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MY friends are 50. they say nothing to do.


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<- Level 50

Plenty to do.

Have run EV a few times, (2/5 HM now)

Run guild mates through FPs to gear them up for leveling

PvP non stop

Run my Ilum dailies

Laugh at people on Imp fleet cause they aren't 50 yet

Troll SWTOR forums

Troll General Chat

Eat lunch

Exploit the GTN because no one knows how to sell things on it for profit

Take baths in my millions of credits

Kill lowbies on Tatooine



I have a plethora of real life accomplishments that I could laugh at you for not having, but then again I have cooth.


I'm older than you, of that I can assure you. I also spent the better part of my 20s in Iraq... the 'real world' you pampered masses will never see.


Spare us the throwing your military service in our face. My father spent 20 years in the military, I respect the hell out of our servicemen, but not those who feel the rest of us are 'pampered masses' because we didn't VOLUNTEER. Sorry I was busy building a life for myself, freedom, how does it work?

Edited by Liberate
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Here is a thought of something to do....get your lazy behind out from your computer and get a job, go outside, study harder, find a girlfriend, read a book, get a life. One thing you need to stop doing is complaining about having no life oh and stop seeking gratitude for burning through a game like a failure. That is all.
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Don't worry, bioware has copied every other aspect of the standard themepark mmo so far, I'm sure they are already coding the hamster wheel.


I'm taking it slow and loving the game. I used to play mmos like a fiend.. eventually I worked out my personal issues and haven't felt that compulsive need since.

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He's just mad he isn't very good at leveling. Don't worry. I have a 40+ GS, 50 SW, and 30 BH. I've never skipped a quest or a voice over.


Holy hell man, have you slept? Are you employed? Did you spend every waking moment of your school's winter break playing the game?


I have played on average 4 hours a night since the 16th, and I'm only level 39. I have done PvP, space combat, flashpoints, and heroic 4+'s. I haven't skipped a line of dialogue. How do you have so many high level characters?


I call shenanigans...

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I hit lvl 50 last night. I didn't "power-level" through, by skipping content. I tested beta for a long time, so i'll admit I did a lot of space-barring through Ord Mantel and Coruscant... in fairness, i'd heard it all before 5+ times. Though for my story missions, I still loved em, so I didn't skip most of those. I did however have plenty of time, because i'm a teacher and currently on winter vacation.


It's a newly released game... is there as much to do at max-level as say another MMO which myself and many others switched from to this? No, of course not. BW's initial focus had to be on the leveling experience. If you can't enjoy the game getting to level cap, you're not going to like once you get there. Being in the phase immediately after launch, their focus is on stability. There are bugs to change, features to spruce up, and small things to polish to make sure things are as solid in the early community as they want. *Then* they will expand level cap content. It may be a few months before we see major content updates, but they will be coming.


All of that said, there's still plenty to do. Now, I see tons of people who introduce themselves as "I hate PvP", "Daily grinds are boring, I refuse to do them!", and "I'm going to play this solo, I don't like grouping with others". And these people are suddenly surprised that they have little to do, when they've eliminated all PvP content, all heroic Flashpoint / Operations content, and all the daily quests on Ilum and elsewhere. Let us not forget all the people up in arms about a space combat system that many are too stubborn to stop and *try* in the first place. So yes, when you refuse to do any of the multitudes of experiences there are to have at max level, you might find yourself lacking stuff to do.


Me, i'm having a great time ;)


God I love you. This ^

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I work close to 80 hours a week.

I have a brand new baby (9 months now)

I am the sole operator of my business.

I have to spend a lot of time with my fiance once I get home.

I do yard work on the weekends.

I have a winter garden I tend to every day.

Once every month I still go in for Reserve duty for the weekend.



Your argument is COMPLETELY invalid.


You are lying. You are 100%, pants on fire, lying. You can NOT be working an 80 hour a week, have that many high level chars, all the datacrons, etc etc. while living the life you claim.


Absolutely impossible.

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Here is a thought of something to do....get your lazy behind out from your computer and get a job, go outside, study harder, find a girlfriend, read a book, get a life. One thing you need to stop doing is complaining about having no life oh and stop seeking gratitude for burning through a game like a failure. That is all.


seems like a lot of folks like to "burn" through a game .. "I'm already done ! "


I'm not sure if they are bragging, trying to make other people feel badly (for not having done the same) ... or what ever they're after. I'm not sure that they are certain either.


