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The gearing changes didn't work. Were all in 330 gear with no effort.


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You don't have to though? You get gear from any content anyway, like tell me what you are doing that you don't get to 326 eventually. If you don't want to do nefra or PvP then don't, because you neither need nor feel a difference in any other content besides PvP and PvE.


Yes, I can see how great the green conquest gear is for nim ops... :rak_01:


Seriously dude, stop misleading people. You have seen enough of my posts to know already I'm a raider, and yet again you try to pull an argument out of something that is totally irrelevant and off topic. You also answered before actually even reading my posts because later I say I don't need the gear anymore, I've been in full 330 for quite some time. Please read the full message next time before you come and try to raise yourself on a pedestal.




Wait you liked killing trash just so you can play the game less? Everybody who did that for limitless and everybody knows my name is stupid. You could get both from just playing, giant waste of time.


What are you on about? Oh yeah, I get it: yet another part of the game that you don't understand or don't like and that gives you the right to call people stupid and look down on them, as usual. That doesn't make you look better or smarter than the rest of us, the effect is the opposite.

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First of all I don't care what you think of me. As a raider don't you feel obligated to your team to show up in decent gear? Conquest player technically don't even need 326 green gear, not only is it wasted to buy and upgrade it, I just don't see a reason or a possivlity you could ever think this?

1. Conqeust gear is hot garbage, not because of the stats but bc of the amount of aquatics required.

2. How can you do conquest without colliding with another gear path?

3. If you have 326 conquest gear, it's going to be enough for any content not requiring a premade group


Farming 330 IS effort and it IS easy. Farming 326 is also effort and also easy but it's also just a waste of time, not because it's green but because any other content will give you gear faster and better.


Also the term raider is pretty broad and doesn't say much, even less NiM raider.


Also don't get me wrong I also farmed Karagga trash, I wanted everybody knows my name asap but in retrospective ir was a waste of time

Edited by ZUHFB
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As a forum poster don't you feel obligated to READ what you are replying to?


Yes. But if I agree with you I won't bring it up again? Do you want me to say good job everytime something gets said that just might be written with any game sense?


I like the gearing you don't. I don't understand how you can dislike the gearing, I can understand how you dislike the gearing in the context of the current content, which is none. The gearing system is on it's own decent enough and better than 6.0, but with also looking at the content - or rather lack of content - I can see how there is reason to complain, but then please about the missing content, not a good gearing system.

Edited by ZUHFB
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Yes. But if I agree with you I won't bring it up again? Do you want me to say good job everytime something gets said that just might be written with any game sense?


I like the gearing you don't. I don't understand how you can dislike the gearing, I can understand how you dislike the gearing in the context of the current content, which is none. The gearing system is on it's own decent enough and better than 6.0, but with also looking at the content - or rather lack of content - I can see how there is reason to complain, but then please about the missing content, not a good gearing system.


I dislike the gearing system because it FORCES me to play a class I HATE. I want to play ARSENAL MERCENARY, NOT MARAUDER.

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I am currently on Satele Shan. The toon I'm concentrating on right now is in a young guild with very nice people. I may eventually screw up the courage to play in a group with them!

Good luck on your adventures. 🙂

(I'm on Starforge)

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I dislike the gearing system because it FORCES me to play a class I HATE. I want to play ARSENAL MERCENARY, NOT MARAUDER.


Gearing is fine, atm. The class balance is what is messed up and preventing you from playing your Merc. As a former merc main myself, i understand the frustration. Until they fix the high/low variance back to what it is supposedly meant to be, we won't be able to play what we would like to play, and instead be forced to play something we don't like to get things done.

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Not playing operations so can't say if they are easy or not, and there are loads of players that don't play Ops too.

Yep. OP should change title to say "Ops players are in 330 gear with no effort". Those of us who avoid OPs like the plague are (as intended) not at 330. My max character is at 327. Not far behind 330 I know but it took considerable effort and cost as a solo player. Some may say "memememeh you don't need that as a soloer" - you definitely need the highest possible gear you can get for unranked or you're just instant kill fodder.

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Yep. OP should change title to say "Ops players are in 330 gear with no effort". Those of us who avoid OPs like the plague are (as intended) not at 330. My max character is at 327. Not far behind 330 I know but it took considerable effort and cost as a solo player. Some may say "memememeh you don't need that as a soloer" - you definitely need the highest possible gear you can get for unranked or you're just instant kill fodder.


i thought pvp was scaled to 326 and augs didn't count. then again i haven't pvped in 7, since its not worth it to me.

