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The new UI is terrible, wasn't this just a placeholder?


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I can see myself eventually getting used to the new font even though I think it was a completely unnecessary change that only serves to throw people off... But this new UI... It's just terrible. I remember seeing this back on the PTS, but always assumed it was massively WIP. Now that it's live, I really can't see myself getting along with this. The Inventory screen in particular is a massive eyesore. Can we please move back to the style of the old UI? This simplified stuff is hideous.
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The new UI is shockingly awful. The inventory screen is, in particular, an absolute abomination. Who approved this garbage?


Totally agree. Looking at the lit up blue squares makes it seem like they have been selected or highlighted and it hurts the eyes. Not sure what the point of adding a random colored outline to empty boxes was.


Overall my excitement for this update has been shattered. I don't see any character or engine / graphics updates, nor character customizations. The combat styles are not at all what I thought we were getting, and the action bars completely resetting when you switch classes, err, styles is a deal breaker.

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I was also surprised when opened inventory. It is pretty bad and Whole UI with character screen is bad. Looks like it is in very early stage of development. I just can't understand how would anyone normal and with right mindset would implement this abomination of UI in the game and replace perfectly good UI that is light years from this we have now.


They should at least leave option for players to choose what UI they want, not to stuck with this crap. I am very disappointed and logged out of the game as this new looks bothers me and I can't even play the game.

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The old UI was very pleasing to look at. Like a beach. The new one is - to stay within the metaphor - like an oil spill. It is absolutely ugly.

Also, why was some of the font changed? It looks sharper now, not worse per se, but different enough to be noticable and distracting.

The character screen I have mixed feelings about. I liked the old one, but I can agree that changing things isn't always for the worse. I do like the addition of the hypothetical values for DPS, resistance and healing. What I like less is that all actual stats are hidden away, which defeats the purpose of a character sheet. Switching between outfits is also worse than before, you can not select one for changes without equipping it. Plus there is a lot of wasted space, it could easily be reduced by ~40% in size and not lose anything meaningful.


Just as an addendum, I was hyped for the expansion. Now I am sitting here wondering where it all went wrong, and kind of unwilling to go near the game without a poking stick. It's true that garphics isn't everything, but this isn't bad graphics, it was a completely unnecessary change from very good to abysmal. Add to that that the combat style is a rather mixed bag as well (some rows leave you a choice out of three used-to-be-common abilities, really?), and I am not very optimistic any more. The only thing this half year I was more excited for was Total War Warhammer 3, and somehow it was ruined by a change I am quite confident in saying noone asked for.

Edited by JojoKasei
added some
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I can see myself eventually getting used to the new font even though I think it was a completely unnecessary change that only serves to throw people off... But this new UI... It's just terrible. I remember seeing this back on the PTS, but always assumed it was massively WIP. Now that it's live, I really can't see myself getting along with this. The Inventory screen in particular is a massive eyesore. Can we please move back to the style of the old UI? This simplified stuff is hideous.


I agree it is just awful. Looks like something someone drew up in photoshop in 5 min. It does not match the UI on the screen. Horrid.

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I absolutely hate it. The bright outlines on the inventory boxes are just jarring and the rest of it looks out of place especially since some of the old UI screens are still there. They could have at least made the colors match.


It feels like some intern made it for a .99 cent mobile game.

Edited by Raansu
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I cannot play this trash, sorry.


- High contrast of slot borders in the inventory, esp. comparing to low contrast of many icons is distracting and badly perceived by eyes. Smoothed borders before were much better.

- My custom keyboard assignments to quickslots are reset any time after travel to another planet or stronghold. Need to restore keybindings from saved settings. It's awful.

- Auto targeting doesn't work, even if it's switched on.

- Auto-loot and area loot don't work, both are switched on.

- I cannot assign a key to Activities panel, no such assignment in the settings.

- One of relics becomes misplaced after switching to companion on character's panel and back to character.


I'm thinking to quit, at least until all these bugs (bugs? no, bad design innovations) will be fixed.

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I cannot play this trash, sorry.


