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7.0 PVE DPS Tier List


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Combat Style Tier List


This list is based on parses and personal experience, taking into account only PVE DPS viability. Debate is welcome.

S Tier


Sentinel / Maurader -- Concentraion/Fury is the current top DPS spec in the game, by quite a large margin. Watchman/Annihilation is top 4. I'm choosing not to hold Combat/Carnage against the Combat Style, as they have 3 DPS specs, so comparing only the top 2 against the other styles. Combined with above-average survivability, this is simply the best PVE DPS style in the game.


A Tier


Shadow / Assassin -- Serenity/Hatred remains an AOE beast, but is now also the second-highest single target damage spec in PVE. Infilttration/Deception, meanwhile, has fallen off extremely hard, coming in below-average single target (and still having no AOE to speak of), preventing this style from reaching S-Tier. However, while lacking the versatility of two viable specs, this style remains the most survivable of the DPS specs.


Vanguard / Powertech -- Both DPS specs for this style are roughly equal, both well above average. Reasonably tanky, and now with better resource management, this style provides versatile, all around DPS.


B Tier


Gunslinger / Sniper -- Dirty Fighting/Virulence is the top ranged DPS spec in the game, and top-4 overall. Hurting this style is the turret nature of this build, combined with the lack of good options outside Dirty Fighting/Virulence. Saboteur/Engineering provides mobility and considerable AOE, but is in the bottom 4 in terms of single target damage. Similar to Sent/Mar, not holding the third DPS spec (which is hot garbage) against this style.


C Tier


Guardian / Juggernaut -- Both DPS specs hover right around the average. This, combined with easy resource management and decent survivability add up to make this perhaps the best balanced Combat Style in the game right now.


Sage / Sorcerer -- Telekenetics/Lightning single-target DPS is almost exactly the average across all classes. However, it combines this with considerable AOE and mindlessly simple resource management. Balance/Madness single target is roughly equal, but trades the AOE for a bit more mobility and survivability. A perfectly decent all-around choice of Combat Style.


D Tier


Scoundrel / Operative -- Yikes. Both DPS specs are now below average in terms of single-target DPS. Lethality/Ruffian has limited AOE capabilities, while Scrapper/Concealment lacks even that. Combined with the fact that this is the squishiest of the melee/short range Combat Styles makes this class near useless in high-end PVE content.


F Tier


Commando / Mercenary -- The worst DPS Combat Style in the game at the moment. They excel at absolutely nothing, if you've got one, you may as well just switch to healer and use your secondary Combat Style for DPS. It's really that bad, both DPS specs are further below the average DPS than the top specs of Sent/Mara are above it. Tough resource management remains, while survivability took some considerable losses. Cut and run.



New player recommendations:

Looking for what style to use for your first/next character? The best recommendation is always to play what you enjoy the most. However, if you're just not sure what you might enjoy, try these combinations (subscribers can choose 2 styles, the first listed is recommended starting style).


Shadow/Assassin and Sentinel/Marauder -- If you've got the appropriate Light/Dark points, you can combine these however you want. Shadow/Assassin gives easy levelling with stealth and Serenity/Hatred's considerable AOE clearance. Later, using Conc/Fury or Watchman/Anni from Sent/Mara will tear through content as stealth becomes less viable. You also have access to Kinetic Combat/Darkness from Shadow/Assassin, the best Tank spec in the game.


If you'd prefer the option for healing instead, replace Shadow/Assassin with Sage/Sorcerer. You lose stealth, but gain ranged DPS and the easiest heal spec in the game. The early AOE of Tele/Lightning can carry you through the levelling process until Sent/Mara comes into its own.


Tech Classes

Gunslinger and Powertech -- These mesh up well due to both being pistol classes, keeping visual fidelity and making so you only have to swap offhands. Gunslinger gives you ranged damage, as well considerable early AOE for levelling. Powertech gives you well rounded melee/short range damage, but takes longer the blossom.

Sniper and Vanguard -- Exactly the same principle as above, only with rifles instead of pistols. All Sniper abilities can be used with a normal blaster rifle, they do not require a sniper rifle, meaning visually, no change when swapping specs, just switch offhands.


