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Are you still having fun in SWTOR or ?


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nope, literally the only positive thing about this "xpansion" is the old menu music, that's it.

i unsubbed & i doubt i'll be back in the future unless some drastic changes are made which we all know won't happen....

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nope, literally the only positive thing about this "xpansion" is the old menu music, that's it.

i unsubbed & i doubt i'll be back in the future unless some drastic changes are made which we all know won't happen....


And shared tagging. Shared tagging is awesome.

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So, basically admitting that you're just a troll?


I don't see this game doing very well if all the casuals lose interest in it, but as long as you're having a blast that's what matters!


The thing with being "casual" is it's a misleading term.. my playing 2+ hours each day on average for 3 years is only casual in the sense that I don't drool over the game being made more difficult for most players. Content is a slog, gear and conquest is a grind, companions are nerfed, and rewards aren't worth the effort now. I'm hardly a casual player but I'm exactly the player you are trying to provoke.


It's an mmo for crying out loud. It is supposed to be a grind!

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I was actually just thinking about this.


1. I'm having -some- fun still. I like that all my characters can have stealth, for example.

2. But I'm having -significantly less- fun. I enjoyed bouncing around my different alts having each one do different things. The variety made it fun for me. I'm not in a raiding guild and I'm not excited about PvP or GSF. Let's face it: the rewards make semi-fun content worth doing, so when they took away the rewards for most of the solo stuff, they also made it so there's almost nothing worth doing. I find that I run out of things I want to do before I run out of wanting to do things. When that happened to me with FFXIV, I lasted another month or two and then switched back to SWTOR.


As everyone has already said, the problem boils down to:

1. My character is higher level with better gear, yet somehow less capable than before, which makes things that used to be fun no longer fun.

2. There used to be rewards to make semi-fun things worth doing, but there are fewer rewards now, so it's no longer worth doing most things.

3. There's nothing to replace the lost fun/worthwhile things except extra rewards for things I don't enjoy anyway, like GSF.


I'll keep playing the fun parts for now and we'll see what's around the corner.

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It's an mmo for crying out loud. It is supposed to be a grind!

Ok, one question: Why did you play SWTOR then in the first place, if you are here to play a MMO fitting your description? Just wondering, because there are fancy asian MMO grinders which happily fulfill your wishes at being exceptionally grindy at everything!

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No, unfortunately.

I am a casual player. I have been around almost from the start, but I only play a few months every other year. I absolutely loved the game. You know, lightsabers, companions, voiced dialogues...

For me they killed the fun with KotFE. I never got over the loss of our companions (later replaced by companions that completely lacked the charisma of the first generation), the new villains who had nothing to do with the Star Wars universe (it was so generic, it could have been any other sci-fi franchise).

I raised one sith and one jedi to the max (not sure I will continue with 7.0 though). But KotFE is a chore I never want to endure anymore. And I did not really liked the next expansions anyway.

I come back from time to time to raise a new alt through the original story. That is the one thing I like, and decorating my strongholds with the credits I get from my subscription. Having to learn new mechanics every time I come back is something I could do without though.

I am not saying the game is bad. But the expansions are just not for me. I never cancelled my subscription. Maybe it is time to finally let go. I will see if I can enjoy the original story a few more times. I feel sad because I had such high hopes for this game. But the expansions took a direction that had nothing to do with what brought me to the game.

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Here is your answer. I canceled both of my subs that I have had since launch. 7.0 was the last straw. I never even downloaded the new content! Just canceled my subs the day it dropped and moved on to another MMO. I am done with it. Once my sub runs out, I will no longer be able to post on the forums either, but, that is ok.
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Here is your answer. I canceled both of my subs that I have had since launch. 7.0 was the last straw. I never even downloaded the new content! Just canceled my subs the day it dropped and moved on to another MMO. I am done with it. Once my sub runs out, I will no longer be able to post on the forums either, but, that is ok.

Well, if it wasn't for 'infractions' I'd tell you how stupid that sounds. 😂

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This has been a really frustrating patch. I've got 6 weeks of sub left. Most likely dropping my sub if they don't make some drastic improvements.


It got way worse for me this week with heroic weeklies resetting after one day... and no word whatsoever on whether it's intended or not. It was working fine last week.


I refuse to do the long heroics to get crappy rewards so it looks like I'm going to play a lot less.

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It's an mmo for crying out loud. It is supposed to be a grind!


First, over the years, Dev Teams have reduced the MMO aspects of this game so that it is now largely a single-player game with optional MMO elements. The introduction of Solo mode FPs has also fostered this game having an MMO option grafted onto it. Being a 10-year vet, I know it wasn't always this way, but this is the way it is now.


But it needs to be a grind with a point. With the capping of stats in open world content, running heroics will not kill things faster if your iRating exceeds the cap and the cap seems to be somewhere in the 306 iRating range. So if you are in Ops-level gear, it will take just as long to run Section X or Black Hole then if you're in fully aug'd 306 gear. You realize this is pointless, I hope.

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I am a "Founder".


Edit: It is curious that my 'first post' is listed as being in 2021, but my first "infraction" is listed as in 2015.

I guess unsubbing really screws up your stats.


Maybe some sort of database cache issue w/ these Forums, which only becomes evident for people who post a lot. ;) (since the 'POST-history' only goes back 20 pages worth of posts)


Take me, for example: i've been here since 2009 (sad, i know ) but yet my supposed "first" post is 2021 ?! :confused:


Yet if you check my 'THREAD history' , it reveals the full truth, showing my 1st newb type thread wayyyyy back in 2011 (after the forums changed from Pre-Launch to Live-Release ) . It also shows a thread whereby myself & a couple other GM's originated the now popular Allies chat channel (hashtag humble-brag in a video game :D ) but i digress.


Anyways, to answer the OP's question: Yes still having fun in SWTOR. Even though, imho, other versions of SWTOR were more enjoyable & better designed ( 3.0 skill trees , 6.0 gearing , etc. ) and even though i still express some "harsh" criticism of BioWare frequently. (not to mention my forum sig suggestions :cool: )


For me it's quite simple: Unless/until SWG-2 comes out , SWTOR is the only place to be.

Edited by Nee-Elder
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