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The new all-in-one UI is too large


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Simply put, if it's not broken, don't change it.


Before, with individual elements you could open your inventory or paper doll without covering a maority of the screen.


You could place each element so that it did not disrupt play. Now it just covers most of the screen.


The new inventory for example is a waste of space with all the space between each box.

Have actual players design the game, not those who wish to recreate the game in their own image for the sake of just doing it.

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I'd have to remember to ask my friend with a 1440 monitor if she thinks it's too large.


The point is that you can multi task with individual elements rather than stop what you are doing and and be forced to work with a singular screen.


The current system allows you to move around the elements while still being able to play/function.


As far as a 1440p monitor, you build out games for a majority of the players, not a minority that have 1440p monitors.


Years ago, a dev named Runesabre told me that they could not add custom elements to the character sprites that were 1.3-1.6mb because of the size constraints and download speeds at that time. He was right. My thought although nice (adding a customizable tabard graphic to the character sprites that drew from the Lineage 1 custom guild image was aghead of it's time


If you block out the center of play. you degrade the play experience. People fought for movable frames in this game

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Im playing on a 3840 x 2160 Screen the big TV screen. When I set my desktop resolution to 1280 x 720 and in the game I adjust global scale to 1.25 and not everything is scalling properly, like Map after pressing M is cut in half the skill window too also Cartel market so it's not possible to buy stuff for cartel coisn. I hope you can repair this and forward this problem because from what I've researched many people have this problem and they hope that when the new update will be out in Feb 22 this issue can be repaired. Many people try Global scaling just because they want to see the items descriptions font bigger, because the letters are too small so to solve this problem many people are using global scaling in the game options so the letters can be bigger but the global scaling itself is not working properly and it's not scaling everything as it should like Map and some other windows. Please repair global scaling or add a feature for the items description font to be adjustable when you hover the mouse over them. From what I've been researching I found out that people have been asking for this for many years now and sometimes when they play on their TV or bigger screens the game is unplayable because letters and items descriptions are too small it makes the game simply unplayable.


















Working properly:





With normal global scale (not adjusted and unplayable because of the font size):





Please fix this because it's the game ruining core feature of the game that is absolutely broken for many years now.

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I like the size and it's a huge improvement on the previous PTS versions.

What I like:

  • The way the inventory slots are arranged in the UI - very clear.
  • I like how the menu is arranged - tabs are nice and clear, as well as being large


What could be improved

  • The icon that opens the options for titles and flairs - that needs to be bigger please
  • My character being in an "always on" stance with her weapon displayed in an action position. No thanks. That's actually annoying. I'd prefer my characters to be standing still/straight in that view - image of what I mean (I also posted this in another thread so sorry for repeat)
  • The "I" command is broken. It opens the inventory but no longer closes it which is QoL pain in the butt but not a game killer.
  • I really don't like that if you buy a piece of gear and you have a gear slot empty, it will automatically be filled and immediately bound. If the slot is already filled, the item goes to inventory instead and is refundable. This is on low level characters. If this happens with improved slot items on high level characters, this is a disaster (not yet tested this though). All items that are refundable should go into the inventory so they remain refundable. They should not be auto-filling empty gear slots :mad: The game should not be choosing to equip stuff; the player should.

Edited by Sarova
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Im playing on a 3840 x 2160 Screen the big TV screen. When I set my desktop resolution to 1280 x 720 and in the game I adjust global scale to 1.25 and not everything is scalling properly, like Map after pressing M is cut in half the skill window too also Cartel market so it's not possible to buy stuff for cartel coisn. I hope you can repair this and forward this problem because from what I've researched many people have this problem and they hope that when the new update will be out in Feb 22 this issue can be repaired. Many people try Global scaling just because they want to see the items descriptions font bigger, because the letters are too small so to solve this problem many people are using global scaling in the game options so the letters can be bigger but the global scaling itself is not working properly and it's not scaling everything as it should like Map and some other windows. Please repair global scaling or add a feature for the items description font to be adjustable when you hover the mouse over them. From what I've been researching I found out that people have been asking for this for many years now and sometimes when they play on their TV or bigger screens the game is unplayable because letters and items descriptions are too small it makes the game simply unplayable.


















