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What do you like about 7.0?


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There seems to be a lot of threads complaining about the changes but surely there are some positives in there somewhere. I like being able to run through all the origin stories with stealthy classes and being able to have a second class is awesome. What do you like about the recent changes?
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I think the new combat style system is great. It is easy to change your combat style instead of making a new character. My female Lightside human mercenary Xelàn, her new combat style is the vanguard. The game itself doesn't have much to it, It's like 2 hours' worth of time... I haven't done much in 7.0 so far but I will have a look very soon!
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I made a post a few weeks ago about the good things, and was called a troll lmaoo. But there are some good things.


Galactic Seasons 2 is great and they've overall done a good job at keeping the seasons objectives in line with conquest and the activities needed for gearing a toon. Most of my conquest and seasons have mostly come organically. The weapons and armor that you get as a reward is a lot cooler looking than season 1.


I'm a fan of the way they've reorganized the weekly missions too. I was pretty much running the same content every day as an efficient way of achieving conquest. Now that the heroics are chosen for me, I've had to step out of my comfort zone. I've discovered a lot of new heroics which are fast and fun to do. It's made me switch up the way I was playing, a welcome change to keep things fresh. I would have avoided belsavis and hoth previously but they are enjoyable areas to me now.


The content being buffed is enjoyable too. Now I actually have to pay attention and use a GCD or two when fighting mobs especially in heroics. Can't just mindlessly ramble through a mission and never have my health drop below 95% due to an OP companion healer.


PVP is better with less stuns. Roots are still an issue, but a lot of slows have been taken out of the game too so its a net gain imo. I don't mind a lot of noobs joining pvp matches, it's nice to have a healthy queue.


Even if it's unwanted, I find a lot more world pvp happening now that all the ppl are being rounded up into daily areas. The pve instances are usually too busy so u get a lot of ppl trying to get a free pass in the pvp area. I've had a bunch of fun fights only a few weeks in.


Shared tagging, self explanatory.


Loadouts are amazing once u get the hang of using them.


I think the changes have also really made it a better community as well. This is an mmo, so I always think it's strange when I see ppl complaining that you have to group up to do content. There is a place in the game for solo content, but imo the way you keep players subbed to ur game is having a strong community. Having guilds that do activities together, making friends. I don't remember all the times I ran cz solo just to get my 50k conquest points, but I do remember grouping up with my friend and battling imps in the pvp section and in the open world during events or fighting world bosses ect. Those are the times you remember playing mmos.


Just my opinions tho, and I'm sure I'll be called a troll for this scalding hot take, cuz ya know its a sin to deviate from the meta of hating 7.0 😂😂

Edited by Samcuu
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I like the loadout system and that's pretty much it. I hate playing a melee character and can now take them ranged, plus the stealth combat style comes in handy as the second choice on some of my toons.


Oh, and I do rather enjoy the wall monitor reward from galactic seasons. Graphical detail was never one of bioware' s downfalls. They've done some pretty amazing stuff, except for the clipping with armor and helmet hair.

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What i like :

  • Combat styles
  • Loadouts
  • GS 2 objectives are overall much better than in season 1
  • Shared tagging.


Undecided :

Story. Haven't played it yet, waiting for the bugs to be fixed before going there (not going to bother with that if i can't even complete the whole thing, i've learnt from the SoV fiasco, thanks, never doing that again), from what i've seen on YT seems okayish but not great.

And i certainly miss my characters' LIs, makes playing them feel very lonely tbh, so most of them are just taking dust right now, even more so when we have once again Lana in our face, i'd really like for the hints about her not being what / who / as thrustworthy as she pretends to be to lead to something interesting, with that option to finally get her out of our story for those who want her out.


Everything else can burn though, especially whatever they did to our characters and their companions and the level scaling, as it makes the game boring, slogish and overall unenjoyable for me, and it is unfortunately starting to get actually physically painful, luckily not as much as it was because of SoV, but slowly getting there nonetheless. :(

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There seems to be a lot of threads complaining about the changes but surely there are some positives in there somewhere. I like being able to run through all the origin stories with stealthy classes and being able to have a second class is awesome. What do you like about the recent changes?


It saved me 15 dollars a month?


Seriously tho, I liked the character loadouts, combat styles, shared tagging, and new galactic season.

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There seems to be a lot of threads complaining about the changes but surely there are some positives in there somewhere. I like being able to run through all the origin stories with stealthy classes and being able to have a second class is awesome. What do you like about the recent changes?


The only good things in 7.0 for me are:


Combat styles and origin story are finally separate.

Galactic season 2


Things I'm indifferent about:


Shared tagging


Some of the combat/skill changes

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I made a post a few weeks ago about the good things, and was called a troll lmaoo.


