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332 Gear, Only for OP's...


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Please learn to read what is written and not what you want to read....


I said:



As far as I know you can only get 330 from doing OP's and according to the elitists


Well if you don't do anything apart from dress up barbie then you only need your credit card stop being a person complaining about greens and so on if you don't do the content you don't need the gear simple and end of story.

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Skill and Effort are not the same thing; my ideal would be a system that allows skilled players to get the highest level gear quicker by doing the hardest content but also allows everyone else to get to the same gear level slower (maybe much slower) by doing more content (maybe much more content) than a skilled player needs to. Locking gear (anything) away behind walls is just elitist kak and I'm sad to see it's return to this game.
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Well if you don't do anything apart from dress up barbie then you only need your credit card stop being a person complaining about greens and so on if you don't do the content you don't need the gear simple and end of story.


When are you going to understand that "need" has nothing to do with it?!?!?


You don't need a speeder to do NiM ops, så therfore, by yore logic,, you shouldnt have it..

There are a lot of things you don't "need" in order to to do certain aspects of this game, so should they be removed?


Need has absolutley nothing to do with this! I know a lot of players that dont "need" BiS gear in order to cear every single ops in this game, they could do it in 2-3 even 4 tiers under BiS. They dont really need the gear, so should they be banned from BiS gear?


Why do feel you so threatend by the idea that som noob are geared in BiS? Does it diminish youre playing experience to that extent that must lash out?


And "need" is a very relative concept, Some players need just that extra dps in order to finish the more difficult Veteran ops, or mm FP's, that is just there skill level. But you belive that they dont deserve that extra litlle help, even tough they are just as commited as you are, spends just as much time that you do, and pays the same subscription that you do! But youi, on the other hand, you deserve that little extra help, becuse you are playing NiM, and that is sooo much more difficult anf hard to master. But do you really ?


When are you going to understand, that "need" and "deserve" has absolutley nothing to do with this. The Devs decides who gets what, and they seem to decide it on a whim, spur of the moment and then goes with. It has nothing to do with "need" and "deserves"

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Well if you don't do anything apart from dress up barbie then you only need your credit card stop being a person complaining about greens and so on if you don't do the content you don't need the gear simple and end of story.


I want to see people in green run MM chapters with that attitude.


And again, people forget about Spirit of Vengeance and how everyone in green was complaining about how hard it was. That 306 gear sure was nice to have, wasn't it?

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Ok I will give you this....


You are RIGHT... I Don't NEED 332 gear to do Daily's...


But as has been said, NEED has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.


I will make this even SIMPLER FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND.....




I pay the same for MY SUBSCRIPTION as you do for yours.






So when you are NOT in a NIM OP you lose all the OP STATS... Since you DON"T NEED THEM if your not doing NIM OPs....

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Ok I will give you this....


You are RIGHT... I Don't NEED 332 gear to do Daily's...


But as has been said, NEED has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.


I will make this even SIMPLER FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND.....




I pay the same for MY SUBSCRIPTION as you do for yours.






So when you are NOT in a NIM OP you lose all the OP STATS... Since you DON"T NEED THEM if your not doing NIM OPs....


You realize when your doing dailies, heroics or PvP all of your stats are down graded. The only places people in higher gear may get stats is in FP's and Operations. For everything else 320 gear or 332 we'll have the same due to level sync.


The only exception to that is when Manaan's Daily area comes out. We do not know how level sync will affect that zone.

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So what's stopping you from going through the process to get the best gear again? It takes a little work, but its not that hard if you have enough skill, alts, determination, and time. Personally, I did the work and i've got full 330 sets for 8 specs (16 if you include their mirrors) already.
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Ok I will give you this....


You are RIGHT... I Don't NEED 332 gear to do Daily's...


But as has been said, NEED has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.


I will make this even SIMPLER FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND.....




I pay the same for MY SUBSCRIPTION as you do for yours.






So when you are NOT in a NIM OP you lose all the OP STATS... Since you DON"T NEED THEM if your not doing NIM OPs....