If you'd prefer the option to heal instead of (or in addition to) Van/PT's tank spec, replace Slinger or PT with Merc or Scoundrel, or Sniper or Vanguard with Operative if you wish to maintain fidelity in appearance (Commando's weapon is, unfortunately, a unique eyesore). Merc/Commando are the easier healer, while Scoundrel/Op has the higher ceiling. Just bear in mind that these Combat Styles offer little in terms of DPS.

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Not sure who you played with, or where you looked to come to these conclusions, but as a Scoundrel (Ruffian) Main, I'm thoroughly disagreeing with us being D tier. Im side by side with Juggs on aoe, often pulling 100k+ dps on trashpacks, and pulling 24k+ dps single target, and running away from everyone the second it has occasional add spawns. Where we're lacking severely is in the defensives.


My Second Combat style is Sniper (Marksmanship) which you also refer to as 'hot garbage'.. Im doing 60k aoe with one button, and 23-25k dps single target (depending on movement).. Either everyone else is **** if they according to you should smack me on damage.. or something else is wrong here

Edited by Leriels
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Also I have a strong doubt of putting PTs so high.

Maras is OK - I don't playing this class much, but as I see in FPs, some Maras doing really dirty things.

But PT? In what spec? What he can even do? I.e. Merc able to crit with HS missle up to 60k and you put him so low, PT didn't have anything even half close but u put him so high

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Cool parses.


Sadly, everyday routine average enemy is not lone stationary dummy with billion HP, where you could run timed autoclicker and go afk :cool:

Edited by SilverWF
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Not sure who you played with, or where you looked to come to these conclusions, but as a Scoundrel (Ruffian) Main, I'm thoroughly disagreeing with us being D tier. Im side by side with Juggs on aoe, often pulling 100k+ dps on trashpacks, and pulling 24k+ dps single target, and running away from everyone the second it has occasional add spawns. Where we're lacking severely is in the defensives.


My Second Combat style is Sniper (Marksmanship) which you also refer to as 'hot garbage'.. Im doing 60k aoe with one button, and 23-25k dps single target (depending on movement).. Either everyone else is **** if they according to you should smack me on damage.. or something else is wrong here


As a scoundrel, you take more damage than anyone else, provide zero raid utility and do less DPS than other specs who have better defence and bring stuff like predation/sonic rebounder/shorter interrupt etc. It's great you do 100k on trash packs. Sadly, trash does not count for anything and it doesn't matter whether it dies a little quicker or not. Idk what's great about 24k when others pull 30k either. It's not like the spec is garbage or unplayable - but it is worse in every way from other more viable specs, especially due to lacking 30% ae dmg reduce while only having the pathetic shield probe and evasion every minute to avoid damage.


And that is rather sad as I personally really like playing operative but it's just ****. The only class worse truly is Merc which the devs apparently hate because it's so far removed from doing decent DPS, it's not even funny anymore. And both specs could be somewhat easily fixed. Give operatives their ae dmg reduction at the cost of some pvp utility which would be too much in tandem and up their dmg a little while just flat out increasing merc damage.

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F Tier


Commando / Mercenary -- The worst DPS Combat Style in the game at the moment. They excel at absolutely nothing, if you've got one, you may as well just switch to healer and use your secondary Combat Style for DPS. It's really that bad, both DPS specs are further below the average DPS than the top specs of Sent/Mara are above it. Tough resource management remains, while survivability took some considerable losses. Cut and run.


Um, have you played a commando medic since 7.0? I can only warn everyone to switch to healer. It's a nightmare.

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Cool parses.


Sadly, everyday routine average enemy is not lone stationary dummy with billion HP, where you could run timed autoclicker and go afk :cool:


Those are not dummy parses. Those are stats from actual operations against actual bosses, captured in real time as players are doing the operations.


Your comment about dummy parses is not true either; that's not how it works or can work.

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And that is rather sad as I personally really like playing operative but it's just ****. The only class worse truly is Merc which the devs apparently hate because it's so far removed from doing decent DPS, it's not even funny anymore.


Mercenaries (esp. Arsenal) have been treated like a red-headed step-child for a while. The little amends they made with Concentrated Fire set they took away soon and nerfed CF; the Apex Predator set was not an equivalent to the original CF. That was 6.x; the status right now is not so great either.