BACK to OT .. It's pretty much common knowlege for the MMO developers that contient (especially high end instances) is added later on after launch. I don't know that there is anything else any of us can add to change anyones mind.


AS for this game will be developed and released in the future: Only time will tell. And indeed time WILL tell. Sooo for now. I'll take a wait and see attitude before passing final judgement. i will say this: If the Dev team continues to improve the game and add more contient that is equal to or better than what we have now.... this game will do well.

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the fact that he can have this much done, already, is stupid.


If people were posting in WoW forums saying ("HEY DOODS, the game was released 17 days ago and I have EVERY FACTION maxed!!!, my EPIC MOUNTZ, ALL MY PROFESSIONS at 300!!!!!, FULL PVP GEAR, and am warlord rank!")


it would have been just mass chaos, I remember getting warlord alone took me TONS of effort, I had to work for 3 months playing almost 10-12 hours a day and I had to get involved with the most hardcore pvp guild on the server.

I had to wait my turn for my month so we could organize the points correctly.


This game is just too *********** easy and casual to an extreme level, with just minimal time and effort you can basically MAX out EVERYTHING.


You are remembering WoW from six years ago. And people *****ed about how High Warlord took cheating, essentially, to get (everyone who got it on Bleeding Hollow had given their account info to their guild and were on 24/7), and how no one got to see any of the content - less than 5% of players ever cleared Naxx 40. No one with any business sense is catering their game to 5% of the customers.


If you had played during Cataclysm, you'd have realized that those exact same thing WERE said. It only took me.. 3 weeks of relatively CASUAL play to get all my Cata factions maxed, get the epics from factions and crafting, and have a full set of PvP gear.


Welcome to MMO's now. Hardcore's cant deliver sub numbers - casuals do. Investors expect near WoW-level profits from an MMO, so the game has to deliver to the casuals. Hardcore's need to realize they aren't that important to developers, and they dont make up a sizeable portion of the player base.

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I have a lot of in game friends who are saying this game is really boring when you get to 50. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


Bad troll ='s bad.


Their own fault there aren't enough 50s to start raids or regular dungeons.

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No one who is playing this game the way it was meant to be played should be 50 yet. Keep skipping all the content (conversations and storyline) and then complain that you are bored. That makes a lot of sense.


When will people stop being this retarded? The game's been out for over two weeks already. There isn't THAT much content. You can breeze through a world in a couple hours, doing every quest, every bonus, listening to all dialog. TOR is not a long game. Two weeks is MORE then enough time for people to get their main to lvl 50 even with casual play. So kindly stop posting this ****.

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People who rushed to 50 do it to themselves I am 50 I craft work on learning new schematics help my guild members. Do dailies to make my alt progression faster. I run FP's and hardmodes If people are confused to say that they want more then operations and flash points then what do you want?
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I have every datacron on my main, I have most on my 40. I have 400 slicing, 400 biochem, 400 bioanalysis. I have max relationship with Vette and Jaesa. I am PvP rank 34. I am social rank 6. (That one was hard, but playing with friends a lot while helping them... helps)


I'm NOT bored at 50, as you ASSUME in your post. (It only makes an *** out of you)


We get it, you have no life outside of this game.

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and the game will die.

and content will stop being produced.



End-game is what keeps people around for 5,6,7,8 years.

Not leveling.

You obviously have no been playing MMo's for longer than 1 year maybe.

I've been playing for nearly 9.


End-game is the goal, and it is what keeps people subscribed.


With the pace of this game, if I wanted to I could do EVERY story in 6 months.




then I'd unsub, and so would everyone else, and it would be over.


Is that what you want, because that's what you just said.



I want this game to succeed, I quit WoW 2 years ago and didn't MMO for a long time but this game isn't going to succeed without end-game.

It's what killed AOC and it will kill this game too.


The funny thing is, Blizzard's numbers give everything you're saying the lie. There are now even sites that will parse the armory data for you -


if end-game is so god-awful important, why is it that such a large percentage (almost 50%) of max-level characters have no end-game achievements of any kind? Oh yeah.. end-game isn't that important. Casuals are. I know dozens of people still playing WoW regularly with active subs.


One of them raids.


One of them does crafting/heroics/PvP for his purples.


the rest dont raid, dont PvP, and dont have purps. ALL have active subs.

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