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Mission Phases - Objectives not properly updating in group


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This has been happening sporadically for me and a friend running through various group phases in both Republic and Imperial content. At random times doing the objectives, it'll bug out for one of us, forcing us to continue for one player, then go back and redo the phase for the second player. Sometimes it can be fixed by leaving the phase and resetting it, but most of the time we're stuck running into the same issues even after hard resets. For an example, our latest was a phase on Makeb, when the objective came up to disable the shield generators on one of the story quests, despite him disabling one console and me the other, he didn't get credit for either one and had to wait till I finished the phase, then walked out, back into his own phase, and then was able to deactivate the consoles and update the objective. There's been many, many other instances, ranging from "talk to x or y npc" or "find x or y place" only for one of us to walk into said area or up to said npc and not be able to continue the quest.
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Endlessly reported issue - I know a dozen separate people who have independently verified and reported it since 7.0 dropped. But as far as we can tell, Bioware has some kind of policy against actually documenting and fixing it. CSR variously denies it's happening and refuses to help. I don't know what we can do at this point as players.
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....really annoying.


That is an understatement.


Between all the content (beginning with KotET/KotFE) that is, by design, not playable in a group, all of these group-related bugs, and the hot mess that is Iokath, you'd almost think the intent is to discourage group play. And don't even get me started on how you've screwed up group loot. Here's a design philosophy you should seriously consider implementing; " If it ain't broke, then it don't need fixin' "


Is it necessary to remind you what the second "M" in "MMO" stands for? Group play is a cornerstone of the game, and a priority needs to be placed on making it work properly.


You guys need to put a higher urgency on dealing with these group/phase related bugs. Having to do the same missions twice (or more) because the game is jacked up is NOT fun. We never had these issues before, so something you've done recently has screwed the proverbial pooch. Now, please find it and get it sorted.

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Why is the Issue with Group Questing objectives not showing on this known issues list?


I'm trying to play with my kids continuing our questing with our Jedi, and so far 1 out 5 quests stop progressing for one or two of us. This is so broken that none of us want to play the way we usually do.


Please add this to the known list, as it has been an issue since 7.0!

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  • 1 month later...
Why is the Issue with Group Questing objectives not showing on this known issues list?


I'm trying to play with my kids continuing our questing with our Jedi, and so far 1 out 5 quests stop progressing for one or two of us. This is so broken that none of us want to play the way we usually do.


Please add this to the known list, as it has been an issue since 7.0!


Tested this again just now. Still getting the error even after update. Please put this on the known bug list!




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My wife and I have had this happen pretty regularly in Group Instances, we've had to leave/reset/abandon/re-share nearly once every planet now. Very frustrating. It certainly doesn't ruin the game, we're having a ton of fun leveling together but it certainly takes you out of the moment.
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Leaving my reply here because this is still an issue. Just had to reset and replay an entire finale mission that took over an hour with my friend, and now I have to spend another hour doing it again. This isn't the first issue I've ran into when co-oping either. Constantly getting out of sync with my friend and having to reset instances or entire quests just to progress the game. Running in and out of instances to reset them. :mad:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just dropping this here to post the proverbial "it's happening to me too!" in the hope BW pick it up.


As has been noted, only seems to be a problem since 7.0. Very frustrating that BW have not even acknowledged this as an issue as it makes grouping up to do planetary quests a very hit and miss affair as to whether they complete for other members of the group or not.

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Surprised this isn't flagged as a known issue, considering I've reported it multiple times via the in-game form as well. Basically it seems to affect any kind of objective that isn't an outright kill objective. Sometimes you can get around it by making sure to stay right on top of each other/always clicking on things at the exact same time.


However if you don't, what seems to happen is that the fastest person's objective tracker updates, and everyone else is now "out of sync" and can't advance anymore. Most of the time this happens with clicky items, which then become unclickable for other group members, but e.g. in Cyber Mercenaries I've also had the objective "Find the Cyber Leader" bug out when my husband ran into the area first and triggered the next step, at which point I still had the marker for finding the leader, but no amount of running around the area would update the mission for me (until we both exited and reset the phase again).

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I'm terrible at remembering quest names, but off the top of my head I can think of three quests that 100% always bug out like this when playing as a group.


Imp side, side quest on Nar Shadda where you have to interrupt the sale of some armor plans, and then steal the plans for the Empire. Only one person gets credit for picking up the plans.


Imp side, main planet quest on Alderaan where you need to mine the support columns in the tunnel under the Thul palace. Only one person gets credit for placing a mine.


Daily on CZ-198 where you need to kill the tentacle monster and loot the crate for anti-toxin or some such. Only one person gets credit when looting the crate.

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Hi folks,


Thanks for the reports regarding the bug with Missions objectives when in group.


