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Gear not being given from PVP gear boxes


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This report is to compile the fact that the gear boxes are not yet fixed.


As of today, I've done two out of three GSF weeklies on my Jedi Sentinel, and I got no gear from the Thystian boxes. I've double checked that my discipline was set to my specific combat style I am gearing for. That is two boxes of potential 326 now thrown into the void because of incompetent coding.


Is there a way to fix this? More importantly, is there a way I can get reimbursed? The fact that I poured time into this "expansion" to give it a chance and the continuing failures I'm seeing left and right is really challenging my motivation to continue playing this game and subscribing to it.


Keep in mind I have yet to select my 2nd combat style on this character. If that is the SOLE reason why I am not getting gear, then I truly don't know what to say aside from continuing to criticize the amount of bugs and overhype the development team has put into this update. This is absurd.



I've decided to go for a third Thystian gear box by doing the 3rd run of my GSF weekly. Both 2nd and 3rd gear box was recorded via OBS Studio and I still did not get any gear.


I've also uploaded the 2nd and 3rd box openings and not giving gear to Youtube.




This is ridiculous. This is stupid. Stuff like this needs to be reimbursed to players that were not given anything for putting time into gearing and even more so, though many of the other blunders of 7.0 are of another topic.

Edited by SolaireSandworm
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Happened to me on two toons and to my husband as well.


1 toon all three GSF boxes vanished no loot.

1 toon only one box opened because I’ve only run gsf once

1 toon one box dropped 316 gear when toon was naked and 1 box NO loot when toon was in 320 gear

My husband 1 toon lost 1 box from 1 play of weekly. No other attempt made on his marauder. 3 weeklies on one of his mercs after the marauder and he had no issue. All three boxes on a merc dropped gear.


Interestingly enough though all toons to lose gear were warriors/knights.


Loot discipline was set to current build


I wonder if this is a marauder/sentinel specific bug?


Update: My GM has lost loot from Thrysian crate ONLY on his Sentinel. No other class affected for him either. Sentinel had dual discipline trained but correct loot discipline set.


I had dual discipline trained on 1 toon that lost gear and not on the other, proper loot discipline set for both


1 gear box dropped loot ONLY when toon was naked. and dropped 316 gear. When character was in 320 gear burned the box and got nothing.

Edited by AelaSunjammer
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  • Dev Post

Hi folks,


Thanks for reporting this bug with the Thyrsian Requisition Caches.


Our team is aware of it. I'll add it to the known issues list for visibility:

  • Thyrsian Requisition Caches don't always contain gear.

EDIT: We're also investigating the bug with the Tionese Requisition Cache and Noble Decurion Distribution Chest. Please refer to the known issues list mentioned above.

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Hi folks,


Thanks for reporting this bug with the Thyrsian Requisition Caches.


Our team is aware of it. I'll add it to the known issues list for visibility:

  • Thyrsian Requisition Caches don't always contain gear.


You say this, but you closed the original forum that was not describing anything to do with just pvp boxes. ALL boxes are not rewarding gear. There should be a separate "known issue" for each specific loot crate. The title "thrysian loot crates not always providing gear" is inaccurate. Sure, pvp reward boxes are bugged, but so is EVERY OTHER .. operations, flashpoints, gsf, pvp, they're all bugged!

You need to change it to be more visible to the community that ALL loot crates are being investigated, not just pvp.

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You say this, but you closed the original forum that was not describing anything to do with just pvp boxes. ALL boxes are not rewarding gear. There should be a separate "known issue" for each specific loot crate. The title "thrysian loot crates not always providing gear" is inaccurate. Sure, pvp reward boxes are bugged, but so is EVERY OTHER .. operations, flashpoints, gsf, pvp, they're all bugged!

You need to change it to be more visible to the community that ALL loot crates are being investigated, not just pvp.


I agree.

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TITLE needs to be updated.


This issue affects a lot more than just PvP gear boxes.


My last 4 Noble Decurion and 1 Thyrsian loot boxes just disappeared when I clicked on them and I got no loot.


What's the point of even playing if the loot reward you get after spending hours completing a WEEKLY mission results in a box that gives you nothing?




