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Bug: We Keep Seeing Dead People!


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Recently we've been seeing dead players in ops groups even when they are alive. They have greyed out health bar and their character name plate is grayed out. If you move close to them you get the res cursor although trying to use it gets red text that they are not dead.




We saw it happen to 3 people last night although it was definitely happening more often to one of them who was shown as dead for about half the raid. The people it affected would come back to life seemingly at random. They can still use all their abilities while looking dead. The one in my screenshot is stealthed out but their character looks normal out of stealth. I noticed that their legs don't move while they are dead. They kind of glide around, like ghosts!


It is kinda funny but it does make it difficult to heal people when you can't see their health bar in the ops window.

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It is not just R4 issue, this is happening rarely in every other operation. Quite regurarly in SNV Nim, especially if you wipe on the Cartel Warlords, we had people to jump over the fence every other pull as they were dead to heals. Styrak and bridge boss was in a permanent use as well.

A note: dying doesn't solve this every time, but most of the time it works (I say 90 % of the time it worked)


Also also if this happens and you try to quit this instance you often get the infinite loading screen bug. Seems connected to me.

Edited by Deaconik
making more precise the statement about dying
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If anyone from BW could at least confirm they know about this bug, that would be goochi.


This ridiculous bug is gamebreaking for Ops content.


Please acknowledge it and add it to known issues.

Edited by arunav
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  • Dev Post
Recently we've been seeing dead players in ops groups even when they are alive. They have greyed out health bar and their character name plate is grayed out. If you move close to them you get the res cursor although trying to use it gets red text that they are not dead.




We saw it happen to 3 people last night although it was definitely happening more often to one of them who was shown as dead for about half the raid. The people it affected would come back to life seemingly at random. They can still use all their abilities while looking dead. The one in my screenshot is stealthed out but their character looks normal out of stealth. I noticed that their legs don't move while they are dead. They kind of glide around, like ghosts!


It is kinda funny but it does make it difficult to heal people when you can't see their health bar in the ops window.


Hi UlaVii/all,


We're currently looking into this and investigating. Right now, we have not been able to repro the issue on our side, so the team is interested in knowing the following information:

  • Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?
  • How did the player/affected player die?


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We keep getting this as well.


- Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?

No, some people are seeing someone as dead, while others are seeing someone else as dead. Meanwhile another groupmember may see everyone alive. So far it seems to be random.


- How did the player/affected player die?

Usually after a wipe. We noticed that if an affected player dies to gravity, it's usually fixed (at least until the next death).

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Hi UlaVii/all,


We're currently looking into this and investigating. Right now, we have not been able to repro the issue on our side, so the team is interested in knowing the following information:

  • Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?
  • How did the player/affected player die?





This is a reoccurring problem in many raids. The way we fix it is by dueling someone in the ops group ( yes for some reason you can now duel inside the ops instance)


Then you have the person that’s greyed out to /stuck and die


When their rezzed the greyed out goes away.


Some people can focus target the greyed out person to heal them that way but some cannot.


It does make raids take much longer since your always trying to fix this after every wipe.


It makes r4 HM prog really unenjoyable.



Also if someone joins the ops group after you already pulled the first boss in r4, for the person that recently joined the group the first pull the boss will still go thru the floor for that person that joined.

Edited by codydmaan
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I have seen the same bug and these are my answers. As a healer it’s very annoying not to be able to heal people!


We're currently looking into this and investigating. Right now, we have not been able to repro the issue on our side, so the team is interested in knowing the following information:


[*]Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?



Not everyone sees the same people as dead.


[*]How did the player/affected player die?



The matter of death doesn’t matter. It could be from dying to damage during a boss pull, or a /stuck due too many people dead and wiping to pull the boss again.

Edited by angelmischief
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Hi UlaVii/all,


We're currently looking into this and investigating. Right now, we have not been able to repro the issue on our side, so the team is interested in knowing the following information:

  • Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?
  • How did the player/affected player die?



1.) Not precisely. There is overlap in frame perception, but in my experience, not everyone will see a given player as "dead." However, once a player has appeared "dead" in another player's frames, they tend to be dead to that viewer on subsequent party rez.


2.) Exact cause of death varies. We encounter this bug after only after total-wipes when the entire party returns to area start. I have experienced it most frequently in the R4 Anomaly Operation (there is almost always at least one 'dead player' on rez). We had a couple people in-guild who experienced it with similar frequency and severity in HM Geonosian Queen last month.


The easiest way we've found to solve this bug is for the "dead" player to go run into an exhaustion zone. Upon rez, they appear alive in the frames again. If on the last boss of R4, jumping off the platform and being saved by the jetback trigger will also fix the bug.

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It's different on each user. Sometimes a single player will show dead for everyone, sometimes just a single person, but usually the same players each night keep getting affected. This can happen from dying from a boss, dying from an exhaustion zone, /stuck, anything that has you die and respawn at the beginning of the R4 instance.