- High contrast of slot borders in the inventory, esp. comparing to low contrast of many icons is distracting and badly perceived by eyes. Smoothed borders before were much better.

- My custom keyboard assignments to quickslots are reset any time after travel to another planet or stronghold. Need to restore keybindings from saved settings. It's awful.

- Auto targeting doesn't work, even if it's switched on.

- Auto-loot and area loot don't work, both are switched on.

- I cannot assign a key to Activities panel, no such assignment in the settings.

- One of relics becomes misplaced after switching to companion on character's panel and back to character.


I'm thinking to quit, at least until all these bugs (bugs? no, bad design innovations) will be fixed.


Wanted to play the story immediately, so I got a month subscription around the end of the downtime. Damn, but do I regret this now. There was no discernible reason to change so much, and for the worse.

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Hey, one more vote to allow to switch inventory back to the old UI or something close to it.


1) The new one makes eyes sore, it is too high contrast. Like, way too high. It's a very messed up UX. (And I agree that it really looks like a placeholder UI.)


2) It complicates distinguishing between item levels - e.g. I can't tell grey garbage items from gear 'at a glance', I need to look closely and hover mouse on them. Takes time and patience, and the more you look the more your eyes hurt because see point one.


3) My inventory lacks 2 cells in the bottom, it drives me crazy! But I don't need further expanding it. If that was an attempt to trick players into purchasing more space to make the lines even (because I bet a lot of people have this peeve) - that's just a shame.


So, here's hope to be heard. They've switched the music on game start back to the old one (thanks for that btw!) so there is non-zero chance of positivity given enough feedback.

Edited by Ksuha
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Agreed. The bright blue boxes around the empty squares are bright and jarring. They draw the eye to the empty boxes, making it hard to find actual items at a glance.


Worse of all, you haven't fixed my biggest issue with the previous UI - the inability to control the stupid Galactic Seasons toolbar using the interface editor. In particular, I hate that I can't edit its brightness. It's brighter than everything else on screen.


Except for the new inventory, I guess. :-(

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It. Is. Awful.


When I pull up the Inventory screen, or a tab of the Cargo Hold or Legacy Stronghold Storage, I am interested in looking at the items in there, not at the empty slots. The bright blue boxes make the empty slots impossible to ignore. Sometimes I have to strain to see the actual items.


The fact that the rows of the Inventory screen are now in multiples of 8 instead of 10 is completely counterintuitive.


When I saw this thing on the PTS, and everyone was complaining about it, I thought for sure that there was no way they would put this monstrosity into the game ...

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I agree wholeheartedly, this is such a huge step backwards in comfort and utility. Maybe I'm just getting old, but - everything is so small! I can't distinguish items and need to move close to the screen.


Please give us the option to revert back to the old UI!

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Why does sniper lose their in-cover secondary ui/skill panel?

The skills they can and cannot use in-and-out cover have are not the same and have different priorities. Stop dumbing down the ui just because you dream that you could port this on mobile phone one day.

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Gosh... I don't even know what to say. New UI looks so bad, it hurts my eyes.


On my screen I even can't see my character in the same time when the Outfitter is open, because it's so large and impossible to move out of the way :/


When I just want to preview some outfit it automatically applies it on my character even when I only want to check it.


And why BW hates colors? All the achievements that were finished in 100% were green, it was easy to focus on those unfinished, now everything is white...

BW did the same thing with the uncollected items, they font was red and later changed into gray....


What a disgrace :/

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I wanted to also give my two cents on the UI.


It looks made by an amateur, it's awful.

Why would you make the character screen so big? I apply my outfit and I can't see my character. I have to close the window to have a look at it. Why are things sooooooo spaced out? It takes about 75% of my ultra wide monitor.


I get making the inventory window open side by side with your character sheet, but why isn't it colapsable?

Why is the contrast so damn high? I can't identify rarity at a glance anymore, not to mention it hurts the eyes. And God, the corners - make them rounded again.


The currency tab also has a ridiculously long list, with extremely large item names and icons, and it is also bugged. Sometimes I go to it and I see 100 different currencies which I do not own at Zero.


Good job on the loadouts, but boy... The new UI is your worst decision ever.

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