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Its December! Let the countdown begin! 7.0


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No one "needs" better gear, and saying otherwise is simply a case of elitism. And as for story players not needing better gear, I've found that it's much easier to do content with 306 gear than 270 gear....or did you forget that gold gear scales better than green?
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No one "needs" better gear, and saying otherwise is simply a case of elitism. And as for story players not needing better gear, I've found that it's much easier to do content with 306 gear than 270 gear....or did you forget that gold gear scales better than green?


they removed the veteran edge buff in 7.0, or I never noticed it anyway.

Edited by Toraak
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Is anyone else concerned that we are less than 2 weeks away from launch and we don't have a definitive list of features coming in the expansion? Like seriously where is the hype train Bioware?


At this point we don't even have confirmation on some of the bigger points of the redesign of combat styles (Will our existing tech classes get to choose two new combat styles or is our original advanced class locked in?)


What previously removed armor sets are being reintroduced? What ones aren't? How will we be able to get them?


Will our loadouts use armor shared between all characters from the legacy or only what each character has in their own possession?


These are only a few things off the top of my head and honestly I'm a bit shocked we don't have any of this information this close to launch.

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Is anyone else concerned that we are less than 2 weeks away from launch and we don't have a definitive list of features coming in the expansion? Like seriously where is the hype train Bioware?


At this point we don't even have confirmation on some of the bigger points of the redesign of combat styles (Will our existing tech classes get to choose two new combat styles or is our original advanced class locked in?)


What previously removed armor sets are being reintroduced? What ones aren't? How will we be able to get them?


Will our loadouts use armor shared between all characters from the legacy or only what each character has in their own possession?


These are only a few things off the top of my head and honestly I'm a bit shocked we don't have any of this information this close to launch.


Think of it as a life-day surprise :D

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Is anyone else concerned that we are less than 2 weeks away from launch and we don't have a definitive list of features coming in the expansion? Like seriously where is the hype train Bioware?


At this point we don't even have confirmation on some of the bigger points of the redesign of combat styles (Will our existing tech classes get to choose two new combat styles or is our original advanced class locked in?)


What previously removed armor sets are being reintroduced? What ones aren't? How will we be able to get them?


Will our loadouts use armor shared between all characters from the legacy or only what each character has in their own possession?


These are only a few things off the top of my head and honestly I'm a bit shocked we don't have any of this information this close to launch.


Jackie just posted on the PTS forum about combat styles for existing characters. I'm not going to post the link here because I'm not sure it would be allowed.

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Just remember all the similar posts about 6.0.

For some people, it seems, it's always doomsday. 🥱


I still like what happened over on the STO forums; the players started - and the devs allowed them to keep - a DOOM thread where they could post all the reasons that the game was DOOMED, everything from it being Monday to Yet Another Epohh Pet being released ("Don't you want an epohh friend?").

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Defenders of WoW used to say the same thing. "You naysayers have been predicting doom and gloom since release!"


Bleeding to death has the same result. WoW's saving grace was they had so many more subs to lose. Look at them now - a ghost of the game they used to be, lawsuitS pending, subs possibly at the 2 million mark, and they've admitted, "no work is being done on the game".


My friends list on WoW is a ghost town, some folks haven't logged in for three plus) years. Why in Hades SWTOR would think they're the model to emulate is beyond me.

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Yes! My agent is ready to sleep whoever she finds in the 7.0 then terminate them.


I do hope we see our class story NPCs back, I miss the former Keeper and the former Minister, I always wonder what's his real name and who is his wife. Plus hopefully shara jenn is alive.


Most importantly, ı do hope this expansion is longer than 10mins of cutscene.

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Yes! My agent is ready to sleep whoever she finds in the 7.0 then terminate them.


I do hope we see our class story NPCs back, I miss the former Keeper and the former Minister, I always wonder what's his real name and who is his wife. Plus hopefully shara jenn is alive.


Most importantly, ı do hope this expansion is longer than 10mins of cutscene.

That depends on your Agent. Shara is one of the class story characters who got a cameo in "The Nathema Conspiracy" flashpoint based on previously made choices



If the Commander was an Imperial Agent, and they chose to remain loyal to the Empire in the class story, then it's the Director of SIS that sends the Guardian Droid after them. If the Agent took Ardun Koth's offer and became a double-agent, however, then it's an awake and feeling personally betrayed Shara who has it attack them. Unfortunately, this means that it's certain for double-agents that she's one of the 'sacrifices' used to reactivate Zildrog.


