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The gearing changes didn't work. Were all in 330 gear with no effort.


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Also, the new gearing system is so very alt unfriendly.


Ah yes, having one gear set per role you can use on every class and only having to get implants, main and offhand for individual classes is much less alt friendly than having to grind a full set bonus gear set for each class as well as mods and **** for each set.

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One other thing that no one mentions is the blatant disrespect of the NiM players towards the community and the constant breaking of ToS by causing class-based segregation and discrimination.


It takes a special type of person to write something like this.

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Ah yes, having one gear set per role you can use on every class and only having to get implants, main and offhand for individual classes is much less alt friendly than having to grind a full set bonus gear set for each class as well as mods and **** for each set.


My problem is that I have an Infiltration Shadow, and not enough Daily Matrixes to get to 326 so that I can open all her Gear boxes to send to my Jedi and Sith who run Assassin and Shadow as secondary specs. More Daily Matrixes are NEEDED. Increase the rewards for dailies.

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Lesson learned on this is to take the dual wielders to 326 first for the alt upgrading Decurion boxes. The offhand weapons are locked as off hand (as are the mainhand weapons locked as mainhand) so you will not be able to use a single wielder to upgrade all of the items for a dual wielder. I've opened dozens of these crates and gotten multiple mainhand weapons but never an offhand weapon when the one opening the crate is not a dual wielder. With a dual wielder, mainhand and offhand drop about the same.
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Ok this really isn't that hard. If you are a shadow you can open a PvP crate with a 324 focus and the rest 326, and it will give you a 326 focus - but if you are a sentinel 2nd combat spec you can set your loot discipline to sentinel and you will get an offhand saber even on a shadow. This works, I've done it.


It's pretty ridiculous, most people don't seem to get how to really gear: You can open any box at any time, you throw away daily crates they are worthless, you get an upgrade - always. So per PvP weekly you get 1.5 upgrades so that's like what? 24 Weeklies? 24 Weeklies (in two weeks) so thats 4, maxing 4 characters out in PvP weeklies or GSF weeklies is really really not that much. In comparison to, assuming 36 (12*3) upgrades are needed and one conquest 320->326 costs ~200 aquatics you'd get 5 upgrades PER WEEK where as PvP gets you 1.5 upgrades PER WEEKLY.


BUT if you started gearing via conquest it is never too late to set over to PvP gearing, but getting 326 conquest gear AND THEN PvPing is literally the worst thing you can do because all you do is make the crates drop a random piece, not a fixed gear. Get 324 conquest gear if you really really hate PvP, then do ~8 PvP or GSF weeklies you are max geared. Then, and only then do you start doing Nefra.


And if you want to go ultra hard you can easily get to 326 with PvP crates alone in one week, the only thing holding you back is lockouts but even then you could do GSF and you end up fully tryharding without spending ever any mats you have to do all PvP and all GSF weeklies on 6 toons to be max gear.


This is the best, the easiest and the fastest way to gear. It's completely undeniable. Are we finally done here?

I've explained why mercenaries are bad at the moment.

I've explained why 330 gear is effort, even though it's easy.

I've explained how to get to 326, multiple times. If you don't follow that path, good for you but it's a giant waste of time. The time spend on gearing with conquest is so exorbitantly high vs. the time spend on PvP gearing that the gear path is just as viable and good as FP gearing, don't do it.

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This is the best, the easiest and the fastest way to gear. It's completely undeniable. Are we finally done here?

I've explained why mercenaries are bad at the moment.

I've explained why 330 gear is effort, even though it's easy.

I've explained how to get to 326, multiple times. If you don't follow that path, good for you but it's a giant waste of time. The time spend on gearing with conquest is so exorbitantly high vs. the time spend on PvP gearing that the gear path is just as viable and good as FP gearing, don't do it.


But I have a severe disability and don't PvP! I'm not stupid I just have to work with the PHYSICAL limitations I have! People do have different needs, my Comrade.

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But I have a severe disability and don't PvP! I'm not stupid I just have to work with the PHYSICAL limitations I have! People do have different needs, my Comrade.


Uhm, you don't have to be able to do everything? It's not a big deal if you lose, this part of the gearing progression is 100% essential and worth the time. Let's be real, most of the time the impact one players has on the game doesn't matter, you could be afk all game and your team wouldn't notice, just call it playing objective.