Working properly:





With normal global scale (not adjusted and unplayable because of the font size):





Please fix this because it's the game ruining core feature of the game that is absolutely broken for many years now.


I am also playing on a hdtv in 4k as well, it's crazy how small the mouse cursor is at this resolution.

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C'mon UX. Why 8 slots in a row in the inventory? 8 - 16 - 24... who's gonna remember? Please leave 10 slots per row! Thx


It was previously 9 before on PTS unlike Live with 10. Yet with 9 per row at 80 items for inventory didn't show a complete last row. They reduced it from 10 originally so it be slightly less wide. I guess the solution was to go to 8, so it also showed a full row when completely expanded to 80 inventory items.



Still I don't see the advantage to showing Inventory, cause if it's for Gear / Outfits most hold those in Legacy Bank, or Cargo Bay not Inventory. Also using Collections to claim items, then takes 3-4x longer to click and drag each to nothing pulling out of inventory. They be far WISER to just remove Inventory being tied to the UI, keep it in a separate Window!



My first impression of the New UI is if Chat window overlaps, you can't click on the 2nd, 3rd or possible 4th TAB. Before the older PTS UI had a small arrow you could click making it smaller! If you did that it was just fine, except I didn't like the uneven yet also unnecessary Inventory tied to that window! :eek:


Current UI is a very nice, versatile construction. It is easy and intuitive to bend it to your will. Reworking it is completely needless change for the sake of change and seems way clumsier than what we have now.


Perhaps be nice to identify what people could do to adjust it then. It's new so clarification for some would help!

Edited by Strathkin
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Current UI is a very nice, versatile construction. It is easy and intuitive to bend it to your will. Reworking it is completely needless change for the sake of change and seems way clumsier than what we have now.


Not if the redesign has a non-PC also in mind. ;)


For those of us playing on a PC, the current system is a lot more friendly to players.


For example, if using the GTN and waiting for a queue pop, you might be using your inventory, previewing items, putting things in your character sheet, using crew skills or posting items for sale, and can do these all at the same time, with different UI elements placed on different parts of the screen.

Edited by arunav
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Overall for me, the new UI is a net improvement.


I believe the devs have said, in so many words, that the existing char gen coding is, I believe the word was, "insane."


So by modernizing the code for one portion of the UI, I can totally see how they'd continue the process and modernize the user experience everywhere. Might as well as do it while they got their fingers on the keyboard doing part of it.


There's tighter integration now with the 7.0 UI, which eliminates some of those extra windows. Right now on PTS, when you hit I to bring up your inventory, you see it twice -- once when you hit C with the integrated inventory window on the new character sheet, and once in the old, < 7.0 ui window.


That old window is going away in 7.0. It was stated last round on PTS as just there because the new interface wasn't far along enough yet to use.


I was disoriented with the new UI at first, but with this round on the PTS, things are a lot smoother, and the new UI, especially for char gen, means it'll be easier for Bioware to slip in new options than it was before.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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The funny thing is that it's larger yet holds less information. Barely any in some cases.


To see your accuracy and crit in the gears tab you're going to have to click the details button and scroll down to the bottom. A click and a scroll to access the information that's now there at a glimpse of an eye.


This doesn't seem like a change people will be happy with and it's hard to see any upside to it whatsoever. I mean the place that used to be taken up by stats is now... utter blackness?

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The funny thing is that it's larger yet holds less information. Barely any in some cases.


To see your accuracy and crit in the gears tab you're going to have to click the details button and scroll down to the bottom. A click and a scroll to access the information that's now there at a glimpse of an eye.


This doesn't seem like a change people will be happy with and it's hard to see any upside to it whatsoever. I mean the place that used to be taken up by stats is now... utter blackness?


Yep, instead it's replaced with these stupid damage/survivability stats that mean nothing

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