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Going to have to agree with OP here. This new gearing system is actually easier than spamming hammer station. Everyone and their moms now know how to do NiM nefra and dash'ode now, which is great for the endgame content community. Not only that, but doing ops now will make you rich from the tech frag drops, and then you trade for rpms/oems. I have no idea why people are so insistent on not doing ops, even just SM ops. It's really easy to speedrun through sm ops for some ops currency. Story mode karagga's palace can be done in literally 35 minutes if your team is good and wants to speedrun it for the techfrags and ops currency to upgrade your rakata gear. At most KP SM will take 45 minutes even if your team is not too experienced, which is still a good rate for techfrags farming or ops catalyst.
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i thought pvp was scaled to 326 and augs didn't count. then again i haven't pvped in 7, since its not worth it to me.


Players are “reverse bolstered” down to 316 (not 326) in warzones, though the 316 Thrysian green gear is upgradeable to purple artifact 326 which I believe has the same stats as purple artifact Rakata 326. I presume the point of even having upgrades beyond 316 is to help those players gear up for group pve, because if you are already in purple artifact 326 Thrysian gear any Rakata drops you get will automatically be 328, saving you a tier’s worth.


Augments not being part of the scaling is due to be fixed in 7.1 currently scheduled for August 2. So, the intent was that augments would have some effect in pvp. There has been speculation that pvp gearing might change in 7.2, which was slated to be a pvp focused update when 7.0 was announced nearly a year ago. I assume that if current 326 Thrysian gear was going to be upgradeable in 7.1 people would have noticed it on PTS, so I’m guessing there won’t be any new Thrysian item ratings until 7.2, if at all. If there is ever going to be a new tier of crafting then I would assume it will include an initial slate of craftable augments, which may have some modicum of effect in pvp, but who knows if or when that will come out.

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Players are “reverse bolstered” down to 316 (not 326) in warzones

No, players are reverse bolstered to 326 (if they're above 326). Afaik there's no bolster to 326 if you're below 326. You can test this pretty easily by just going in a Rishi stronghold with 326 purple or better and checking to see if your stats are what they're supposed to be in 326 purple with no augments.


the 316 Thrysian green gear is upgradeable to purple artifact 326 which I believe has the same stats as purple artifact Rakata 326

Yes, Thrysian is upgradeable to 326 purple and has the same stats as Rataka at 326.


if you are already in purple artifact 326 Thrysian gear any Rakata drops you get will automatically be 328

No, Rataka drops from bosses will always be the same iLevel as the piece you're wearing. So if you're wearing full 326 Thrysian, you'll only get 326 Rataka drops. Rataka upgrade boxes however will give you a 328 when you're wearing 326 Thrysian, but you have to full clear a NiM op to get one.

Edited by joshrva
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No, players are reverse bolstered to 326 (if they're above 326). Afaik there's no bolster to 326 if you're below 326. You can test this pretty easily by just going in a Rishi stronghold with 326 purple or better and checking to see if your stats are what they're supposed to be in 326 purple with no augments.

Well I had to go back 20-something pages in DevTracker but I eventually found it:



I could have sworn I saw 316 at one point but thank you for the correction.

No, Rataka drops from bosses will always be the same iLevel as the piece you're wearing. So if you're wearing full 326 Thrysian, you'll only get 326 Rataka drops. Rataka upgrade boxes however will give you a 328 when you're wearing 326 Thrysian, but you have to full clear a NiM op to get one.

Got me again. Again I must have misremembered:



Oh well. I guess that won’t matter much in a couple of weeks.

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Not gonna lie, there's ups and downs to the new system. I didn't like not constantly tossing frags to min-max my gear with "the right mods" back in 6.0 but IMO there should be an upgrade option using tech frags or something to achieve purple gear.

I've been put off doing group content from a heavy amount of bad blood from years gone. And to be honest yeah, I probably don't "need" to have better gear than I've been given. But it feels like us story and heroic players have been given the short end of the stick.

I'll see if this gets better when the new gear drops with the supplement system for R-4 Anomaly comes out in around 2 months. But I'm not holding my breath

Edited by Destroyerevile
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Gearing is fine, atm. The class balance is what is messed up and preventing you from playing your Merc. As a former merc main myself, i understand the frustration. Until they fix the high/low variance back to what it is supposedly meant to be, we won't be able to play what we would like to play, and instead be forced to play something we don't like to get things done.


So you do understand the situation..

The melee classes are just not my cup of tea, in all games I've played ranged damage dealers or healer.

One other thing that no one mentions is the blatant disrespect of the NiM players towards the community and the constant breaking of ToS by causing class-based segregation and discrimination.

The NiM community is a very toxic environment and i really don't understand why are they trying to drag us all into that, not all of us can spend all day playing or invest every dime in computer parts in order to achieve " high performance".

Also, the gear should be available for all kind of players, regardless of their favorite game activity and each class given a fair chance.

Nowadays we hear everyone preaching about equity, equality and inclusion, yet this game, by locking the gear behind high difficulty activities and by not balancing the classes, is doing exactly the opposite, creating the perfect conditions for inequality and other shameful situations the society is trying to get rid of.

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So you do understand the situation..

One other thing that no one mentions is the blatant disrespect of the NiM players towards the community and the constant breaking of ToS by causing class-based segregation and discrimination.