Most people just stand around and watch their team die, and I do believe everyone is capable of doing that, you are going to be fine. I am not joking, most of the time they just backpaddle back to the objective, but that's a different thing. You don't have to be the best in your team, nobody cares - just have fun. I promise you it's worth it. Again, I don't know what you can and can't do but all you really have to is queue and attack a player ever now and then so just in case they try to votekick they can't. Not the coolest move, but so many people get mad over regs everyday, what difference does one more make? :D

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Uhm, you don't have to be able to do everything? It's not a big deal if you lose, this part of the gearing progression is 100% essential and worth the time. Let's be real, most of the time the impact one players has on the game doesn't matter, you could be afk all game and your team wouldn't notice, just call it playing objective.


Most people just stand around and watch their team die, and I do believe everyone is capable of doing that, you are going to be fine. I am not joking, most of the time they just backpaddle back to the objective, but that's a different thing. You don't have to be the best in your team, nobody cares - just have fun. I promise you it's worth it. Again, I don't know what you can and can't do but all you really have to is queue and attack a player ever now and then so just in case they try to votekick they can't. Not the coolest move, but so many people get mad over regs everyday, what difference does one more make? :D


the comrade is not saying they don't like pvp or don't like dying, they have a disability that makes it very difficult to do group play. Your solution "it's okay just do your best!" is not a solution. And we don't have to single them out on the basis of disability, why force players to do any activity they don't enjoy doing? BW already does that with conquest, but at least there we have options.


I PVP. You clearly do. That dude does not. Why force them to? oh right because we need more bads in queue to speed up pops. :rak_03:

Edited by Ardrossan
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I PVP. You clearly do. That dude does not. Why force them to? oh right because we need more bads in queue to speed up pops. :rak_03:


I don't know? Ask bioware why that is the only actually viable gearpath and everything else is a waste of time? Like that's not my opinion that is factually true. Sure you could spend weeks to be in 326 conquest gear to then start your nefra farm, but you just spend thousands of daily mats just so you can START the harder grind. It's just overall a bad deal to touch conquest gear.

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^ +1, couldn't agree more. Most of us are Not in 330. -1 to Op: we're definitely all not in 330 - it takes more effort than it ever has before for most players, I wholeheartedly & completely disagree. Also, the new gearing system is so very alt unfriendly.


anyone who thinks 7.0 is alt unfriendly has not spent a single Minute thinking about how they should approach alt-gearing in 7.0. AND they just flat out refuse to use the Legacy Bank.

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anyone who thinks 7.0 is alt unfriendly has not spent a single Minute thinking about how they should approach alt-gearing in 7.0. AND they just flat out refuse to use the Legacy Bank.


The devs can't have their cake & eat it too. They encouraged players for years to make alts to compensate the lack of new content... so they should come up with something. To exchange gear via legacy bank everytime you want to play another toon is at best a very unsufficient and lackluster solution.

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The devs can't have their cake & eat it too. They encouraged players for years to make alts to compensate the lack of new content... so they should come up with something. To exchange gear via legacy bank everytime you want to play another toon is at best a very unsufficient and lackluster solution.


well I did write the AND in all caps for a reason, Spend that one minute thinking.

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Most people just stand around and watch their team die, and I do believe everyone is capable of doing that, you are going to be fine. I am not joking, most of the time they just backpaddle back to the objective, but that's a different thing. You don't have to be the best in your team, nobody cares - just have fun. I promise you it's worth it. Again, I don't know what you can and can't do but all you really have to is queue and attack a player ever now and then so just in case they try to votekick they can't. Not the coolest move, but so many people get mad over regs everyday, what difference does one more make? :D


Because it's dishonest and against ToS, unfair to other players! Sorry but I'd rather be decent human being.

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Because it's dishonest and against ToS, unfair to other players! Sorry but I'd rather be decent human being.


if you play the best you can that doesn't violate TOS at all.


Doesn't make you a bad Person either, I'm pretty sure what ZUHFB meant to write was: "under performing doesn't even affect your Ability to get Gear from PVP/GSF, because at least half the People in most PVP games under perform just as much if not more then whatever you could possibly claim your best performance is. "

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if you play the best you can that doesn't violate TOS at all.