Just my opinions tho, and I'm sure I'll be called a troll for this scolding hot take, cuz ya know its a sin to deviate from the meta of hating 7.0 😂😂


Yes, some people cant be reasoned with, if you disagree, you are considered a troll.

But who cares if they been so narrowminded, their loss.

Agree on all you said you like on 7.0

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I like that I can stop using the combat styles I was not enjoying to play something else I do. When I'm ready to do Class stories again I'm interested in trying different styles than the Class normally used.


I like the convenience when I open my character sheet gear my inventory window also opens at the same time for easy compare of gear and immediate upgrade switch.


I like class buff powers are now always on buffs instead of having to click it every hour.


I'm neutral that you need to choose one of three powers/abilities at times. In many cases of the three choices one or even two I wasn't using anyway, so it's not a net loss to me. It's possible for characters I haven't played yet since launch I'll be disappointed having to choose between two or three I like, but I enjoy making the choice even if it's a downgrade in power compared to previously. I'm building a character instead of just getting stuff. Since I only play story not being as powerful as another player's character is irrelevant.

Edited by Hadsil
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I like the idea of combat styles and loadouts. I haven't had the urge to use them yet though.

I like the idea of shared tagging, but again, but I haven't had any need for it yet. I don't see anymore people in the open world than I did before, just more instances.

I like that world bosses are a big part the new gear spam. I haven't taken advantage of it yet, but I enjoy fighting world bosses, so it's nice knowing I can find world boss groups whenever I want.

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  • Combat styles
  • Loadouts - Wish they were a bit more user friendly, could be deleted and you could retrieve gear from the bank but good overall
  • Shared tagging
  • Galactic Seasons 2 - Decent & solo friendly objectives, not too impressed by the armour rewards
  • Quicker respawn of missions items
  • Story - The Manaan story had a Mass Effect feel for me for some reason.
  • UI update - Would be better without the well documented problems about eye strain etc. but hopefully 7.01 fixes this for people. Wish it was applied throughout the whole game instead of piecemeal.

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This and also

- 'FREE' Hypercrate(s)

- changes to Flashpoint Group Finder

- New character creator


Where do I sign up for free hypercrates?


Agreed on the character creator but only because we don't have to go back three screens to change our race. I liked the esthetics of the old one much better.

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Combat Style is good. It's great that I don't have to switch toon just to fill the right role in a group.


BUT not able to change specs in a GF is bad. Why the hell we can q with dual roles but can't change specs once the group pops? Huh? Why?

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Solid Plusses (ordered by importance to my enjoyment of the Game, best first,

the not bold ones are still important to me but less than the Bold ones):

  • less trash in my Inventory
  • easier Gearing of alts because of Legendary-Implants instead of entire Sets
  • Loadouts
  • Combat styles
  • GSF being good Source for Endgame PVP Gear and Fragments
  • shared tagging



Tradeoffs that make me unsure weither I like or dislike a change:

  • I like that I don't have to reset all Utilities just to activate/deactivate a specific one for an individual Fight
    -> but dislike some of the Abilities becoming optional, many of the choices feel like they are targeted at PVP and the top most end of PVE while throwing casual FP runs under the bus.
  • Single player content being funneled is a plus for me personally, actually I'd like it even better if it was Random / character but sharable in a Group instead of Random / week
    -> but I get that people who were already doing planetary weeklies without Incentive dislike the weeklies being "removed"
    -> imo the better solution would have been, if the Highlighting didn't remove the rewards from the other weeklies but just put the highlighted ones at the top of the List. done.
  • for Operation Weeklies, maybe give people one "freebie"/Week eg: if EV, S&V and Deard Fortress are highlighted those each get a Weekly (3 actually, 1 per difficulty but you probably know what I mean) and then one (3 actually, 1 per difficulty...) that will work for any of the other Operations so that Guilds who are progressing one Operation can still hope for a full Reward at the end each week. Requiring all Bosses to be killed is somewhat of an issue there (on the coding side but I'm sure it could be coded, it's just boolean ANDs and ORs mixed).
  • the Idea of making FPs more diverse for people who want a "Random" FP instead of "any FP but usually Hammer station really" is good, if Veteran FPs were changed back to SM FPs I would like a Random que. they just failed completely in how they tried to archive it. imo at most we should have one mandatory "all FPs run" per Account per day and after that have the ability to block somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 of the FPs while getting full Rewards, maybe have a little popup telling you what FP you could already be running after each 10 minutes of waiting or something, but just suggestions not force! maybe a filter that will let you skip any FP you had already ran today or even that Week with the same 10 minute popup telling you there's a group waiting for YOU! for "x Flashpoint"


Solid negatives:

