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MY friends are 50. they say nothing to do.


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<- Level 50

Plenty to do.

Have run EV a few times, (2/5 HM now)

Run guild mates through FPs to gear them up for leveling

PvP non stop

Run my Ilum dailies

Laugh at people on Imp fleet cause they aren't 50 yet

Troll SWTOR forums

Troll General Chat

Eat lunch

Exploit the GTN because no one knows how to sell things on it for profit

Take baths in my millions of credits

Kill lowbies on Tatooine


I have a 40+ GS, 50 SW, and 30 BH. I've never skipped a quest or a voice over.


I have every datacron on my main, I have most on my 40. I have 400 slicing, 400 biochem, 400 bioanalysis. I have max relationship with Vette and Jaesa. I am PvP rank 34. I am social rank 6. (That one was hard, but playing with friends a lot while helping them... helps)


I'm NOT bored at 50, as you ASSUME in your post. (It only makes an *** out of you)



you're an idiot.


I work close to 80 hours a week.

I have a brand new baby (9 months now)

I am the sole operator of my business.

I have to spend a lot of time with my fiance once I get home.

I do yard work on the weekends.

I have a winter garden I tend to every day.

Once every month I still go in for Reserve duty for the weekend.



Your argument is COMPLETELY invalid.



Had real good laugh putting together those quotes, thank you! Really! :)

Oh, and if you are at it, can I have some of your stuff you are taking?

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I dont even start my job til next week so since launch i've had ALOT of free time...and my highest is 25.


I have a 25 Operative, 20 Inquisitor (who im remaking into an assassin), 17 sniper, 12 Inquisitor, and 12 Powertech. Only class i haven't made is my warrior. Some of us dont play 1 character for days to hit 50. If you do these things you wont be 50 by now....even with no job unless u play 24/7...vvvv


1. At least the Daily Warzones, and maybe more ( i love pvp)


2. Make alts trying out each class to see which one fits you before getting one too high and not wanting to check the others out.


3. Possibly making the other Advanced Class of one class as 9/10 times they are completely different play style.


4. Do space missions each day after you get your ship.


5. Get your gathering/crafting/missions up to match your level so they are actually useful.


6. Explore to get the datacrons you missed when you hit 25 and get your first speeder.


7. Run a flashpoint or 2 as you level


8. Run a guildie through a flashpoint or 2 or heroic quest to help them out and catch them up to the rest of the guild or gear them.


This is only 8 things i can think of off the top of my head without putting any thought into it.


If you did these things then...


* You wouldn't be bored at 50 already


* You wouldn't be waiting for your guildies or friends to catch up so you can do 50 Hard Modes and what not


* You would be spending less time QQing in the forums and more time on the actually game you are paying to play


A very detailed post on how others should spend their time


In my opinion, everyone should hit 50 on one Class, as fast as possible, Raid 3 or more nights a week, for 3 or more hours each, and compete in Rated PvP

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SWTOR is not competing with the WoW of 7 years ago, it is competing with the WoW of today.


So why bring it up?


Because. At release, most people are not L50. Focusing on content people cannot use is moronic in any industry.


When people are low level, you focus on low level content. Over time, when more are 50, you focus on L50 content. Which part is confusing?


MMO's are not stagnant. Content releases happen. And most of them, are about end game updates,

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People who played WoW, and comment on end game, likely weren't around at release.


I'll repeat facts I mentioned before. First 3 months of WoW were endless UBRS to get "keyed" to Molten Core.


Then, 9 months, 9 months, of one, single, end game raid.


BWL was not released until after the summer.


When an MMO is new, everyone starts at 1. Low level content, for the ONLY time, is crucial and important.


After time, when the masses of customers are L50, their focus will change, and endgame content updates will become the focus, and leveling content will be less of the focus.


This is standard. This makes sense. This is exactly how that other MMO's proceeded.


Focus on leveling content, make a mandatory end game raid, and focus more and more on endgame over time, once people can use it.


Working as intended.


That's true, but some guilds it took almost 6 months to fully clear molten core for the first time.


This game is so easy that, I don't know this for fact but I'm totally willing to bet, that 90 percent of guilds halfway decent will have ALL the raid content cleared in 2 months from today.

I remember when BWL came out we were still running MC and not everyone had full epic gear, and we were the first guild alliance side inside and we're the farthest progressed on our server.

I highly doubt this game will be the same with the current rate.


I'm not trying to bash the game, I'm just trying to be honest. I want it to work, I just think they've made it way too easy to get everything done way too fast.

