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A real PVP sever


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Another carebear MMO, why cant any of these game come up with a better pvp style mmo ? Why not make a hardcore pvp sever so the rest of you carebears can go play somewhere else, while the real pvpers can have fun and not have to put up with all this PVE junk. Seem that my wish will never come true and i have to go back to playing AC because thats the only real pvp game and it was made back in 97.


I would love a FFA sever so I could kill a noob that just stole my objective that I was in the middle of clearing.

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Another carebear MMO, why cant any of these game come up with a better pvp style mmo ? Why not make a hardcore pvp sever so the rest of you carebears can go play somewhere else, while the real pvpers can have fun and not have to put up with all this PVE junk. Seem that my wish will never come true and i have to go back to playing AC because thats the only real pvp game and it was made back in 97.


I would love a FFA sever so I could kill a noob that just stole my objective that I was in the middle of clearing.


Battlefield III...Notaion... a lot of games full of PvP

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As much as you may want it to be, SWTOR just isn't a hardcore PvP game. A game of that nature does exist, and for that, I suggest you play Darkfall.


Have they fixed any of the bugs in darkfall yet? I played for a few months after release but ended up quitting

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make a single planet were that is all it is pvp a fight for the entire planet no alliances or any thing just 1 big pit arena


they have a zone like that, its on tat, called smugglers den. But its a ghost town.


edit : not a troll just pointing it out they do intend to add endgame mats so you might find some fun fight there, but not right now

Edited by Aghar
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Another carebear MMO, why cant any of these game come up with a better pvp style mmo ? Why not make a hardcore pvp sever so the rest of you carebears can go play somewhere else, while the real pvpers can have fun and not have to put up with all this PVE junk. Seem that my wish will never come true and i have to go back to playing AC because thats the only real pvp game and it was made back in 97.


I would love a FFA sever so I could kill a noob that just stole my objective that I was in the middle of clearing.


im with you man, i wish i would of used the 60 bucks to sub for 6 months on AC instead of getting this. ever since Darktide pvp i have never found another game like it. now everybody thinks wow pvp is real pvp and we get games cloneing that crap.

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im with you man, i wish i would of used the 60 bucks to sub for 6 months on AC instead of getting this. ever since Darktide pvp i have never found another game like it. now everybody thinks wow pvp is real pvp and we get games cloneing that crap.


You've been here since the summer. You had a chance to try the beta before laying out money. What made you think that this was a hardcore PvP game?

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Another carebear MMO, why cant any of these game come up with a better pvp style mmo ? Why not make a hardcore pvp sever so the rest of you carebears can go play somewhere else, while the real pvpers can have fun and not have to put up with all this PVE junk. Seem that my wish will never come true and i have to go back to playing AC because thats the only real pvp game and it was made back in 97.


I would love a FFA sever so I could kill a noob that just stole my objective that I was in the middle of clearing.


Half you imperials roll republic and you PvPer's can kill each other. Republic PvPer's can only be online so much and go thru so many war zones before being bored. Fact of the matter is, less republic population = Smaller proportion of good PvPer's. Add more people to republic = more good PvPer's Proportionally.


Simple fact. You all being sith inquisitors and imperials are what's making it a horrible time for you all. I enjoy little to no huttball. I think war zones are a stun fest, but I want my level 50 gear.


The empire is over rated and there is no difference between republic and empire in the long run. The only difference is class story and "wahhh" I wanna be empire! You want more challenge? Reroll Republic. All I hear is whining cause your frustrated most people rolled empire rather than republic and there is a lack of good targets. Well Gee... I wonder why.

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Another carebear MMO, why cant any of these game come up with a better pvp style mmo ? Why not make a hardcore pvp sever so the rest of you carebears can go play somewhere else, while the real pvpers can have fun and not have to put up with all this PVE junk. Seem that my wish will never come true and i have to go back to playing AC because thats the only real pvp game and it was made back in 97.


I would love a FFA sever so I could kill a noob that just stole my objective that I was in the middle of clearing.


Aye - AOC rage server EU was a bloody hoot! :D

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Another carebear MMO, why cant any of these game come up with a better pvp style mmo ? Why not make a hardcore pvp sever so the rest of you carebears can go play somewhere else, while the real pvpers can have fun and not have to put up with all this PVE junk. Seem that my wish will never come true and i have to go back to playing AC because thats the only real pvp game and it was made back in 97.


I would love a FFA sever so I could kill a noob that just stole my objective that I was in the middle of clearing.


Ultima online, Mortal online, Darkfall online, Age of connan...


There you can p000wn nabz all day mr uber pro trash.


Also, not to burst your bubble, but you being already here instead of one of mentioned title makes YOU just as carebear as people you QQ about.

Edited by Lerdoc
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Another carebear MMO, why cant any of these game come up with a better pvp style mmo ?


I have a better question for you.


How is it possible, after years of marketing by EA which trumpeted SWTOR's story-driven PVE gameplay, that you thought it would be a hardcore PvP MMO?

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You've been here since the summer. You had a chance to try the beta before laying out money. What made you think that this was a hardcore PvP game?


i beta tested the game and made it to level 15 doing warzones, had some fun doing them because i wasnt faceing groups of level 50s every round. plus i wasnt playing huttball every game.


AND i thought maybe at 20 plus i would get to do world pvp as i level up since thats what this game advertised. but i was VERY wrong there is NO world pvp what so ever. infact these servers should not be called pvp servers.

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There is profit in it, so you are wrong. No, they won't make the billions that WoW makes, but they would make millions from the players that like Open World Sandbox Asset Destruction Guild PvP.


What game has that, that is still profitable, not full of bugs, and has a stable player base. And if such a game exists why are you here instead of there?

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AND i thought maybe at 20 plus i would get to do world pvp as i level up since thats what this game advertised. but i was VERY wrong there is NO world pvp what so ever. infact these servers should not be called pvp servers.


What side are you?? Roll republic lvl up to lvl 40 and go to Hoth or Voss, you can't drive 1 minute in quest areas before you see enemy players.

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i beta tested the game and made it to level 15 doing warzones, had some fun doing them because i wasnt faceing groups of level 50s every round. plus i wasnt playing huttball every game.


AND i thought maybe at 20 plus i would get to do world pvp as i level up since thats what this game advertised. but i was VERY wrong there is NO world pvp what so ever. infact these servers should not be called pvp servers.


hard to pvp when everyone is mostly on your fraction.

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If you're a hardcore PvPer....you should know 1v1's are stupid, therefore asking for a free for all server is insane....


Yea it takes way more skill to group up on people, even if groups are even in size, any good group will just focus fire people down, this takes zero skill if your group has any common sense. If you can beat another player by yourself, that in my opinion, takes far more skill.

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