  • removing so many Sets & Tacticals while not even giving every spec two Valid Legendary-Implants
  • Identical (except for requiring two different Combat styles to allow Equipping them) Implants that have to be Grinded(? Ground?) from scratch, if they are not able to make fun and Spec specific bonuses at least make the boring generic ones work on all the classes where you offer them
  • removing the ability to List for more than one Role in PVE-Groupfinder
    one would think that Loadouts would allow you to now list for more then one Role in PVP, giving you better Group compositions and shorter ques. Instead they moved PVP Que ******** to PVE???
  • Veteran mode Flashpoints still existing (Kuat Yards was alright, butchering perfectly fine FPs wasn't!)
    I know tactical everything and Kolto Stations that replace perfectly fine content didn't come with 7.0 I'm shutting up about it already
  • ;p the rumored Onderon Daily area giving Endgame relevant rewards while being locked behind Story (I've never seen it so I might be mistaken, also while talking about that, are Iokath Dailies a thing? I vaguely remember always getting Flagship ported there and someone mentioned something about dailies I think)


Luckily I don't Groupfinder anymore and I've given up on having fun in FPs ever since Lv60 so for me 7.0 is almost purely positive.





  • Loadouts - Wish they were a bit more user friendly, could be deleted and you could retrieve gear from the bank but good overall

I would greatly favor further improving Loadouts. However Loadouts do retrieve gear from the Bank they'll even give you the preview like when it's in your Inventory, unlike the Legacy Bank where it will Equip the Items but won't give you a preview.

so unless you want to equip from the Banks while not having them Open, "retrieving gear from the bank" already works (but getting the preview for the Legacy Bank would be great).

And I wouldn't want to equip from Banks if they aren't open to prevent Loadouts that are completely out of date from messing with my Banks -> in the current state, from where Loadouts grab gear is exactly like how I would want them to behave.

If I could just leave the Equip on my main and have my alt "pull" its Gear from my main bypassing the Legacy bank altogether and when I log back into my main it pulls the Gear in the currently active Loadout back from whatever character/Inventory/Bank has it... then yes more agressive automation would be nice but if I have to stack it back into the Legacybank anyway -> leave it as it is.




- changes to Flashpoint Group Finder

:eek: what is wrong with you? *shudder* unless that dash is a minus?

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Combat Style is good. It's great that I don't have to switch toon just to fill the right role in a group.


BUT not able to change specs in a GF is bad. Why the hell we can q with dual roles but can't change specs once the group pops? Huh? Why?


I see you haven't been to the PTS yet, unless it changed since last Friday "q with dual roles" is a goner.

no explanation for why most likely because it's impossible to explain.:mad:


self-quote for copium:

Luckily I don't Groupfinder anymore and I've given up on having fun in FPs ever since Lv60 so for me 7.0 is almost purely positive.

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Where do I sign up for free hypercrates?


Agreed on the character creator but only because we don't have to go back three screens to change our race. I liked the esthetics of the old one much better.


By doing on GS2 on 5 servers you can earn up to 20k Cartel Coins which is 3-4 Hypercrates... it it is almost "FREE" but the current weekly objectives are much easier then the FIRST season, and when you start early GS2 should be done in less then 100 days

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I'm a returning player. I played during RotHC I think (or maybe earlier), but haven't played since. I came back for the combat styles. It made the game worth playing for me.


I play Trooper and Imperial Agent, but prefer Republic side story. I left the game when Vanguard got changed to be focused on melee. No full auto and they swapped the mortar volley animation for the pixie plasma blasts. Hated it.


Being able to play Trooper as a Sniper is what made me come back after all these years. Being able to take cover and fire off volleys of shots in the Havoc Squad armour is always what I wished I could do even back then. To use my rifle at range, not point blank.


Might seem silly but my SWTOR fantasy was always most closely with the Republic Trooper. I ran Imperial Agent because a friend said I could play double agent and side with the Republic. A goodie two shoes at heart that just wants a good blaster rifle and my havoc armour.


Seeing the forums on fire and hearing how small the new xpac is was a small shock, but I can finally play the way I've always wanted to. For all the subs they've lost, they gained one from me.

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There seems to be a lot of threads complaining about the changes but surely there are some positives in there somewhere. I like being able to run through all the origin stories with stealthy classes and being able to have a second class is awesome. What do you like about the recent changes?


only that we can have a 2nd class

rest are way to crap, especially the same color in LEGACY achieves (completed and uncompleted)

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the main thing I like about this,,it absolutly kills all the players who did nothing but tc and hs,,,the new player base is pretty bad,,ridiculous in some cases,,lev80 full 326-330 players doing 3k-5k dps on vet/mm fp`s,,I can understand now why some on the fleet when asking for players for op`s to do a certain amount of parse,,watching snipers do nothing but spam aoe`s over and over,,,logic,,,I can go on but I think it is obvious a lot do not know how to play they only know how to dress up their toons.


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