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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do Something About the Toxicity in the Fleet Chats in the Game


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Honestly, I am disgusted with some of the toxic topics that appear in the general chat of the Fleet and having no real way to turn it off without closing the chat and missing out on things that I may wanna join cause people wanna abuse the chat to talk about disturbing things and discriminate against minority groups, like the LGBTQ+ and falsley accusing them of being ped*philes and stuff like that. I didn't pop on the game to see that but I was on the Satele Shan server and on the Imperial Fleet and low and behold the toxicty of the chat was revolting. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, seeing this chat made me very uncomfortable and while I did engage and eventually lost my temper and went off when accused of being a ped*phile cause of my sexual orientation, I was trying to defend a community I am part of as well as my fellow LGBTQ+ SWTOR players. This kind of chat shouldn't be going on in the game, you have members of the LGBTQ+ community who play this game and I come on here to have fun, I don't expect to pop on and have to defend a community I am part of from bigots in the game. I eventually just logged off and quit playing for the night cause people were whispering me, and while some weren't bad, some of the ones who were being bigots started whispering me as well and some were just telling me not to engage but I'm sick of seeing this stuff everywhere I turn and people trashing my community and why? Cause I exist? I'm sorry if this comes off as political or whatever, it's not meant to, it's meant to tell what I was seeing in the chat and how offensive it was and disgusting to see in a game where LGBTQ+ youth and adults are part of the SWTOR community and with the LGBTQ+ youth in this game, my concerns are them unaliving themselves cause they see such chats going on in the game. This needs to be stopped.


Add-on: And so no one says I'm misconstruing anything, yes, the person made it very clear that they believe all LGBTQ+ are ped*philes and support ped*philia, which is propaganda and untrue and clear discrimination and stereotyping of an entire community when a good majority condemn such things, myself included.


Second add-on: There was also statements being made that being LGBTQ+ is a mental disorder.


And to all my fellow LGBTQ+ out there, Happy Pride Month to you all, please be safe in the game's chat.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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You report them and they get baned for violating tos... or you can get bated by troll and argue whit them making his day


Or how about we don't shame people for standing up for themselves and a community? How about we don't sit there and fault and shame people for doing the right thing and act like no one deserves consequences or to be told off for spewing such disgusting rhetoric? As the saying goes "Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away." and statements like yours is why people think they can talk as such cause they don't expect people, particularly minority groups, to fight back and defend themselves but instead the victims, in this case, the LGBTQ+ community, is suppose to just sit there and have no respect for themselves cause people like you will do the work for bigots like this and make the victims the bad guys for having any response to the person in the wrong's behavior. All you are doing is saying "Respect someone who doesn't deserve respect." and have to have no respect for oneself and to let people just say and do whatever they want about them or others like them. No thanks. I'd rather not be doormat to appease people like that, or like you who are part of the problem.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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You right click on the name and ignore them, you will not have to see anymore chat in game from them, not minimizing this but you might want to harden yourself a bit when in gen chat because you will get people in there that troll everyone regardless of sex or race, sorry but there are no mods to monitor it, most of the time I am in there to game so I try not to pay too much attention to fleet chat as it is a bit ugly at times, just ignore the bad ones and move on.

Best advice I can give, hope it helps.

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Ignore legacy

Report player -> this copies the chat log to cs

Don't engage

Enable profanity filter for chat


The idea that you're going to teach someone a lesson in a chat box by typing angrily at them is something you should give up on. It's incredibly easy to ridicule because you have exactly as much authority as they do which is none.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Now that I have read your reply to the other person I would say you might be the problem, what you expect is unrealistic, you want to control what people say and do, sorry not going to happen, you chose your lifestyle and that is your choice, nobody forced you to so blaming people when they offend you is on you, getting upset about everything you do not agree with is part of life, this is the current problem with social media, too many are trying to control what everyone says, free speech is a right, you do not have the right to stop people when they say something offensive, if it is against the rules then it is up to the admins in swtor to take care of it, people get offended by far too many things people say.

You have the right to report or ignore them, not sure what it is you expect people to do, sorry but we have our own choice to believe the same beliefs that you do, I for one do not believe reading chat and getting upset is something you should do, getting offended is up to you, move on is my opinion.

If you believe I am part of the problem then my fellow human, you are wrong in my opinion.