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run flashpoints, run hard modes, craft cause you probably didnt do it in your rush to 50. run dailies. go back and complete quests you didnt complete while rushing in your pvp battlegrounds. make a alt, make another alt. go pick up your datacrons you missed out on, cause you didnt do it in your rush to 50 most likely.


sound like plenty to do. quite frankly ive been playing this game alot and am only at level 31 and that is playing upwards of 4 to 5 hours a night and double that on weekends with a holiday weekend in there.


so your friend rushed to 50 and wanted to be the first one there and now that noone else decided to rush with him he has decided there is nothing to do, well of course not, most of us are still playing the game and not rushing to the end. so congratulation to your friend, he won the race, his reward is sitting there bored because noone was racing against him. have fun at the top of the trash heap.

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  • Get other 50s to do operations with you
  • Join a guild, or establish one
  • Do war zones, get all of your PvP gear
  • Collect orange gear, mod them all up to your level
  • Did I mention run operations? Get all of the raid gear
  • Go to Tatooine and dominate the Outlaws Den
  • Obtain all of the speeders (including PvP speeders)
  • Play all of the space missions
  • Try role-playing
  • Illum dailies/PvP
  • Level up Legacy
  • While you're doing all that I've listed, wait a couple months for new operations
  • Reroll another character, repeat all of above



Nothing to do what-so-ever, yeah :rolleyes:

Edited by IronSith
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I have a lot of in game friends who are saying this game is really boring when you get to 50. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


I told your in game friends that this wasn't a rush to level cap raid or die MMO they laughed said I was lying and called me a noob.


Guess I was right. :rolleyes:

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That's true, but some guilds it took almost 6 months to fully clear molten core for the first time.


This game is so easy that, I don't know this for fact but I'm totally willing to bet, that 90 percent of guilds halfway decent will have ALL the raid content cleared in 2 months from today.

I remember when BWL came out we were still running MC and not everyone had full epic gear, and we were the first guild alliance side inside and we're the farthest progressed on our server.

I highly doubt this game will be the same with the current rate.


I'm not trying to bash the game, I'm just trying to be honest. I want it to work, I just think they've made it way too easy to get everything done way too fast.


We breezed through MC by May, and sat around doing nothing til late September. 4 months of boredom. But later, it picked up.


If this game mirrors that, I'll have little to complain about. MMO's evolve and grow. I didn't expect 2 years of end game content to come out when we were all L1. No MMO did that. They all released end game over time, and no one released end game fast enough for everyone. You can't match all paces.

Edited by Spynnal
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We breezed through MC by May, and sat around doing nothing til late September. 4 months of boredom. But later, it picked up.


If this game mirrors that, I'll have little to complain about.



Lets hope they pull that off.

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Lets hope they pull that off.


Don't get me wrong. I'm nervous. Lotro stalled out on me after Moria for way, way too long. I'm simply hopeful still. But with any MMO, I'm always worried how they'll keep up with content. But I like a lot of things here (and less of some others), so I'll stick it out.


Here's hoping = )

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Theres plenty to do if you want to.


If those things that are there to do, don't interest you, then don't bother posting.


The point being, its a newly released game, and they will come out with end game content as long as we keep paying them to do so.


If you have no faith, quit.


If your just whining, start a diary or something.

Edited by WoeToLife
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MY friends are 30. they say nothing to do.


I have a lot of in game DCUO friends who are saying that game is really boring when you get to 30. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.

Should i continue?



To be fair... DCUO did NOT have very much to do at lvl 30 (level cap). The problem was in DCUO they WANTED you to level very fast (literally could be at lvl cap in a couple days time). They were all about the end-game, but then stiffed us on the content both leveling and end-game. On top of that, waaaayyy to many bugs and exploits that every patch keept re-appearing, then the whole Sony hack (upwards of 45 days of not being able to play); many of which carried over from beta which were reported several times.


DCUO, while great, just needed more conent than what it had at launch. They started adding it, but by the time they could get to it, it was already too late; which is why it is now F2P. I've still got an active sub, just waiting until more content is there (which they have been adding)



SWTOR, there is PLENTY of content available. As far as end-game, there is stuff to do, but right now, not enough people are 50 to do it with. I will agree though, that it is easy to level in SWTOR if you want to.

Edited by rhirne
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Once the majority of players will be out of the "this game is so awesome. ps: I'm level 5" spree, this game is gonna crash and burn like the Hindenburg.