However, considering that if an Inquisitor sides with Khem over Zash, then Zash appears and dies on Nathema and Khem returns to his master's side on Ossus... so Shara could still be alive if the Agent is loyal to the Empire.


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My friends list on WoW is a ghost town, some folks haven't logged in for three plus) years. Why in Hades SWTOR would think they're the model to emulate is beyond me.


Exactly, let us hope this is a very short lived experiment and 7.1 returns everything to normalcy and remove this "raiders get special gear and treatment"


That depends on your Agent. Shara is one of the class story characters who got a cameo in "The Nathema Conspiracy" flashpoint based on previously made choices

God I loved that, the stupid brainwashed imperial pawn was so mad because I chose the republic over her fascistic empire that treats non force users as subservient.

Edited by ralphieceaser
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Woot my hype meter is over 9000...


9.000 on a scale of what? 10.000? 10.000.000? :confused:


I assume 9.000 is high on your scale. Might I ask what hypes you? Is it the many news that BW posts about 7.0? Is it the many featurettes they present to highlight their new content? Is it the many replies they provide to questions?


I honestly am currently more scared than anything else to log in at 7.0. I have no confidence in BW delivering a functioning expansion. Too many core features that change. There is sooooo much they can break regarding the old code.


I'm unhappy that my playstyle gets completely interrupted (mainly dailies and weeklies getting reset which is a huge dealbreaker to me due to my limited playing time; I often simply am not able to finish a weekly within a week due to my work and general life. When I can't take it over to the second week, there is no point at all for me to even take the weekly mission into my log).


I don't care about combat styles. Won't change any of my 50+ chars. Have no intention to make new chars.


I don't care about gearing. As I have given feedback plenty of times since before 6.0 came: I want all kinds of shinies as rewards. This was the one thing that - if I am not mistaken - everyone liked about galactic command: That it included pets, mounts, shells, companion gifts. 6.0 only brought gear as loot. As soon as you had your set(s), you either sold or disintegrated 100% of your loot. And now in 7.0, it will still be gear only, except worse, and more uninteresting (unmoddable).


I am looking forward to the new story. However, I fear that it will be very short (I expect less than Onslaught) and also underwhelming. I just replayed Echoes of Oblivion on my light side smuggler and my dark side warrior, and I loved it. Even though I know what happens, I get a tear every time, Meetra Surik shows up. It gives me such a good feeling. To me, this missions is the END CHAPTER of Swtor. The conclusion of the game. It makes perfect sense. I consider it the last chapter of the original KotFE trilogy. I strongly believe this is how it was always intended to end. Every story bit (Nathema, return to Iokath etc.) was originally each a chapter of the trilogy. Until EoO. The climax of it all. The culmination. I will probably be bitter for a long time that BW didn't go through with their original trilogy plan. I am convinced it would have been epic.


Anyway, Onslaught, Loser Malgus and the Mandalorians feels like a step back regarding storytelling. It's not epic. It's not interesting to me. I have never skipped a cutscene in story mode ever. Until I played Spirit of Vengeance. I hit 1 and spacebar on my smuggler and 3 and spacebar on my warrior.


I enjoyed this game for over 10 years (including beta). In the case that 7.0 is as discouraging as I expect it to be, I consider the game over with Echoes of Oblivion. My sub runs out in January. Unless it turns out that I am completely wrong about 7.0, I think this is a good ending for me: Bring all my remaining alts with whom I went through KotFE up to EoO and enjoy having beaten the game. All good things eventually come to an end. Including life itself.


Just remember all the similar posts about 6.0.

For some people, it seems, it's always doomsday. 🥱


Do you though? Because 6.0 was the expansion with the least complaints before it. It was more like that the vast majority actually was OK with it. Before 5.0 (and Galactic Command) though, yeah, there was quite some outcry.

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Do you though? Because 6.0 was the expansion with the least complaints before it. It was more like that the vast majority actually was OK with it. Before 5.0 (and Galactic Command) though, yeah, there was quite some outcry.


I remember that. I was actually one of the people very happy with the 5.0 changes.


And now it seems the tables have turned. Oh well...

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I remember that. I was actually one of the people very happy with the 5.0 changes.


And now it seems the tables have turned. Oh well...


6.0 had a lot of complaints before it came out, when it was on the PTS, just as 7.0 does. When it came out people just accepted what it was.

Edited by Toraak
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6.0 had a lot of complaints before it came out, when it was on the PTS, just as 7.0 does. When it came out people just accepted what it was.


It won't be the same. I expect catastrophic (and, in my opinion, rightful) outcry when various groups of players figure out how much was taken away or changed for the worse. For now only people who follow dev streams and posts know what's coming. You can expect that people who don't follow the forum are mostly casual \ social players and most of them won't like those changes at all.