Unlike you I actually play all content at all levels and when doing certain raids you need the higher gear and that's why it drops from harder content and not from running rubbish daily quests so enjoy the greens cause i'm enjoying the gear I earned.

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You realize when your doing dailies, heroics or PvP all of your stats are down graded. The only places people in higher gear may get stats is in FP's and Operations. For everything else 320 gear or 332 we'll have the same due to level sync.


The only exception to that is when Manaan's Daily area comes out. We do not know how level sync will affect that zone.


Stats are downgraded but you will still get more benefit from better stats once they put in their 7.02 fix.

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So what's stopping you from going through the process to get the best gear again? It takes a little work, but its not that hard if you have enough skill, alts, determination, and time. Personally, I did the work and i've got full 330 sets for 8 specs (16 if you include their mirrors) already.


In order to get the BEST gear in the game... You MUST belong to a RAIDING GUILD, and one that does NIM OPs....


I cannot stand grouping with people that constantly yell SPACEBAR and race throught OP like there is a time limit. I Play the Game, I Watch ALL the Cut Scenes. I DO NOT SPACEBAR, ..... EVER!. I DO NOT CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES, I clear the entire ZONE. I did raids in EQ2 and we ALWAYS KILLED EVERYTHING in the raid.


Or they will look at your Irating then kick you out for being TOO LOW, my Gear is NOT TOP OF THE LINE even for GREEN GEAR. Grouping in SWToR is a lesson in futility. You can not get into a NIM OP PUG unless your ALREADY HAVE BIS GEAR and KNOW THE FIGHTS INSIDE AND OUT. I have NEVER BEEN ABLE to complete any OP without some Ahole whining then getting kicked so I NEVER get to finish much less learn the OPs....


Before they SCREWED the PLAYERS I was finally able to outfit all 29 of my characters with BIS gear... NOW all I have is CRAP AND GARBAGE...


Since I do not belong to a RAIDING GUILD I CANNOT get BIS gear. It's really simple WHY I do not and CANNOT get BIS GEAR with the current system....



AND even though they scale down your gear and stats you still get HUGE bonuses from BIS gear. It is not the SAME as having ONLY GREEN GARBAGE....

Edited by denavin
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In order to get the BEST gear in the game... You MUST belong to a RAIDING GUILD, and one that does NIM OPs....


I cannot stand grouping with people that constantly yell SPACEBAR and race throught OP like there is a time limit. I Play the Game, I Watch ALL the Cut Scenes. I DO NOT SPACEBAR, ..... EVER!. I DO NOT CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES, I clear the entire ZONE. I did raids in EQ2 and we ALWAYS KILLED EVERYTHING in the raid.




Then since you don't like group content you need nothing but a credit card this is an MMO enjoy the fashion shows on the fleet and stop moaning or do what other players do and try and join a guild that is suited to you but moaning like you do isn't winning you anything and you won't be getting BIS gear anymore that is a fact bring on R4 half of the pug runs will fall to the first boss so enjoy the greens kid.

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Then since you don't like group content you need nothing but a credit card this is an MMO enjoy the fashion shows on the fleet and stop moaning or do what other players do and try and join a guild that is suited to you but moaning like you do isn't winning you anything and you won't be getting BIS gear anymore that is a fact bring on R4 half of the pug runs will fall to the first boss so enjoy the greens kid.


"Join a guild" , HAHAHA! Half of my guild left in the last two weeks. Now, after building a guild from 0 and donating more than 3 bil credits for decorations, i'm supposed to "join another guild" ? Why? It won't solve the ELEPHANT sized problem of some classes being nerfed into oblivion and underperforming! The second the new guild will open star parse in an op and will see my mercenary not doing more than 20 k dmg i will be kicked off raid, called names and of course, adviced to play operative or marauder. NO THANKS! It happened before, it will happen again.

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It's what they did... Not only Ops can get gear that is 4 ratings higher than everyone else, but even their lower rating gear is better than everyone else's.


I mean, if you're going to favor Ops player, might as well go all the way, right?


