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Is SWTOR worth playing anymore?

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People who are playing for the game are having issues. They're not wrong to feel that way, but game play is what matters to them.


People who are playing for the story aren't having issues. They don't need the best gear. They just need to be able to play the game. Where there are issues they fix it, if it takes some griping. For example, they fixed Spirit of Vengeance which could not be finished in Story Mode. The Voss Walker quest is no longer a continuous repeat of slow play and death until completed which it was for a long time. They recently altered the purify droid attack on Iokath. For Story people, if you don't like the direction the Story is going that's an issue. For example, a friend of mine had quit playing years ago because they abandoned the separate class stories to have one story for everyone with Fallen Empire.


Since I'm a story player I don't have the rage quit feeling other people do. I will play until I'm finally bored of the story. I can watch the Star Wars movies a million times, but that million and oneth time, that's when I can say I still love the movie but I can't watch it anymore.

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I arrived to SWTOR relatively late, so I don't want to quit already and don't intend to when I just started- just because the game isn't perfect and has it's problems; when I enjoy the Star Wars universe it is using so far as it's setting/lore/canon goes. It being non-Disney is a plus in my view.


I don't like paying money annually for games by default, but given that you can play it for free for the most part, I can't complain about that aspect. I don't mind occasionally subscribing or paying to get permanent unlocks/more content. I get that it's a business. It's just a matter of me not always having money to spend on something frivolous like entertainment. But I do when I feel there is enough on offer for me to buy in more.


It does seem a bit expensive in terms of pricing at times, but I genuinely can't tell if it's primarily corporate rip off/greed or if it is simply what the game costs to run at a profit, or if it is what the market will bear for cartel coins/subscription.


1 cartel coin is roughly 70% of 1 cent each if each batch of $40 is equal to 5500 CC as of now. You get 4,000 CC while subscribed for 6 months via Galactic Seasons, so it seems it is more worthwhile to directly buy more CC if you simply just want permanent unlocks/perks but can tolerate going without the Subscriber only stuff.


The game is currently worth it to me as Preferred, but will subscribe for 6 month sessions on occasion if that gets you the most value per day so far as unit costs go. I can always subscribe later when there is enough new story content, or if there is subscriber only stuff I want to do. Not until then however, because I can't break budgeting or thrift on my end.


6 month Subscription is $78 = 43 cents/day? Shorter duration options = higher unit cost per day but lower total cost for the given time purchased?

Edited by Talcu
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Regardless of your level Heroic ability has changed. I used to solo 80% of the Heroics with 306 gear but now I'm lucky with 322 gear to be able to solo the most basic areas. If getting your butt kicked in a level 37 area is how a level 80 character is now then why are we bothering?

Can you make a list of all the heroics you have trouble with in 7.0


like don't generalize, just make a straight up list so people can help you test the difficulty themselves

Edited by Falensawino
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Speaking strictly for myself and not for anyone else : NO, it is not worth playing anymore. Why? Here are my reasons:


- the story is boring, cheese rolling Malgus over and over again

- not enough content for BH/ Mandalorians

- no content involving our class companions and love interests

- awkward and unwanted flirts : Arn, Rivix, Shaar, Jedi lady from the new Council

- having to complete any bit of new story with Lana Beniko, sorry but i'm tired of her, couldn't she get a summon from the Sith Emperor/Empress and leave for Dromund Kaas for a few expansions?

- removal of armor sets with bonus for each class and being forced to grind again for "legendary" implants with Concentrated Fire bonus - NO THANKS, i had Apex Predator, which was way better than Con Fire! :mad:

- removal of mods

- not being able to craft mods anymore

- the sheer ugliness of the default weapons ( reminder, i payed CC for Amban JP rifle, Fortitude blasters and others..)

- removal of daily Toborro's Courtyard - i did that because it was fun !

- removal of Renown - i liked the idea of progressing somehow

- the nerfing of Arsenal Mercenary ! :mad::mad::mad:

- Bugs! Lots and lots of bugs!

