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You need to do something against throwers in GSF


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I see now from your replies to many that you are here to just disrupt. Good job.


No, I'm offering my support to this topic by offering my own suggestions that I feel will correct the issue. Some have proposed requiring medals in place of wins. IMO, that would help with deathmatches, but not domination. I would prefer they address it through disciplinary action. I realize they don't have the manpower or time to really do much, so an automated monitoring system would be best. For example, a player that isn't doing damage and has been killed or died 5 times before the halfway point should receive a warning message during the match to participate (make a worthwhile contribution to the team) or forfeit credit for the match when it concludes. If they have 2 forfeits in one week, they will be locked out of GSF until the weekly reset.


This isn't an "elitist" suggestion. People that participate should try. I'm not saying "git gud." I'm saying don't hurt your team on purpose.

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You COULD have been spending your time and energy on finding 8-10 people that actually PvP to do pre-mades against those afker/feeder/non-pvpers and winning constantly, getting whatever you get out of doing GSF while they did also until Bioware removed their heads from their backsides and give the players back what they want, but no. Come here, complain and troll instead risking the game being made worse by your insane suggestions.

The most you can group with for GSF is 4 so you have no control over the other 8 spots on the team. The thing we want from GSF is fun matches that are not ruined by people intentionally going AFK and suiciding. That's the same thing most people want from the various forms of content the game offers.


Typical PvP thread. Worthless as its overrun with the most toxic players. I actually would rather have them remove all PvP completely than have them listen to a single PvPers ideas on fixing things.

Yes it does seem threads asking for help with problem players attracts people who rant a lot with no meaningful substance. Maybe one day science will invent a way for those people to stop themselves reading and writing in threads they don't want to :rolleyes:


It's no surprise that the people intentionally ruining matches would try to defend their actions. It's amusing and sad watching them blame other people for their own decisions.

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It's no surprise that the people intentionally ruining matches would try to defend their actions. It's amusing and sad watching them blame other people for their own decisions.


As I said... 14 year olds. I mean, they must be. Or it's indeed very sad.


And we're the toxic people... when they are the ones throwing matches... :rolleyes:

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Typical PvP thread. Worthless as its overrun with the most toxic players. I actually would rather have them remove all PvP completely than have them listen to a single PvPers ideas on fixing things. Enjoy GSF popping so fast while you can, it WILL go back to what it was in the next few months as the need for tech frags start to drop and then you can come here and ***** about it being dead again and cry for Bioware to try to force people to play it again.


its not force if you not like it then not play it in the first place at all.


and if you only do it to farm tech frags fast and self destruct then you are the toxic player here more.

and nobody force you to play PVP at all.


getting whatever you get out of doing GSF while they did also until Bioware removed their heads from their backsides and give the players back what they want, but no. Come here, complain and troll instead risking the game being made worse by your insane suggestions.

this problem about the self destruct in the GSF has been a problem all since last year since the first gelactic season has it become a problem that people like you destroy the game type for other players by self destructing always in the match.

and a lot have been asking since last year that bioware most fix this problem at once and let us kick people like you from the match.

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Yes it does seem threads asking for help with problem players attracts people who rant a lot with no meaningful substance. Maybe one day science will invent a way for those people to stop themselves reading and writing in threads they don't want to :rolleyes:.


Is that why you completely ignored the post on the first page by Thomajones? Only getting a reply from a trolll? :rolleyes: indeed.


He touched on all the key reasons its happening, the reasons I was going to post because it was talked about a lot over the last 7ish months since it was put on PTS and talked about in length in the much larger GSF thread.


The current system requires players to get tech fragments, a ton of them. The single best payout is GSF, the amount of other content you would need to do to get that amount is far longer. What is GSF? PvP. A niche part of the game that few want to take part in.


When you make a system require a currency that can only be received fastest via the worst content in game, you get what you get now.


People demanding that changes be made to make it so its only awarded to l33t d00d PvPers is only asking to make a horrible gearing system, worse. Seeing as how the playerbase is plummeting, driving more people away is not the answer. The answer, is upping tech frag rewards outside of GSF. Then making changes to how GSF awards players. Its also important to remember the conquest reward changes. Easiest conquest rewards also come from GSF, thanks to those crap changes from 7.0


Change the conquest system either back to what it was, or increase the conquest payouts on everything while also lowering the GSF payouts.