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6.0 had a lot of complaints before it came out, when it was on the PTS, just as 7.0 does. When it came out people just accepted what it was.


I think people are a lot more critical of 7.0 because of what happened with 6.0. Lots of constructive criticism was provided in feedback and what launched was basically unchanged from the final PTS version that people complained about. A lot of people are expecting 7.0 to be the same way or worse. There was a lot wrong with the final PTS version of 7.0 and people are expecting those issues won't be fixed like they weren't fixed with 6.0 and Bioware spent weeks rolling out patches to fix them with 6.0.

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Defenders of WoW used to say the same thing. "You naysayers have been predicting doom and gloom since release!"


Bleeding to death has the same result. WoW's saving grace was they had so many more subs to lose. Look at them now - a ghost of the game they used to be, lawsuitS pending, subs possibly at the 2 million mark, and they've admitted, "no work is being done on the game".


My friends list on WoW is a ghost town, some folks haven't logged in for three plus) years. Why in Hades SWTOR would think they're the model to emulate is beyond me.


you know eventually everything dies down right? people have been saying wow was gonna die for decades.. and now you finally think they are right just because its FINALLY starting to happen. I literally couldn't even grow a mustache when this game launched and now i'm 30+ years old. It still has millions of subscribers but nothing last forever, but the yearly doom and gloom post didn't have anything to do with it over the years. Eventually everyone will be right but correlation doesn't always equal causation. :D

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you know eventually everything dies down right? people have been saying wow was gonna die for decades.. and now you finally think they are right just because its FINALLY starting to happen. I literally couldn't even grow a mustache when this game launched and now i'm 30+ years old. It still has millions of subscribers but nothing last forever, but the yearly doom and gloom post didn't have anything to do with it over the years. Eventually everyone will be right but correlation doesn't always equal causation. :D


People never predicted the demise of EQ, even after WoW came out. UO, still kicking. NW - dying on the vine. OSRS? Still around.


SWTOR? For starters does not have "millions of subscribers". (Please provide a source) .

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6.0 had a lot of complaints before it came out, when it was on the PTS, just as 7.0 does. When it came out people just accepted what it was.


year I hear it every iteration, people just can't stand change and going out of their comfort zone. Most people say they are quitting over very nit-picky things when there is still plenty of fun to be had in the game. Most of those people are always bluffing on the quitting part in hopes bioware conforms to their demands/ideals. People don't realize just going along with the status quo of 6.0 is stagnation, and it probably shows in their metrics and subscription numbers. They aren't making the changes for no reason. They will be the first to know if those changes were bad or good and adjust accordingly.

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People never predicted the demise of EQ, even after WoW came out. UO, still kicking. NW - dying on the vine. OSRS? Still around.


SWTOR? For starters does not have "millions of subscribers". (Please provide a source) .


I said WOW has millions of subscribers lol

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People never predicted the demise of EQ, even after WoW came out. UO, still kicking. NW - dying on the vine. OSRS? Still around.


SWTOR? For starters does not have "millions of subscribers". (Please provide a source) .


Those are small niche mmo's barely anyone plays. Just because they keep the servers up doesn't mean its not dead. Besides runescape, and yes people have been calling for each of those demise.


even old school runescape is dying too, 1400 people active right now isn't much at all.

Edited by SaerethDL
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The thing is I am assuming the sub count has increased since the demise of WoW, since it held a big % of the mmorpg playerbase for a while, but now that has been shattered and all those people have migrated to other games like FF14 but swtor and Eso have also been frequently mentioned.


So i am feeling a lot of mmos have benefited from WoW's demise because they were probably able to capture a bigger % of the mmorpg playerbase than before and that includes swtor, it is probably healthier than it was a couple of years ago.

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People never predicted the demise of EQ, even after WoW came out. UO, still kicking. NW - dying on the vine. OSRS? Still around.


SWTOR? For starters does not have "millions of subscribers". (Please provide a source) .


new world dying eh and you think those others are alive and well? thats funny new world has more active players right now than all of those old mmo's combined. :D

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new world dying eh and you think those others are alive and well? thats funny new world has more active players right now than all of those old mmo's combined. :D


Source please. Also, what is the definition of "active player" ? As in purchased the game? Made an account at one time?


NW has a different sub plan than WoW, SWTOR and others. Steam charts show NW"s demise - from 1 million players on concurrently to under 100K, in less than two MONTHS.


I'm pretty sure even SWTOR has 100k paying subs.

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