So how is 330 gear BIS in PvP again? :rolleyes:

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First of all 332 Gear doesn't even exist. So you are clearly uneducated about the topic.

Most raiders DO NOT NEED 330 Gear outside of Operations. That is why they keep in the legacy cargo hold! If doing dailies of course they use that gear because its the only gear they have, if it would get scaled down (like it already is) nobody would care.


Also: Favor Operation players? It is literally impossible to gear only via ops, you have to do pvp or gsf and dailies too! Operations gear path is the slowest in the game, by far. They clearly don't favor operation players, just because it is max. gear doesn't mean that it is "the best". Also all pieces give the same stats regardless of color or where you got them 326 PvP = 326 Rakata = 326 Columni

Edited by ZUHFB
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So how is 330 gear BIS in PvP again? :rolleyes:


I didn't even mention pvp but whatever.


"Join a guild" , HAHAHA! Half of my guild left in the last two weeks. Now, after building a guild from 0 and donating more than 3 bil credits for decorations, i'm supposed to "join another guild" ? Why? It won't solve the ELEPHANT sized problem of some classes being nerfed into oblivion and underperforming! The second the new guild will open star parse in an op and will see my mercenary not doing more than 20 k dmg i will be kicked off raid, called names and of course, adviced to play operative or marauder. NO THANKS! It happened before, it will happen again.


Story of my life and exactly why I refuse to raid. I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt, ended up quitting out of frustration in every. single. game because we never had enough people showing up for raids.


I'm NOT going through that again.

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LOL, I have toons in multiple guilds, none of them raiding guilds, just guilds where my friends are, but discords im in pug NiM and we get 4/5 DF, 2/5 DP, 3/4 EC, 5/7 SNV pretty easily. It isn't gear that makes a player, when our tank is in 322 Edited by megawarz
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"Join a guild" , HAHAHA! Half of my guild left in the last two weeks. Now, after building a guild from 0 and donating more than 3 bil credits for decorations, i'm supposed to "join another guild" ? Why? It won't solve the ELEPHANT sized problem of some classes being nerfed into oblivion and underperforming! The second the new guild will open star parse in an op and will see my mercenary not doing more than 20 k dmg i will be kicked off raid, called names and of course, adviced to play operative or marauder. NO THANKS! It happened before, it will happen again.


You don't have to leave your guild. It's very possible to be in multiple guilds. Just dumping one character in a guild can get you some easy ins into operations.


Doesn't take away the horrible class balance they introduced with 7.0 of course. Balance has never been perfect, but with 7.0 the underperforming specs are really, really underperforming. Mercs, Carnage Marauders and Marksmanship Snipers definitely need some loving. But that's a whole seperate issue.

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Then since you don't like group content you need nothing but a credit card this is an MMO enjoy the fashion shows on the fleet and stop moaning or do what other players do and try and join a guild that is suited to you but moaning like you do isn't winning you anything and you won't be getting BIS gear anymore that is a fact bring on R4 half of the pug runs will fall to the first boss so enjoy the greens kid.


Then neither do you when you are NOT doing a NIM raid....

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"Join a guild" , HAHAHA! Half of my guild left in the last two weeks. Now, after building a guild from 0 and donating more than 3 bil credits for decorations, i'm supposed to "join another guild" ? Why? It won't solve the ELEPHANT sized problem of some classes being nerfed into oblivion and underperforming! The second the new guild will open star parse in an op and will see my mercenary not doing more than 20 k dmg i will be kicked off raid, called names and of course, adviced to play operative or marauder. NO THANKS! It happened before, it will happen again.


Exctly why I do not group because of the Aholes.... If the DEV's would get their heads out of the Collective Butts and fix STORY MODE then there would not be so many COMPLAINTS from the MAJORITY of the players....

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Fix story mode? what's wrong with it? It's still easy. I went in with straight pugs tonight out of boredom and cleared 2 sm ops with no issues. However, the difficulty between SM and HM is very significant now.


As for being a merc main, mercs are fine for nefra farms at least.....where you can get rakata gear to upgrade all the way.


