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Bioware points out that "MAJORITY of the players are in the sub level 30 range."


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I'm only at level 28 and I've been playing since day 1 of early access. I have no intention of changing my play style or rate. If anything it will go down when I go back to work next week.


I can't sit in front of a PC for 10+ hours a day gaming. I do 8 hours a day of being sat in front of a PC when I'm working (software developer). That hurts my eyes and makes me tired enough as it is. When I'm actually on my time off, I like to actually get away from my PC and do something else. I suspect many people have a similar experience or point of view.


If people want to blast their way through the game as quickly as possible, min-maxing their LS/DS points and spacebar mashing, let them. I shall continue to take my time, take in the sights, look for datacrons, and enjoy the story and voice acting.

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Not that is matters but I'll comment.


I'm level 44.


I started playing on the 13th. I play about 5 hours a day, more in pre-launch.


Only days I missed were Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and 12/28.


How some are 50... that's a lot of playtime.


I'd be curious of peoples /played.


Under 3 days /played to 50 here. 33 on a alt now, will be 50 in the next 2-3 days (not played). Leveling up really isn't that hard or long.

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Ok you're silly.


You might know "a lot" of people who took off to play the game. That number may even be say 500...When you're talking about say a million people thats not a lot. When you're talking say 500,000 people 500 people is nothing.


Just because its a lot to you doesn't mean its a lot in regards to what you're speaking about.


I've got multiple characters. Put in a fair amount of time and I don't have one above 30 yet. Just because you spent x amount of time to get to y level does not mean we all end up spending x amount of time and get to the same point.


That’s why I said I would like to see time played and alt information.


Saying that the majority of players is under 30 is so little information and only sounds good on the surface. You yourself said you don’t have a 30. But you also said you have multiple characters.


I’m not saying that everyone is 50. What I’m saying is with 1 character and a full time job and family I’m over that 30 line. While the phrasing suggests that anyone with a life and average play time is not over 30. Its just simply untrue. I’m rank 15 in PvP Have 240+ in all my crafting skills and spent an hour before work this morning just running around collecting materials while chatting.


With limited game time and no rush at all I’m over that line (again with a single character.) So the pole is biased in BW's favor that’s all I’m saying. What they should be releasing is average play times per character to level ratios.


With Christmas break, Vacations, And people waiting on this game for 4 years. Its not unreasonable to think that people were able to play 40-60 hours a week during early access / launch week. Not all 50’s rushed there.

Edited by Emencie
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Anyone at lvl 50 already clearly has no job to go to or girlfriend telling them to get off there butt lol.


I don't have a level 50, but I've powerleveled in other games, and I just wanted to giggle at this fairly widespread opinion of the fast levelers... because it is inherently flawed. Someone who hits the top levels in a couple days has less of a job/girlfriend/life than the guy who logs on every night for a month to reach level cap? Even throwing out the fact that he probably logged less than half of your played time to reach that level, he's still spending less time playing the game than you are.


Whole thing just throws me for a loop.

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What is going to be interesting to see is what happens when most people hit level 30+ and find their characters haven't scaled very well against the mobs they are fighting, nor has their NPC companion... I had to change up my entire playstyle and really go back and re-gear at that level to stay in the game. I also changed my sub to one month at a time because the game went from enjoyable at the lower levels to sorta frustrating.


We shall see.

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Yep, no different than any MMO, some people rush ahead and then whine about being lonely.


Not much to see there, just the usual suspects.


But, the good thing is this game wasn't designed for those people, so their complaints don't mean anything :)


Its kind of like complaining that a Mouse trap doesn't work to catch Raccoons. True, but irrelevant.

Edited by Drallbait
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That’s why I said I would like to see time played and alt information.


Saying that the majority of players is under 30 is so little information and only sounds good on the surface. You yourself said you don’t have a 30. But you also said you have multiple characters.


I’m not saying that everyone is 50. What I’m saying is with 1 character and a full time job and family I’m over that 30 line. While the phrasing suggests that anyone with a life and average play time is not over 30. Its just simply untrue. I’m rank 15 in PvP Have 240+ in all my crafting skills and spent an hour before work this morning just running around collecting materials while chatting.


With limited game time and no rush at all I’m over that line (again with a single character.) So the pole is biased in BW's favor that’s all I’m saying. What they should be releasing is average play times per character to level ratios.


With Christmas break, Vacations, And people waiting on this game for 4 years. Its not unreasonable to think that people were able to play 40-60 hours a week during early access / launch week. Not all 50’s rushed there.


Once again just because you can spend x amount of time and get to y level does not mean that if I spend x amount of time I will achieve y level.