I have done MM Nefra (not a particularly mechanics-heavy or complicated boss) on several specs these last 2 weeks and the difference/distance between some pairs of Disciplines is clearly evident. The differences will be even more pronounced in more recent operations.


Very unfortunate that BW is incompetent at a basic element of MMO design and development: Class/Discipline Balance.

Edited by mike_carton
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Combat Style Tier List


This list is based on parses and personal experience, taking into account only PVE DPS viability. Debate is welcome.

S Tier


Sentinel / Maurader -- Concentraion/Fury is the current top DPS spec in the game, by quite a large margin. Watchman/Annihilation is top 4. I'm choosing not to hold Combat/Carnage against the Combat Style, as they have 3 DPS specs, so comparing only the top 2 against the other styles. Combined with above-average survivability, this is simply the best PVE DPS style in the game.


A Tier


Shadow / Assassin -- Serenity/Hatred remains an AOE beast, but is now also the second-highest single target damage spec in PVE. Infilttration/Deception, meanwhile, has fallen off extremely hard, coming in below-average single target (and still having no AOE to speak of), preventing this style from reaching S-Tier. However, while lacking the versatility of two viable specs, this style remains the most survivable of the DPS specs.


Vanguard / Powertech -- Both DPS specs for this style are roughly equal, both well above average. Reasonably tanky, and now with better resource management, this style provides versatile, all around DPS.


B Tier


Gunslinger / Sniper -- Dirty Fighting/Virulence is the top ranged DPS spec in the game, and top-4 overall. Hurting this style is the turret nature of this build, combined with the lack of good options outside Dirty Fighting/Virulence. Saboteur/Engineering provides mobility and considerable AOE, but is in the bottom 4 in terms of single target damage. Similar to Sent/Mar, not holding the third DPS spec (which is hot garbage) against this style.


C Tier


Guardian / Juggernaut -- Both DPS specs hover right around the average. This, combined with easy resource management and decent survivability add up to make this perhaps the best balanced Combat Style in the game right now.


Sage / Sorcerer -- Telekenetics/Lightning single-target DPS is almost exactly the average across all classes. However, it combines this with considerable AOE and mindlessly simple resource management. Balance/Madness single target is roughly equal, but trades the AOE for a bit more mobility and survivability. A perfectly decent all-around choice of Combat Style.


D Tier


Scoundrel / Operative -- Yikes. Both DPS specs are now below average in terms of single-target DPS. Lethality/Ruffian has limited AOE capabilities, while Scrapper/Concealment lacks even that. Combined with the fact that this is the squishiest of the melee/short range Combat Styles makes this class near useless in high-end PVE content.


F Tier


Commando / Mercenary -- The worst DPS Combat Style in the game at the moment. They excel at absolutely nothing, if you've got one, you may as well just switch to healer and use your secondary Combat Style for DPS. It's really that bad, both DPS specs are further below the average DPS than the top specs of Sent/Mara are above it. Tough resource management remains, while survivability took some considerable losses. Cut and run.



New player recommendations:

Looking for what style to use for your first/next character? The best recommendation is always to play what you enjoy the most. However, if you're just not sure what you might enjoy, try these combinations (subscribers can choose 2 styles, the first listed is recommended starting style).


Shadow/Assassin and Sentinel/Marauder -- If you've got the appropriate Light/Dark points, you can combine these however you want. Shadow/Assassin gives easy levelling with stealth and Serenity/Hatred's considerable AOE clearance. Later, using Conc/Fury or Watchman/Anni from Sent/Mara will tear through content as stealth becomes less viable. You also have access to Kinetic Combat/Darkness from Shadow/Assassin, the best Tank spec in the game.


If you'd prefer the option for healing instead, replace Shadow/Assassin with Sage/Sorcerer. You lose stealth, but gain ranged DPS and the easiest heal spec in the game. The early AOE of Tele/Lightning can carry you through the levelling process until Sent/Mara comes into its own.


Tech Classes

Gunslinger and Powertech -- These mesh up well due to both being pistol classes, keeping visual fidelity and making so you only have to swap offhands. Gunslinger gives you ranged damage, as well considerable early AOE for levelling. Powertech gives you well rounded melee/short range damage, but takes longer the blossom.