Our team is aware of this bug and is currently looking into it. For visibility, I'll add it to the known issues list:

  • Some of the Heroic Missions can only be progressed by the phase owner when played as a group.


Please note that it's not just Heroics...my wife and I play together when questing and we have seen this bug on many different types of missions (heroics, purple missions, etc.)...the common factor is that it happens in phased instances. Off the top of my head I can remember the following issues we have seen since 7.0: (sorry for the lack of specifics on some of these, going from memory)


- CZ Daily, the mission in the basement, if the instance owner clicks on the container in the last room to spawn the boss, and also clicks after killing the boss, then my wife doesnt get credit. we have to exit and she has to come in again and do the boss part with her as the instance owner. We did find out though that if I am the instance owner and she clicks the container, then it works for both of us.


- Voss, its a planetary purple mission, in the healing temple (I think it's called)...where you go in, click on a stone like object and a dream-like conversation takes place with some Voss spiritual leaders (its the mission that you have to go through a series of challenges in a dream-like environment, everything is colored yellow). Well, after finishing the initial conversation, you have to go to a door and click on it, which updates the mission objective...well this only works for the person who clicks the door...the other group member does not get the update.


Voss, also planetary purple mission, the last one where you battle a one-eyed being...when you walk up to this creature only the instance owner gets the mission update that allow you to talk and battle the creature.


Corelia, planetary purple mission (Imp), one of the first ones where you have to go into an area and protect the sappers while they plant the bomb. When you enter the instance you have to go up these stairs and when you get near the top the mission updates...again this only works for the instance owner.


- Hoth, Rep Heroic where you have to rescue some people. When you click on a green hostage it only counts for the person who clicks...other group member does not get credit, and there are not enough green hostages for everyone to get their own click count.


- Blackhole, both factions, the mission where you go down into this dark basement and try to avoid getting detected, same as above, click only works for the clicker...my wife and I always have to de-group to do this mission and then regroup afterwards to finish the rest of the missions.


- Same thing with the Star Fortress mission, we have to separate to do the first part of the mission (the planet-side mission that you have to do before you can go up to the Star Fortress).


There are many more instanced missions where we have to separate or do twice so that each can get a turn as instance owner. This is especially true in the post Kotfe/Kotet planets (Ossus, etc.)...we can play grouped up as long as we are outside, but when we go into an instanced area we have to separate, or it will only give one of us credit. Very annoying and anti-immersive...if I wanted to play alone, I would play a different game...we play this game so we can play together.


Anyways, hope this helps...and really hope all this can get fixed up, thank you!

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Hi folks,


Thanks for the reports regarding the bug with Missions objectives when in group.


Our team is aware of this bug and is currently looking into it. For visibility, I'll add it to the known issues list:

  • Some of the Heroic Missions can only be progressed by the phase owner when played as a group.

As the poster above said, and as I indicated in my post above this one, it is not limited to heroics.


Another example:

Imp Side, Alderaan Planetary Mission Arc, where you have to take down Boris Ulgo. Only the person who actually fires the rocket launcher at a given shield generator gets credit for destroying that generator. Once all the nodes are down, if one person fired them all, he can be defeated, but only that person gets credit for completing the quest. If multiple people take turns firing the rockets, the shield comes down, but the party cannot engage him in combat and the quest is not completable at that point.

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A couple of friends and I recently started playing and we were happy we could group and complete stuff. Now it randomly bugs out and half the time we have to do the quest 3 times in order for everyone to complete it. I realize that Class quests are normally done this way, but I was under the impression the other story arcs and quests are able to be completed as a group.


It's disheartening if that isn't the case and this is working as intended.

Edited by nekkidtruth
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Just want to add in that it's happened to me and my friend as we game together. It's not related to clickable vs area objectives as both mess up, but it does seem to only happen in areas with phases trying to track group content whether it's an ops group or a regular 4 man. As stated by others, it's not reliant on it being a heroic, it can be any of the daily missions, a flashpoint, a heroic, or even some phase side/exploratory missions will do it. I've noticed it the most on the Ossus heroics (the three daily heroics), Onderon's phased areas, as well as Oricon, Black Hole, and Section X dailies the most when grouping with gulidies or my friend.
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  • 3 months later...

It happens to my husband and I all the time, both as Imps and Reps.  There are a couple quest instances it always happens (as mentioned above "The Trials" and "industrial Collapse").  Generally we don't do a lot of Heroics, just class and planet story arcs.  I am less concerned with the lack of immersion when compared to the extra time to run these things twice.  It has started to annoy us badly and we are considering dropping our subscriptions.  It is absolutely ridiculous that a major grouping bug in a MULTIPLAYER game isn't being addressed. 

On some occasions, if both of us back up before the trigger area then the person (who didn't get the update) goes forward alone and gets their update.  It doesn't work for all the instances but it does for some.

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