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Or how about we don't shame people for standing up for themselves and a community? How about we don't sit there and fault and shame people for doing the right thing and act like no one deserves consequences or to be told off for spewing such disgusting rhetoric? As the saying goes "Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away." and statements like yours is why people think they can talk as such cause they don't expect people, particularly minority groups, to fight back and defend themselves but instead the victims, in this case, the LGBTQ+ community, is suppose to just sit there and have no respect for themselves cause people like you will do the work for bigots like this and make the victims the bad guys for having any response to the person in the wrong's behavior. All you are doing is saying "Respect someone who doesn't deserve respect." and have to have no respect for oneself and to let people just say and do whatever they want about them or others like them. No thanks. I'd rather not be doormat to appease people like that, or like you who are part of the problem.

In iteraction you had whit that person he got what he wanted made you mad. Easy solution is report and let bw deal whit it. In my book giveing biggots like that a second of your time is a waste of time.

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Now that I have read your reply to the other person I would say you might be the problem, what you expect is unrealistic, you want to control what people say and do, sorry not going to happen, you chose your lifestyle and that is your choice, nobody forced you to so blaming people when they offend you is on you, getting upset about everything you do not agree with is part of life, this is the current problem with social media, too many are trying to control what everyone says, free speech is a right, you do not have the right to stop people when they say something offensive, if it is against the rules then it is up to the admins in swtor to take care of it, people get offended by far too many things people say.

You have the right to report or ignore them, not sure what it is you expect people to do, sorry but we have our own choice to believe the same beliefs that you do, I for one do not believe reading chat and getting upset is something you should do, getting offended is up to you, move on is my opinion.

If you believe I am part of the problem then my fellow human, you are wrong in my opinion.


LOL! Free speech maybe a right but there's no free speech without consequences. I am so tired of that gaslighting argument that people's freedoms absolve them from their wrongs, which obviously does make you the problem, not me. Also, this is the very definition of victim blaming


Victim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially at fault for the harm that befell them.


and with the LGBTQ+ youth in this game, my concerns are them unaliving themselves cause they see such chats going on in the game. This needs to be stopped.


Also seeing as people want to ignore this part here, I really have nothing to say to people who are only on here to not deal with a problem and actually tell me what to do instead of thinking beyond themselves. So I have nothing further to say to anyone who is gonna make me the problem, typical human behavior, absolve the wrongdoer and critique the victims. :rolleyes: Been there done that when I was r*ped really don't need it from others. Thanks. This is no better than how my r*pist talked to me.

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free speech is a right, you do not have the right to stop people when they say something offensive,

I suggest you read up a little on what "free speech" actually means, especially outside the context of political discourse.


If you come to my house, you are subject to my rules about what speech is acceptable. If you say something that upsets my other guests, I will ask you to stop. I'm allowed to do this because you're in my house. If you won't stop, I will ask you to leave. I'm allowed to do this because you're in my house. If you won't stop saying whatever it is, *and* you won't leave, eventually I'll call the police and have them take you away for trespassing. I'm allowed to do this because you're in my house.


The game's environment is, in this analogy, BioWare's house. "Free Speech" is a liberty, not license to spout whatever nonsense comes into your head.

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Who cares? Just ignore them, they want to troll, it doesn't have to reflect their opinions in real live, you literally argued with someone whos goal was to argue with somebody and trigger them - you couldn't even have won ghis argument.


If you get offended to this degree this fast maybe the internet isn't the safe space you are looking for. Neither should it be

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I suggest you read up a little on what "free speech" actually means, especially outside the context of political discourse.


If you come to my house, you are subject to my rules about what speech is acceptable. If you say something that upsets my other guests, I will ask you to stop. I'm allowed to do this because you're in my house. If you won't stop, I will ask you to leave. I'm allowed to do this because you're in my house. If you won't stop saying whatever it is, *and* you won't leave, eventually I'll call the police and have them take you away for trespassing. I'm allowed to do this because you're in my house.


The game's environment is, in this analogy, BioWare's house. "Free Speech" is a liberty, not license to spout whatever nonsense comes into your head.


Exactly! Which is why I brought this up in the first place because these kinds of conversations they should be aware of cause it doesn't just affect me, it affects other LGBTQ+ and there are minors in this game from the ages of 13-17 who maybe LGBTQ+ and can be traumatized by such rhetoric that I am making awareness of in this post or unalive themselves and that's who people should be more concerned about not telling me what I did by standing up for myself and my community is wrong and trying to critique me.