Sniper and Vanguard -- Exactly the same principle as above, only with rifles instead of pistols. All Sniper abilities can be used with a normal blaster rifle, they do not require a sniper rifle, meaning visually, no change when swapping specs, just switch offhands.


If you'd prefer the option to heal instead of (or in addition to) Van/PT's tank spec, replace Slinger or PT with Merc or Scoundrel, or Sniper or Vanguard with Operative if you wish to maintain fidelity in appearance (Commando's weapon is, unfortunately, a unique eyesore). Merc/Commando are the easier healer, while Scoundrel/Op has the higher ceiling. Just bear in mind that these Combat Styles offer little in terms of DPS.


Have you tried not being bad at operative/ scoundrel xD? But for real I find lethal operative and ruffian scoundrel to perform rather well and still has great cleave. If played right it's rather easy to pull 27k+ on a dummy and that will only increase when they fix the 5% tactical and if you were to have gold augs.

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Sniper and Vanguard -- Exactly the same principle as above, only with rifles instead of pistols. All Sniper abilities can be used with a normal blaster rifle, they do not require a sniper rifle, meaning visually, no change when swapping specs, just switch offhands.

I recently tested this. While you can replace both the Sniper Rifle, and the Commando's stove pipe, with an ordinary blaster rifle, you'll lose roughly 5% DPS in both cases.


Although, if you're just playing story content you'll probably never notice the difference.

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If played right it's rather easy to pull 27k+ on a dummy and that will only increase when they fix the 5% tactical and if you were to have gold augs.


What spec are you using? Have you uploaded a parse? I ask because I can do 24k lethality, and I understand another 2k.. but 3k, easily?

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What spec are you using? Have you uploaded a parse? I ask because I can do 24k lethality, and I understand another 2k.. but 3k, easily?


This is Ruffian: https://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/ruffian/6500000/all/live/0/


Lethality: https://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/lethality/6500000/all/live/0/


But a dummy parse is not the same as a real fight and some Disciplines have greater disadvantages in fights with mechanics than other Disciplines.

Edited by mike_carton
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This is Ruffian: https://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/ruffian/6500000/all/live/0/


Lethality: https://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/lethality/6500000/all/live/0/


But a dummy parse is not the same as a real fight and some Disciplines have greater disadvantages in fights with mechanics than other Disciplines.


Thanks for the link, this helps me see what I was missing. Yeah, not seeing these numbers in the wild on single target boss fights yet.

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I mean overall the state of balance is horrible. Some of the worst it has ever been.


So Lets look at actual bosses on Live.


NiM Nefra - Basically a parse dummy



NiM Bestia - Aoe Heavy Fight



NiM Dash - Arguably another parse dummy with how often pugs exploit it. However it has good spec diversity.



Too many specs 99th precentile parses are mid range parses of other specs.


The fact the dev's have said nothing of balance so far worries me greatly. 7.1 will need major balance changes or too many spec's simply won't be taken to the new raid in either HM or NiM. Remember also most of these boss parses are going to include the absolute best players at the respective classes.

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Mercenary/Commando could really do with a huge buff, really feels like those classes get no love...


It's so sad how little damage arsenal puts out. Even an AOE spec like engineering sniper does more single target dps :rolleyes: Arsenal, MM sniper and Carnage marauder all could use some hefty buffs, but especially arsenal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
sent/merauder being the best dps in the game?

dude what are you smoking? Sieriously sniper (marksman spec), sharpshooting gunslinger are the dps kings imo, just sayin


Marksman sniper is infamous and widely know as currently being the lowest parsing spec in the game, not as low as merc tho, but still low nonetheless

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My sniper hits like a freakin truck, ran with a friend who oddly enuf has a fury marauder and I of course was on my sniper, he was only doing 200k more dog then me, but that's ONLY cause he was in gold augments and I was still in purple, yea I believe some people did the best dps in the game cause they want there class to come out on top, all I can say is "star parse doesn't lie", wake up dude
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My sniper hits like a freakin truck, ran with a friend who oddly enuf has a fury marauder and I of course was on my sniper, he was only doing 200k more dog then me, but that's ONLY cause he was in gold augments and I was still in purple, yea I believe some people dissed the best dps in the game cause they want there class to come out on top, all I can say is "star parse doesn't lie", wake up dude
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