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Everything posted by Drussy

  1. Hello there, In my mind those changes are mostly good in order to make the game more challenging / balanced after both gear upgrade and operation nerfs. I still don't understand why people are whining about R4 balance when it is decent choice not to include tanks on first boss / only 1 on second boss. What I am waiting next is to continue the balance in the same way, maybe having a look on Mercenary and Sentinel DPS, not considered in 7.1.1 changes.
  2. We've found sort of "solution", if healers revive after everyone else did, they shall see the whole group alive
  3. So boring bug on IP-CPT encounter as we can't suicide before engaging fight
  4. Why would I inflict to myself going in random group when the game gives me all the tools I need to build a decent team easily (again, MMORPG def) ? Really you should use energy thinking about what you can upgrade before requiring the game lower down to your expectations
  5. Asking for nerfs only few days after realease... Are not casual players playing for fun ? Without objective of cleaning content as fast as possible ? Maybe R4 SM is the SM as it should have always be : with some reflexion (maybe the fight doesn't need tank ?), kinda mistakes friendly, where people have to play together (MMORPG you said ?). What is the point in complaining R4 is difficult when it's the only new endgame PVE content we have to deal with until x months (years ?). Fact is you actually have to think about what you're doing when you play. I understand that might hurts some old SM lazy ego, but think about the new challenge you found, like maybe few weeks before giving up.
  6. Since 7.0 is out, players (on french server) are randomly stucked in loading when going in or out from operations (when using the button above map, I think it doesn't stuck when leaving through a portal like after Brontes fight). The only way to end it is to restart the game. Also, when we all die in an operation encounter, players randomly appear dead to others in group frame at respawn, what prevents heals from healing them as they're not considered alive. We have not found any solution to resolve this, even going out and in the operation, disband and regroup etc. I mean it works but we should do it every time we die, what is not a viable solution. I don't see those in known issues, but I may have missed something
  7. If I may, we all agree we prefer playing a finished game with as less bugs as possible. But you just said it : there are not many people working on these raids (on the game at all ?). Is it a problem by itself ? Of course not and we all are grateful for the work accomplished over the years. BUT this is a 10 years old game, 10 years of releases management, 10 years of new content developpement. After all these years, what is the point in announcing impossible release dates ? Yes this happens, but as veteran SWTOR player, it was pretty obvious the 7.0 game changes + new content is a HUGE challenge for our "small" devs team. Yes this happens, but delaying the release the week before launch should not, as many players subscribed back already. We got the CGI then in February, and it was awesone, but in my mind it's not appropriate. It's too many promises for what the game can give. I love this game but check the known issues, the delays and now the content cancel. Respecting the players should be the main thing that matters and I'm sorry to write they're not. To push my thoughts further, I sadly think that the main reason why the game is still alive today is because it's Star Wars game. No matter the bugs, no matter the delays, no matter the extensions releases rythm, no matter the subscription, as long as the servers will be online, players will enjoy. As a game manager, once you said that, what do you think is the plan ? Maximum effort on cartel market of course, Star wars fans will buy skins/mounts/decorations for sure. I canno't help thinking that somewhere upper the devs team, the objective is to make the more money with the less spend ressources, as long as possible. I hope I'm wrong.
  8. Come on how is this possible... Aoe taunt doesn't work also
  9. I'm both surprised and worried since this rework of classes will need hours and hours of PVE content balance to create something interesting, fun and fair. I really hope you realise how hard this work is (will be) and that you put enough ressources to answer the challenge. Anyway you have all my support.
  10. I don't think you're right. This game is the only real star wars mmorpg. This is enough to keep it alive no matter what resources EA/BW assigns to develop it. And they obviously know it as we can see all the energy and ressources put into cartel market stuff, in opposite of loud content creation. Why would they stop supporting a game that pay so much with no need of a big team working on. I feel the content they add every 1.5 to 2 years is just enough, the right balance, to keep a nice part of players without spending too much.