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You actually have alot of options to deal with this.You can block them and you can report them however it is crazy to expect chat to be monitored 24h also i don t understand how on earth did people became so sensitive, if someone would call me names i would just simply block him and beleive me i wouldn t think about it for a second, who cares what a random person thinks about me.
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Exactly! Which is why I brought this up in the first place because these kinds of conversations they should be aware of cause it doesn't just affect me, it affects other LGBTQ+ and there are minors in this game from the ages of 13-17 who maybe LGBTQ+ and can be traumatized by such rhetoric that I am making awareness of in this post or unalive themselves and that's who people should be more concerned about not telling me what I did by standing up for myself and my community is wrong and trying to critique me.


I even had a fellow LGBTQ+ in the game whisper and thank me for speaking up and tell me that they were tired of seeing so many people in the game hating on them just for being who they are. So how about you all who aren't contributing anything to this conversation by trying to critique me and telling me what to do and how to deal with this situation be quiet and let actual adults who care about others and want the SWTOR environment to be safe for LGBTQ+ talk? Thank you!

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Topic on your post is do something about toxic general chat. Since all that bigoted **** is against terms of service you report them and bw will deal whit them by baning them. All he wanted is to piss somone off and you went for it... in no way shape or form Im defending his right to say that there should be no place for it in game... if you feeling that only option is to argue whit troll in general go for it but only one person get what he wants in that exchange
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I even had a fellow LGBTQ+ in the game whisper and thank me for speaking up and tell me that they were tired of seeing so many people in the game hating on them just for being who they are. So how about you all who aren't contributing anything to this conversation by trying to critique me and telling me what to do and how to deal with this situation be quiet and let actual adults who care about others and want the SWTOR environment to be safe for LGBTQ+ talk? Thank you!


I don't get what you want.


from this:

...This needs to be stopped. ...


I thought you wanted to have the issue fixed.

Duniss told you how to accomplish that:

You report them and they get banned for violating tos... or you can get bated by troll and argue whit them making his day


you just ignore that and fixate on the part where you are told that there's people who don't care at all what you are, politics, anything, except they want people to be mad.


let's take a step back and look at this from an example where you are maybe less emotionally charged:

those people are like children ringing the Door of elderly people and then hide and laugh at them.

let's assume that's in a game and such pranks are against TOS (to make it the same situation as what you describe)

two Options:

  1. send the Video your Dorbell made to the Administrator, the Administrator banns the children, done issue solved.
  2. stand in the Doorway wave your cane and yell at the Air while the shrubs are shaking with Laughter, done issue aggravated they had their dopamine Kick and will do it again.

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Just out of curiosity, have any of you heard the term "Troll". From the sounds of it, some of you are a Troll's wet dream.

There's nothing a Troll likes more than to watch people get all twisted up over something merely 'said' in a chat room or forum. What's said doesn't even need to actually reflect the true beliefs of the Troll, it just needs to get a reaction.


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I even had a fellow LGBTQ+ in the game whisper and thank me for speaking up and tell me that they were tired of seeing so many people in the game hating on them just for being who they are. So how about you all who aren't contributing anything to this conversation by trying to critique me and telling me what to do and how to deal with this situation be quiet and let actual adults who care about others and want the SWTOR environment to be safe for LGBTQ+ talk? Thank you!


And then everyone clapped!

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Yes, the toxicity on the Fleet, DK and Coruscant is pretty toxic. As a big ol' **** myself, I haven't really noticed much bigotry on SF, but the politics, racism and hate speech is pretty rampant. Yes, I have reported, blocked, ignored, reported some more, and I also understand that trolls are gonna be trolls.


I've had to turn my back and ignore all my life, so it's not a big deal...it's disappointing, but not surprising. Do I wish they'd "police" it a bit more? Yes...and no. Would it solve anything? Probably not. Trolls have existed since the first days of EverQuest in the 90s, and I'm sure they'll exist well into the future.


Keyboard anonymity is the ONE place these people can get a rise out of others without fear of reprisal. I may not like it, but my best advice to OP is "Don't engage." It's not like you're going to change their minds via game chat. Sad, but true until there is real enforcement of the ToS. We just "deal with it" like we always do...I play the game to wield a light saber, not to right social wrongs.

