.0. You grinded for credits and bought them on GTN. Implant and earpiece you bought om Belsavis for Daily commendations. You could take the mods, armourings and enhancement out and reverse engenering it to get the schematics for it. 7.0 is the only time you absolutly must do a NiM raid in order to get BiS, even if its just grinding nefra, it has to be NiM. I have always had the chans to get BiS even though I didnt start doing NiM ops until 4.0. It took a lot , and i mean a lot, of grinding for credists, but it was doable. I had full Rakat for my first raide ever, EV sm that way.. The NiM community couldnt really complain about that, they were the ones that had sold the gear to me :-)
  16. When are you going to understand that "need" has nothing to do with it?!?!? You don't need a speeder to do NiM ops, så therfore, by yore logic,, you shouldnt have it.. There are a lot of things you don't "need" in order to to do certain aspects of this game, so should they be removed? Need has absolutley nothing to do with this! I know a lot of players that dont "need" BiS gear in order to cear every single ops in this game, they could do it in 2-3 even 4 tiers under BiS. They dont really need the gear, so should they be banned from BiS gear? Why do feel you so threatend by the idea that som noob are geared in BiS? Does it diminish youre playing experience to that extent that must lash out? And "need" is a very relative concept, Some players need just that extra dps in order to finish the more difficult Veteran ops, or mm FP's, that is just there skill level. But you belive that they dont deserve that extra litlle help, even tough they are just as commited as you are, spends just as much time that you do, and pays the same subscription that you do! But youi, on the other hand, you deserve that little extra help, becuse you are playing NiM, and that is sooo much more difficult anf hard to master. But do you really ? When are you going to understand, that "need" and "deserve" has absolutley nothing to do with this. The Devs decides who gets what, and they seem to decide it on a whim, spur of the moment and then goes with. It has nothing to do with "need" and "deserves"
  17. This is pathetic. You get Rakata gear for doing NiM, hardest content in the game. And those who play it dosent understand how stats works, so the devs have to change it so it is less "confusing" ?!?!?!? Embarrassing
  18. This is BS,argument. That argument went out the window the second NiM teams started to sell runs for titles and mounts. And the argument that.. "you dont need that" is also bogus. Raiders dont need speeders to get the job done, so ban raiders from using speeders... sounds fair? I mean, raiders dont really need to use a speeder to get wehre there going, right? they can walk or run. Solo players travels a lot back and forth on the planets so they do need the speeder. Most serious NiM raiders left a long time ago, Nim wasnt even that difficult, even in 5.0 and 6.0, I could do it, wich says a lot about that. You got youre gear, so why are you stuill playing the game when its pointless after that? Progression is when you evolve and get better as a player and finally kill the boss. The reward is irrelevant.. that can be anything, like titles, mounts and so on.
  19. This is not entirely true. You could craft purple gear, even mods. I did that on my second character, every 5 lvls or so i had crafted purple gear to my jugg so he had "up to date" gear. It was the worst mods, enhancements and armourings, typ a if i recall correctly. My artifice assassain could craft purple off-hand.. you could also by rakata implants and earpice for daily tokens on belsavis daily area. You could also by rakata mods at the GTN. (the god ones)
  20. I´ve read through this, and other, posts concerning gearing. The NiM community is very happy that the BiS AND the moddable gear is locked behind NiM operations. It will make them very, very speciel, the need special rewards and recognition and they deserv that because... reasons Other players are not happy about that, strangley enough, they also want the good stuff. Now, NiM raiders did have special rewards. They hade titles, mounts and achivments. But that was boring, so they were thinking, "how can i capitalize on this?" Yes, lets make sale-runs, bring in the cash and f**k our rewards, lets sell it to the highest bidder (or for a sett amount) So ther rewards were not that inspiring, The wanted more. Beeing cozy with the devs on discord can sometime payoff, the NiM raiders got there hard earn reward, BiS gear is behind a NiM wall. But hey! this is a buisness oppurtunity, F**k our special reward for our hard and difficult achivment, lets make sale-runs to make the game a proper "pay-to-win" game. A billion a set- piece and 2 for the implants and earpice!
  21. welll, Why shouldnt they? What you dont seem to understand is that there are people of differnet skill level playing this game. There are those that are struggling in NiM, but also those that are struggling in HM. For some reason you belive that those who are struggling in Dxuun NiM are entitled to a crutch (augments) But those who struggle in HM mode is not. How come? Whats the the difference? And... Does it bother you that other player has the same gear as you? Are youre enjoyment of playing the game lessened by that? Does it affect your playing experience in the least?
  22. One of my juggs have these "freezes", and one of my guildies had it to. My other jugg works fine. My guildie fixed it by changing spec, logging in/out, swithc planet and so on. That did not work for me. No other class has these problems. EDIT: Switched to lana instead of Vette, seems to have fixed it
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