- the uninteresting and generic Galactic Seasons "companions" - Fen Zeil is even more boring than Altuur and that Shadow Sindicate armor set not worth the effort.


Should i continue?


Sorry, but when my subscription expires, i'm done.

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Can you make a list of all the heroics you have trouble with in 7.0


like don't generalize, just make a straight up list so people can help you test the difficulty themselves


I have asked exact thing twice already, and no answer so far. I think it's more of a generalization.

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As of 7.0 its definitely NOT worth playing anymore, this "expansion" ruined the game for so many people including myself. If there was a few problems I could look past it but 7.0 changed the game drastically and made it less fun in so many ways that it's not worth spending time or money on SWTOR.
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No, for reasons others have already explained, no end game content to justify your investment, classes being nerfed to oblivion and game breaking bugs that will effect even class stories.


I would say wait six months to a year in order to give BW enough time to sort this mess out but with the incompetence on display I wouldn't hold my breath...

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So, 100 more players - just on Steam mind you - is a disaster? Keep in mind that Steam serves only part of the player base. Every steam player could quit and SWTOR would still exist. 🙂


Also, the servers seem as busy as ever to me.


So a 100 player gain after a full month frp, the first thing that could be confused as an expansion in years is a GOOD thing? You tried so hard you even attempted to claim to know the populations of every server.


Shill much? :rolleyes:


The fact that some people need to pretend like this is sickening.

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Worth it for new players? Absolutely, they have a lot of stuff to do.


Worth it for old players who play occasionallh? Yes. Sometimes I login to do some Heroics, PVP or just messing about after a long day.


Worth it for old players who used to play every single day? This used to be me, and sadly no, it is not worth it. The grind is a chore and my toons' abilities are not what they used to in 6.x. Story content is short. I know they fixed the UI's contrast but honestly, I still hate it. The old one is more straightforward and doesnt take up the whole screen.

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So a 100 player gain after a full month frp, the first thing that could be confused as an expansion in years is a GOOD thing? You tried so hard you even attempted to claim to know the populations of every server.


Shill much? :rolleyes:


The fact that some people need to pretend like this is sickening.

Um, whuh?

Just because YOU think an expansion should bring in thousands of new players doesn't make it so. From BW's perspective they may consider simply maintaining the current subscriber base as a success.


Not sure what the remark about 'populations of every server' is even supposed to relate to. Really not sure what I'm supposed to be pretending. 🤔


It would be just as easy (and dumb) for me to accuse you of Shilling for FFXIV or Ark by coming on here and trying to make unwarranted claims about what sort of expansion and/or population YOU (or Sony) would accept. 😂

Edited by JediQuaker
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depends on your loving class

if u play BH, merc, vang, mando, better delete and your EA account.


Just Merc and Mando really, Vanguards are absolutely fine. Not having a cleanse is kind of annoying, but they have the damage to make it work.

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...I genuinely can't tell if it's primarily corporate rip off/greed or if it is simply what the game costs to run at a profit, or if it is what the market will bear for cartel coins/subscription.


It's strictly greed.


EA and BW have used the profits from this game, which are in the hundreds of millions since it went live, to fund other projects, putting little back into SWTOR for content, improvements, and keeping it competitive in the MMO space.


If you're relatively new, and don't mind the changes in 7.0, then it's obviously fine to subscribe and pay for. Just be aware you're never "supporting the game" with the money you put into it. That's been the case for almost the entirety of the past 10 years, and certainly is now.

Edited by arunav
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As of 7.0 its definitely NOT worth playing anymore, this "expansion" ruined the game for so many people including myself. If there was a few problems I could look past it but 7.0 changed the game drastically and made it less fun in so many ways that it's not worth spending time or money on SWTOR.


Your not truly done still you stop visiting the forums. You aint going nowhere yet

Edited by Zergnaut
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Let me quote myself again, and i hope you answer this time.

Which is this Heroics exactly.


Sorry I missed your post.