  11. I agree, always nice to have new expansion but I don't see the link between this one and the 10y celebration. Could be any random expansion. Even the next updates annouced with the "year of celebration" are just some classic content update, with same schedule scale as usual, nothing extraordinary... Waited nothing still disappointed :/
  12. Effectivement on l'a clean en 8 depuis un bon moment ^^ GG dans tous les cas
  13. European' servers opened 4 hours later then US servers...
  14. I agree. Remember we'll get some powerfull stuff in NiM, that will make the fights easier and easier
  15. Last barrage of the fight made us totally crazy last night ^^
  16. We wanted it, we got it ! Don't change anything, great job !
  17. Content que ça te plaise ! J'ai pas eu le temps de m'en occuper depuis un bail mais j'essaierais de m'y remettre bientôt
  18. Puisque tu te corriges je me corrige aussi : 1260/2018 ^^ Visiblement plus on gagne en stuff pve plus le gain d'expertise est réduit pour compenser avec la hausse des stats. Quand aux raids sans coup de pouce, plaignez-vous une fois que vous aurez essayé SVP parce que c'est 10 fois faisable et tellement facilement. Alors qu'en pvp sans ce fameux coup de pouce tu te fais juste démonter la tête en 14. (pour infos un presque full stuff pvp 65 en spé choc me colle des 10k, ok j'ai 34k PV mais ça suffit pas trop à amortir ^^)
  19. Je comprends ta situation très bien ! ( je bosse 9h par jour et j'ai également une femme). Mais tu dois comprendre que sur un MMO selon moi, même en pvp, pour être sûr de prendre du plaisir il faut un minimum d'organisation. Je vois juste pas comment ils pourraient faire pour adapter les BG à tous les goûts et notamment aux joueurs Pve qui comme tu le dis, font du pvp en casus.
  20. Je comprends bien ce que tu dis et je suis d'accord, mon message s'adresse plutôt aux gens qui ont du temps à passer en pvp (suffisamment pour se plaindre du niveau de jeu) et qui pourraient se bouger les miches.
  21. Didn't realize they had "bonus" damages with off hand. How can we be sure it's fair comparated to our damages without effectiv off hand ?
  22. Hi ! Can someone explain me what are the little energy damages (between 80 and 200 damages more or less) you can see on this parse during whole fight ? http://www.torparse.com/a/192180/8/0/Damage+Dealt It's a gunsligger parse, it seems he uses the equivalent of MM spe but i don't understand where those damages are coming from.
  23. Hi ! Can someone explain me what are the little energy damages (between 80 and 200 damages more or less) you can see on this parse during whole fight ? http://www.torparse.com/a/192180/8/0/Damage+Dealt
  24. Need des chiffres Je serais curieux de savoir Dommage qu'il n'existe pas un mode de PvP qui n'est accessible qu'à des teams optimisées assurant ainsi un niveau de jeu à la hauteur de vos attentes. Alors là on va me dire "Oui mais c'est pas possible y'a personne qui tag RBG sauf parfois le soir etc..." Et là moi je réponds : c'est vrai mais à qui la faute ? 1- Un certain nombre de joueurs PvP qui ont simplement migré sur serveur US plutôt que d'essayer de motiver des gens sur leur serveur. 2- L'image du PvP côté FR : je suis désolé mais regardez la tronche de ce topic par exemple, ça donne tellement envie de se mettre au pvp ! En fait ça donne l'impression que chacun a ses petites idées dans son coin, n'est pas content, se plaint encore et encore... Mais que quelqu'un pose ses couilles sur la table une bonne fois pour toute et organise des trucs ! Go contacter les guildes PvP que vous connaissez, encourager les projets PvP en développement , enfin bref donner envie aux gens de jouer quoi. Parce que pour l'instant c'est juste monstrueux comme ça fait peur. Si il y a tant de joueurs qui ne font que du pvp, ça devrait pas être trop difficile d'arriver à faire plus de RBG, encore faut-il prendre les choses en mains. Pourquoi je me permets de dire ça ? Parce qu'en Pve HL c'est un peu pareil, il y a peu de guildes donc peu de concurrence donc peu de challenge : c'est important d'encourager les gens à se motiver ! L'avantage qu'on a en Pve, c'est la compétition inter-serveur. J'espère que vous y aurez droit aussi un jour (ne tient qu'à vous de militer sur le forum anglais pour ça, il y a même probablement déjà des posts là dessus).
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