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In Warzones 306 gear give better stats then 326 gear


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I've noticed this.. been very frustrated about it for a while.


I held on to some good 306 pieces from leveling, but now that I'm at 80 I've been wasting my time upgrading my new PvP pieces, hoping they'll EVENTUALLY outscale the 306 gear.


Is there any way to get the 306 gear once you're already 80?

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Is there any point in augmenting 326 gear?

AFAIK, there's no point in augmenting any gear for pvp with an augments that has stats already present on the gear. AFAIK, the bolster has some kind of soft caps on specific stat for any piece of gear, and if you already have this specific stat on a piece of gear, it will be bolstered to the soft cap and the same stat on the augment will be ignored.

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Anyone tried running naked shells with only main hand / off hand stats. There used to be a naked bolster bug years ago.


Oh Gods, don't even mention that.

I'm still traumatised by memories of all those bidy type 4 fat-guy Twi'Leks (Why was it always Twi'leks? I wonder that to this day) running around war-zones in their underwear.


Just like the nice men in the white coats promised though, the shaking did stop.



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I definitely feel like my full 326 pvp gear with augs is worse than 306 aug'd out. The bolster is BROKEN and was clearly either not tested, they ignored the feedback from anyone who pvp'd in beta, or they royally messed up.


Out of PvP instances my fully geared sorc has something like 387k or so HP...go into a WZ? 357k. A 30k HP difference? I also hit softer than I did running around in full 306. I really hope there's a 7.0.1 either tomorrow or maybe super early in March where they adjust the values for the bolster (or just get rid of it in general cuz that thing hasn't worked since its inception).

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I definitely feel like my full 326 pvp gear with augs is worse than 306 aug'd out. The bolster is BROKEN and was clearly either not tested, they ignored the feedback from anyone who pvp'd in beta, or they royally messed up.


Out of PvP instances my fully geared sorc has something like 387k or so HP...go into a WZ? 357k. A 30k HP difference? I also hit softer than I did running around in full 306. I really hope there's a 7.0.1 either tomorrow or maybe super early in March where they adjust the values for the bolster (or just get rid of it in general cuz that thing hasn't worked since its inception).


On my tank I went from 400K HP to 365k HP so I was like ok, what is the point of running full mitigation then (since endurance is the best tanking stat in pvp) and switched to skank gear with crit and alac, I join WZ, check my stats and my crit is 800 lower and my alac is 400 lower, therefore missing the threshold for 1.4 GCD. I rage quitted and uninstalled on the spot

Edited by Exedong
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I would just like to hear the devs state if the PvP 326 rating gear is intended to be bolstered down or if its a bug and we will be getting the stats intended plus augs. Cause if this is intended then a lot of people will not be renewing their subs and plan quiting this game. No point in earning pvp gear that is not useable in pvp.
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I opened up a ticket, made a post on reddit, and tweeted them to try and get an answer from these people, I just want to know if this was intended, if it is then i'm done with the game until it's not, i refuse to accept that i spend 2 weeks working hard for a full 326 augmented pvp set, just to have less stats then the person who stayed 306.
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I would just like to hear the devs state if the PvP 326 rating gear is intended to be bolstered down or if its a bug and we will be getting the stats intended plus augs. Cause if this is intended then a lot of people will not be renewing their subs and plan quiting this game. No point in earning pvp gear that is not useable in pvp.


they answered my ticket and confirmed it's a bug, and that they are working on a fix.

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Yeah, pretty poopy feeling spending days methodically mapping out how to best open crates, getting full thyrsian 326s with all the right tertiary stats... and then seeing that the stats are clearly better when you swap back into your 306s. You can see your crit and power tick up with every piece you replace.


I did find that the 326 accessories bolstered better than the 306s, and the 326 MH was better than my old 306 - at least for me. The scoundrel and Op 326 OHs are not as good as your old 306s because there doesn't seem to be a single 326 OH with crit for our class. Every single of them have alacrity or accuracy. Also, being forced to use alacrity on the two clearly superior implants is also kinda crap.


But this "slow drip of gear that ends in moddable 334s" needs to be a real thing. I recall it sounding sorta speculative... or like they're winging it.... when I read it. And I can't see myself having fun minmaxing by... using a drop-down and buying the right tertiary stat. That's too simple. I mean, player diversification has essentially become based around the tactical system - when they removed skill trees, utilities became the first 'tacticals', then we got actual tacticals, now set bonuses move into implants, becoming 'tacticals', next the ear piece will get something and become a tactical. Maybe they'll even revamp relics and add something different than what we've had the last 8+ years.


[tldr]Anyways, I'm not necessarily opposed to all that, I just hope it's not at the expense of stats becoming meaningless, or spoon fed in already near minmaxed fashion.

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Yeah this needs fixing ASAP! BIOWARE are you aware that you have made the pursuit of gear and upgrading that gear totally pointless. I now have no incentive what so ever to put myself through the grind you have subjected us all to.


Get it sorted we've had enough of your **** now.

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Yeah this needs fixing ASAP! BIOWARE are you aware that you have made the pursuit of gear and upgrading that gear totally pointless. I now have no incentive what so ever to put myself through the grind you have subjected us all to.


Get it sorted we've had enough of your **** now.


Would have been easier for them to just bring expertise back lol....Don't understand why they would go through this convoluted mess instead of just having simple pvp gear. Guess the devs truly are stubborn and don't want to admit they were wrong.

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So basically there is no point in gearing in this "expansion" until they fix this.


Come on, how on earth do they manage to release a new expansion where items are worse than in the previous expansion due to how their bolster system works


Just remove the bolster system all together and have new people get 320 gear with marks of commendation same way as PvE players do and we can continue to play...

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Come on, how on earth do they manage to release a new expansion where items are worse than in the previous expansion due to how their bolster system works.


They literally do it every time they up the level cap and have to adjust the bolster for the new gear levels. Its been broken at the launch of every "expansion" and it takes them forever to fix it.

Edited by Raansu
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