1) Are we going to get reimbursed or not?


2) How can we prevent this from happening?

Edited by Muckbeast
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The current work-around is to make sure you do not have any 306 pieces in your main or off hand slot. You will not have an empty cache if you are on your main combat style and do not have 306 in your main or off hand. It still can happen if you are on your 2nd combat style.
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The current work-around is to make sure you do not have any 306 pieces in your main or off hand slot. You will not have an empty cache if you are on your main combat style and do not have 306 in your main or off hand. It still can happen if you are on your 2nd combat style.


Doesn't work. 323 IR gear with no 306 piece and no loot.

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Thank you for telling us is being investigated.

But please fix it soon, I can't think of a more urgent bug. We can't risk to open more boxes after completing long weekly missions. WIch makes the game a bit pointless if you are logically logging to grind the new gear. :mad:

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Muckbeast, replying to your comment in the closed thread you started, unfortunately I received the same misspelled response, so it does seem it's an auto response, and a poor one at that.


Oh dang. So it is just a form letter. Oh well. :(


It is very disturbing that we still have no answer on:


1) How/when we will get reimbursed.


2) How to avoid/workaround this happening so we can actually play the game and get our loot.

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Got another ticket response:


My name is (name edited, but weirdly the same name from my last ticket) and I’ve replied to your ticket in-game, you’ll find the answer below too.


Thank you for your response, I have got everything checked and I would like to share that the current workaround to fix this issue is for the players to set a loot Discipline so you do not face this issue again and for the lost loot the game team is working on as of now so would request you to please submit a feedback regarding that so it can be checked by our team and request you to please keep a check over the dev tracker link shared below .




Finally, I hope you stay safe and I genuinely hope you keep on enjoying this game and may the force be with you.


Just to let you know, I have to close your ticket for you to see my reply but closing the ticket does not mean your issue is resolved.


You are more than welcome to send in another one if you have additional information or issues.


Does this workaround actually work for anyone?


I have had my loot discipline set and the box still goes POOF with no loot.


ALSO: Why do they close tickets and force you to make new ones? That's so dumb. They should leave it open and let you respond with the UPDATE TICKET option. This is so backwards having to make new tickets every single time to give them more information when they reply with WRONG info (like this workaround they claim works, but doesn't).

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Oh dang. So it is just a form letter. Oh well. :(


It is very disturbing that we still have no answer on:


1) How/when we will get reimbursed.


2) How to avoid/workaround this happening so we can actually play the game and get our loot.


it's clear all they'll do is send out these cookie-cutter responses without actually resolving issues at this point


This lack of transparency is a major factor as to why everyone is not happy with you, Bioware.

Edited by SolaireSandworm
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I am starting to suspect that this happens whenever the loot box is trying to generate an OFFHAND item.


The last few times I lost a box, I deliberately had the lowest possible item rating item in my offhand slot to try and get a new one.


I have limited sample size, but that is my best current theory.

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I clicked the mouse right click, in order to open the weekly WZ gear boxes, four of them and they just vanished, like I didn't get anything from those four weekly wz boxes.


I've spent hours and hours trying to finish those weekly's just to get nothing. I even recorded the last box vanishing cause this is just plain stupid at this point.

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The thyrsian crates vanished when I right clicked them on 2 different characters.


I've been gearing through pvp - warzones and gsf.

On my main I didnt have any issues with the crates; they gave gear. But I've been doing the weeklies on alts, and on 2 alts I click on the thyrsian crate and it just disappears. no gear. I had used legacy vault to move the new gear to my alts


I tolerate gsf but wouldnt even play it if it wasnt for the weekly gear reward...

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Had this happen to me a few times now, I would suggest people save the boxes until a fix is applied.


Second combat style, loot disc correctly set. All new gear equipped, no 306.


GSF/PvP boxes: I've opened several. Some have given me gear (Armor and relics) I've never had a weapon or offhand from them, this maybe where the bug occurs. I've had a few bug out and drop nothing, including the last one I opened, I only have 2 armor pieces and weapon/offhand to go, so the guy above saying about offhand may have caught on to something

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