We await your next excuse, or another one restated. choice is yours.

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Fix story mode? what's wrong with it? It's still easy. I went in with straight pugs tonight out of boredom and cleared 2 sm ops with no issues. However, the difficulty between SM and HM is very significant now.


As for being a merc main, mercs are fine for nefra farms at least.....where you can get rakata gear to upgrade all the way.


We await your next excuse, or another one restated. choice is yours.


Story Mode is supposed to be able to be done by the LOWEST geared player that can do the story. It is NOT supposed to be balanced for MAX level or MAX geared players as it is NOW.... When ONE player cannot finish ANY STORY MODE then then the Story Mode is TOO HARD.... Just because YOU can do it doesn't mean crap...


I just do not understand why this bothers you so much.... There are 2 other MODES that are much harder for you to beat your head agents the wall and call it fun...


I play STORY MODE.... aka EASY MODE for a REASON.... I play to have FUN and not to increase my STRESS LEVEL. This game has ALWAYS been about the PLAYER being the Strongest in the Universe. Stronger than any foe. YOU SAVED THE UNIVERSE from an Immortal Tyrant. Now even fighting Basic GUARDS can be repeatedly fatal.


You can have Veteran and Master Mode to play the Challenging style you want... But Leave STORY MODE easy.


I have not given any excuses unlike what I have heard from the It's Too Easy crowed... All I want is what we Had when I started Playing this game 7 years ago.... A Story that ANYBODY could complete without any difficulty.


Before Level Sync you could out level a super hard boss then go back and kick his rear. But now with level sync and the changes they have made to it that is NO LONGER POSSIBLE.


Since the change. I have not logged in other than to keep my guilds alive. I have done both the Republic and Empire versions of LotS but that is all. I have NO desire to Die Repeatedly in near every fight then NOT be able to complete the final fight with Malgus.... SO MUCH FUN..... NOT!!


Being DEAD all the time is NOT FUN!!

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Then neither do you when you are NOT doing a NIM raid....


But I do Nightmare raiding and all HM content and what I wear in game is my reward for killing bosses that you can't so Mr Green you are still a seat warmer on the fleet for me.

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Alright, since you have a bunch of toons, here's what i'm gonna suggest for you to gear up. Pick whichever spec you have a bunch of clones of or make them via combat styling. All gear is legacy based now. Use the conquest route to gear up. all you need is medals of commendation and aquatics. so all you need to do is heroics and daily areas. it's boring but easy. those can be easily done without good gear. heck, if you're good, all you need is a mainhand and offhand. that will get you to 326. if all you're doing in story, it's more than sufficient for your needs.


wait, you can also gsf on all those toons. you don't even need to win to get points towards the weekly, which you can do 3 times per toon. you don't even need to be good at gsf. just patient enough to die a lot as you figure out how to fly and shoot. this route can also get you to 326.

Edited by Chryptyk
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Why would I complain I can't group?

I don't want to.

That's the point.

I got the same gear through playing solo / story content I wanted to play.

If you think that placing the best gear behind stuff I don't enjoy is a good thing then good for you.

I don't want to raid and the raiders wouldn't want me there.

Gear wasn't stuck behind specific content so why now?


100% right.


LordVajra, as usual, is either wrong or lying. He's been caught lying countless times here.


He also cluelessly thinks MMORPG means you have to play multiplayer. That's already been explained to him but he's too thick to get it.


MMOs are about simulating a world and being able to interact with people when and how you want. Just like in real life, many people prefer to do things solo.


In the game development world, we call it "Playing Alone Together" and it is a perfectly acceptable and normal way to play MMOs.


Except this was sold as a story driven MMO.

Story content was supposed to be doable on your own.

Gearing too.

I don't play pretty much every MMORPG for a reason.

None in fact.

I play this one because gearing used to be fair.

Everyone could play whatever they wanted and still be treated equally.

Also don't care about gearing in other games, just the one I play.

Yes I know about the previous gear changes, played since beta.

Never had to group to get better gear before.




100% correct.

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