Make it so those that play GSF, and doing it because they want to. Right now, GSF like all PvP is so **** that the only reason many do it, is for the easy reward and not the actual PvP. A real PvPer would want to fix that. Up the rewards outside of PvP for Tech Frags and conquest, then make the changes to the way GSF is rewarded and the problem is solved.


Any other way greatly increases the risk of driving more from the game, not just GSF and only a moron wants fewer players, playing the game. Far too many have left already and its not showing any signs of stopping yet.



^just in case you want to play stupid and pretend it isnt. Second lowest average players on record.

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People you do realize tomorrow's patch will make doing Operations very good for getting Tech frags in right? So PvE players that don't want to do GSF will have an easy way to get them. Hopefully this will get rid of some of the SD'ers at least.
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People you do realize tomorrow's patch will make doing Operations very good for getting Tech frags in right? So PvE players that don't want to do GSF will have an easy way to get them. Hopefully this will get rid of some of the SD'ers at least.


maybe for the tech fragments farmers that will stop the problem since there not going do GSF to farm tech fragments again.

but tomorow he have also the Clashing in the Stars Objective again.

since tomorow week 11 starts and that means we have the GSF compleet match again so the problem is going to start then again since there wane end the match fast to compleet the Objective for the season points and Underworld Syndicate Plans.


and to fix it compleet there most add a option that there will be kickt automatic or we can kick then by vote at some point.

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People demanding that changes be made to make it so its only awarded to l33t d00d PvPers is only asking to make a horrible gearing system, worse.

Nobody in this thread has asked for rewards to be gated behind skill level. We've asked the devs to handle people who intentionally spoil matches by going AFK and suiciding. In that context what you call "l33t d00d PvPers" actually means "everybody that is not AFKing and suiciding" which is funny because when you swap the text it matches the twisted logic the match spoilers keep posting here :p

People demanding that changes be made to make it so its only awarded to [everybody that is not AFKing and suiciding] is only asking to make a horrible gearing system, worse.



Make it so those that play GSF, and doing it because they want to. Right now, GSF like all PvP is so **** that the only reason many do it, is for the easy reward and not the actual PvP.

There are plenty of people that enjoy GSF. I had no problems getting pops in between seasons on DM at peak hours. You are literally posting in a thread where people who enjoy GSF are asking the devs to help stop people from spoiling it.


only a moron wants fewer players, playing the game. Far too many have left already and its not showing any signs of stopping yet.

We have a small group of players who are intentionally spoiling a game mode which other players enjoy. There is no way to kick them as they reset the AFK timer so the vote button is removed. Ignoring somebody has no impact on who you get queued with for GSF. The match spoilers posting in this thread have openly admitted they don't care if they regularly ruin the game for everyone else as long as they get the loot they want.


Your logic is that supporting those people is a positive thing and those of us that actually enjoy the game are driving people away :rolleyes:

Edited by UlaVii
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People you do realize tomorrow's patch will make doing Operations very good for getting Tech frags in right? So PvE players that don't want to do GSF will have an easy way to get them. Hopefully this will get rid of some of the SD'ers at least.


Somehow I don't think that people who are too lazy to actually play a GSF match will bother with operations.


And to the guy on my ignore list saying that "people want fewer players to play the game"... No, we want people to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME.

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I've just started GSF. I get killed a lot and I can't seem to hit the side of a barn, never-mind the door. When I do hit I don't do much damage, I might even master torpedoes one day, if only they would launch when I want them to.


At least I head off in the right direction and don't get all turned around now. To me that's a win. I'm sure my stats look almost like I'm throwing. I've even thought I'm more help if I just hang out (over here) and not go into the fray for I'll be dead in 30 seconds. Not dying is a good as a kill right? :) I'm using my points to slowly upgrade but even that takes time.

I do self destruct a lot, usually from using a missile avoidance manoeuvre apparently too close to <something> or just an "oh F%$K" moment.


Really I just kinda suck for now, not trying to throw anything.

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I've just started GSF. I get killed a lot and I can't seem to hit the side of a barn, never-mind the door. When I do hit I don't do much damage, I might even master torpedoes one day, if only they would launch when I want them to.


At least I head off in the right direction and don't get all turned around now. To me that's a win. I'm sure my stats look almost like I'm throwing. I've even thought I'm more help if I just hang out (over here) and not go into the fray for I'll be dead in 30 seconds. Not dying is a good as a kill right? :) I'm using my points to slowly upgrade but even that takes time.

