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7.0 Experience = bad


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For the first time ever playing games have I felt that an expansion was a downgrade from the previous experience. Skills removed, progression that was made lost (ie. spending millions of credits rolling for the perfect armor mods) and increasing the grind on the same content I've done for the past 10 years. This is a complete shame and I'm sorry to say that I enthusiastically paid for a full year of subscription before even trying the game thinking what an improvement it would be. I'm utterly disappointed in what has transpired. On top of that the game is so buggy at times it's unplayable. Take for example the Darth Malgus fight in the last episode. I have died countless times from the force wave causing zero fall damage attempting to clear this content with my 18 characters. I just gave up not even half way through. At this point I feel that bioware only cares about money and not the feelings of the players.
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I was so excited for the loadouts and additional advanced class options, as well as the now storyline.


Like you, I was met with that Malgus bug and eventually gave up on trying to complete the storyline. I made the mistake of assuming this would be fixed promptly, but that does not appear to be the case. In fact, I have not seen any response or plan to fix this, so I guess I am done with this "expansion" story for the time being.


Gearing has been a confusing mess; my Bounty Hunter has two guns that come with a holster, a look that cost a great many credits. The fact that I have to discard his blasters in favor of random green gear is annoying.


This over sight makes me feel like this expansion was simply not ready to be released.


Between the lack of storyline completion and the weird gearing system, I honestly can't seem to stay logged in anymore.


For me, this game is just not fun to play in it's current state.


I was having a lot of fun in 6.0. I had leveled up a ton of alts and probably spent more time in game than I ever have, but now I simply can't seem to enjoy my self. Which is crazy, since I have been logging in and paying these people since 2011; yet in only a couple weeks, my desire to even play has been completely dissipated.


I have gone from satisfied customer since launch, to just plain bored in a single update; that's pretty amazing tbh.

Edited by kirorx
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I think the story part of the patch (which should have been the main focus of the expansion) was an afterthought. It feels like they were so focused on all the other stuff (the UI, ability pruning, etc) that they plain FORGOT about the story until it was too late in the schedule to come up with anything half-way decent. It feels rushed, unfinished, unpolished and disjointed.
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I think the story part of the patch (which should have been the main focus of the expansion) was an afterthought. It feels like they were so focused on all the other stuff (the UI, ability pruning, etc) that they plain FORGOT about the story until it was too late in the schedule to come up with anything half-way decent. It feels rushed, unfinished, unpolished and disjointed.


It feels like they hastily thrown together story meant for two updates (one for the "war" substory, one for "Malgus" substory) and released it as an "expansion" (think Iokath + Umbara in 5.0). 6.0 was probably planned to go all the way up to .8 or .9 like 5.0 did but then someone decided they need an expansion for the anniversary.

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I think the story part of the patch (which should have been the main focus of the expansion) was an afterthought. It feels like they were so focused on all the other stuff (the UI, ability pruning, etc) that they plain FORGOT about the story until it was too late in the schedule to come up with anything half-way decent. It feels rushed, unfinished, unpolished and disjointed.


The story updates were clearly meant to be part of onslaught.

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Also, the story is clearly missing some content.

At least on the Empire side. (I haven't played all the way thru to the final on Pub side yet, so I'll hold off on that side.


But on Empire side, even for those people who support Malgus and go along with his conversations in 6.0 - all of a sudden he is the enemy again? Realllllllllllllllllllllllly ?

For story - You couldn't think of ANYTHING more original than a half-baked copy of Battle of Ilum????

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