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is it time for one US Megaserver ?


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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

That would be the one benefit for players if moving to cloud servers & if they are all located in the same location.

Then they could treat the servers as artificial instances. This would theoretically allow players from different servers to play together in a cross server situation for “queue group” activities.

The drawback would be where the servers are GEO located because lag would be a factor for the people who’d lose their locally located servers. So be careful what you wish for. 

Take it from someone who lost their 30ms local servers & was moved to 200ms servers & then moved again to 230-240ms servers, that lag is a killer to play with. Many local players just quit because they couldn’t get used to it.

Let me ask a simple question. How close are you to your local server? What’s your ping? Imagine if your ping jumps 100-150ms because they decide to “Cluster” the servers in another GEO location. 

I think the servers are where they are right now to minimize lag for Euro/US players and Asia/Pacific was cut loose for some reason (in my opinion they should have kept a server in Hawaii or even Australia). With the servers located in North Carolina and Ireland, early morning US players can play on the Euro servers (and benefit from Europe's prime time) and late night Euro players can benefit from US Prime Time (the cross-Atlantic ping isn't too bad). Regardless, wherever the "cloud" servers end up will drastically affect game play for almost everyone. The lag would still affect players farther from the geo-location of the cloud server so one mega-server located wherever means basically half of the people playing the game would be at a disadvantage in any "competitive" play.

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35 minutes ago, DWho said:

I think the servers are where they are right now to minimize lag for Euro/US players and Asia/Pacific was cut loose for some reason (in my opinion they should have kept a server in Hawaii or even Australia). With the servers located in North Carolina and Ireland, early morning US players can play on the Euro servers (and benefit from Europe's prime time) and late night Euro players can benefit from US Prime Time (the cross-Atlantic ping isn't too bad). Regardless, wherever the "cloud" servers end up will drastically affect game play for almost everyone. The lag would still affect players farther from the geo-location of the cloud server so one mega-server located wherever means basically half of the people playing the game would be at a disadvantage in any "competitive" play.

I currently play NA with around 20ms and EU with around 250ms. PvP is so much harder in the EU especially GSF. I have frequent rubber banding in PvP and in GSF I have to lead targets random amounts to hit them in GSF (gunships).

If we move to cloud server and pings for players are different then the team with the best ping will probably have a big advantage. I don't raid a lot so not sure what the impact 250ms would have in an ops.

Edited by illgot
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1 hour ago, DWho said:

I think the servers are where they are right now to minimize lag for Euro/US players and Asia/Pacific was cut loose for some reason (in my opinion they should have kept a server in Hawaii or even Australia). With the servers located in North Carolina and Ireland, early morning US players can play on the Euro servers (and benefit from Europe's prime time) and late night Euro players can benefit from US Prime Time (the cross-Atlantic ping isn't too bad). Regardless, wherever the "cloud" servers end up will drastically affect game play for almost everyone. The lag would still affect players farther from the geo-location of the cloud server so one mega-server located wherever means basically half of the people playing the game would be at a disadvantage in any "competitive" play.


+1 !!

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14 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Let me ask a simple question. How close are you to your local server? What’s your ping? Imagine if your ping jumps 100-150ms because they decide to “Cluster” the servers in another GEO location.

I'm in the Midwest, so not extremely close, that I know of. Also, I play on all of the servers, and don't notice a significant difference between them. I also don't do endgame or PvP, so it's not like I'm being competitive in any way.

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What if EU people wanna play on the US server, if it is far away from the east coast they(we) are screwed.

I never would cus highter than 60  ms would cause me to just dark side my pc, but others might.

Edited by Kaedusz
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On 1/17/2023 at 3:56 AM, illgot said:

No one here is trying to convince the devs a server merger is needed, devs have the metrics and already know which servers have unsustainable populations. Considering that I have only ever seen server transfer discounts before server merges, we may have some form of server merge by the end of this year. Players like me are trying to convince others to prep before this happens.

Nothing players say will have any effect on what the devs decide when it comes to server merges. I hope most players understand this.

What confuses is me why some players here are trying so hard to convince other players that server merges aren't needed.

"No one here is trying to convince the devs a server merger is needed" - Good, because there's no actual proof of Shan actually coming remotely close to forcing a merge on another server.  Seriously?!  There was just~ a 50% off on character transfers in the past few weeks >_> .  Holy contradicting yourself, only you and other entitled Shan players who don't want to pay for a transfer [feel] you should impose a heavy burden on another server - there are ZERO factual metrics to support your claims or any other Shan entitled imposer.  This is a false issue that Shan players have been using for years, and it's just sad they ignore whenever character transfers on sale and push something morally wrong and drastically unneeded.

Edited by blacksilverlord
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16 hours ago, WHTJunior said:

I'm in the Midwest, so not extremely close, that I know of. Also, I play on all of the servers, and don't notice a significant difference between them. I also don't do endgame or PvP, so it's not like I'm being competitive in any way.

So unless BioWare move the proposed cloud service hub to Europe, you won’t see any difference at all. If they do move it, you will likely see a difference playing in raids or flash points because 150-200ms lag can still kill you doing those.

You need to understand that this is a globally played game & having everyone on one server in one location would harm the wider player base more than keeping them seperate. 

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