I do self destruct a lot, usually from using a missile avoidance manoeuvre apparently too close to <something> or just an "oh F%$K" moment.


Really I just kinda suck for now, not trying to throw anything.


Trust me, we can tell who throws the games.


Also yeah, starting with a new ship is very tough. And all those 90 degrees missile avoidance skills are wonderful for self destructing!

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I've just started GSF. I get killed a lot and I can't seem to hit the side of a barn, never-mind the door. When I do hit I don't do much damage, I might even master torpedoes one day, if only they would launch when I want them to.


At least I head off in the right direction and don't get all turned around now. To me that's a win. I'm sure my stats look almost like I'm throwing. I've even thought I'm more help if I just hang out (over here) and not go into the fray for I'll be dead in 30 seconds. Not dying is a good as a kill right? :) I'm using my points to slowly upgrade but even that takes time.

I do self destruct a lot, usually from using a missile avoidance manoeuvre apparently too close to <something> or just an "oh F%$K" moment.


Really I just kinda suck for now, not trying to throw anything.


Same here. Tried gsf only for the GS2 objectives, dint like it at all, but in the few matches played i felt like others were at hyperspeed with autoaim compared to me...ended up with some 0 dmg done and a few suicides in the first few matches. Removed the suicides after i got a little more how to drive but the dmg are still crazy low...

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Mayhaps? ... This Site Might Help


I Am Like you Being a Newbee At Starfighters, There is a Bit of A Learning Curve, There Is Power In Knowledge!

I too was taking out More rocks Than doing any damage To Anyone, ...Right Now out of Five Matches

I May Get One Rock, Maybe Two, AND One Kill, But I Get Lots Of Assists like 10 To 19, For Me That's Progress!

And That's What I Count, Progress

It Takes Time and many Matches

So Hang In There And Keep Coming Back!

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Same here. Sometimes I just have problems getting the ship to go where I want it to and not into some other ship, or I fall off the edge of the world.

It's a matter of poor vision plus difficulty steering I guess.



I've maxxed ships on 8 characters or something and I still often end up going the wrong way. Like... you'd think that if you're going North, turning left would make you go West, but apparently not.

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I've just started GSF. I get killed a lot and I can't seem to hit the side of a barn, never-mind the door. When I do hit I don't do much damage, I might even master torpedoes one day, if only they would launch when I want them to.


At least I head off in the right direction and don't get all turned around now. To me that's a win. I'm sure my stats look almost like I'm throwing. I've even thought I'm more help if I just hang out (over here) and not go into the fray for I'll be dead in 30 seconds. Not dying is a good as a kill right? :) I'm using my points to slowly upgrade but even that takes time.

I do self destruct a lot, usually from using a missile avoidance manoeuvre apparently too close to <something> or just an "oh F%$K" moment.


Really I just kinda suck for now, not trying to throw anything.

We all had to start there. There isn't one player here that will tell you SWTOR has a good GSF tutorial. It's so vague and it doesn't let you just fly around and get a feel for what to expect in a game. Most of us will never be "elite" in GSF. I can have 2 or 3 really good matches and then go up against a really good team and really struggle to find something that works in that match. "There's always a bigger fish."


Don't get frustrated. Keep trying. Hopefully you are enjoying the game. If you find you like GSF, there are some very good pilots that make helpful videos and there's also a GSF forum here if you have questions. Posters in this thread would have you believe that GSF players are elitist snobs, but that's really not true. There are some friendly players posting in the GSF forum that are more than willing to help with questions and advice. I feel like a majority of GSF players are just all-around SWTOR players that also enjoy that aspect of the game.

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Nobody in this thread has asked for rewards to be gated behind skill level.

Second post...

Yep, everything from daily to weekly to Seasons goals should be about medals.

We get medals by participating in the match but I understand how their suggestion would be considered gating rewards behind skill level.


chalking you up to being a troll and exactly what I talked about.

According to you; asking the devs to stop people intentionally spoiling matches is trolling and being a "toxic pvper" :rolleyes:


I would say only a troll would argue that this is fun, acceptable behavior and good for the game:




It's good that the match spoilers and their supporters keep posting. It shows the devs the mentality of these people.

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We get medals by participating in the match but I understand how their suggestion would be considered gating rewards behind skill level.




Yeah, well, nobody would suggest that if people were actually participating. They kinda brought it on themselves.

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I've just started GSF. I get killed a lot and I can't seem to hit the side of a barn, never-mind the door. When I do hit I don't do much damage, I might even master torpedoes one day, if only they would launch when I want them to.