The NiM community is a very toxic environment and i really don't understand why are they trying to drag us all into that, not all of us can spend all day playing or invest every dime in computer parts in order to achieve " high performance".


The NiM community isn't toxic at all. Yes people get mad from time to time but aside from a few people that nobody likes there are almost only friendly people. You can actually choose who you play with in NiM, if you don't like them or their way of having fun just get another group. I'm not saying there aren't elitist teams, but the large majority isn't that. It's just perceived that way because they are screaming the loudest and they are making fun of people while all the other teams just want to play and do not care about you, or how bad you might be, because they can choose not to play with you.


Also, the gear should be available for all kind of players, regardless of their favorite game activity and each class given a fair chance.

Nowadays we hear everyone preaching about equity, equality and inclusion, yet this game, by locking the gear behind high difficulty activities and by not balancing the classes, is doing exactly the opposite, creating the perfect conditions for inequality and other shameful situations the society is trying to get rid of.


This is not society, neither should it be. Some classes are bad yes, and if you don't want to play it because of low damage then you have two options: reroll, or quit. Yes some kind of balancing would be nice, but as I already said that even if merc would do as much damage as hatred or deception NiM raider would still not bring it as a meta pick. NiM raiders aren't specific to one class, it's not "oh this guy is a merc let's not take him" it's rather "oh this guys merc is bad, can you bring your PT?". You are not being excluded for being a merc main, just your merc is being excluded - for reasons they can't even control! Merc is simply not good enough, it has 0 raid value, it adds nothing to your raid and even IF it would do damage it would still just be a worse version of AP-PT and it will always be, you could not balance this - it's simply impossible.


If you say but it was balanced at one point, no it wasn't. The content was easy enough that balance didn't actually matter, this is not the case now. If you got declined for being a merc, you didn't really get declined for that - you got declined because you cannot play anything else, or choose not to - which is fine, but then you cannot really complain that won't raid with you if all you end up doing is waste their time.


Gear IS available to all players. You just choose not to get it, which is fine.


Also the "not everybody has enough time" argument is just.... Yeah you don't have time, then gear slower? I don't understand, if you want to be competitive in raiding you can make time to be geared week 2.

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So you do understand the situation..

The melee classes are just not my cup of tea, in all games I've played ranged damage dealers or healer.

One other thing that no one mentions is the blatant disrespect of the NiM players towards the community and the constant breaking of ToS by causing class-based segregation and discrimination.

The NiM community is a very toxic environment and i really don't understand why are they trying to drag us all into that, not all of us can spend all day playing or invest every dime in computer parts in order to achieve " high performance".

Also, the gear should be available for all kind of players, regardless of their favorite game activity and each class given a fair chance.

Nowadays we hear everyone preaching about equity, equality and inclusion, yet this game, by locking the gear behind high difficulty activities and by not balancing the classes, is doing exactly the opposite, creating the perfect conditions for inequality and other shameful situations the society is trying to get rid of.

Please, elaborate where in ToS is stated that we, the players are obliged to play with anyone that wishes to. Everyone, inlcuding you have the right to choose who they play with. And this is exactly the same in real society. You got the term 'equality' all wrong, it means same chances for everyone, not everything for everyone. The disabled people / mercs in current meta, aren't phycically able to compete in Olympic Games / NiM OPS, instead they have their own playground to compete - Paralympic Games / SM&Vet OPS.


Now stop hiding behind words like equity, equality or inclusion and instead ask BW to stop disabling mercs and then get good, get geared and enter NiM raiding, if it's something you wishes for.


Oh, and not wanting to waste your time to play with someone that has no respect for your own time, is not called a 'toxicity', it's called a 'common sense'. The actual toxicity is not having the respect for other's time. To come to the challenging content unprepared and then demand others to compensate for it.

Edited by black_pyros
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As a person with Cerebral Palsy, a very real disability, I have no issue with saying certain classes can 'handicap' a raid team. :) That said, we should all be able to play whatever content we want with whatever spec we want without adversely affecting others. They need to make Mercs and all other specs work in all content, period.


And up currency drops and limits.:p

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With the correct utility and careful positioning you can knock all four of them. I did that in 6.x several times as a designated backup pusher.


Fair, but you don't use it as a consistent pusher, usually a merc and a jug would push one side and then you'd missile blast for the root.

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We are not all in 330, you don't speak for everyone.


I'm still gearing up one character in PVP gear via GSF and PVP.


I can't join for a Nefra run 'cause they are asking for 326+ gear as a requirement.


So if you, OP, have lots of free time for playing and thus gearing to 330, it doesn't mean that all of as are in the same boat as you.


^ +1, couldn't agree more. Most of us are Not in 330. -1 to Op: we're definitely all not in 330 - it takes more effort than it ever has before for most players, I wholeheartedly & completely disagree. Also, the new gearing system is so very alt unfriendly.

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