I'm level 50, and this game is still awsome. PvP is good, no classes seem increadbly over powered, wait times are reasonable, waiting on my friends to hit 50 to farm flashpoints.


I have no idea why anyone would think this game sucks. I have had more fun playing 2 weeks in SWtor then I did all of WotLK, Cata, Rift, AoC, WAR, or APB.

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I dont quite understand why people want to be the first to rush to 50 and not enjoy the ride along the way. I know theres something to be said if your first and all that but please. The game will evolve and when people get their crafting higher the economy will stabilize.


Tell them to go smell the fresh air while the rest of us level up and can join them in some 50 content. If their bored because theres nobody to play with then level another character.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm nervous. Lotro stalled out on me after Moria for way, way too long. I'm simply hopeful still. But with any MMO, I'm always worried how they'll keep up with content. But I like a lot of things here (and less of some others), so I'll stick it out.


Here's hoping = )


I'm sticking around for sure.

But after noticing some of the problem, looking at the raid gear now that it's being listed online.

Looking at how IMPOSSIBLE the pvp is due to the responsiveness bug.

Has me worried.

I think PVE issues they can easily fix, the PVP and unresponsive bug I think can sink the game.


The thing is, I have no intention of going back to WoW so I'll stick with this game longer than most.

A lot of people just recently switched and are completely open to going back, and they are comparing WoW today to this game and the truth is...WoW cannot lose against the current state of TOR.


Tor is better in my mind because it isn't WoW, but a lot of people do not feel that way and I can see TOR bleeding subs after this month, and that would be sad and the end of the game really because it will never reach the level that would sasisfy real hardcore and competitive players.


It will end up being one of those obscure MMO's with 500k subs that no one cares about.


I hope that doesn't happen to this game, I REALLY do.


I REALLY want this game to have 5 million subs and a super competitive arena system like WoW has (as in an arena system so good that competitive that it's considered a MLG e-sport) I want this game to have that, but I have huge doubts.


Btw, I already got a warning.

I can't wait til they get server forums up, Blizzard let us talk so much trash on those and work each other up it created a great PVP environment.

If they are gonna hand out warnings like candy just for being a bit abrasive to people its gonna be silly, and will def be causing me to unsub too.


I guess I've got the message, stay off these forums til server forums are up (which may be never)

Edited by Sech
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What mmo has launched with end game? I play lord of the rings online it didnt have a single raid at launch. It did not have skills above lvl 30 for almost a year even tho the cap was 50. I could go on and on games dont launch with end game they launch with beginning "game".
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I work close to 80 hours a week.

I have a brand new baby (9 months now)

I am the sole operator of my business.

I have to spend a lot of time with my fiance once I get home.

I do yard work on the weekends.

I have a winter garden I tend to every day.

Once every month I still go in for Reserve duty for the weekend.



Your argument is COMPLETELY invalid.


Wow, you are either neglecting one of those things you mention above, or are lying. That IMHO, but there are only so many hours in the day, and considering that you work "close to" 80 out of 168, and have to sleep say 35 hours a week. Something doesn't pass the "common sense" test.

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I've been playing MMO's since Everquest, and it has become so predictable of what the complaints will be after a certain amount of time after a game is released.


None of the complaints in this thread are valid, as they apply to every single other MMO that has ever been released. If someone says, this game is not for them because they don't like MMO's, that is fine. What is happening here is foolish. People get bored with WoW, come to a new game to get the fix they need, but they are too addicted to video games for any effect to happen.

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I have a lot of in game friends who are saying this game is really boring when you get to 50. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


I hear WoW had TONS to do at end game a week and a half after it came out! Oh wait... no it didn't. I hear WoW has TONS to do at end game now! Oh wait... it doesn't. Seriously if your friends are level 50 already, tell them to get a life and/or play the game the way it's meant to be played. I've got over 2 days played time on my character and I am level 24.

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I have a lot of in game friends who are saying this game is really boring when you get to 50. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


First sentence is a lie, you have no friends. Second sentence is horrible grammar. gg. Need something to do? Learn to spell because.

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I work close to 80 hours a week.

I have a brand new baby (9 months now)

I am the sole operator of my business.

I have to spend a lot of time with my fiance once I get home.

I do yard work on the weekends.

I have a winter garden I tend to every day.

Once every month I still go in for Reserve duty for the weekend.

Has anyone else noticed that absolutely no one on the internet admits to living in the basement of their mom's house and never getting out of their underwear? Not trying to cast aspersions to the person quoted, just making an observation.

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