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so, right 7.0 is a tiny expansion story wise so....


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What's waiting in the wings? That a cinematic trailer was pumped out for "2" chapters and a operation is kinda mind boggling considering KOTFE and KOTET had loads of content! So my guess is more is coming but it's just not done yet or is still in testing.


I hear every ones disappointment that there isn't more right now and I feel it to. I've all ready taken one toon from 75 to 80 and almost have another one there. My bounty Hunter is sporting gear at 306 plus and he just managed to break 79 yesterday. But either way there has got to be more new content coming. It just wouldn't make any sense for there not to be.


I guess we'll see

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The story that came out with the update felt like a prelude. It would be okay for me if we had been given some kinda plan as to when throughout this year more story will be released, but we havent, so now it just sucks.


Something like "this is the beginning, there will be new missions every month" would have been perfectly fine.

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Certainly there is a reason so little is released in one shot. And let's think about it. Let's say you have a "year long event" that you are promoting. But you know you only have a certain amount of overall budget. And you don't want to blow all that budget in one release. Because once you do that, you have nothing left to release, right? So instead you decide to pace the releases.


It's like a cake you have for your kids, maybe. You can slice it up into many pieces or just a few -- but you are ultimately still limited by the size of the cake!


So if you have a really small cake, you are either going to just give the whole cake at once (and hope the kids are happy with it as that one-time event) or make the cake last by distributing what there is of it in chunks. But, again, if the cake is pretty small to begin with, those chunks are going to be small, particularly if you decide to spread them out.


Yet, the more you spread them out, the smaller the individual chunks have to be. So then you're perhaps counting on the kids being happy that at least one day of the month, for the next twelve months, they get a piece of cake. Yeah, okay, it's a really small piece of cake. But at least you keep that going for multiple months; thus you hope the longevity of the overall "cake release" satisfies even though the individual bits of cakes are a bit lacking.


Of course ... it's always possible that you have a surprise waiting for the kids. Maybe that cake isn't quite as small as they're assuming it is. Or maybe, as it turns out, you don't just have cake. You have some ice cream and other things waiting in the wings. Absent some menu telling the kids what's coming, they have no idea of this.


The question lots of people want answered is: which strategy is the SWTOR team following here?

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This is why they need to get away from the whole expansion idea. They don't have the budget for a true expansion. Instead, they should call them seasons. They could tie it in with Galactic Seasons if they want, but basically, a season would be a period of time one or two years long. Anything released in that one- or two-year period would be part of the season. A season might have the same amount of content as an expansion, but it would allow them to spread it out over a long period.
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They tried that before with kotfe....it wasn't very good since each "chapter" was barely 10-20 minutes.


But it launched with 9 chapters. According to Dulfy there was 3.3 hours of cutscenes in those 9 chapters. LotS clocks in at 45 minutes, so KotFE had close to 4x the cutscenes as LotS.

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They tried that before with kotfe....it wasn't very good since each "chapter" was barely 10-20 minutes.


I'll take 20 minutes of cutscenes and 1-2 hours of gameplay per month over 55 minutes of cutscenes and 3 hours of grind per 14 months...

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My hope is that they'll actually keep their promise of new content all year. I'm assuming we'll get some new story each patch, starting with Manaan in 7.1.


The question obviously is how long before that even comes out...


But I also hope that the delay gave more time for story people to make more content. Considering that the expansion is called "Legacy of the Sith," I'm assuming that we'll find out what Malgus is talking about. And I bet we'll get a new flashpoint to finish the Mando stuff too at least. And hopefully more imp/rep content as well so it's not the same for both sides every time.


So I'm staying cautiously hopeful... My thing really is I want to see SOME progression between relationships with the new companions (we got the beginning of that) and the saboteur stuff (we just got more of the same). I didn't mind what we got so far but I always want more...

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But it launched with 9 chapters. According to Dulfy there was 3.3 hours of cutscenes in those 9 chapters. LotS clocks in at 45 minutes, so KotFE had close to 4x the cutscenes as LotS.


Ya it took about 5 hours of actual gameplay to get through it, mostly because of all the forced encounters. I remember back then thinking that was kinda bad, but everyone tolerated it because we knew we'd get monthly chapters, which sadly all ended up being really short......never imagined we'd get down to a measly 30-40 minutes of cutscenes and 1.5 hours of gameplay for an "expansion" though.

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