Doesn't make you a bad Person either, I'm pretty sure what ZUHFB meant to write was: "under performing doesn't even affect your Ability to get Gear from PVP/GSF, because at least half the People in most PVP games under perform just as much if not more then whatever you could possibly claim your best performance is. "


Kind of you to say, but I've done PvP and it's not worth the Physical pain of trying to do my best. Just like SM Ops aren't worth the Physical pain of trying my best with the two wonderfully understanding Guilds I'm in. Going in knowing you'll handicap (pun intended) a group violates the spirit in not the letter of ToS.


I know my limits. On very good days I can handle Vet FPs with nice people. I love WB's but they're not popular, and I really liked SM Uprisings but they're even less popular.


Conquest gearing is my only option. I'm not ashamed of it. But I do miss renown. Having 306 made it less painful for me to play.

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To exchange gear via legacy bank everytime you want to play another toon is at best a very unsufficient and lackluster solution.


I understand and felt the same way, but I finally relented since it was just too much to grind out gear upgrades for 42 alts which I play about 16-20+ of each week.


I have Rakata gear now for all my DPS (still looking for some tank pieces). With main/off and implants aside, I have a common gear set for DPS with only three extra pieces (head, hand, and ear) to line up with the three implant combinations (alac/alac, crit/alac, and crit/crit). These along with the main/off's, implants, and a few shared tacticals all fit easily in one bay.


It was clunky at first, but after committing to it, it takes a few seconds to log-in and equip. I still don't like it, but it is very manageable considering the effort that would go into farming/upgrading extra pieces.

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Kind of you to say, but I've done PvP and it's not worth the Physical pain of trying to do my best. Just like SM Ops aren't worth the Physical pain of trying my best with the two wonderfully understanding Guilds I'm in. Going in knowing you'll handicap (pun intended) a group violates the spirit in not the letter of ToS.


I know my limits. On very good days I can handle Vet FPs with nice people. I love WB's but they're not popular, and I really liked SM Uprisings but they're even less popular.


Conquest gearing is my only option. I'm not ashamed of it. But I do miss renown. Having 306 made it less painful for me to play.


"do your best!" does NOT equal "put yourself in Harms way". if you experience Physical pain while playing, stop playing. If it Hurts you are doing more then your best.

At least in Games that's true, if you are hanging one handed off a Branch rooted in a cliff I'd recommend using the version of "do your best!" you seem to want to apply to a game if the alternative to your hand hurting is dropping to your death, but for any game your version is extremely unhealthy.


the ToS does not ever require that of you, neither in writing nor in spirit.



but let's pretend it did, "being a handicap to the Group violating the spirit of the ToS"

luckily there's enough people who disregard it every day the alternative would be the worst case possible for multiplayer gaming as a whole:


  • if only Players who had already played a bunch of WZs recently and know the intricacies of each map listed for PVP, PVP would be dead.
  • if only people who know each spawn of all adds in all FPs to not handicap the group would list for FPs, FPs would be dead.
  • if only people who read what all their Abilities do and how they interact with each other joined Group content, group content would have at most 20% of what it has now.


each of the above is a "handicap", and thankfully enough players are willing to put those handicaps on their groups else all Multiplayer games (not just SWTOR) would be completely dead. If someone doesn't like playing with a "handicap" that's what premades, guilds, private Servers, etc. are for.


But if you'd rather grind Conquest for months then play in a Group that is rightfully your decision.

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Yeah, he's right. I don't know how much pain it causes you, why or how. But it doesn't matter does it? As long as you are comfortable it's fine - if you play with 15 APM you aren't going to kill anybody but you are there for the gear. Like yes you will get farmed, but... just do it, if you want the gear that's the best way.


Also making a gearing system to be inclusive of people who are physically not capable of doing certain content. I'm sorry but yes you are a minority and no they shouldn't make the gearing system around you. They also shouldn't make it around NiM raiding! But harder content should also get you more or better rewards, I hope we can agree on that at least.


I bet if conquest gear was purple but had the exact same stats a lot less people would complain. The gearing system works and it's decent - well as long as you know how to navigate it, it's confusing and unintuitive!

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Also making a gearing system to be inclusive of people who are physically not capable of doing certain content. I'm sorry but yes you are a minority and no they shouldn't make the gearing system around you. They also shouldn't make it around NiM raiding! But harder content should also get you more or better rewards, I hope we can agree on that at least.