At least I head off in the right direction and don't get all turned around now. To me that's a win. I'm sure my stats look almost like I'm throwing. I've even thought I'm more help if I just hang out (over here) and not go into the fray for I'll be dead in 30 seconds. Not dying is a good as a kill right? :) I'm using my points to slowly upgrade but even that takes time.

I do self destruct a lot, usually from using a missile avoidance manoeuvre apparently too close to <something> or just an "oh F%$K" moment.


Really I just kinda suck for now, not trying to throw anything.


You're not the only one feeling this way. Shame the elitists in here don't get it. They'd rather kill the queue than let newbies join and ruin "their" game. It's kinda funny they actually think it's "their" game to begin with, but it really says a lot.

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You're not the only one feeling this way. Shame the elitists in here don't get it. They'd rather kill the queue than let newbies join and ruin "their" game. It's kinda funny they actually think it's "their" game to begin with, but it really says a lot.


I have no words.


I'm assuming you don't know how to read. Or that you're a troll. Nobody has an issue with newbies. We have an issue with throwers and afk's.

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Dear Dev Team, queues pop fast now, even if many of those players don't try very hard, and IMO keeping good queue times should be top priority. I can accept having some throwers in the matches FAR easier than I can accept long queue times. This is a casual game, not a hardcore game. Please don't pretend otherwise.
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I have no words.


I'm assuming you don't know how to read. Or that you're a troll. Nobody has an issue with newbies. We have an issue with throwers and afk's.


Seems to me it's you who don't know how to read. There is little difference between the performance of those who afk and those who are new and can't play (getting one shot, not being able to hit anything etc). The toxic elitists in this thread want to change it so that only the people who have played it for years and have geared up their ships will gain anything from it. The rest are just cannon fodder and don't deserve anything. That's exactly what these people are saying.


There already is a solution for those who afk: it's called vote kick. Use it when you see someone afk and stop complaining.

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Dear Dev Team, queues pop fast now, even if many of those players don't try very hard, and IMO keeping good queue times should be top priority. I can accept having some throwers in the matches FAR easier than I can accept long queue times. This is a casual game, not a hardcore game. Please don't pretend otherwise.


So casual means sabotaging your team?

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Seems to me it's you who don't know how to read. There is little difference between the performance of those who afk and those who are new and can't play (getting one shot, not being able to hit anything etc). The toxic elitists in this thread want to change it so that only the people who have played it for years and have geared up their ships will gain anything from it. The rest are just cannon fodder and don't deserve anything. That's exactly what these people are saying.

24 suicides with no shots fired, objectives or medals. When you are in a match and watch the suicide text over and over again you know full well that this is someone intentionally ruining it.

There already is a solution for those who afk: it's called vote kick. Use it when you see someone afk and stop complaining.

You already publicly admitted that you yourself suicide to reset the timer. It was the same post where you claimed it's not possible to get into combat before the AFK timer kicks in:

I don't know if you've noticed how slow it is to fly back into combat after death, but that underlined part doesn't go well with that. A few times I managed to get AFK timer when I was trying to get back into combat from respawn, but every time I tried to shoot something, someone else in my team killed it before I got a single hit in. Then the AFK timer starts to scream and I'm out of energy with no way to stop the timer except flying into an asteroid. There is no way to separate bad pilots from someone suiciding deliberately as long as anyone needs to hit an asteroid to stop the timer.

I then explained how that was incorrect since you can get there slowest ship in under 2 minutes. I also spent time writing a guide for you explaining the things you said were causing you problems so you could avoid suiciding 20+ times in matches. Your reply speaks for itself:

Thanks but not necessary. I'm playing this game because of pve. If I wanted to learn a space shooter MMO, it wouldn't be GSF. I don't have time or interest for GSF because it requires gearing up and knowing what to do, but as long as I don't get the same rewards from the content I want to play, I'm gonna continue to get carried in GSF.


Talking about liars, this one right here is a flat out Iie. So you are the liar here. Just because you are losing an argument, doesn't give you the right to attack me personally, which is exactly what you are doing. Try talking about the topic instead.

You are the one who keeps trying to twist the topic by claiming "toxic elitists" are trying to ruin the game for inexperienced pilots when you know full well that is not what we mean. People who intentionally spoil matches should be dealt with. End of story. You are the one who is taking that idea as an attack on your person :rolleyes:

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