The fix my groups have been doing is having someone who can see them duel the "dead" player, damage them, /stuck, and then manual rez. We only do this when the healer can't see since tank/dps doesn't matter, but even if the healer who saw the player as dead doesn't directly rez them, it still works. Something code wise is going wrong with the respawn.


We didn't have the issue in NiM DF, so I believe it's only R4 affected at this time. It's a good thing dueling is enabled in R4, otherwise we'd have way more trouble due to the infinite loading bug when exiting R4.

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Hi UlaVii/all,


We're currently looking into this and investigating. Right now, we have not been able to repro the issue on our side, so the team is interested in knowing the following information:

  • Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?
  • How did the player/affected player die?



Hi Jackie!


Below is a YouTube video that was trimmed to show an example of this happening in R4. As others have said, it happens in other operations and does not happen to all all players. Some players will see the player, others won't. To add, if the player appears dead, the option to revive them appears when you hover over them in the open world, however you are told you may not revive them as they are not dead.


Specific to this clip:

The "I-see-dead-people players":

- Phinoka. Died to IPCPT (HM) large AOE grenade

- Watcher's Eye. Died to /stuck

- Anniemara. Died to Droid damage as group wiped


There does not seem to be a common way to reproduce the bug. It is random, however it happens often enough to be an issue. I experience it at least once every raid. This was an issue at 7.0 and became worse in 7,1. In 7,0, I only experience this in TFB/SnV/TOS, however now I experience this bug in all operations of all difficulties.


Link to the video:

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Hi UlaVii/all,


We're currently looking into this and investigating. Right now, we have not been able to repro the issue on our side, so the team is interested in knowing the following information:

  • Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?
  • How did the player/affected player die?


  • Different group members see different people as dead/not dead
  • I saw this happen for about an hour on DM while we were doing R-4 (trying to). It would happen after wipes; people /stuck or died to damage.

There's a ton of theories on how to 'fix' it, but so far none of them have worked reliably.

My group assumes it's at least partly due to instance lag... and it definitely happens more on DM than SS (at least in my experience); where SS one might be dead DM has had chains of multiple people seeing multiple people as dead (different ones for each).

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Hi UlaVii/all,


We're currently looking into this and investigating. Right now, we have not been able to repro the issue on our side, so the team is interested in knowing the following information:

  • Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?
  • How did the player/affected player die?



Can't reproduce it... like the Malgus bug?

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  • Dev Post
Hi Jackie!


Below is a YouTube video that was trimmed to show an example of this happening in R4. As others have said, it happens in other operations and does not happen to all all players. Some players will see the player, others won't. To add, if the player appears dead, the option to revive them appears when you hover over them in the open world, however you are told you may not revive them as they are not dead.


Specific to this clip:

The "I-see-dead-people players":

- Phinoka. Died to IPCPT (HM) large AOE grenade

- Watcher's Eye. Died to /stuck

- Anniemara. Died to Droid damage as group wiped


There does not seem to be a common way to reproduce the bug. It is random, however it happens often enough to be an issue. I experience it at least once every raid. This was an issue at 7.0 and became worse in 7,1. In 7,0, I only experience this in TFB/SnV/TOS, however now I experience this bug in all operations of all difficulties.


Link to the video:


Hi Ludwig_VanCover,


This is awesome, thanks for passing it along! We'll take a look and see what info we can pull from it. VODs are always helpful in figuring out what's happening in the player experience, so thanks again!

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Hi UlaVii/all,


We're currently looking into this and investigating. Right now, we have not been able to repro the issue on our side, so the team is interested in knowing the following information:

  • Do all group members see the same player as dead/in that same state?
  • How did the player/affected player die?



Our Thursday night group experienced this at random the last 2 sessions since the 7.1 update came out. It used to happen very rarely before 7.1, but it feels like a guarantee that it will happen each week. We primarily see it in the R-4 op after group wipes (normal death or /stuck). Hard to say if it's happening as frequently in other raids since right now we're mostly sticking to farming SM ops for frags (little to 0 deaths) or progging R-4.


Our solution is for the affected players (the ones seeing the dead people) to completely quit out of the game and start it again. Logging out of character is not enough. The infamous Alt+F4 does wonders. Most of us can quit and reload in about 2 minutes so it's not too terrible but still annoying overall.


It feels like a UI bug since the servers believe the character is alive. The "ghost" character appears alive on their own screen. Mobs and bosses interact with them like normal. It's just a random subset of the group that sees them dead. The server is sending positional data as if they are alive, but the affected players won't process ability animations and instead just float their body around to the correct X, Y, Z coords. It's especially funny to watch when you see your zombie tank doing all the boss mechanics despite appearing dead. Interestingly enough the UI bug persists through logoffs and logins. Only after fully closing the game out does the afflicting "data" get purged and you're able to see everyone alive again in your UI.


EDIT: More info, I took a look at my recording from when I experienced the UI glitch. It happened in the Attractor hallway on our first blind attempt and the group wiped. The last player to die (who died to one of hundreds of swarming thralls, lol) appeared dead to me after I clicked "Return to Area Start".

Edited by SpaceSphere
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