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Topic on your post is do something about toxic general chat. Since all that bigoted **** is against terms of service you report them and bw will deal whit them by baning them. All he wanted is to piss somone off and you went for it... in no way shape or form Im defending his right to say that there should be no place for it in game... if you feeling that only option is to argue whit troll in general go for it but only one person get what he wants in that exchange



Hi. No offense, but calling someone a "bigot" is against the ToS too. You cannot force someone to like or accept you, not in a group, guild or community because each and every individual has the right to oppose to people, ideas & actions that go against his/her personal beliefs of any kind.

Now don't get me wrong, i do not advocate for violence or any kind or discrimination, but i'm here to play a GAME. No politics, no trends, no political corectness, just a GAME.

Edited by bluehufsa
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Hi. No offense, but calling someone a "bigot" is against the ToS too. You cannot force someone to like or accept you, not in a group, guild or community because each and every individual has the right to oppose to people, ideas & actions that go against his/her personal beliefs of any kind.

Now don't get me wrong, i do not advocate for violence or any kind or discrimination, but i'm here to play a GAME. No politics, no trends, no political corectness, just a GAME.

Yes name and shame is against tos and I didnt do that. And where in my post you see politics? Only policy I advocated here is dont feed trolls

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So how about you all who aren't contributing anything to this conversation by trying to critique me and telling me what to do and how to deal with this situation be quiet and let actual adults who care about others and want the SWTOR environment to be safe for LGBTQ+ talk? Thank you!


So you want to censor anybody that does not agree with your viewpoint. That leaves me with little desire to support your cause even though I do think it is worth supporting.


Seems like your issue is that BioWare does not immediately stop those players who are violating SWTOR's terms of service and/or rules of conduct, specifically:

To keep the Service a compliant, fun, fair and safe gaming environment for everyone, you may not engage in any of the following behavior:

Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything to another player that is unwanted. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated. (See also “Harassment Policy” below.)


As others have said, your options for dealing with unwanted communications is to

1) report the person making posts in game chat that you believe violate the game's Rules of Conduct

2) add the person to legacy ignore


It's up to BioWare to investigate and determine if a RoC violation has occurred and if suspension or ban is warranted. I'm sure there are a lot of complaints filed with BioWare about player behavior so I would not be surprised if it takes some time after the report is made to make a determination. As far as I can recall the game has never had live moderation for game chat channels.

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I find a LOT of stuff annoying, and troubling, in Gen Chat on fleet and DK.

My ignore list usually grows each time I go there during high population times.


Is there anything that can be done about it?

No, I don't believe there is.


They choose to let this game be free to play, which enables people to make as many accounts as they want if one gets banned for whatever reason.

They choose to not hire and train moderators to be online for the express purpose of monitoring chat.

Since this is a global game and people can log into whatever server they want to, it's also possible to have regional differences pop up that people outside of that region aren't aware of (saying Fanny - as in Fanny Pack - in the UK is NOT the same as saying it in the US....same with asking for a cigarette...not the same in both places).


All you can do is report / ignore and move on.

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It's nice to see all the privileged people who come into these conversations and tell LGBTQ+ to keep putting up with discrimination and bigotry and don't care that it's getting worse. You all act like we should be emotionless robots with no self-respect and to all you claiming free speech, you obviously are oblivious to how the laws work. EA can police their own chat and ban people from the game without their consumers doing their job for them, it is their right as a company to do so, if they don't like or want to tolerate homophobic rhetoric in their game the law allows them to remove anyone from the game that does so. Free speech only stops the government from infringing on your right to speak your mind, not as someone pointed out, in someone's home, a place of business, or even an MMO, free speech is a moot argument but you still wanna make me the problem when the problem is people not understanding how the laws work or that people are human beings who would get tired of being discriminated against and hit a breaking point. It's Pride Month and this happens to us LGBTQ+ every freaking year and you people tell us to ignore it and it gets worse each freaking year so obviously ignoring it isn't the solution and honestly, I put up with it enough in real life, why tf would I wanna come onto a game and that be the first thing I see in my chat once the game is done loading in? Seriously keep your privileged opinions of ignore it to yourself people, I'm tired of being told to ignore it, EA needs to uphold it's own rights and police the game and monitor the ingame chat, especially seeing as it's Pride Month, which means until July 1st this is gonna be an every day thing.
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I would support in game moderators. There's just too much toxicity in open chats in this game. It's been happening for years with zero relief. It's something i've missed and been hoping would be implemented. It would lead to a much more enjoyable playing experience.
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