I will answer it

Ones which I used to solo with 306 gear.











Do I need to continue?


I have a equipment rating of 322 at the moment, some 330 gear and one 320. Its slowly increasing but as I solo all of the time, as my guild is all USA based, I have nobody to run with. I do not mind doing the easy Heroics like CZ and starter planets and capital worlds, but because they have REMOVED part of the mechanic which made higher levels when reduced down to planet level able to do the heroics.


When you have the enemy hitting you for 600 damage but your level 50 companion can only heal you for 200 max its clear there is an issue. If they returned the game mechanics back to how it was before they destroyed the game this wouldn't be a problem. I have lost 10k in total damage output, which isn't much in an operation, but others have lost well in excess of 40k damage, which is all down to this crap equipment system. And removing an element of the game mechanics when on lower level planets makes Heroics pointless when solo. Put it this way, I was killed 3 times when attacked by 5 enemy's on a level 17 planet. I was being healed by the companion for only 50-90 and being hit for 200+. Even with me trying to heal myself and using the correct companion, the best healer and Tank, I still died. Before this "not using the correct wording" patch/update I would have just killed everything and moved on, even would have helped others around me so they could advance. Now you have to be in a group just to do anything, which is not what everybody wants to do.


Sorry for the long winded reply

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I am a very casual player and love the story, the fact that my character talks and makes choices and that I can play one class differently every time, especially now with the additonal combat choices. For 7.0 I wish they had added more story and not taken away abilities that I enjoyed having beforehand. Otherwise, yes..it's worth it.


I can play through multiple storylines, make choices that actually matter and can solo flashpoints. All stuff I couldn't do in WOW. So yeah, I'm here enjoying SWTOR, although I am probably playing it more like a solo player than an MMORPG.

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Yeah, but less than before. Since 7.0 Ive been playing more other games and less SWTOR.


For me the gearing system is definitely a part of it. Not being able to get anywhere near max gear. Especially since MM FP's dont pop much...I just feel far less motivated to do the whole gear grind. I know some people really do not get it, but for me being able to max out my gear is important, even though I do not participate in NM Ops. I did not know it mattered this much, but it does.


The other thing is that some classes just got a more boring rotation. So I stop playing more quickly because it becomes repetitive sooner.


Not complaining, just stating facts.

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Dumbest expansion since the New Game Experience over at SWG.


If you like working your *** off all week for half the reward, you'll love it. Personally, I took last week off entirely. The way I feel is this - what used to be a great game with few bugs worth mention, is now a nightmare of disconnects, mobs falling through floors, delays, lag, broken missions and failed development. I never followed what is going on there, but I rather feel there's been a change of command and that idiot Raph Koster is somehow involved.

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I am not really sure. I still love the story but the balance is way off. It feel like we get less and less for our money. The level progression from 75 to 80 was way too fast with too little to show. The content seems tougher than ever and the bugs are worse than ever...


After I read what I have wrote I feel it is fine to play for story, but that is about it. :(

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Not for me it's not worth playing anymore. I cancelled my subscription a couple weeks after 7.0 dropped (Not sure how much time I have left because I paid for 3 months at a time --will probably be soon I think). The devs managed to ruin almost everything I enjoyed about the game. I don't understand the thought process behind most of their decisions. Either way I'm sad -the game was pretty good. Now it's just void of fun.
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Sorry I missed your post.

I will answer it

Ones which I used to solo with 306 gear.











Yeh Balmora with the standard mob that has knockback is a b**ch to run. Funny thou, Dromund Kaas has no problems, I even feel I kill stuff there faster and I am only 306, couldnt care about gearing.


Belsavis is just LONG to complete, like the fight where you have to kill the Jedi Master on Imp side, where he guards a bunch of deranged Jedi.

Or the one where you have to kill the Esh-kha, Champion mob. Both of these examples are not hard to do, they were just LONG. Literally, the mobs have no fancy attacks, but due to poor level scaling, the fights become a chore

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