In many cases over the years playing many different MMO's with my friends I was inevitably outleveled by everyone even when spending the same amount of time as they did. In general for every level I gained they'd gain 2-3. I just didn't go at the same pace as them.


I'm sure theres a bunch of people at 50. I'm sure theres a bunch of people above 30. I have no doubt that a ton of people are below 30. I know over christmas weekend I got to play precisely 1 hour of the game untill late monday night when I got to play a couple of hours. Just because you got to play a ton, doesn't mean we all did. Everyone spends their time with family and other things differently.

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I'm level 17 and been playing 3-4 hours every couple of days since the 13th of Dec and still really enjoying the game, im in no rush to max my guy out


Anyone at lvl 50 already clearly has no job to go to or girlfriend telling them to get off there butt lol.


i've been playing 3-4 hours a day and got my first toon to 50 in about 2 1/2 weeks. I have a job so your statement is a fail.

Edited by daftshadow
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Leveling is not hard in this game, while it's not as fast as say, Rift, it's still pretty fast. If I had wanted to I could've gotten to 50 before the 20th without issue. However, in this game I wanted to get some of the storyline which I usually completely gloss over in MMOs (I still don't know what the hell I was fighting for in WAR as a dark elf, I only wanted to smash high elves and stunties) so it takes a bit longer, and I'm happy I did; while the consular story isn't the best, a lot of the other quests and flashpoints (especially Taral V and Maelstrom Prison) are pretty damn awesome.


In other words, everyone levels at different speeds, and 4 hours for you might not give the same results as 4 hours for me.

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Once again just because you can spend x amount of time and get to y level does not mean that if I spend x amount of time I will achieve y level.


In many cases over the years playing many different MMO's with my friends I was inevitably outleveled by everyone even when spending the same amount of time as they did. In general for every level I gained they'd gain 2-3. I just didn't go at the same pace as them.


I'm sure theres a bunch of people at 50. I'm sure theres a bunch of people above 30. I have no doubt that a ton of people are below 30. I know over christmas weekend I got to play precisely 1 hour of the game untill late monday night when I got to play a couple of hours. Just because you got to play a ton, doesn't mean we all did. Everyone spends their time with family and other things differently.


I know... That’s why you take the time played vs. levels gained and get an average. That’s what I said from the beginning. I don’t buy their report because it is biased towards their game being slower than it may be not because I think everyone levels as fast as I do. But rather because I know I’m not the benchmark but even I got over their line of measurement.


If we took your 3 or however many characters and took an average of how much time you have played each and how many levels you’ve gotten on them then did that for every character in the game. Bioware could say for example.


Note these numbers are made up


Levels 1-20 on average takes 30 min/level so 9 hours

Levels 20-40 on average takes 60min/level so 20 hours

Levels 40-10 on average takes 90min/level so 15 hours

So roughly on average it takes 45 hours to level to 50 in this game.


^ that is useful information. Not “majority of players are under level 30” That means nothing at all. Because the majority of players could have 5 alts as well or something. It means nothing.

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Funny. i'm on Balmorra (30's planet) and there is 7 people here.

They don't have lives, unfortunately.

Yesyes anyone who's better at a game then you is a no life loser, anyone worse then you is a no life loser, and you are a god among gamers.


Grow up=/

Edited by scfs
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I have two characters; my main, who just turned 20 and an alt that is level 14. I am alternating between the two fairly regularly, levelling professions on each as I go. I play 3 - 5 hours an evening, but I've missed a couple since the 20th. So, yeah. I'm taking my time.
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I know... That’s why you take the time played vs. levels gained and get an average. That’s what I said from the beginning. I don’t buy their report because it is biased towards their game being slower than it may be not because I think everyone levels as fast as I do. But rather because I know I’m not the benchmark but even I got over their line of measurement.


If we took your 3 or however many characters and took an average of how much time you have played each and how many levels you’ve gotten on them then did that for every character in the game. Bioware could say for example.


Note these numbers are made up


Levels 1-20 on average takes 30 min/level so 9 hours

Levels 20-40 on average takes 60min/level so 20 hours

Levels 40-10 on average takes 90min/level so 15 hours

So roughly on average it takes 45 hours to level to 50 in this game.


^ that is useful information. Not “majority of players are under level 30” That means nothing at all. Because the majority of players could have 5 alts as well or something. It means nothing.


I played ffxi for 3 years and never it 75 ( when was Max). But there was always so much you could do that just end game content wasn't needed. Crafting was useful and had purpose, getting new summons or doing multiplayer missions that was rewarding. Nothing was really quick but i thought worked well. Now in sword and even other mmos it just super quick to do everything. Doesn't matter if you rush the 5 0hours in 1 week or over 1 month...it is still quick for a game based in playing over time

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