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Or multiple characters with only one combat style.... 🤔


I was fine with the way it was and I don't give a toss about combat styles. 🙂

(Except I might consider giving my Sniper a Gunslinger style.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Multiple characters, because I play with multiple people in multiple guilds and because we get locked on operation bosses on hm and nim level. Most of my characters don't have second combat style selected because it's permanent. I already have one permanent combat class on them, so locking the second combat style to something I can't change later gives no extra value for me.


What I'd like to see: have more than 2 combat styles or let use reset the second one as many times as we want to. Also don't restrict the faction or force user / non-force user classes. That's just annoying.

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Since the change to conquest I haven't had time to play the multiple characters I have on different servers, and am trying to work up the gear level of those I have on Star Forge at the moment. I'm in a conquest guild with 3 of them so I have to make sure I play those characters to their conquest goals or I'll get dropped.

For the other servers I have not yet selected alternate combat styles for any of them.



For the one I play at present I have selected alternate combat for the majority of those characters that are 75th level or above. For the most part I play their original style. The only one I play - for the most part - both alternatively is my assassin/lightning sorcerer, which I either tank or dps depending on the situation. Mainly because finding enough time to play to gear up is an issue. (there are situational exceptions where I play the other style).


To answer your question - I prefer to play alts for vanilla game because it gives you the many alternatives. Gender-romance with companions/ alignment/ faction/species.

I have characters who have played thru all the various companion/romances in the game. I have played all species in the game. I have played both faction story-lines thru all except the final flashpoint (because that is instant death). I have played both loyalist and saboteur. You can't do that with just one character with different combat options.

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I don't care about the 2nd combat style, because it's permanent, so it is not so useful. Except for Stealth. I think I'll add a stealth-capable style to each of my toons who don't already have it, 'cause some of the missions and FPs are so annoying without that capability.


What I'd like to have is the capability to *freely* boost all alt toons to L70. To unlock this feature, you'd need to have taken at least one character through *all* current expansions, *and* have capped that toon's level to 80. Once you've done that, then you can opt to boost any and all other characters as described above. If in addition you have taken 1 character through a particular origin/class story, then you can boost another character through that storyline *and* the remaining expansion storylines up to level 70, earned all the companions you'd normally have earned by then too. That's something I'd really like to have.

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Wouldn't that depend on what kind of player you are?


If you were a player who plays through FPs, does a lot of PvP and so on, sure it would be nice to be able to choose whatever combat style you'd need at that moment.

However, if you play for the story, why would you need every combat style for every toon when your main goal is to play every class either way?


Personally, I'd rather have several characters with two combat styles because I enjoy the story. Doesn't matter if I played the Sith Warrior story three times already, each time there is a new way on how I can shape my character, new romances I haven't tried, etc. So, multiple toons are pretty useful to me and I don't really care about their combat style either way.


I suppose being able to switch to *every* combat style any time has a different "level" of usefulness for every different kind of player. The option to do so might be a good idea as you can use your current toons for all kind of PvP and FP's without having to walk through the whole story again.

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Since the change to conquest I haven't had time to play the multiple characters


Since the change to conquest I haven't really felt the need to grind it out.


The crafting decorations were a big part of why I ran conquests as a solo player, and without them there just isn't much need. I get some pocket change and some special currency I seem to get enough of as I just play the game, so...



As to the question?


I think that I would prefer to have multiples with a couple of styles.

It still fits the story aspect better, though the game itself has failed storytelling on multiple occasions.


I can completely understand someone wanting to min/max preferring a single toon, though.

Only problem is that you wouldn't have bank alts to store whatever inventory overload you may end up with.

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Or multiple characters with only one combat style.... 🤔


I was fine with the way it was and I don't give a toss about combat styles. 🙂

(Except I might consider giving my Sniper a Gunslinger style.)




Everything on this part of the game was fine (IMO) ... It wasn't broke and did not need repair! (I'm not so certain you can say that now).


Besides the "new combat styles" added nothing new to the game. No new dialogue ... no changes in outcome (due to the aforementioned new changes to styles.) ... all in all pretty much a total waste!


(sorry .. just how I feel about the whole issue)

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Everything on this part of the game was fine (IMO) ... It wasn't broke and did not need repair! (I'm not so certain you can say that now).


Besides the "new combat styles" added nothing new to the game. No new dialogue ... no changes in outcome (due to the aforementioned new changes to styles.) ... all in all pretty much a total waste!


(sorry .. just how I feel about the whole issue)


I don't think that it was a total waste, but the execution needed some more polishing, in my opinion.


I am, for example, enjoying that I get to play the Jedi Knight story and have Jedi Knight companions while using Consular abilities.


But I don't enjoy that when I did my first Shroud mission that I was offered a bunch of companion gear for the Consular's companions. You know? The companions I do not have?

And I realize that companion gear is cosmetic, but all the same if they are going to offer me companion gear it should be for companions I actually have. At minimum create two tables; One for force users and one for tech users.


So for the Shroud reward I mentioned they would offer a weapon for every companion for both Knights and Consulars to pick from. For tech users they would offer a weapon for every Trooper and Smuggler companion.


I played around with a Smuggler using BH abilities. Okay, I was able to wear gear restricted to a BH but the armor did not look like the BH armor. Instead it used the Republic appearances. So the game says that I am a BH but I can't *LOOK* like a BH using the crafted armor.

Also? I couldn't wear the Smuggler-restricted gear. So I am limited in my ability to look like either of the two classes I claim.

A smuggler that can not wear smuggler-restricted armor, and a BH that can wear BH-restricted gear, only it looks like trooper gear when he puts it on.


I get that there could be issues using the character background. My "Jedi Knight", for example, is using Consular powers and so it limited to light armor.

If they were giving rewards based upon background then I could end up with armor I could not wear while never getting armor or weapons (in the case of the double-bladed saber) that I could use.


But I think that this is all fixable with a little thought and a lot of work.

And if it's too much work to fix then it was too much work to make the change in the first place.


If powers determine the gear (and they do) then they should determine the appearance as well.

At minimum change the class-restricted gear to have only a single appearance. If you can wear a smuggler-only set then it will look like that smuggler set whether you are a smuggler, trooper, agent, or BH. There are plenty of other medium armor crafted sets that are open to anyone and those could continue to use faction-based appearances.


So if, for example, you wanted your Imperial Agent to use a smuggler ability set while still "looking like" an Agent then use an open medium or adaptive armor set.

If, however, you put on the Dreliad set then it will look like what it has always looked like on a smuggler.

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