I bet if conquest gear was purple but had the exact same stats a lot less people would complain!


I never ever said that the entire gearing system should revolve around my individual needs. There are people with no hands who do the hardest content right on these forums! There are people with Cerebral Palsy who can dominate NiM Raids and Ranked PvP no issue. I am not one of them.


However, the price of Conquest Gear is too high, and the Stats stink and it's still wrong even if it's purple!

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anyone who thinks 7.0 is alt unfriendly has not spent a single Minute thinking about how they should approach alt-gearing in 7.0. AND they just flat out refuse to use the Legacy Bank.


^ No, you entirely missed the point - not many people are going to want to gear up their alts of more than 1 class origin with this current gearing system when doing 1 class is enough of a pain - apparently, you put zero minutes of thought into that of which is common sense for veteran players:rolleyes:.

Edited by Willjb
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if you play the best you can that doesn't violate TOS at all.


Doesn't make you a bad Person either, I'm pretty sure what ZUHFB meant to write was: "under performing doesn't even affect your Ability to get Gear from PVP/GSF, because at least half the People in most PVP games under perform just as much if not more then whatever you could possibly claim your best performance is. "


^ you'd have to do the whole pvp weekly to just get [1] piece of gear - not an efficient way of gearing and pales to prior gearing systems. It's not even a viable way to get geared. Performance in wz's is red herring to the only 1 piece of gear at the completion of the regs weekly of a whopping 12 wz's. x2 per win but if they're that bad and don't win any, 12 wz's is a lot of time for 1 prototype piece. Although these days pvp is pretty irrelevant, as it has nothing really to offer - it used to have nice new suits - now just geared up to be faced against a trolling ranked pvp premade as fodder for them to get their weekly done at your expense (complete waste of time - 0 reward), at best.

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They also shouldn't make it around NiM raiding! But harder content should also get you more or better rewards, I hope we can agree on that at least.


^ No, NiM raiders should still get our due and shouldn't be marginalized to casuals. If you want to really nix something that is pretty much worthless to the ToR community and a drain of resources, less time should be spent on Ranked PvP rewards and in Ranked PvP general when it has always been the smallest ^ most toxic group in this game with a rigged system that shuts new players out while wintrading among themselves.

Regs used to have nice suits since Launch to ~4.0, then it became all about Ranked PvP that does nothing for virtually everyone who pvp wz - 0 reward when you lose a ranked match to a baiting premade telling you to q from gen (that usually trolls your group throughout the match) - now wz's are a complete waste of time outside of seasons.

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^ No, NiM raiders should still get our due and shouldn't be marginalized to casuals. If you want to really nix something that is pretty much worthless to the ToR community and a drain of resources, less time should be spent on Ranked PvP rewards and in Ranked PvP general when it has always been the smallest ^ most toxic group in this game with a rigged system that shuts new players out while wintrading among themselves.

Regs used to have nice suits since Launch to ~4.0, then it became all about Ranked PvP that does nothing for virtually everyone who pvp wz - 0 reward when you lose a ranked match to a baiting premade telling you to q from gen (that usually trolls your group throughout the match) - now wz's are a complete waste of time outside of seasons.


Just no. NiM raiders will always get the best gear because they need it, if everybody else also has the gear it doesn't change anything - sure they can hand out gear for free like in 6.0 but this is also a viable option for gearing and it is like this in every game and has been like this since the beginning of time.


Ranked PvP rewards? The same reskinned flairs? Or the Top3 titles who were given out wrong pretty much every season since s6 or something? Or are you talking about the ONE armor set they got over the last two years? Or them announcing rewards, forgetting they did and announcing DIFFERENT rewards? They spend 0 time on ranked, literally 0. The game isn't balanced around ranked, it isn't balanced around NiM. Ranked players are only toxic to people who don't have gear or are so bad it's just unenjoyable for everybody involved and probably better then them getting farmed for hours. But yes, they don't ban wintraders. If you don't wintrade you are stupid, I didn't last season and I feel dumb for not doing it. And yes, if you queue vs the 2 teamranked teams who are still playing you are just donating to the rich. Do not play teamranked, ever. If you do - wintrade, teamranked doesn't deserve anything more.


"boohoo wintrading is against the ToS" APPARENTLY NOT? Or why are they not banning people who do?

Edited by ZUHFB
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